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restriction poll and surey...

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hi everyone i would like to ask some general questions re: you and restriction.

1. how long have you been banded?

2. rate your level of restriction:

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID Breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy Breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB?

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

8. why are you PB'ing?

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

thats all for now. thanks for your participation!


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1. how long have you been banded? 2.5 months

2. rate your level of restriction: c hoping for a d

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: cold, one hour after waking

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? varies, usually an hour or two, solid

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day? no change

6. how often do you PB? none yet

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? had a little slime once or twice, but nothing alarming.

8. why are you PB'ing?n/a

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1. how long have you been banded? 2 years 9 months

2. rate your level of restriction:

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction) although sometimes i seem Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

i can take a sip or two of room temp. Water when i first wake but wait to make sure it goes down.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

1 hour after i wake i drink a slimfast shake.

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid? somedays i can have a solid lunch 3-4 hours after breakfast but somedays i am having a shake for lunch too.

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

i am a combo of both right now.

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB? since most recent fill 1 month ago have pb'd 4-5 times

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

mostly SLIME, sometimes the food.

8. why are you PB'ing?

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

thanks again. i look forward to seeing where everyones at.

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1. how long have you been banded? 5.5 months

2. rate your level of restriction:

C. Moderate (have some restriction but portions are still )

However - I call this a sweet spot - in that my band helps me to lose weight but I dont have problems with pbing, eating out or eating any healthy foods. What most people call a sweet spot, I'd probably call too tight.

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

First thing I do in the morning is have a cup of coffee or three.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

An hour or two. Its solid - well may be mushy but not intentionally. Like I'll eat yogurt because I feel like it, not because I have to. But I might just as easily have toast.

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

Ever so slightly tighter at night. dinner is a very small meal for me. I eat way more during the day.

6. how often do you PB?


7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

Occasional excess salivation if I eat too fast.

8. why are you PB'ing?

Like I said, I dont, but I do tend to still eat a little too fast though. I'm sure when my first PB happens, that will be why.

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1. how long have you been banded?

1.9 years

2. rate your level of restriction:

1.4 ccs just got fill yesterday very tight right now :second: on liquids today.

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

ASAP normally cold then maybe some coffee

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

Maybe an hour after I wake, normally a mushy I eat oatmeal Cereal etc.

First dense meal lunch

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB?

I have not had a pb in 1 month when I was too tight everyday at every meal...

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

Slime, but when I was too tight I would "Cough" up my meal food

8. why are you PB'ing?

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

thats all for now. thanks for your participation!

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icon6.gifrestriction survey...

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->hi everyone i would like to ask some general questions re: you and restriction.

1. how long have you been banded?

2.5 months

2. rate your level of restriction:

B little

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

Egg scrambled

Either and it is usually one hour or so after

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? One hour

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

A. slightly

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB?

Only once in the first month

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

It was food after I tried to eat a biscuit. Did not have a nasty taste.

8. why are you PB'ing?


a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

thats all for now. thanks for your participation!


<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________


banded 8-18-03

highest 350

lowest 207

current xxx but all of my 16's button:rolleyes:

<!-- / sig --><!-- edit note --><HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1>

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1. how long have you been banded? Almost 2 years (July 2nd)

2. rate your level of restriction: Somewhere between D and E.

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: Sometimes I have something right after I wake up. Hot is better, but cold is doable in sips if it's not thick.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? Usually 2 to 4 hours after I wake up. Varies between oatmeal to protien bars, and the protien bars vary from crunchy to chewy.

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

A mostly. Sometimes it varies.

6. how often do you PB? 2 or 3 times a month on average I think.

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? It's almost always slime. Very rarely do I actually have food come up.

8. why are you PB'ing? Some of b, sometimes c, sometimes d.

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1. how long have you been banded? since Jan. 17 (3.5 months)

2. rate your level of restriction:

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or a little less than pre-op)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: hotcoffee or tea within an hour of rising

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? I usually wait between 2 and 3 hours before having soft solids like cold Cereal but I do enjoy a nice mushy yogurt sometimes

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid? usually not before 3 pm

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

6. how often do you PB? so far less than once/month

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? both, but I slime in the mornings if I don't do liquids first.

8. why are you PB'ing?

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

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1. how long have you been banded?

10 weeks yesterday.

2.5 months if you like that measure better.

2. rate your level of restriction:

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

I try to drink my first bottle of Water (room temperature) when I first wake up, after I've brushed my teeth.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

I usually have coffee and then nothing till lunch or I have (Holy) Shredded Wheat which starts out crispy but before I can get even close to done is mushy! LOL

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?


5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM - but not always looser, sometimes I get that golfball feeling on foods that I usually don't have a problem with. I seriously think the band might be affected by changes in weather.

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB?

Only once ever and I never want to do it again!

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

Slime and saliva. Eventually the bite of ravioli went down.

8. why are you PB'ing?

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry

c. i didnt chew good enough OR

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree - not really sure which

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

Good questions, I like to see what's happening with everyone else. Thanks Michelle.

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1. how long have you been banded?

2.5 months

2. rate your level of restriction:

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

Hot - about 5 minutes after getting up

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

30 minutes- 1/2 Protein Bar

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB?

Only once- don't plan on doing it again- hope to keep my steep learning curve

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

Everything came up- and chest was hurting or the rest of the afternoon

8. why are you PB'ing?

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry - Baked Salmon from day before, no sauce or dressing on it- not again!

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

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1. how long have you been banded? 9 months

2. rate your level of restriction: E

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction)

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: 1 hour; I can drink about 3/4 c. of coffee.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? At lunch; usually solid

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid?

5. does your restriction change throughout the day? C; I can eat solids at lunch and could at Breakfast, I am just not hungry until lunch. I just have to chew well, have very small portions, and NOT drink anything.

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB? On occasion; usually always when I attempt to eat any type of bread. I generally just avoid bread and don't have a problem but sometimes I try it and 90% of the time I PB. Maybe, I will learn someday.<O:p</O:p

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? Both

8. why are you PB'ing? I just can't do bread.

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry - BREAD!

c. i didnt chew good enough

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

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how long have you been banded? 3 months

2. rate your level of restriction: Almost perfect, but not quite

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: As soon as possible after waking, usually cold (I'm thirsty when I wake up!)

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy? Well, the thing is, I've gotten stuck in the morning and PB'd twice since my last fill. So instead of trying to eat solids in the morning, I'm going to switch to shakes or mushies.

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid? From now on, it will be lunch.

5. does your restriction change throughout the day? Yes, I am much tighter in the mornings and open up almost completely at night.

6. how often do you PB? So far I have PB'd three times since being banded. Once after my first fill and twice after my second fill.

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? The first two times, all that came up was slime. The third time, everything came up.

8. why are you PB'ing? The first time I think it was because I ate sushi rice, and I know I didn't chew well enough. The second time it was because I simply ate way too much, and the third time I think it was the texture because it was an egg sandwich.

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1. how long have you been banded? 3 yrs, 1 month

2. rate your level of restriction:

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!) I like this level...

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold:

I drink room temp Water when on my exercise bike, but in small sips. If I don't ride my bike first thing in the morning, I drink coffee. Again, small sips at first.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

I have my Protein shake every morning, a couple of hours after I wake.

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid? I have my first solids mid-morning for a snack, or at lunch.

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM

6. how often do you PB?

Every other day (bad, I know), but it usually is very small. Usually on a piece of lettuce that I didn't chew enough.

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up?

Just the offending food.

8. why are you PB'ing?

c. i didnt chew good enough

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1. how long have you been banded? 6 months

2. rate your level of restriction: moderately high

A. NONE (fill or no fill you can eat whatever)

B. Little (occasionally you will have a hiccup, your eating the same or

a little less than pre-op)

C. Moderate (have some restriction but not much!)

D. Moderate/CLOSE to sweet spot (have good restriction but still need a little more)

E. Sweet Spot!!! (perfect restriction) yeah, this one.

F. Too Tight (need/want a unfill)

G. Too Tight (DONT WANT a unfill eating mosty liquids)

3. how long after you wake do you drink your first liquids, are they hot or cold: i drink right after exercising, which is 1.5 hours or so after waking. but if i don't exercise i drink Water about an hour after waking and i have to be more careful b/c the exercise opens me up and i can pretty much guzzle.

4. how long after you wake do you eat your first food, is it solid or mushy?

if it is mushy, when is your first dense protien solid? i usually eat lunch 4 hrs after waking. and it's usu solid like fish and spinach.

5. does your restriction change throughout the day?

a. slightly tighter in the AM looser in the PM - yes

b. pretty tight most of the day- small SOLID breakfast and lunch,

loosen up solid dinner

c. pretty tight most of the day- small liquid/mushy breakfast and lunch,

loosen up for a small solid dinner

d. tight all day, if you dont make sure you are constantly drinking you will

get tighter, have to REALLY work at getting food down. loosen up

slightly with a careful mostly mushy dinner

6. how often do you PB? about 4 times a week

7. is it mostly Slime/Saliva or is it the offending food or liquid that comes up? half the time slime, half the time food.

8. why are you PB'ing?

a. i forget i am banded and try to swallow stuff whole (oops)

b. i ate something dry

c. i didnt chew good enough - yes

d. i chewed good but the texture didnt agree

e. i sometimes do with first liquids of the day

f. i am eating beyond the pouch capacity

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