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eggs are one of the things I can eat. Its on my doctor's list of OK foods and I seem to tolerate them OK. I do try to keep them very moist and use hot sauce or cheese sauce to help them down if they are scrambled. I tried fried eggs yesterday and no problem. I also have tried them soft boiled. I read one post where someone was eating hard boiled eggs. I won't try that. It just sounds like a possible stick to me and I don't care for them anyway. :rolleyes:

I think the world changes with restriction. We probably took a little too much out when they did the unfill. I'm not going overboard, but I am able to eat without a problem.

Sorry about going back on liquids. That's no food for sure.

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Poodles - I hear you on the fill, I think I might be loosening up, I don't seem to have much in the way of restriction, particularly in the evenings. A lot of people seem to be tighter in the morning and looser in the evenings. I think I'm too loose all day now that I'm a few days post fill.

Last night I over ate, and on high cal/fat foods. One of the things I ate was

a cup of mixed nuts, nuts are so dense in fat and calories wise, 800 calories and 80 grams of fat - wham. Just like that in one over sized bad snacking choice.

Randi - sorry to hear about your bad egg experience! PBing is painful and scary. I was miserable when my mackerel came up the other day!

eggs for me go down super easy. I agree with Barb, I think it's partly how they're prepared and what with, partly about doing the tiny bites, chew everything super well, and eating slowly, and I also think it's partly individual, it seems from my reading that some foods that are the worst for some people are just fine for others. I guess there's a learning curve we'll all have to work out. I buy the fat free liquid eggs in a carton - chive and cheese flavour, and I microwave them in a microwave egg poacher, let them cool, and add some low fat mayo, they go down very easy for me.

Cindy - I can really see a difference! your face and your tummy look SO much smaller! Congratulations!!!

Keep up the great work everyone! One day at a time, one bite at a time, one sip at a time!



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Barbara, I don't get the 'full' feeling either. But I can feel filling up and know when that 'hurt' feeling is near. I think that means 'full'.? So I quit eating. About 10 minutes later I really get the 'hurt' pain and know I've eaten too much. Then I get scared that I've stretched my upper stomach.Then next time I do a recap of portion size and do better. I too am using the 'scared' method.

Probably the reason for the gain is no Water. or very little. I'm going to have to force the water. It's so easy for me to grab a can of chilled beverage than to get a glass of water. I put some water bottles full in the freezer, and some 1/2 full. Now I just grab one and run.

I haven't tried corn or popcorn or even nuts. Guess I got the idea we couldn't have them yet or something. But the lettuce is great.

I was so hungry this noon, we went out to eat. I wanted a chef salad, but DH kindly reminded me that I probably couldn't eat that much, so HE ordered one and some chicken strips. I ate less than a 1/4 of the salad and one chicken strip. I wish the hunger would be equal to the amount I can eat. AFter my fill, I'll have to really watch the amount I order.

Could be some of the gain was Fluid too. If I don't have the water, I don't loose the water. Seeing how much most of you have to loose really brings me down cause I have so much more to loose. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great the pounds are coming off and you are changing sizes for the smaller size, just wish I was too. Keep up the good work and I'm sure your motivation will rub off on me soon.


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eggs are hard for me to get down. I tried it once and have been afraid to try it again.

Painted my dining room today. Lovely coffee with cream color. Guess that might be called Mocha. I really like it, too bad I painted it that color to sell the place. But I think my new house may have a room that color too.

As for liquids: 8 ounces milk, 70 ounces Water, 8 ounces coffee. Not too hard to drink all the water you need when your working all day!!!

I am going to call Dr. Maese tomorrow to see about another fill. Then I think I am going to try the Thin for Good diet again. I always lose with that, and I think I can stick to it now since I have "help". It is just a low carb diet from Dr. Pescatore. It also has motivational things to help you thru the day and try to change bad behaviors. Will let you know how things go!

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So no PB problems since my issue with the mackerel, I'm pretty sure I was eating it too quickly and not chewing well enough, even though mackerel is soft and a high oil fish. Yesterday I ate some low fat refried black Beans with fat free sour cream, salsa and some grated low fat swiss cheese for Breakfast. snack midmorning of fresh raspberries and some protien powder in Water. lunch I had some maple smoked salmon and some corn. dinner I had out at a restaurant, I had one piece of bruschetta - which consisted of a small piece of toasted baguette with goat cheese and fresh Tomato salsa on top, about 2 ounces of steamed salmon off of hubbies plate, and a couple of tablespoons of baked potato with a little sour cream, and a couple of slices of grilled zucchini. Then we went to a movie, I brought in two small sticks of turkey pepperoni and a couple of small cans of V8 juice for movie Snacks. Then before bed I had a sillhouette yogurt drink with my meds. I had great restriction, was full on my meals, no discomfort, no hunger. Today so far I had couscous salad with tomatoes, onions, lemon, garlic, garbanzo beans and mung beans about half a cup and half a cup of cottage cheese for breakfast. then for snack had about a 1/4 cup of mixed nuts - cashews, almonds, pecans. The key for me seems to be that I can handle even toasted bread when I have restriction, or corn, or...? the key is little bitty bites, chew very well, and take my time. I do try to eat my food moist though most of the time, I have fat free sour cream, fresh salsa, lemon juice, low fat hummus, low fat mayo, even some guacamole, in the fridge, and I use them as Condiments on food to help break it down smoother when I chew. Made water goal again yesterday, and today is off to a good start as well. I'm super happy to be having restriction!!!!!!!! It was amazing to have such a small meal in the restaurant last night, a little taste of everything hubby's entre had, and splitting the bruschetta appetizer with him, and feeling totally satisfied! Hoping my restriction stays where it's at over the next week, as I know it can shift tighter or looser in the first week, sometimes even two weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Keep up the great work everyone with working on the water. I'm tracking mine on fitday (I have the home PC version) and I really love the program, I've entered in my Multivitamin and my other supplements, and I was amazed to find even with the careful focus I have on healthy eating, and taking a multivitamin, taking Calcium, taking b Vitamins, and some other supplements, that I've still been low in Vitamin E and in zinc many days, so I have to pick up a some of those. I love that it calculates your levels of everything and so I can take a supplement, or not, as I need it, or I can search for a food high in that nutrient and have it as a snack. Okay, enough out of me!



First things first, your post made me want to eat healthy, good God, my mouth was watering after reading what you ate! I've been stuck on chicken, I think I need to branch out and take in some variety!

Also, love your pic, you're gorgeous! :)

Hi Junebies! Going to get my second fill on Tuesday; I've not been restricted at all past 10am in the morning :rolleyes:

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I love healthy food, and I love junk food, hell, I love all food! LOL. I do find though that if I don't buy any junk, and buy lots and lots of healthy variety, that I don't feel deprived at all, I get a lot of satisfaction out of tasty healthy food. I've been branching out too, and trying new things. I just keep trying to make better choices.

Thanks about the pic, I think my expression and the angle is a little weird, but it was the best face pic I could find to use for an avatar.

Let us know how the second fill goes, I'm trying to decide if I need to schedule one or not... my hunger seems to come and go in waves, sometimes I think I have restriction, other times I don't think I have any!

First things first, your post made me want to eat healthy, good God, my mouth was watering after reading what you ate! I've been stuck on chicken, I think I need to branch out and take in some variety!

Also, love your pic, you're gorgeous! :)

Hi Junebies! Going to get my second fill on Tuesday; I've not been restricted at all past 10am in the morning :rolleyes:

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Your b4 and after pics are great. Your loss is really noticable. Mine will be posted as soon as we get our camera back from friend's car!

We saw friends we hadn't seen in 25 years Saturday. Guess who had gained the most?

Also got a comment from someone who needs to lose a lot--"we've decided to accept the way we are--it's more real that way". Yup! Real high blood pressure, real sore feet, real embarrasment when you break a chair.

I haven't been loyal to band rules this weekend. Turning over a new leaf. I'm glad to be REALLY healthy for a change!

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I'm still around too. It's going slower than I hoped, but its going so I'm glad. I lost 8 lbs. before surgery and have lost 8 more since. Do any of my fellow Ortiz-ites know if he puts any Fluid in at the time of the operation? I never asked because I didn't realize any doctor did that. My scars are healing great and I'm trying to exercise more. I do get hungry, but I finally get real food this Thursday! I hope everyone is doing good!

SoCal -

No Dr Ortiz does not fill at time of surgery. I stopped losing for a week and have started losing again. I am watching the calories and trying to eat healthy.

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OK my Junesters today is Monday and the start of a new week!!!! It's so much easier during the work week than the weekends. Too much time on our hands to think about food. This morning I didn't feel that great. I think this tubing gets kinked and when you twist and move causes a sharp pain now and then.

I started drinking my Water this morning. I was really thristy. I think maybe a little dehydrated. I have to make a real effort to get the water down.

I did real well with food this weekend. I had a thin pork chop on Saturday and a chicken thigh on Sunday. I usually only eat white meat, but since they keep saying that the dark meat is more moist, I opted for it. I love sweet potatoe french fries and had a few with my chicken. I also have found cream spinanch, creamed peas, and green Beans are great vegetables to eat.

I found some great bing cheeries at the store. Has anyone tried those yet? I haven't tried them, but hope we can eat them. I also found some individual Peanut Butter to go cups from Jif. I brought it to the office with some wheat crackers for emergencies. I also bought some individual animal cracker bags for a snack if I absolutely have to have one.

Today I feel tight, but able to get liquids down. Still not sure about a fill so I'm just going to go like this for a while.

Hope everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work. We can do this!!

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Sounds like you are off to a great start for the week in your plans. I've been eating cherries and blueberries with no problems at all - just chew well and go slow.

OK my Junesters today is Monday and the start of a new week!!!! It's so much easier during the work week than the weekends. Too much time on our hands to think about food. This morning I didn't feel that great. I think this tubing gets kinked and when you twist and move causes a sharp pain now and then.

I started drinking my Water this morning. I was really thristy. I think maybe a little dehydrated. I have to make a real effort to get the water down.

I did real well with food this weekend. I had a thin pork chop on Saturday and a chicken thigh on Sunday. I usually only eat white meat, but since they keep saying that the dark meat is more moist, I opted for it. I love sweet potatoe french fries and had a few with my chicken. I also have found cream spinanch, creamed peas, and green Beans are great vegetables to eat.

I found some great bing cheeries at the store. Has anyone tried those yet? I haven't tried them, but hope we can eat them. I also found some individual Peanut Butter to go cups from Jif. I brought it to the office with some wheat crackers for emergencies. I also bought some individual animal cracker bags for a snack if I absolutely have to have one.

Today I feel tight, but able to get liquids down. Still not sure about a fill so I'm just going to go like this for a while.

Hope everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work. We can do this!!

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Hey everyone! Seems to be the theme this morning, a new week, new start. I'm going to focus on more Water intake. I gave up my milk drinking today :phanvan . Post op with my Protein I needed that. But I LOVE milk. I think I go too many calories from that this past week. So no more milk for me :phanvan .

I'm still debating on the "to fill or not to fill". I had mexican food last night for dinner, yummylicious!!!:hungry: I opted for a 1/2 order of nachoes (crispy goes down good). All I was able to eat were 4 nachoes (regluar chip size) and I was stuffed. Do you think I need a fill???

Well I guess I will see how I do today at lunch and maybe call for an appointment. It's so hard. I've not been filled quite 2 weeks. I am feeling hungry right now but I think finally I'm battling the head hunger vs real hunger. I haven't had that until now. So, I'll keep my mind busy and try not to think about food.

Melissa Lea

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Melissa it sounds like you have restriction now. If you are full after such small servings, and losing weight, I wouldn't go for a fill.

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Melissa give it a week or so before thinking about a fill. It sounds like you have restriction, but maybe not everyday or all day. I think I get hungrier as the day goes on. You definitely don't want too much restriction. I agree that sometimes the head hunger is what we are feeling, not real hunger.

Another trick I do is get a small plate and put the portion of food on it that I'm supposed to have. I eat that and stop. I don't allow myself to get more food unless I've waited 15 minutes and I'm really still hungry. I usually am not hungry at all, just think I am.

I'm on my 2nd bottle of Water today and drank my boost down in about 6 swallows. Usually takes me all morning. I'm just going to pour in the liquids today.

Let's keep it going. We're all off to a great start of the week.

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Thanks for your feedback regarding my fill. I think I will give it more time. I seem to always be tighter in the evenings. I lost 2 pounds a few days after I got my fill but haven't lost anything since (about a week). I think cutting out my milk will help with the calories. Liquid calories add up quick!!! Also, I have been exercising more so maybe I am building some muscle. I know that muscle is weighs more than fat ---which actually never made sense to me because a pound of mucle and a pound of fat, it's still a pound.

Melissa Lea

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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