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I was so excited to have the lap band and had no qualms about the surgery. I figured I would finally be thin!. HA! First, I mad e some mistakes which I own. I didn't go to the adjustments after the first 4 or 5. I felt like I was just number 10020. Having "Lurch" call my name and then have some one who didn't even look me in the eyes talk to me about "how you doin?" Then, go through the cup thing. I couldn't go back (each way was almost 45 minutes for a 5 minute check). Next, I couldn't give up the soda. OK I am hooked and can't get off. Finally, I was basically starving--living on liquids and vomiting anything larger than an M&M. so I eat (ate) ice cream. A couple of months ago I called to ask if I could visit the dr in charge of the practice -- "NO" Today I called to get help after at least 4 months on my own. "NO" (Insurance has to start all over again). Anyone relate? What do I do now? I feel like I am playing a table game (old style) Go back to start. . . . meanwhile I am so depressed!

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Well you cover a lot of ground in that thread. If you aren't going to follow the rules then maybe the band isn't for you. If your doc isn't supportive maybe he/she's not the doc for you. It might be a good idea to get some professional support group help with someone that can give you face to face answers. If I were you I'd look for a lap band support group in my area and maybe seek the counsel of a therapist for several of those issues.

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I'm very sorry you're struggling.

If your surgeon isn't sufficient then it's time you take charge and find one who is. Studies have shown that aftercare and patient compliance is crucial for weight loss success- and so far it sounds like you have neither.

You talk about not going for more fills- but it sounds like a fill is the last thing you need. You're clearly too tight and are having "soft calorie syndrome" because of it. Being too tight is not only dangerous but often leads to weight gain because you can only eat slider foods and liquids- which are notoriously high calorie. Not to mention because you can't eat healthy foods, you're probably seriously lacking necessary Vitamins to be healthy. Btw- vomiting is also extremely dangerous with the band and by doing so regularly you're begging for a slip. You need an unfill so you can actually eat healthy and not jeopardize your band.

Here's a really good article about why being tighter isn't better and the dangers that come with it: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/page/index.html/_/support/post-op-support/tighter-isnt-always-better-r118

Make an appointment with a new surgeon if that's what is necessary, but one way or another it's crucial for your health you get in to see one ASAP.

Best wishes.

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Surgeons are like Auto Mechanics. You have some that excel at their job then you get those that float on by going about their job half ass. I could say the same about Patients as well but I digress.

Read this smart person's blog about choosing your surgeon wisely. Great advice indeed.


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I believe it's never to late get back on the "band-wagon". Do whatever it takes... find a new doctor and join a support group but make sure you put the time into the journey.

When I was banded I was self-pay. I followed the menu plans given to my by my doctor to the letter... because I was afraid the $16,000 I paid would be wasted. The band is a wonderful "tool" but we must work with it and the end results can be wonderful.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 160 lbs

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Boy can I relate to "owning up to mistakes" - I did my band in 08, lost about 80lbs, and didn't see a doc for 4 years. No upper GI, etc. I've gained back 40lbs and can eat ANYTHING. I feel like a big fat, getting fatter, failure. I sout out a new doctor and by the grace of GOD its covered under my new insurance. Oh yeah, I was a 14k SELF pay - so I basically wasted 14k because I'm not following banding rules at all. On my own accord. I eat solids, bad choices, don't exercise anymore. I blame "life". My husband lost his job, moved us across country, literally, FL to Vermont, and I never did anything good up there. I enjoyed Ben & Jerry's ice cream like a fool, but didn't really start to put the weight back on till the past couple months during a very serious health scare (not me, my hubs), but now he's fine and I'm getting fatter. My psychological problems are what kill me...I eat for happy, sad, mad, etc. Also, when I first had the band the doc told me "its placed where it talks to the brain and tells the brain via signal, food yuck, don't eat" - which was VERY true...but I think I ruined that signal & probably stretched my pouch. YOU ARE NOT alone. I've read a lot of great people advice on here - get back on the "band wagon" - first, and I did this myself - FIND A NEW DOCTOR. I was so happy when I called my insurance and found out I could go see a doc and not pay OOP. I'm having a Fluoro next Tuesday and can't wait to see if the doc can get me back where I'm in "Onderland" --- so, my only advice is --- Try to stop the soda...not good at all, really in all respects, sugar, empty calories, carbonation, etc. GET A NEW DOC. Don't give up on yourself. I also plan to ask my doc about support groups. I have a "fat" family - they all eat and truly have never been a good support system for me. Best of luck - call a new DOC!

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At the end of the day we are the master's of our own destiny. The good news is here that you are still alive and well and have your band ready to start helping you out. Find an office that WILL listen to you. Commit to starting over which is much better than giving up completely. Keep finding support either online or at a live support group. Good luck!

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Newbie, it's never too late! Whatever mistakes you've made in the past - you can learn from them and move on! Like the others said -get a new doctor, find a good nutritionist, join a support group, and get back to basics. You can take control of your life and make your band work for you! Don' t give up... you can do it!

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Lstair.. I'll be totally rooting for you... You can fix these difficulties and move on. None of them are to big too stop you....

Stop hating yourself... I've detested myself for 18 yrs until recently.. If you think and feel negatively you do tend only to attract negative things..

What ever you feel are your mistakes, failings they don't detract from your worth as a person.

As for pop/soda I was a 4 litre a day drinker before my op... You have to think why its such a poor choice..I miss pop truely (in my head) I have occasionally fruit juice and carbonated Water mixed with ice as a substitute (one a week tops)

Find a motivator something that matters to you. My daughter is mine. I promised her I'd get healthy. I've abused myself and my health for yrs and let myself down in the past. Thats so easy especially if your self esteem is low but I'd never fail on my promise to her... Your not alone. There are great, kind people on here who'd help you with support and advice and friendship... Chin up.. You can do it. Xx

Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk

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Boy can I relate to "owning up to mistakes" - I did my band in 08, lost about 80lbs, and didn't see a doc for 4 years. No upper GI, etc. I've gained back 40lbs and can eat ANYTHING. I feel like a big fat, getting fatter, failure. I sout out a new doctor and by the grace of GOD its covered under my new insurance. Oh yeah, I was a 14k SELF pay - so I basically wasted 14k because I'm not following banding rules at all. On my own accord. I eat solids, bad choices, don't exercise anymore. I blame "life". My husband lost his job, moved us across country, literally, FL to Vermont, and I never did anything good up there. I enjoyed Ben & Jerry's ice cream like a fool, but didn't really start to put the weight back on till the past couple months during a very serious health scare (not me, my hubs), but now he's fine and I'm getting fatter. My psychological problems are what kill me...I eat for happy, sad, mad, etc. Also, when I first had the band the doc told me "its placed where it talks to the brain and tells the brain via signal, food yuck, don't eat" - which was VERY true...but I think I ruined that signal & probably stretched my pouch. YOU ARE NOT alone. I've read a lot of great people advice on here - get back on the "band wagon" - first, and I did this myself - FIND A NEW DOCTOR. I was so happy when I called my insurance and found out I could go see a doc and not pay OOP. I'm having a Fluoro next Tuesday and can't wait to see if the doc can get me back where I'm in "Onderland" --- so, my only advice is --- Try to stop the soda...not good at all, really in all respects, sugar, empty calories, carbonation, etc. GET A NEW DOC. Don't give up on yourself. I also plan to ask my doc about support groups. I have a "fat" family - they all eat and truly have never been a good support system for me. Best of luck - call a new DOC!

Owning up to our mistakes and having the knowledge to make the changes in our lives are VERY important steps to getting to a better place. You're not blaming anyone else and you realize what roadblocks have been put before you. I can totally relate. Probably the best thing you could do would just be to start going back to the doc and you'd probably be right back on track. Your advice is sound as well, with our bands our doc and his/her office can be the difference between success and failure. Without support the lap band is not nearly as effective. Thanks for sharing.

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I was so excited to have the lap band and had no qualms about the surgery. I figured I would finally be thin!. HA! First, I mad e some mistakes which I own. I didn't go to the adjustments after the first 4 or 5. I felt like I was just number 10020. Having "Lurch" call my name and then have some one who didn't even look me in the eyes talk to me about "how you doin?" Then, go through the cup thing. I couldn't go back (each way was almost 45 minutes for a 5 minute check). Next, I couldn't give up the soda. OK I am hooked and can't get off. Finally, I was basically starving--living on liquids and vomiting anything larger than an M&M. so I eat (ate) ice cream. A couple of months ago I called to ask if I could visit the dr in charge of the practice -- "NO" Today I called to get help after at least 4 months on my own. "NO" (Insurance has to start all over again). Anyone relate? What do I do now? I feel like I am playing a table game (old style) Go back to start. . . . meanwhile I am so depressed!

This is the very reason I tell newbies to RESEARCH your surgeon. They WORK FOR YOU. You pay them for excellent services and your surgeons's office has failed you BIG TIME.

Also, you have some fault in this too, you kept a too tight lap band and did not go back for followup, this is the reason there is a high failure rate too, but again, your surgeon's office is failing you too, because regardless whether you did not go back when you were suppose to, your surgeons office should see you immediately, insurance or not.

Your band is too tight, you need to go in, it may cost you more in the long run to remove it, it's best to pay a little out of pocket cash now, to have a huge bill to get your band removed eventually.

Your problems are the reasons why the lap band has a VERY HIGH FAILURE RATE, and probably why Allergan the manufacturer wants to dump it, and let someone else deal with all this nonsense behind HORRIBLE BAND SURGEONS, that offer HORRIBLE AFTERCARE, if any at all.

The lap band will not work properly without a lap band-friendly surgeon (I guess you've figured that out by now the hard way).

The lap band can be a VERY DANGEROUS TOOL, if there is little to aftercare, ESPECIALLY IF YOUR BAND IS ON THE TIGHT SIDE. There is NOTHING NON INVASIVE about a lap band when it's too tight and you have no aftercare, this is very dangerous.

I would HIGHLY recommend that you find another surgeon, before your band slips or damage you esophagus, because it's too tight.

Please find one before you have an urgent complication and then some surgeons will not take you on, if you have any urgent band issues, it's best to find a new surgeon before something bad happens.

Ideally a GOOD Band surgeon will SEE YOU IMMEDIATELY if you tell them you think you are too tight and need some saline removed, or if you are having some other issues that needs to be diagnosed with diagnostic testing.

A BAD band surgeon, will only see you on a scheduled appointment regardless if you need a fill nor unfill, and this is honestly unacceptable and his or her licenced should be taken, when you need saline removed, you cannot wait, band damage happens quickly and time is of essence if your band gets too tight and you have painful eating and vomiting.

I wish you much success on getting a new surgeon, you need to get your medical records, a new surgeon should take you on.

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Well you cover a lot of ground in that thread. If you aren't going to follow the rules then maybe the band isn't for you. If your doc isn't supportive maybe he/she's not the doc for you. It might be a good idea to get some professional support group help with someone that can give you face to face answers. If I were you I'd look for a lap band support group in my area and maybe seek the counsel of a therapist for several of those issues.

Whew that was cold. Wonderful for you. But not the least bit helpful.

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Whew that was cold. Wonderful for you. But not the least bit helpful.

I don't see anything cold about Guy's response at all. He is recommending counseling/support and finding a new Doctor that is more in line of what you need and want. Sound advice and a good start to turn your journey around and start making some positive steps.

I am curious did you have Support meetings/Band classes prior to being banded? Did they give you proper guidelines and instructions on how to work with your band? I am not attacking but I am very interested in your experience. Huge part of this process is education and you have to rely on Surgeon and his staff to direct you with that.

Band is a lifestyle change and based on that opening post you either were not prepared for it or didn't follow through. At the end of the day your Doctor is nothing but hired help. If he/she and his staff suck and are not getting it done then fire them and find someone else BUT you also need to be compliant and hold yourself accountable. You need to do the work as well. Band is not easy and it is work but in the end if done right you can and will be successful.

Do you even know why they told you to give up soda? (Again, not an attack but did they actually explain why no carbonation?)

I wish you the best of luck but I do urge you to look around for a new band doc/office and choose wisely.

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I don't see anything cold about Guy's response at all. He is recommending counseling/support and finding a new Doctor that is more in line of what you need and want. Sound advice and a good start to turn your journey around and start making some positive steps.

I am curious did you have Support meetings/Band classes prior to being banded? Did they give you proper guidelines and instructions on how to work with your band? I am not attacking but I am very interested in your experience. Huge part of this process is education and you have to rely on Surgeon and his staff to direct you with that.

Band is a lifestyle change and based on that opening post you either were not prepared for it or didn't follow through. At the end of the day your Doctor is nothing but hired help. If he/she and his staff suck and are not getting it done then fire them and find someone else BUT you also need to be compliant and hold yourself accountable. You need to do the work as well. Band is not easy and it is work but in the end if done right you can and will be successful.

Do you even know why they told you to give up soda? (Again, not an attack but did they actually explain why no carbonation?)

I wish you the best of luck but I do urge you to look around for a new band doc/office and choose wisely.

Excellent advice!

Actually soda use to be a very controversial topic when I got banded 8 years ago, and sadly all those who drank soda regularly ...bands slipped before they even reached 3 years post op..

The thing what many surgeons say is that carbonation will expand the pouch...blow it up like a ballon...hence causing pouch dilation....

Also I've heard so many horror stories with the band and carbonation...I am numb to anything at this point...

I remember a girl on OH website reported that her band was too tight, she did not have money to see her surgeon (I guess she owed him money) so she had vomited so much, she had irritated things, and she could hardly get liquids down...SO..you know what her other banded friend told her to do?

She told her to drink sodas...cokes...and this stretched out her pouch and she was finally able to get some solids down -- instead of getting her surgeon to remove a little saline the sodas stretched out her pouch...but I am SURE her band has slipped by now...this was few years ago...

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Whew that was cold. Wonderful for you. But not the least bit helpful.

Is that why you came into chat and verbally accosted me? I may not have dipped my advice in honey and sugar but I think it's valid. If you're having major problems with your band then maybe another surgery would work better for you. If you are having major problems with your doctor then get a different doctor. If you need support then find a group in your area. If you're looking to be coddled and babied then find another forum. See? Simple actionable advice.

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