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June 2006 Band Crew

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Sorry you have been struggling Barb465. I'm glad you got an unfill before your trip. I'm sure you didn't want to have trouble overseas. I am SO JEALOUs that you are in Scotland! I would love to go there someday. I've been to England and Ireland and loved them both, but didn't make it to Scotland or Wales. Tell us all about it when you return.


I bought 2 pairs of size 10 pants!! Mostly I am in 12's, but this brand I could wear a 10.

Does anyone have this problem? I am COLD all the time now! I guess having less layers of fat to keep me warm is starting to get to me! haha But, seriously-I am freezing.

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Boy it's been awhile since I've checked in here but it seems I haven't missed too much. It appears that everyone is either really busy or have gotten on with their lives and their band is just part of life. My band is just part of my everyday life now but I can't say that I am happy with it. Like Barbara465 mentioned before her unfill, all I do is eat the junk/easy foods. I know that I have been overfilled for several months and I am considering getting an unfill. I am not losing anymore and I truly fear that my health is suffering.

I am staying at my daughter's house in Atlanta while she looks for a new house in West Virginia. I am pet sitting two dogs and three cats and numerous fish. This house was built back in the 60s and it has mirrors everywhere. Small bathrooms are mirrored on three walls, all the closet doors are mirrors, one wall in the living room is mirrored..........I am everywhere I look! and I don't like what I am seeing.

My appearance has aged about 20 years since my band. I don't like what looks back at me in these mirrors. I know I am 61 years old and my body is aging but the rapid decline I blame on poor nutrition. My skin, my hair, everything just lacks any luster or vitality. I have tried taking Vitamins but it doesn't seem to help and the big honkin things are hard to get down most of the time.

Am I the only one who is experiencing these things. I know most of you are younger but I was just wondering if anyone has suggestions for my problems.

Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. Blessings to you all.

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I'm sorry you aren't happy with your band right now Barbara. Maybe try chewable or liquid vitamins. I love my liquid vitamins-Liquid Health. They taste good alone, but I usually mix them with iced tea or Crystal Light. I take their liquid Calcium too. I also take liquid Iron by Kirkman because I donate blood every 8 weeks. My Thanksgiving was good. I haven't been here much as I took on a 2nd job and I am super busy. I hope all my fellow bandsters are doing well and will post an update when they get a chance. Renew your efforts every day....whether it is a long walk, chewing extra well, not drinking with meals, avoiding soda, taking measurements, looking at some before/after photos, logging calories....whatever! Just don't give up! We have all come too far to quit now!

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Hi everyone, it's been a loooong time since I logged in; I had to have a complete unfill and stayed that way for a while due to what seemed to be a slip. It readjusted itself, and I got a 1 cc fill (4cc band) after about 2 months of unfill. It was too tight! So I just had some let out and I think I'm finally okay. I'm hoping to kick this into gear and loose more weight.

Just dropping in to say hi!

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Hey Barb12 -- It's great to hear from you. I am sure that you look great!! We are always are hardest on our self.

Socalgal --You are so close to goal. Keep up the great work. I am finally on a losing streak!!! I hope it stays this way for a while.

Aimee--sorry to hear you had problems with your band. Glad to know you are doing better.

I hope to hear from the other Junebies soon to know how everyone is doing.


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I got a fill today, after practically having to twist my doctor's arm. He feels I am so successful, why fool with it? He says to get more exercise. Since I've already lost more than 65% of my body weight he feels I should be happy with very slowly losing any more. I told him I've never Pb'd, only been stuck three times, can eat a pretty large amount at one sitting now, and get hungry between meals. He finally consented to .4cc. I can already feel my liquids slowing down, I'm glad I did it. Had a snack and it went down fine. I hope this will jump start me to another 10 pound loss and slow me down during the holidays. Hope everyone else is hanging in there. It's been awfully quiet here lately.

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Cathy --it's good to hear from you. I am glad that you are doing well with your new fill and hope to see some success very soon. Hang in there...I belive that this journey is not over until we say it's over.

I hope everyone else is doing great.

Barb465 --How was your vacation in Scotland?


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It's been a long time since I posted and see that you were looking for updates from the June 2006 crew. I have no fill whatsoever and still have a difficult time with most food. Every so often (yesterday) I am able to eat and keep the food down. I've been back to Mexico to have it checked and all looks good. Weird, I wouldn't change anything as I am below my goal but would LOVE to eat something other than ice cream sandwiches, yogurt and Soup. These foods change as I used to be able to eat mashed potaotes and cheetos but not now. It's difficult to find a food as you end up wasting money on it because you can't eat it. Someone mentioned chewable Vitamins, what kind are they? I need to start taking Vitamins and possibly drinking unjury drinks.

Anyone else having the same problem?


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What did Dr. Ortiz say when you told him about not being able to eat much? With no fill, I would think that would be a concern. Perhaps your esophagus is swollen. Have you tried going on full liquids for a few days to reduce swelling/irritation? There are several brands of chewable viatmins. There are Viactiv chews, children's Flinstones or similar, etc. I use liquid as I mentioned before which I buy at a local health market. Just browse the Vitamin aisle at your grocery store, Walmart, costco, etc. I wanted to be at goal by 2008, but the closer you get, the slower it goes. It's nice to know you are below goal, Stella. You may be the first of the June Crew!! I should get serious and start running or something. 8 pounds is doable in a month! I hope the fill is going well for you Cathy-keep us posted. Everyone needs to update their ticker. We may need a challenge in the New Year! Have a great weekend everyone!

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THe trip to Scotland and London was fabulous. we had a great time. I can't even imagine trying that without having gotten some fill taken out.

I still have 1cc, but its not nearly enough. THey are going to the EGD (?) esphogus test, on Dec. 20th. I still think that is the problem. However, it is 2 days before we leave on our cruise. I would be afraid for them to put back my fill and then leave town. Depending on what they say, I'm going to get just 1 cc back. I should be able to survive with that. My big concern is I'm never able to tolerate more than .2 at a time. I wonder if my band will know that is 1cc? :girl_hug:

I can't believe what I can eat. So many things that haven't touched my lips for 18 months. I even had a tortilla last night. It was difficult or maybe I was scared. I don't think I will do that again.

So many of you have had such great success. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. I am proud of all that I have accomplished as well. However, I'm not in control right now and I'm down right scared. I'm falling into old ways and eating way too much. I can't believe I haven't learned anything in all of this time.

I'll let you know what the tests yield. I'm hoping they find something and can treat it with medicine. I would like to get back on the program and finish this off next year.

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I needed some must needed time off the board since there have been alot of both personal and health problems in the family.

As my 18th month Surgery Anniversay nears on December 13th(my surgery was on June 13, 2006) Iam extremly depressed since Iam not where I had planned to be weight wise at this time. I have gained and lost weight but Iam maintaining a 80 pound weight loss, which Iam thankful for.

I am feeling so discouraged and not eating healthy at all due to stress and other factors that I can not name here since they are to personal.

I need to make a checkup appointment since it has been over three months since I last saw my Nurse Pract. and Dietician but because they do not take insurance and money is extremly tight! I know that my health is suffering since Iam not eating well and vomitting alot more often.

Christmas shopping and purchasing gifts on a budget is hard but we did it! We finished all our shopping as of last weekend thanks to my husbands early holiday bonus check.

My personal life is so in shambles right now and I can so relate to the posts made by Regina even thougth I would love to be as close to goal as she is !

Since I do not drive and my husband works until 7pm, I have not be able to attend any of the support meetings that my doctor had at the hospital where my surgery was done. (I did go to the required seminar before making an appoinment for my consult with him and his surgical team).

I have looked continously for support groups and meetings in my area and the times and dates do not work for me. They are either during the time when my husband is working or when he is on his way home. I do live downstairs from my mom in her house but these meetings also confict with her work schedule and she is unable to watch my son for me so I can attend.

When I first went looking for support online I went on Obesity Help only to have them bash me since I have the LapBand and not gastric bypass! They are not the kindest group of people online, even thought the site was helpful in giving me the name of some Lapband doctors in my area.

Then I found this site and this group and it has helped over the past 18 months. The only thing is just about all of you are from Texas! That is so far away from me here in New York!- lol

I really was hoping to find some local support and I have not

been able to find any. I even at one point tried to start my own post much like Melissa and asked New Yorker Bandsters to join and only recieved two replies -- How sad is that?

So right now Iam so dreading the Holidays! I hate especially New Years Eve since every year I look back at another year that I failed to lose weight and I cry. I also cry on New Years Day since every New Years is the same resolutions to finally lose the weight and be thin!

My greatest wish is for that not to be my New Years Resoultions anymore.

I read in this weeks People Magazine that Valerie Bertinellie felt the same way about her weight and said that this is the first year where her New Years Resoultion will not be to lose weight! She also used Jenny Craig for the past 8 months!-lol

So ladies this is where Iam right now, I am sorry if I depressed anyone-- I just thought that maybe a few of you can relate to what Iam going through.

I want to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy Healthy and Safe 2008!

As always I sign this .........

Love and Hugs,


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Hey Everyone! I am happy to hear from some of those that have not been online in awhile.

Stella --I am sorry to hear that you have been having trouble with your band. Hang in there.

Barb4 --glad to know you had an exciting time on your vacation to Scottland. You will have to share some pics when you have a chance. I've never been. Would love to see some pics. Also, let us know how your EGD turns out. I will keep you in my prayers.

Leecelove --sorry to hear that you are battling stress and depression. I wished you could get to a support group for real "one to one" interaction. Maybe if you contact a local support group they have someone that would be glad to pick you up and take you. It's worth a shot. You have nothing to lose by asking.

Everyone else --have a great week! We are still in the game.

Melissa Lea

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Hmm... well I have been hiding from everyone, but thought I would reply to socalgals request for an update.

I am still a total lapband loser, and not in a good way. I have officially lost 15 lbs since banding, and that is with alot of going back and forth.

The band has slipped back to where it is supose to be, they are filling me up a little at a time now and I am back up to 1cc. I am totally off sugar, and doing Atkins again. I can eat meat, Beans, and salads... So I am doing that.

My doctor has found another medical issue, that I do not want to share, that seems to be another block against weight loss. They still want to do the bypass, but I am not going to do it. I would like to do the sleeve if I had to do anything, but my insurance will not pay for it.

So, there it is. Don't complain about a plateau 80+lbs down. I don't feel sorry for you. I wish I had that problem...

My doctor says we need to start over now. Like I was brand new. New fill, new diet, new plan. So, I am a beginner again, I guess. I will try not to get overfilled, try not to slip again, and try to lose. But I am not holding my breath...

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Hmm... well I have been hiding from everyone, but thought I would reply to socalgals request for an update.

So, there it is. Don't complain about a plateau 80+lbs down. I don't feel sorry for you. I wish I had that problem...

My doctor says we need to start over now. Like I was brand new. New fill, new diet, new plan. So, I am a beginner again, I guess. I will try not to get overfilled, try not to slip again, and try to lose. But I am not holding my breath...

I really hope that your above statement is not about me since I take very strong offense to it!

You do not know what Iam going through right now in my life! Yes, I have lost 80 pounds going from 290 to 210, but its has not been easy since I have Bipolar!

My husband just had another health scare, we had martial issues and debut to deal with.

You do not feel sorry for me!

I surely would not wish all of this on you, and they say those from the South are nice people. They give us New Yorkers a bad wrap for being insensitive and rude!

I have been right there all this time supporting you and I relate to you the most since I have Biploar just like your sister.

Please do not bash others for your problems, its just not fair to us!

Thank you,


**This will be my very last post on this board since I have joined another board and found a much needed support group in New York.

While I did find some support on from some of you in this room, others were not as nice or supportive to me.

I might be from New York, but Iam not your typical stereo type of a New Yorker that most of your in Texas seems to think we are. NOT ALL OF US ARE RUDE! There are nice people out here who are living our lives day to day just like you back there.

I would hope that over these almost 18 months that most of your realized that I was one of these people with a caring heart who was looking for and was willing to give love and friendship and support to others. I did not care about your race, or religion. I just cared the we were all in this Lapband thing together looking to support each.

For those of you that were my friends I will greatly miss you and I want to wish you continued success in your journeys.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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