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June 2006 Band Crew

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It's been a while since I posted, but I've been reading the thread for the June Bandsters. It's been 7 months since I was banded. Had I known what this was really like, I wouldn't have done it. Granted, I'm not the perfect bandster, and have had some real ups and downs in the last 6 months - including having all my teeth pulled and getting dentures... meanwhile, at 38 pounds lost, I have NO energy, my hair is falling out, and I am SO TIRED of sliming, of burping, of farting, and of having to run to throw up. I eat tiny bites, I don't drink Water with meals, I do Protein first, and I throw up at least once a day. Eating in the morning is impossible. I was told to continue Protein Shakes - just to get some protein in. I have had 2 fills. The first one was 4cc, and then 2 weeks ago he added 1.25 - in a 10 size band. I, like many of you, can't even get water down without the gurgling. It's hard to talk about this with anyone. It was all just supposed to work out. I was supposed to continue to lose weight, and have the joy that comes with changing my life for the better.

Instead, I went out with my family to Celebrate an occasion - and ended up in the bathroom 3 times, running to slime/hurl in to the trash cans. They all give me "that look" and I end up feeling humiliated, and will refuse to go out anymore.

Today, anything I have tried to get down has come back up. I feel achey, tired, old, and hopeless. You can all tell me you're here to support me, and each other - and I honestly appreciate having a safe place to come and discuss what's going on, but all the good wishes don't help when I'm

looking in the mirror, seeing no change - other than thinning hair.

Feels just like all my other failures have.

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Gosh! What a bummer! Sounds like you need more taken out, not put in. We've all experienced overfills and they are painful. You sound as if you've been overfilled and then another fill added on top of that one.

Take care and please consider having some fill taken out. You are not a failure. 28 pounds is still a good amount of weight, but an overagressive fill can slow your weight loss down to nothing.

Keep venting if you need to. You have a right to expect more from the band than what you've gotten so far. :angry

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It's been a while since I posted, but I've been reading the thread for the June Bandsters. It's been 7 months since I was banded. Had I known what this was really like, I wouldn't have done it. Granted, I'm not the perfect bandster, and have had some real ups and downs in the last 6 months - including having all my teeth pulled and getting dentures... meanwhile, at 38 pounds lost, I have NO energy, my hair is falling out, and I am SO TIRED of sliming, of burping, of farting, and of having to run to throw up. I eat tiny bites, I don't drink Water with meals, I do Protein first, and I throw up at least once a day. Eating in the morning is impossible. I was told to continue Protein Shakes - just to get some protein in. I have had 2 fills. The first one was 4cc, and then 2 weeks ago he added 1.25 - in a 10 size band. I, like many of you, can't even get water down without the gurgling. It's hard to talk about this with anyone. It was all just supposed to work out. I was supposed to continue to lose weight, and have the joy that comes with changing my life for the better.

Instead, I went out with my family to Celebrate an occasion - and ended up in the bathroom 3 times, running to slime/hurl in to the trash cans. They all give me "that look" and I end up feeling humiliated, and will refuse to go out anymore.

Today, anything I have tried to get down has come back up. I feel achey, tired, old, and hopeless. You can all tell me you're here to support me, and each other - and I honestly appreciate having a safe place to come and discuss what's going on, but all the good wishes don't help when I'm

looking in the mirror, seeing no change - other than thinning hair.

Feels just like all my other failures have.

Randi, what you are describing is a very serious situation. The state of affairs with your band as it exists right now is damaging to your physical health, mental health, and your family relationships. Something needs to be done about it. Don't accept it for another day.

In your situation the band is clearly not working as it is supposed to. I'm no doctor and I don't know the reason why. It may be that your body is just not accepting the band. In that case, have the damn thing removed. Being overweight is better than what you are describing.

But on the other hand, your body is probably not simply rejecting the band. From reading this forum it sounds to me like you are dangerously overfilled. It sounds to me like you need a complete unfill and then a substantial period of recuperation before you even think of weight loss.

But again, I'm not a doctor and the explanation for your woes could be something else. If you are not getting the answers you need from you current doctor, find another one. If the band simply does not work for you, have it removed.

The main point here is, you need to get much more aggressive about fixing this problem. Forgive me for saying this, but I think you need to get off your ass and quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something to fix this situation.

This is not happening because you are a "failure." This is happening because the band is improperly adjusted, or otherwise not working for you. The band is just a tool. If you use it improperly it's not going to work. If you put deisel gasoline in your car and the car takes unleaded, the car is not going to work. This is not because the car or anyone else is a "failure." It's because the car is a tool that is being improperly used.

It's not that I don't sympathize. What you are describing would be enough to make anyone angry, depressed, and disappointed. But you can't just sit there and accept it. You can do something about this, and you must.

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Randi all I can say is what you are going through just sucks. I have had a week of not being able to eat most meals and PBing. I can't imagine going through that since June. I would definitely get an unfill of some sort and start over after a rest. The band will be there when you are ready and it is ready to behave itself.

I can't tollerate big fills and maybe you can't either. It's not so much what's in the band, but the amount they put in and any one time. Maybe you are the same way. Once your stomach or whatever swells up it is a vicious cycle until it is over.

Also, I assume they have checked for slippage? It sounds like that if you are PBing every day. No, that is no way to live and you shouldn't have to do that.

I have started with Niacin tablets every morning and my hair has stopped falling out. I've done that for about 45 days now. You might want to consider that to see if it helps.

Randi, you are not a failure. You are having a bad reaction to the band. Take some different steps and see if you can turn this around. Please consider a partial unfill or even a complete one, and give yourself time to recover.

We are here for you. Please don't be a stranger. Let us know what is going on with you. We can't change your experiences, but we can offer some support and encouragement. Although, we can't feel all your pain, we all have had various issues. We stand together.

On a personal note, things are a little better. I had a massage yesterday and then couldn't eat or drink for most of the evening. I did get some chicken noodle Soup in. Today after I was up for several hours DH made me a little omelete. I was able to eat it, very, very slowly. I'll continue to eat soft foods and see if I can get past this.

I did try the grapefruit juice after I couldn't eat yesterday. It was awful. I don't know if it was the brand DH bought or just the whole stuck feeling. I threw it away, slimed for a while, and then got better. I don't think I'll try that again. Aloe vera juice didn't work for me either, so maybe I'm just one that can't take some of these remedies. :)

Rainy day in Houston. Good day to get some chores done and some R&R.

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I think the replies here all have good points:

1. First and foremost, you HAVE NOT FAILED. You're in a situation that needs to be changed.

2. You really are the only person that can change it. From what you are describing it definitely sounds like you are too filled. That would make life miserable and your health horrible. The choices you have are to either tolerate it (definitely NOT a good choice, as you attested to), or change it.

Randi, you need to seek medical attention. Either through the MD that did your band, or through another MD if he's not willing. But you DO NOT HAVE TO TOLERATE THIS. Your health is in jeopardy, as well as your mental well being.

PLEASE take some action and make this better for yourself.

I'm sorry to be so pushy and opinionated, but your post concerned me deeply. I read it and can sense your frustration but more than that I sense that you're giving up, and YOU CANT DO THAT! You dont' have to do that.

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Randi- I am with you! If I had known how inconveniencing, embarrassing, and painful the band would be, I would have never gotten it. I spent months overfilled and in pain thinking that was what the band was suppose to do. Here is a link to my thread I started about being overfilled:


To top it all off after I got unfilled and was able to eat, I still have to eat low carb and exercise. What a pain. I could have done that w/o the band... but never did.

Just goes to show that if you eat right and exercise you can do it. The band just controls the amount you eat AND what you eat (no more bread for me...PB city) sometimes. I told my DH this morning that I was ready to rip this thing out and go to the all you can eat buffet. He just patted me on the leg and told me that the band was doing its job. (He can eat anything he wants, so he does not understand.)

For the past 4 days I have been unable to eat, even my normal stuff since unfilling. I am tight and miserable, don't know what is going on.

I think this thing helps some, and does not help others, but we got it and must live with it. We just need to figure out how to live with it.

My recommendation for you is to get an unfill. Even if you get it totally unfilled for a while and then try again later. You need to feel normal again... I know.

Good luck.

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Randi...after a PB, did you ever do liquids for a few days? Sometimes you need to to let your esophagus rest before starting to eat again. I definitely agree with everyone here that you ned to go to the doctor. I didn't go to the doctor enough, because I knew I wasn't always following the rules and now I have a slipped band and have to pay for a new operation. Excessive PBing can cause a slip! So, get help before it's too late. We all have felt your pain in one way or another. We aren't here to judge, just listen and try to help. Keep us posted and we are all rooting for you.

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Not getting better. Can't keep liquids or soft foods down for long. Every now and then I open up and can get some Soup in. I'll wait a few more days and then go for an unfill. I think after a week this should not be happening.

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barbara: I would go for an unfill. Thought about one myself the past few days. Then I was reminded about the pineapple juice (thanks Regina) and wine found on this thread and others.

The pineapple juice was really good, but did not help much. However; a little red wine and BAM I ate pork tenderloin for dinner with a little cheese on top. YUMMY!!!! To bad though, I am going to be a wine-o now. :love:

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Poodles, send Hubby to the store for a bottle of wine to keep on hand, and just have a small glass a little before dinner each night, so you can get you hard Protein in. I don't think that will make you a wino, unless you wanna become one, LOL!!!!

Barbara465, sorry your having a rough time. Maybe you could try poodles trick!!! Hope things get better for ya!

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OK guys I know I sound like a broken record. Today I have been able to drink my cup of coffee and get my meds in without any pain. I'll try my activia in a little bit. I couldn't keep a tablespoon of Soup down yesterday. I had the worst PB's I've ever had. I drove today in case I need to go to the surgicenter, but we'll see how the day goes. I don't want to get an unfill if I can avoid it. I keep thinking its the cold I had and its just draining.

Side benefit - another 2 lbs gone. Of course it will probably come back if I can start to eat, but we'll see. I'm going to try the wine tonight and see if that helps. I just would like to get some soup or Protein Drink down. :confused:

Poodles glad you got to eat some good food. Randi how are you doing today? Socialgal our thoughts are with you.

Everyone try to have a good day. Somehow we're going to get through this.

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Going for unfill at 3:30. Activia is just gurgling. This is the pits. I hope I can hang on at work without too much difficulty. I'm really tired of this.

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Sorry to hear that you having problems again Barbara465. I hope that this unfill brings you the relief that you are needing at this time.

Randi --I agree with the other posters. You may be overfilled. You may want to consider a partial or complete unfill to allow the inflammation around your stomach resolve.

I went shopping for a new pair of pants over the weekend. I was able to get a 16petite in regular sizes. It fits very comfortably. I could have squeezed into a 14 P but that would not have looked very good on. It's nice to have some NSV when the scale seems to be a stand still for right now.

Melissa Lea

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Wow guys. It's tough out here this week!

SocalGal - We're thinking about you.

Randi - Praying for you to find a doctor that will help you.

Barbara465 - When it's time to say enough, it's time to say it!

Poodles - Thinking of you too!

I read a statistic (and I've lost the link) that studies have shown that those who drink wine (1 glass per day) have more successful losses than those who don't. (quicker and a higher % of body weight) None of us wants to overindulge or pick up a new bad habit, but stress is a killer for most of us. I'm going to try to find some of those small individual serving bottles of red wine and see how that goes.

By the way, DS told me that more relationships suffer breakups in January than any other month. Theory is the stress of short days and ugly weather.

Hang tough yall!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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