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June 2006 Band Crew

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I hear gas x helps with the shoulder pain. You might try that.

As for night eating... yep... I am having issues with that.

I finally understand how some people have issues with getting their Protein in. I can hardly eat meat anymore. But have lost 2 lbs since Wednesday!

Hope everyone is doing well on the Water challenge. I am not doing too hot. Been drinking Protein Drinks during the day for liquids/protein/food. Hopefully, my stomach will adjust soon, although I don't want it to adjust too much. I need to lose the weight.

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I'm beginning to believe there is no "normal" for fills. What I expected from this was instant and total success--no hunger, no questions on what or how to eat--it would be easy. LOL

Maybe you're meant to be tight in the a.m. If I remember your first fill, it was that way then, wasn't it?

I get tight when tense situations come up. Sometimes I'm not aware I'm tense over something, until I feel that "ratcheting up" sensation. If it weren't for those painful episodes, I would have gone for another fill by now.

I've been saying I want to take this slow for my wrinkles sake, but I saw my cousin (looks great) who is 5 months out and down 45 pounds and all I could think of was, hope my total loss is more than 45# in 3 more months. LOL. That would be 2# a week--more than my 1.5# a wk goal.

Who are we kidding--this is tough work! Lots of patience required.

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I went to a party yesterday and saw people I haven't seen in several months. I didn't tell anyone that I had surgery so they weren't expecting anything. No one said anything. A few said I looked good, but they usually say that. :) Although I didn't expect anyone to notice, it was a little disappointing.

I feel some restriction with this fill, but its unpredictable. I don't get any "signal" that I'm full. I just know I need to stop. Sometimes I get a feeling in my throat. Just not sure yet how to read the signals. I didn't eat much yesterday and I can see where I could easily fall into that pattern. I do much better during the week with the routine of work and schedules.

Still having problems with Constipation. I tried MOM yesterday and nothing. I am now trying another suggestion of Low Carb Slim Fast. So far nothing. This is getting to be a real problem for me. Going to PCP on Thursday for annual checkup. I'll see what she advises. I still have the hard place below breast which I think was caused by the band, but not band related. Its just too weird.

I didn't get my Water in yesterday. Almost, but not good enough. I need to try better to get all of it in. Today's another day.

I am ready to make a big push in this program. I want to start seeing some results. I want to lose 10 lbs by the end of the month. I need to see some results - even if it causes wrinkles. :)

Hope everyone is doing well today. Its going to be a good week.

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Hello Everyone!

Just catching up from all the weekend post. Although some of us have had bumps in the road this past week, today is a new day!! We are on the right path.

It was emazing to come home from out of town after eating out all weekend (2 scoops of ice cream included) and not gain an ounce!!! I DON'T ever rember that happening. To me that is my victory for the week.

I had my second fill last week on Thursday (now at 2.1 cc). I have noticed a difference in my appetite. I'm eating less but still able to eat just about anything I want but much smaller portions. I'm going to sit on this fill for awhile and see how it goes. I hope I have reached my "sweet" spot for now.

Melissa Lea

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Hi barbara,

I know exactly what you mean... I didn't have this surgery to not see results...I am going to try and do the Water challenge today....I would like to committ to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month but I am not sure that is realistic for me...At this point 5 or any amount above 5 would be significant.. I have no restriction at all...I have had no side effects, no nausea , nothing since the surgery.. I have not had a fill either.. I go back to the dr on 8/17 so perhaps I will get a fill...I have not been walking daily either...I do swim aerobics 2 x a week and had been walking 20 minutes daily during work week but then the heat came for 2 weeks and the walking stopped.. I have been feeling disappointed in my weight loss results and feeling depressed...I need to look at the positive stuff.. I have lost 20 pounds...and I am grateful...take care.

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Good Monday Morning Everyone,

I didn't get my Water in on Saturday or Sunday but I'm off to a good start today. I'm getting back on my exercise routine too. I got lazy along with depressed last week. Funny how that goes hand in hand.

My daughter lives a block from me and I've convinced her to turn her garage into a gym. She had a treadmill and a couple small exercise things. I bought a Bowflex and an exercise bike. We carpeted the floor, hooked up cable for t.v., have a refrigerator full of bottled water and a "huge" shop fan. So..........I have no excuse. I don't even have to get in the car, I just walk down the street. I have my own garage door opener so I don't have to bother her or the kids when I want to exercise. We did all of this week before last and I did great the first week and I actually started to feel the effects. Then the "blue funk" hit last week and I sat here feeling sorry for myself. Yuck!

I am scheduled for a fill on Wednesday and I can't wait. As it is right now I can and have been eating anything and everything. My weight has not budged in almost a month. Actually, I'm lucky it hasn't gone up.

This is the beginning of a new week and a new attitude. I read how some of you are having some real problems and it makes me feel guilty for my boo-hooing.

For those of you having medical problems please get medical help. For those of us who are just having attitude problems lets help each other stay on track. I find exercise is the best thing for my mental health. The problem is getting physically active when you are mentally in a funk.

Good luck to everyone and let's remember that yesterday's mistakes are history and we can't fix them but we can make today a better day and if each day is better than yesterday nothing can get in our way.:clap2:

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She had a treadmill and a couple small exercise things. I bought a Bowflex and an exercise bike. We carpeted the floor, hooked up cable for t.v., have a refrigerator full of bottled Water and a "huge" shop fan.

How cool! :)

I read how some of you are having some real problems and it makes me feel guilty for my boo-hooing.
Barbara, it's totally okay to boo hoo! :) We can change what we do, but it's really difficult to change how we feel. Don't define your problem as "not a real problem". It's real to you and it is important to you, so it's important.

You're going to do great this week; it's a new start :) Take a deep breath and wade through it :)

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Sumary List – Location of Junebie


Texas - 8 (Houston and Dallas areas)

California – 7 (Southern CA)

<B><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:State w:st=Texas</st1:State><i>– 8 (Houston and Dallas areas)<O><st1:State w:st=<font face=" /><st1:State w:st="on"><FONT face=Verdana>Louisiana</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 2

<ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on"><FONT face=Verdana>Vancouver</st1:City><FONT face=Verdana>, <st1:State w:st="on">BC</st1:State> <st1:country-region w:st="on">Canada</st1:country-region><FONT face=Verdana> – 2

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Oregon</ST1:p</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Washington</ST1:p</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Massachusetts</ST1:p</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Tennessee</ST1:p</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Nevada</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Arizona</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Delaware</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> - 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Indiana</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> - 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Virginia</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> - 1

<st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:p<FONT face=Verdana>Arkansas</st1:State><FONT face=Verdana> – 1<O:p</O:p<O:p

<FONT face=Verdana>I know several people mentioned different areas to do our 2007 Bandiversary get-together. Why don’t you guys post or submit PM’s to me about suggestions and I’ll put a poll together after that so we can vote. Let’s set a deadline to submit ideas of locations for Wednesday, August 9<SUP>th</SUP> at midnight.

<FONT face=Verdana>My recommendation is <st1:City w:st="on">Chicago</st1:City> to go see Oprah - maybe she'll put us on the show and give us all cars! :bandit

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whew I hope none of you had to read the unedited version of the post I just put out there - confusion! I guess you can't cut and paste from word into this format...sorry if it caused any confusion! I edited my post.

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WOW I like the idea of Oprah. I wonder if she would acknowledge us? I also like the Las Vegas idea. We can go there pretty reasonable. There is lots to do and we could still do a spa party at the hotel. If significants want to come they would have plenty to do.

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I like the idea of oprah too! she can do a story on us :)

but vegas is cool:cool: like you said for the significant others....have to say i kind of forgot about that - eep!

I'm getting married on May 25, so depending on when we go, it might be a second honeymoon - within a week or two of the first! :biggrin1:

sorry, getting carried away with the smilies...i can be interminably cheezy

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Hello Everyone! I have not done very well with my Water intake this week nor have i done well with food intake. In the last 2 days i have managed to get down some chicken noodle Soup and crab meat. I had my 3rd fill last Thursday and i think it is going to do me in. I cannot and do not even try to eat before 3:00 pm...if i do it is coming up.....i have to drink coffee or hot tea to expand the esophagus so that i can get some food down.......i love the restriction....but it is rough. By 3 pm i am hungry and my stomach is talking to me but i have to be careful of what i eat...which is a good thing....because thats the reason i got the band....but it takes some getting use to. I just cant grab and eat whatever i want anymore. I am now understanding where the chew, chew, chew and sip, sip, sip come in. Never had to do that with the first 2 fills.

Question ? When i am eating and starting to get full my left shoulder and left side where port hurts...(like that gassy feeling) Anyone else have that? Thats how i know when to stop eating. Kinda cool i guess, its like a warning. Only last for about 5 minutes.

So Poodles i am in the same boat as you as far as restriction.

RandiL...Hang in there girl...i feel your pain...i know exactly how you feel i am sure all of us have been in your situation and it sucks. But we are in for brigther and better days...by this time next year girl we are all gonna be HOTTIES....LOL CHEER UP....YOUR NOT ALONE...WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!!!!





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Hey Junebees,

I went for my first fill today. I had to drive about 2 hours to Texarkana Tx. But I really had a good experience with Dr. Heiker and his wife. They are in practice together.

They had a little trouble finding my port, but it wasn't bad at all. I had to do several situps and hold them to push the port up a little bit. They gave me 1.7 cc. and I can tell a difference. I just worked out and came home a little hungry so I decided to eat some small bites of watermelon chewed up good. I can feel the watermelon sliding through the band and it is a sensation I have never felt since getting banded.

My DH took 6 week post op photos tonight and we will try to get them posted tomorrow. I can tell such a difference already!!

Keep up all the hard work!!

Dancing Queen

Banded 6/27/06

Dr. Rumbaut

Monterrey Mx.


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I didn't make my Water goal yesterday but got in about 48 oz. I'll do better today.

I am off to my private gym. Looking forward to a great day and really, really looking forward to my fill tomorrow.

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Dancing Queen I too was banded on 6/26. Your very lucky to have a fill already my doctor is making me wait until 8 weeks out then it's just a possibility that I will get one. I have very little restriction and looking forward to my first fill.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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