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Regina: Notice I did not mention spicy foods but, spicy sauces that are put on foods. In Italian cooking and other ethnic foods sometimes spices are put into the sauces and do not agree with my stomach. They send me straight to the bathroom and this was even before surgery!

I do not know if anyone else has or had this problem also.

Again, I love you as a friend and I want you to hang in there!


Hi Ladies:


I found that with my band (speaking only for myself and not others!) I can not eat icecream, any beef of any kind, any bread of any kind, any sauces especially spicy-- they are my death sentence! What I mean is I spend my time in the bathroom throwing up big time if I eat any of these foods!!

It was so bad at times I thought I was going to lose my band or really damage my throat!

So when I went for my one year visit with my surgeon and spoke to him, my Nurse Practioner, and Dietician they all agreed to go back to basics and stay away from those foods if Iam getting such a bad reaction!

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I really think I have something else. I noticed I can't take an kind of spicy foods. I really don't try, but even my safe queso started giving me problems a couple of weeks ago.

I think Regina may have been referring to Barbara, Leece. I'm having trouble with spicy and acidic foods as well. Orange juice, coffee and spicy are not my friends anymore. Darn band. It's a love and hate relationship. Regina-maybe try liquids for a few days. That may get those final pounds off.

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You may be right, but she did not specify who she was refering to, I just assumed it was me. That was since I was the last post before hers.

Iam sorry to hear you are also having problems with your band! I do know that I was told from the begining not to drink orange juice or eat grapefruit or any citrus fruit for that manner. I wonder why? I will have to go back and read the literature they gave me in my post-op package also look into my many books I have about LapBand Surgery.

It seems so weird that this is happening to so many of us as we have past our one year anniversaries! It really is putting a scare into me!

I hope you feel better and keep us update so we can compare notes-- If I find anything in my reading I will post !

Love and hugs,


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I was referring to Barbara, but thats ok Lisa. I need to change my ticker to reflect my weight gain from the unfill for 3 months, I haven't been 155 in 4 months, 155 would make me happy again. I know I have accomplished a lot, but when I came sooo close to goal and then hit this wall and went backwards it has become very frustrating. I know I have no reason to gripe because a lot of you haven't lost what you have wanted, but I was trying to vent a little of my frustration to my junebie friends. Not mad at all Lisa, I promise!!!

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I think we all understand the frustration of not hitting our goals. So often others see the "gosh she has done so well and is still not happy" side of things, we forget the "hell, I'm almost there and the scale won't move" side. We are all proud for you Regina. You have worked hard, fought hard, and will get there. And if you go up and down the same 4 lbs, be thankful. You could be going up and down the same 40 lbs like me. :love:

We will all get there someday.

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Thanks for not being mad! I also get frustrated about having problems with certain foods, not being where I was hoping to be by now and some personal problems(way to may to even get into here!). Its nice to know we can come here and vent with our friends and know that they will understnd and support us!

Poodles: You are so right about being thankful for what we have lost and not gained! Iam so sorry to hear about your struggles. I loved reading your recent post and seeing that your doing well on your new food plan. I hope that it continues to work for you! Iam behind you 100% and you have all my support and love!

In other non-weight news:

I just recieved from Kodakgallery.com the pictures that I had uploaded and refinished to put into a special photo album for my Mom's 60th birthday present. She will be turning 60 on August 9th and I along with my Aunt's help got together pictures of her from when she was a baby until recent, me as a baby until recent, my brother as a baby until recent and also my son. It was a pure labor of love getting them all together but I know this will be something she will cherish forever!

I can not wait to give it to her on her birthday!



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Check out those digital photo frames. That are so neat and lots of fun. You can put "albumns" together and play them like a slide show with music. The costs are coming down. DH got two of them on Ebay for $72 and they hold 2,000 pictures without the memory stick.

I think I have gall bladder or esphogus something. I am great today and can eat normal. I'll have some tests run after things settle down. I have had polups removed from my stomach when they gave me anti-inflamatory drugs. Maybe I'm just too sensitive.

One of my friends on another thread read somewhere on this board about someone else having the same type of problem. I'll try to find that thread and find out more details.

A couple of weeks ago when it happened it was after I ate my "safe" queso. It must have had enough spice to cause a reaction. The next time it was with a margarita. The hamburger patty probably had more fat in it then I've eaten in a long time. I think this is the clue. I just have to put it all together. I asked the doctor the last two times I saw him, but I think he thought I was just crazy.

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That digital frame thing sounds really nice, I was thinking of doing that at first. My mom is not into all this digital stuff, she is sort of old fashion- she still can not program a VCR! We bought her a DVD player for Christmas and its still in the box! She does however have a cell phone and knows how to use it well and it takes pictures which she knows how to do, so go figure! I upload to my computer for her.

She is a Executive Assistant to The Head of Global Marketing at Bayer (as in Bayer Aspirin). She used to work in the Diabetes Division and would do the Juvenile Diabetes Walks in Westchester County here in New York. So she is very computer able.

I completed filling the album I bought her with the photos this morning while my son was in school and it come out so nice. I can not wait to give it to her on Augut 9th her 60th birthday! I might give it to her early since Iam dying to see her expression when she opens it up and see's all those pictures!

Wow! Alot of memories!

It brought tears to me eyes seeing the pictures of my now deceased grandparents (her parents) since they lived so close to us. They would watch us while my parents worked when we were little and then after school growing up until my parents got home from work.

My grandma taught me to cook at the young age of 8 all the old fashion Italian dishes. We would use the fresh vegetables and herbs from my grandpa's garden.

These were just some good memories !

Hope all have a good day!


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To all: Since alot have been posting about having problems and sensing that it might be their gallbladder, I did some research online.

I found this on a health site and it scared me, since I have alot of the symptoms mentioned so I thought I would share what I fount with you all.

Here is what I found:

Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease

  • steady, severe pain in the upper abdomen that increases rapidly and lasts from 30 minutes to several hours
  • pain in the back between the shoulder blades
  • pain under the right shoulder
  • nausea or vomiting
  • abdominal bloating
  • recurring intolerance of fatty foods
  • colicb
  • belching
  • gas
  • indigestion

    Gallbladder disease


    Gall bladder disease includes inflammation, infection, stones, or obstruction of the gallbladder.
    Alternative Names

    Biliary disease; Gallbladder attack; Biliary colic Causes

    The gallbladder is a sac located under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile produced in the liver. Bile aids in the digestion of fats, and is released from the gallbladder into the upper small intestine (duodenum) in response to food (especially fats). Conditions which slow or obstruct the flow of bile out of the gallbladder result in gallbladder disease.
    Types of gallbladder disease include:


    • Abdominal fullness or gas
    • Abdominal pain that is:
      • Severe
      • Located on the right side (right upper quadrant) or in the upper middle of the abdomen (epigastric)
      • Decreased over 12 to 18 hours in uncomplicated cases
      • Recurrent or similar to pain in past
      • Occurring after meals
      • Worse during deep intake of breath
      • Radiating to back or below the right shoulder blade
      • Worse after eating or drinking fatty foods or fluids


      [*]Nausea and vomiting


      [*]Chills and shaking

      [*]Chest pain under the breastbone

    Exams and Tests

    Examination of the abdomen by touch (palpation) may reveal tenderness.

    Tests that detect the presence of gallstones or inflammation include:

    This disease may also alter the results of the following tests:


    Treatment depends on the specific type of gallbladder disease.

    Outlook (Prognosis)

    See the specific type of gallbladder disease.

    Possible Complications

    See the specific type of gallbladder disease.

    When to Contact a Medical Professional

    Call your provider if you develop symptoms of gallbladder disease.


    In most cases, prevention is not possible. Weight reduction, and reducing intake of fatty foods, may reduce symptoms in people with gallbladder disease. Use of the medicine ursodiol may shrink gallstones, but it is used only in special cases.

I hope this is helpful to all of you since when I read it, I said to myself I need to go and have test done!

Something is not right! I had a gastro-intestional virus which I really think was the start of this. I have alot these problems metioned above ever since this happend to me on June 4th.

I will keep all posted on what my course of action will be, right now I need to make some phone calls to my doctors.


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I had my very first official PB today. I ate three bites of my usual snack, sliced turkey with a cracker, and then spent an hour in agony. Finally PB'd in the bathroom at a restaurant where I met an old friend, which helped immensely, then sat and watched her have lunch. No way I was chancing another episode. So after thirteen months, just when I started to think I might need a fill, I learned differently. I'm going to get to exercising and forget about being tighter!

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Cathy-maybe you just ate too fast or didn't chew as well as usual. Most of my PBs have come after eating too fast. You have done pretty darn well if this was your first PB! Let's hope it was your last. I'm holding steady at 180. I've seen 178 a few mornings, but not consistently enough for me to claim it(always the pessimist am I!!) Hope everyone is doing well!

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Hi all! :

I am hangin in there!

I read a funny post asking about what PBing means! You know what, I did not know what it meant when I first came on here either, and I rather not use that phrase!

CALL IT WHAT IS! THROWING UP IS THROWING UP! DO NOT MAKE UP A FANCY PHRASE FOR IT! Sorry but I say what is on my mind Iam from New York after all !-lol

Who made up this dumb phrase anyway? What the heck does PBing mean anyway?

I holding steady at 220 from 290 and 70 pounds down & now a size 16 finally!

Taking my son to see 'Underdog" this weekend they made the old cartoon into a movie that looks so cute! I have to start packing and getting his stuff ready for his trip with my Mom to see my brother in San Francisco they leave August 10th at night.

Have a good weekend all


P.S. Has anyone else read the new People Magazine (I have a subscription) Star Jones finally admittted she had Gastric Bypass Surgey in 2003! Its about time you BIG LIAR! I knew she had surgery back then, there was no way she could have lost that much weight that fast!

Even in here book she was in denial about having surgery( I borrowed it from the library out of curiousity it was rather a brag fest!) -AGAIN WHY LIE!

How do you all feel about how she lied about this? -- Iam curious about others take on this topic--LETS HAVE OUR OWN-- " VIEW HOT TOPIC"!


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The reason they don't say its throwing up is because you are not throwing up food from the lower stomach that is mixed with gastric juices. A productive burb is usally just slime and foam from the body trying to heal itself. If you do throw up, with gastric juices, that is throwing up. Thus the difference in the terms. :)

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The reason they don't say its throwing up is because you are not throwing up food from the lower stomach that is mixed with gastric juices. A productive burb is usally just slime and foam from the body trying to heal itself. If you do throw up, with gastric juices, that is throwing up. Thus the difference in the terms. ;)

Barb 456: Thanks for explaining that to me! I do get that productive burp as the warning sign that I need rush to the bathroom or find a place where I can throw up!-lol What I mean by find a place to throw up is, I went with my husband to have my flavored coffee and we shared half a bagel at Dunkin Donuts yesterday morning. ( I should have never had that bagel:mad:!)

I thought I would be safe with half a bagel but hell no! As we were driving home I had to have him pull over next to a tree and I had to thow up! I swear it was really bad.

Whenever Iam out and this happens I have my husband pull over and quickly and find a tree or a parking lot near a dumpster where I can throwup in private and no one sees me! If in a resturant I make a mad dash to the bathroom !

The productive burp or blech or heckup is the warning sign that its going to happen and I feel the tightness in my throat. Its like get out of my way and quickly !-lol

So anyway to me it is and always will be THROWING UP!


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