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June 2006 Band Crew

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Regina: Thanks for the reply,but, why so may explanination points are you yelling at me?--lol

You brought up so up good points and thanks for the suggestions.

I think Iam going to hang in here a little longer but maybe just as a reader and not post as much until I get back on track.

I will keep you all updated about what happens when I get my fill on March 15th and I will continue to read the post.

Notice that I update my ticker to reflect the weight I gained - I weighted this morning ( still have" the monthly friend" so some of that is probably Water weight) but the ticker is accurate right now!

As for my problem with my best friend, if anyone has any advice on that, Iam still waiting for suggestions.

Thanks agains again for hearing me out.

Love and hugs and well wishes to all,


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Good morning Bandsters,

Seems that many people are stuck. Strange how so many of us are hitting this wall at the same time. What is it? Eight month-itis?

I was remembering the day I met with Dr. Spivak during my consultation prior to surgery. He asked me how much I wanted to lose and I said, "100 pounds". His question to me was, "what will you do if you only lose 60#?" I said I would be delighted. Well, guess what! I've lost the sixty and stopped. Is this some of this self sabotage stuff? Did he plant in my brain that I will only lose 60 pounds?

Well, Folks, that ain't enough!! I'm not delighted and it's time to get movin' again. If that 60 pounds was my subconcious goal then it's time to set a new goal.


Thats so funny that you said that, my Nurse Practioner was looking at my file and she had the paper from my first consul and it said that in one year I would lose 80- 100 pounds. At the last visit on Feb.8th I weighed 228 from my 290 which was 62 pounds lost and she said to me looks like you will have that goal met soon.

So then I was like overjoyed and had that in my brain. Then she completly unfilled me because they thought I had a slippage and ......... I HAVE GAINED WEIGHT BIG TIME!!

Its amazing what our minds can do to us!

Thanks for sharing that.


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No I wasn't yelling, I was trying to be motivational for all of us. Was trying to use explaination points for excitment, LOL kinda like a motivational speaker. I know it gets lost in typing.

Lisa I haven't replied on the friend issue because I know exactly how you feel but haven't any advice. I also have a good friend that won't SEE me anymore. She will talk to me but not see me. She had her stomache stapled about 1 1/2 years ago and hasn't done well. She has admitted to me that when she see's me she gets depressed so that is why she don't want to see me. It hurts!!!! I don't know what to do about it, I have tried talking to her, but she just cn't get past her own self conscious. Good luck with it. I know it's hard. Please don't stop posting, you need support, and we need you!!!!!!!!!!

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Friends and family can be frustrating. I have a friend who is a size 5 and she said I was "wasting away". I'm thinking, by all BMI and weight charts, I am still considered obese and I am a size 16/18. I know she is just recognizing that I am losing weight, but some of the comments don't come off as kind to me. You just try to do something for your health and people make such a fuss. They have no idea sometimes how much we have gone through emotionally. This particular friend of mine is newly pregnant and stressing over the 5 pounds she has gained and saying how hard it is to carry around extra weight. I'm thinking, multiply that by 20 and imagine how bad I felt! This is one of the hardest parts in losing weight for me. Last time I lost a significant amount of weight, my cousin(who own an Italian restaurant) always pushed food on me. Even if I politely said no, that I already ate or was watching what I ate. They would say "you HAVE to eat SOMETHING'. This cousin herself lost over 50 pounds via WW. It is just such a crazy emotional thing...food and weight. I remember a diet counselor I had once said "What would your life be like if weight wasn't a concern for you?" I literally can't imagine because it takes over so many aspects of life-clothes shopping and deciding what to wear, thinking about what to eat and actually eating, how we sleep, our dating/married life, interactions with friends....I truly hope the weight never comes back and I start to live a life where I don't obsess about food and my size, but I still have no concept of how to think and behave that way.

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I need something that will help me to stop craving carbs. A silicone band around the tummy is not doing it. Maybe if I swallow marbles it will sit on top of the band and will not let anything go thru. Think that will work?

At this point... I am willing to try anything.

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I remember a diet counselor I had once said "What would your life be like if weight wasn't a concern for you?" I literally can't imagine because it takes over so many aspects of life-clothes shopping and deciding what to wear, thinking about what to eat and actually eating, how we sleep, our dating/married life, interactions with friends....I truly hope the weight never comes back and I start to live a life where I don't obsess about food and my size, but I still have no concept of how to think and behave that way.

I so relate to what you posted above,my weight has taken over every aspect of my life for so long.

I have finally made a decison today after talking to my mom, to join Weight Watchers so that I can make better food choices and learn in a group setting how to handle emotional eating. My husband wants to do this with me so I ordered the Deluxe at Home kit from the site and I put a rush on it!

Also I found my card that the Nurse Practioner writes your weight( the one in the LapBand kit) on and I have to admit to all, I have not been honest about posting my weight on here. I guess I was so caught up on trying to lose more than everyone else that I always added a pound or two to the actual number. WELL NO MORE LYING! IAM SORRY --I FEEL LIKE SUCH A CHEAT:think !

So below are the actual numbers from the card --NO LIES!

Consul weight 290

Day of surgery 6/13/06 283

6/29/06 271

7/26/06 261

8/23/06 252.5

9/27/06 250

10/25/06 249 ( 1st and only fill of 1cc)

11/22/06 239

12/21/06 236.5

1/25/07 238(had period day of weigh in)

2/8/07 233( had complete unfill)

So I actually lost 57 pounds before my food fest and I have curently gained 7 to bring me to 240. That is the currect number. If PMS Water weight weights anything then that number might be off by a little, but, not much!

Still I have come a long way from that 290 and Iam proud of my accomplishment. I have to stop beating myself up and get back on that horse and get back on the losing path!



Love and Hugs,


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Hey junebies. I don't have access at work anymore and our internet was out last night. I am having withdrawl.

I joined curves last night so I've worked out twice so far this week. I plan on going thru Thursday night. They are moving so will be closed Friday and Saturday. I am going to try and get at least 4 workouts a week, more if I can.

I posted a noted to Dr. C about my fills. He thinks I may have a hiatal hernia or infection in the band. I'm not sure I agree, but will wait to see what Dr. Spiegel thinks. I will go on the 12th.

I'm not sure if I have any fill left as I seemed to be really, really hungry and can eat all the time. I'm trying to stay in control, but I'm losing that battle. I've gained 5 lbs since the unfill.

I think we, I, need to pull ourselves up and rededicate our efforts. I for one saw results and I think I started sliding. I'm going to try real hard to get back on target.

Hope everyone hangs in there.

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Thank you Regina. Finally it's sinking in--emotional eating. Why was I able to avoid emotional eating in the first 6 months of this? Priorities. I'm slipping back in to old habits. I'm throwing away all candy in this house! Back to the old rules.

Lisa, I didn't answer you Sunday. Sometimes we just don't want to be reminded of something that hurt us so badly. I'm sorry you felt alone, but you weren't. I have no advice, but to be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.

I officially quit Weight Watcher's today. I told the leader I was banded and that was probably a mistake. I've gotten nothing but the cold shoulder from the weigh in staff. I've been dreading the weigh-in all week. I understand the jealousy and the feeling that this is the "easy way out". Funny, WWatcher's was my plan for lifelong health and weight maintenance. Silly really, WW's never was the answer before I was banded.

Thanks for asking about the tests. I have enlarged uterus, a few small fibroids and a severe tilt towards my back. My gyn has asked me to consider waiting until I've lost another 20 before having surgery. Wow! I think of myself as really healthy now, but my bmi is still over 30.

Poodles, I would stomp on that bad boy band for you if I could. Please hang with us. Maybe your turn is coming this summer.

Barbara4. I would think if you had an infection or a hernia, you would experience difficulty all the time. Not just day 6 after a fill. Yikes!!!!! Makes my head spin just to think about it!

Lisa, regarding honesty and our tickers. I claim new low numbers as soon as I see them, but you are correct. If I've had a few cheat days and the number runs and hides, then it's not really hiding. It's no longer real!

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I officially quit Weight Watcher's today. I told the leader I was banded and that was probably a mistake. I've gotten nothing but the cold shoulder from the weigh in staff. I've been dreading the weigh-in all week. I understand the jealousy and the feeling that this is the "easy way out". Funny, WWatcher's was my plan for lifelong health and weight maintenance. Silly really, WW's never was the answer before I was banded.

Pinky: After reading this I decided to just do the Weight Watchers at home and track my food with Weight Watcher online. I was getting that same feedback from the "Getting to Know You" message board on the site. I did whoever did not get that from the "100+ or More to lose" message board. I think those who have less to lose think we took " the easy way out" and its so unfair"!

Lisa, regarding honesty and our tickers. I claim new low numbers as soon as I see them, but you are correct. If I've had a few cheat days and the number runs and hides, then it's not really hiding. It's no longer real!

Right now Iam being honest about my cheat, at my Feb. 8th weigh in I was 233, and when I weighted my self yesterday and the scale said 240 which is a 7 pound gain with or without PMS!

I should be getting the Weight Watchers at home Deluxe kit tomorrow but since my Mom is on the new plan, I made copies of her book to start today.

Iam starting off slowly on the Core Plan since it has wholesome foods from each food group and no sugar.

I an not beating myself up anymore for my slips and I will keep on moving foward towards my goal .

Thanks for the encouragement and reply to my post.:(

Love and hugs,


P.S. Is there a spell check when you post a message? Iam curious, since my typing is so bad, I sometimes take forever to write a post since I have to re-read it to make sure I spelled everything right!-lol

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Hey Everyone!

I don't have much time to respond to everyone but I wanted to pop in and let you all know that I'm still around. I'm drowning in my new job (home study). I just have 5 weeks and 2 more days of this. Whew! I can do this!!!!

Barb4 --I agree with Pinky, if you had an infection or Hernia you would have more problems. First of all, the hernia would show on the fluro.

Pinky --Hang in there. You sound a bit discouraged right now. I don't know about the WW group. That is for some people, some people it is not. Maybe there is a different kind of support group out there for you.

Lisa --honesty is the first step to recovery (so they say). The most important thing is to be honest with yourself. You don't need that stress in your life. No one does.

Poodles --All I can tell you is, carb addiction is like any other addiction. The longer you go without the less you will crave them. I don't believe you have to give up all carbs. Infact, you need carbs to keep your body functioning in an appropriate manner. Whatever your sin is, chips, Cookies, bread etc; you must go cold turkey. I won't lie to you, the first 2 to 3 weeks will be hard. But I can promise you, the longer you go without them, the less you crave them. I had to give up my wheat thin addiction. The first week sucked!! Now, I don't even notice they are gone. And no, I did not pick up another addiction.

By the way Barb4 --that sucks you can't get on here from work anyomre. Did they block the site?? hummmm, mean IT people.

Have a great day!


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Hey Everyone!

Lisa --honesty is the first step to recovery (so they say). The most important thing is to be honest with yourself. You don't need that stress in your life. No one does.


Thanks, believe me I had been in OA for many years and I know all about honesty being the first step to recovery -- I was and still am a Complusive Overeater. Just now I can partly say recovering Complusive Overeater.

I have been so ashamed of my weight all my life that I have always lived in denial about it. I guess Iam still in denial!

Well today, Iam trying to start over with my earting plan and just taking it one meal at a time ( learned that from OA) and see what happens.

So far I just had a Protein Shake ( It's my favorite fast and easy Breakfast, since I have to get my son to school and my hubby off to work). Morning snack will be some grapes or a granny smith apple. lunch will be Healthy Choice Lentil Soup,not sure about diner yet. At least these are healthy choices.


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Who's up for a new challenge? Replace unhealthy sugars and carbs with fruit. I can't always eat raw fruit, so I eat fruit cups that I drain the juice from.

AS for those salty carbs--how about a thin slice of lunch meat or lo-fat cheese.

Try drinking a fresh bottle of H20 b4 the snack and maybe avoid the snack all together.

Any other ideas out there?

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Who's up for a new challenge? Replace unhealthy sugars and carbs with fruit. I can't always eat raw fruit, so I eat fruit cups that I drain the juice from.

AS for those salty carbs--how about a thin slice of lunch meat or lo-fat cheese.

Try drinking a fresh bottle of H20 b4 the snack and maybe avoid the snack all together.

Any other ideas out there?

Count me in Pinky!

I have to get back to eating my fruit more! Also do not forget the veggies. Steamed veggies are great also. I steam mine and then sautee them in a little garlic and some olive oil ( Iam 100% Italian -married to a half Spanish from Spain and half Hugarian!)

Other suggestions: To replace salt craving

For Salt cravings try Glenny's soy crisp - they come in alot of flavors and are really good! Go to the site www.glennys.com.

Sugar-free puddings for sugar cravings- you get the chocolate taste with-out the sugar!

I like the Water idea and Crystal Lite has some new flavors for those who hate just plain Water.< /span>

We can do this ladies!:clap2:

Love and hugs,


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Carbs are my crack. If I could mainline Ben and Jerry's I would.

Found these weight control Fiber pills that are suppose to help cravings. Ate 3 last night (they were good), but boy do they have side effects. :)

My DH bought me some whey Protein shake mix today, said that I went off the deep end when I stopped drinking them for Breakfast. I have noticed that I can eat normal all day, then when the bell rings to go home I attack things. So, I think I am going to pack a snack tomorrow and see what happens. My thin for good plan, may not have been the right plan for me. Going back to what was working, and I am not stepping on the scale ever again. I have too many head issues.

As Scarlett once said, "tomorrow is another day...."

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what in the he-- is going on with us? We are all going off the deep end. I am out of control also. I can eat way too much and I am. Carbs are my trigger so I need to stay away from them as well.

I'm going to prepared frozen dinners for a while. Maybe that will get me some Portion Control.

I miss you guys during the day and at night too tired to stay on here long. Hang in there. We will get through this.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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