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Susan, there have been some studies that show that sublingual Vitamin B12 works as well as shots, it dissolves in the mouth and goes through the mucus membrane in the mouth directly into the bloodstream. I just get mine at the health food store or pharmacy. You may want to check it out, or ask your Dr. about it.

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I had my surgery on 6/20/06 and have been on Clear Liquids this entire time. I have one more week to go of clear liquids and then get a fill on 7/17/06. I read about all of you eating regular food and I feel so jealous and yet I am not very tempted to eat anything not on my list. It's weird. If I think I want to eat something I just remember that I paid for this myself and the desire to go off my doctor's plan goes away fast! I hope that continues. :-)

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In the secret place, that is the privacy of being in your home, the practice of doing stupid things is anonymous. Now, with this thread ever growing, people use it as a confessional of sorts. So here's mine.

I think I'm trying to prove I have a band. Instead of accepting it's there, and behaving, I keep trying in different ways to see my limits. Thus far, I have none. Today I had a small serving of Pasta. Cottage cheese. All soft, right? Tonight, I just had baby shrimp on avocado. While I don't want anything bad to happen, I think I should cut way back, and go back to liquids before I do harm. I go back to the Dr on the 19th, but it's just to check me, not <according to="" the="" nurse=""> for a fill.

So, I simply have to pull my brain out, and while it might be soft, it doesn't mean I'm supposed to eat it.

I hate this.

I'm testing everything. I've ate pizza (thin crust), pasta, candy, nothing is safe. I'm like why am I doing this!!!! I can't wait until a fill. I am drinking a TON of Water though.


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Hi Gang, its been a while since I was on this thread. I was banded on June 6th. I was down 12 lbs then I gained 5 back. My first fill is July 17th. Anybody out there that is having the same issues with restriction. I hear it can be difficult until you get a fill or two. Please advise.

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I go for my fill tomorrow. Went to Bennigans and ate 1/4 of a monte cristo sandwich and potato Soup. It was YUMMY! But yeah, I know it was not the best choice in the world. Figure with my fill tomorrow and liquids for 24-48 hours after that I deserved a little treat. I was stuffed with that, so I am wondering just how much of a fill I need. Will find out tomorrow under floro. :)

Hope all is going well with all of you. Will let you know what fill level I am at tomorrow!

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Julie, I have zero restriction. I was banded on the 14th, with the large VG (VanGuard band, 10cc). I've always been a fast healer, and don't really swell with injuries. I could drink my protien shake post op the next day no problem, the whole thing down. Each step of the post-op diet I've never felt any restriction, discomfort or pressure in the band area. My doc has two weeks liquids, a week mushies/pureed, a week soft foods, and then regular solids. I decided to cut two days off of each stage because I've felt totally normal/unrestricted all the way through, testing out my new foods super carefully, but when everything has gone down well, just carrying on. I've been managing to lose weight, about 2lbs a week. But it's because I've been counting calories and fat grams and Protein grams and carb grams like an obsessed person. I track everything I put in my mouth on fitday.com - I know from previous attempts at losing weight on my own, that it's just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down, I can't maintain proper eating habits all on my own.. that's why I got the band! I will be 4 weeks post op on wednesday, so I'm going to call and try to schedule a fill. I'm hoping they will do me at the 5 or 6 week mark. They like to wait till 6 weeks post op, but like I said, I shaved off a day here and there from the post-op food guidelines. There's a poll on here somewhere about whether people lost weight, maintained or gained between their surgery and their first fill. Some people lose a lot of weight, some people lose a little weight, and yes, some people just maintain their surgery weight, and some people gain weight. The lapband is a tool, like a gun is tool, but if there are no bullets in the gun, you're not going to hit your target. Some people have restriction with no fill, but it's rare, usually they are people with a small band, and who knows maybe a large stomach, and maybe some consistent swelling. I tried to think of it before surgery as my weight loss journey as a result of banding will only truly start when I have band in place that has been adjusted to the right level to give me restriction. I still have tried to lose weight while waiting for that 'official start', but if it doesn't work out, I'm not going to beat myself up for it. It's a process that comes in stages for me, stage one is surgery, stage two is reaching restriction, and then there comes maintaining restriction, because as you lose weight the band will loosen, so restriction will be an ongoing adjustment. It's hard to be patient. Knowing that I may finally have the ability to lose my weight and keep it off, I wake up in the morning, and look in the mirror and dream about that day... I want it gone! all gone! now! I can't wait! I'm so excited and so ready, but the reality is I have to know it's going to take time, and I have to keep being patient and keep working on it. Keep doing the best you can, and it will happen.



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How is everyone doing this week? I have a very hard tummy from just under my breast to the large scar and all around the large scar. I can't believe this is just scar tissue forming. If it is it must be forming all along the tubing. Still don't know if the port is near the large scar or under my breast. It has bothered me all weekend. Last night I finally put a heating pad on the area. This morning it is a little better. I don't think I should have this much hardness over such a large area. I get a fill on Wednesday so hopefully they can tell me something.

Meanwhile, I am eating why too much. I'm eating OK foods, but just more than I should. The fill should stop that and I get on with the program.

Hope everyone is doing great. Let us know how the fills are as each gets theirs. I'm real curious about them. I hope we all do well and no PBs!!!!


Since we're both Spiegel, I'm anxious to hear how you did and what they say about the hard spot on your tummy. Good luck!!

I'm sooo hungry. I'll really be disappointed if I remain this hungry after first fill (on Friday). I'm not unhappy with weight lost so far, but as hungry and unrestricted as I am--I could really chow down!

One more thing--I'll be glad to get to a new "normal". I've got some things that need attention and I've caught a case of the lazys while healing from surgery.

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"but the reality is I have to know it's going to take time"-Leila

Hey... speaking of reality. How have you guys/gals delt with the reality of not depending on food anymore. I literally want to cry... grieve my loss. I don't want to be a downer or anything... but was wondering if I was the only one thinking this way?

This reality has finally set in. Yeah I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I am losing the only thing in my life that has been constant... old demons I guess....

So am I weird or is this usual newbie stuff???

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Ok Guys............

Someone needs to help me understand a couple things. I go for my fill in a couple days and hope to get some answers then but I know you guys already know everything there is to know.............

Some of the instructions seem inconsistent. Why are we not suppose to drink with meals? Someone said the Water helps push the food through the band and you don't feel full. Right? So why do we chew, chew, chew to make the food small enough to pass through?

Why do we have to crush our pills or take liquid medicine? What happens if they are too big to pass through? Won't they still disolve in our small upper stomach and do their thing?

I was scheduled for my fill last week but I cancelled the appointment because I had an infection and was on antibiotics and just generally felt like crap. I'm looking forward to getting filled on Thursday.

I have been eating anything and everything without much issue. I get really hard/nasty hiccups if I eat too fast...........is anyone else experiencing that? I've lost nearly 20 pounds but I'm not sure why. I know I have the wrong attitude but I don't want to be deprived of the foods that I love. I still eat whatever I want. I am hoping I can lose the weight by simply eating much less than I used to, not by counting calories, fat grams, etc.

I'm enjoying hearing everyone's experiences with their fill. I'll let you know how mine goes on Thursday.

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Glad to see some of you post. I thought you all had left. :) I take a B12 shot every week. The inability to absorb B12 through oral intake is most likely the result of the stomach. This happened to me when I got a series of immune problems, including pernicious anemia. Since surgery I haven't been as tired as usual and I don't wait in anticipation for my shot. I now have been over a week between shots. Its not because of my tremendous weight loss, i.e. 10 lbs.

The reason you don't drink is because food collects in the small pouch made by the band. There are no digestive juices in that pouch so nothing breaks down the food. It passes with time through to the large stomach, taking about 1 - 1/2 hours. If you don't drink the pouch will stay fuller longer giving the sensation of being full. The nerves that tell you that you are full are at the top of the pouch. Drinking will push the food through faster and thus you will feel hungry. Chewing the food gets it to a consistency that will allow it to flow through, but think of it as a funnel. If you have food particles it will take it longer to go through the funnel. liquid will make it go through much faster.

pills shouldn't just lay in the pouch. I think that is why they want them crushed or liquid. It will allow them to pass quickly to the large stomach and out into your bloodstream. You wouldn't want some of those medicines just laying in the pouch and irritating the skin.

I am still scared enough of the band not to try some things. I would love pizza and Pasta, but it just scares me. I must say that I ate a bite of toast on Sunday and nothing happened. I chewed it really well, but I was afraid that it would swell on me and sit there like a plug. :) I hope I remain scared because that is the only thing saving me at the moment.

On the back of my picture it says I have a 10 cc band. Does that mean I have the Vanguard large one? If so, no wonder I have no restriction. I can't wait to get my answers tomorrow at the fill. I hope they can do it and that these hard lumps are not a problem. I want to get on with it, but I am hungry most of the time.

I am really trying not to obsess about food. I am not looking at the foods I can't eat, but more on what I can eat. I told DH that we were not going out to eat for a week or so after my fill. It is just too scary for me and who needs that.

Keep up the good work everyone. These are our challenging days. Let's hope we all survive the fills and no PBs. Let's go slow and stop before we get in trouble. Only eat moist meat covered with some type of low cal sauce to make it easier.

Keep the faith. We can do this.

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Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while but I have been keeping up with the posts. Since starting to eat real food, I have gained 6 to 6 1/2 lbs. Today I am down 1 lb. It is very discouraging and depressing.

I had an PBing incident with rice and have stayed away from that but I can eat most anything else that I have tried. Last night I ate 2 poached eggs, 1 slice of Cdn bacon and 1/2 toasted english muffin. To me that seems like a lot. It is certainly more than 1 cup.

Anyway I talked to the clinic yesterday and I am going for my first fill on Monday the 17th and I am sure that will help. There is a small bit of angst about the fill since I am 2 1/2 hours from the clinic and if I am too full it means another train trip back to the clinic to get a defill. I think that I am going to ask for a small fill .7 to 1 cc for the first time to see how that goes. I would like to err on the side of caution rather than be too full. I have a 4 cc band and I think that .7 to 1 cc will be good.

I have not been great about the exercise - not as good as I should and that may account for some of the weight gain - not sure.

I have made quite good progress otherwise and had a relatively easy time of it in comparison with others so I am greatful.

continued success to all,


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Went for my follow up today and got my first fill! I now have .6 cc's in my 4cc band. They showed me my little picture and boy am I restricted. They said that they wanted to go slow on the fills since this is my first one, but I think it is wonderful. The "hole" is just about the size of a pencil.

My fill did not hurt, and it did not take me much time at all. I am so excited. Dr. B says to see him in 9-12 months, get another fill 4 weeks from now and then three months after that (or when I need one).

I have lost 14 lbs without a fill, and he says that is great!

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Leila, thanks for the insight. I know I am trying to rush things but the scale has been jumping around like a yo yo. I am SO looking forward to my fill on the 17th..you have idea. Thanks Leila!

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Barbara, sublingual B12, like the shots, bypasses the stomach, and goes directly into the bloodstream. It gets absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Small particles are able to pass the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. People who lack intrinsic factor in their gastrointestinal tract and are unable to subsequently absorb B12 gastrointestinally can absorb it sublingually. The B12 passes through buccal mucosa membrane in the mouth and into the sublingual vein where it has direct access to the blood circulation and is then carried throughout the whole body.

This is a tough time, pre-fill, I've heard it lovingly referred to here on the forums as 'bandster hell', the time post-op before your first fill, so hang in there those of us still waiting. I call my surgical center tommorow to talk about when I'm going to go in to get mine, I'm hoping for a week from now.

Today I bought a few things to help inspire me. I bought a pedometer, you can get them so reasonably, to help encourage me to move a little more, and try to increase my walking, as I'm very sedentary, and exercise is my hardest challenge. I bought a kitchen timer to take to the pool with me - I'm travelling around Canada and the US in an RV right now, have been for almost 3 months! And will be until October. We decided to turn the cross-country trip to get lapbanded into a North American tour at the same time. We try to stay at campgrounds that have a pool so I can excerise more. I don't do well walking in the heat, as I take medications that make me overheat easily. Exercising in Water works really well to keep me cool. What I've been doing in these tiny pools is just hanging on the edge and kicking my legs hard enough to splash, and since there is no clock to check my progress around usually, I've been just counting my kicks... I'm sick of counting! So now I can set up my timer for half an hour, and kick until it goes off, no more counting kicks. I also wanted to find other exercise that I can do while travelling that doesn't take equipment, so I bought a book on Pilates - The Big Little Book of Pilates, it was really reasonable, and looks good, and focuses on exercises that don't need equipment. Something I can do on the firm bed of my camper in air conditioned bliss!

I've been trying to manage good eating habits and nutrition patiently while waiting till I get restriction. So far so good, but it's not easy, and every day it becomes just a little bit harder. I've cleared all the unhealthy food and junk out of the camper cupboards and fridge to make it harder to lapse into bad habits, and bought lots and lots of good options. Flavored egg whites in the carton, low fat cottage cheese, fat and sugar free yogurt drinks, lots of berries and melons... I love how I can eat a cup and a half of blueberries and it's only 120 cals, or 25 cherries is a 120 cals, and the best... raspberries, 2 cups only 120 cals, and all that Fiber is doing me good. I bought fat free onion and herb sour cream to use as a dip for lightly steamed veggies to add protien and make chewing it softer easier. I add it and salsa to things I want to make moister without adding much in the way of calories, no fat, and lots of good nutrition. I've also bought lots of Water packed salmon and tuna to make salad with low fat mayo and a little relish, I eat it on whole grain thin low fat crackers. Also light creamcheese, and fat free artificial crab. crab salads, or crab and cream cheese and some veggies in a whole grain wrap. I've cut out sugar and artifical sweetners totally and just sweeten using stevia now, I only just discovered the stuff a month ago and I love it, no aftertaste, no calories, no chemicals, I don't know how I got along without it. I bought white tea (like green tea but made with baby leaves, more antioxidants and more metabolic stimulation than even green tea) and I make ice tea with it and the stevia. Or I make limeonade with lime and stevia. I've been browsing and reading the bodybuilding forums for tips on nutrition and fat loss from the people who consistently do it succesfully and it's given me lots of tips. I've been trying to keep motivated by doing internet research on health and nutrition. My goal is to use the band to help me become a healthier and happier person, with weight loss being a part of that over-all process. I also decided to switch from using butter and margerine to using un-hydrogenated cold pressed coconut oil, you keep it in the fridge and it's a solid, but melts on warm foods, even at room temperature even. There are all kinds of interesting health reasons for that choice, but if I get into it, I'll ramble on -way- too long, and I feel I've done that allready. It's easy to get good information on online if you're interested. Take care everyone, and just keep doing your best, and don't get down on yourself if you slip up now and then. We're not perfect, and this is obviously one of our biggest most challenging areas in our lives to deal with, if it wasn't we wouldn't have gotten lap band surgery. It will get better and better as time goes on.



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After reading everyones posts, and additional new posts about other topics, the one thread that is common - is our on-going obsession with food. I'm a food addict. I knew the band would not remove the obsession. While it may have been a decision I made in hopes of it being some kind of fix/tool, this isn't a miracle cure. Gastric bypass works faster with much quicker results, as far as weight loss, but I didn't choose that. The band promised 2 pounds a week - if I did everything else right. Since when do I do things right? However, I do feel like only doing fluids, and soft foods - there should be a bigger loss.

Now I'll keep my fingers crossed about fills. How many, how often, how well it restricts.

Hope is there, that I will be on the losing side of the ticker tape, and the weight will drop off. But, the reality is, it won't happen without hard work, and lots of effort on my part.

Frustration. Last night I was watching the Discovery Channel, there were 3 programs about people who started out at over 600 pounds. Two women had lost 400 pounds each. Imagine that. Made my journey seem small. Then I watched a plastic surgery show, with a Tummy Tuck, breast lift, arm lift, body lift... and I kept thinking ... I'm 55 years old, I doubt I will really want to go thru all that surgery, all that pain.

So the simple truth for me is I waited too long. I'm looking back at life, and the chances that I had in my 30's and 40's is gone. Now, I'm just hoping for a safe amount of healthy weight, and to curb the obvious issues that come with age.

Life as a fat person is hard. Life is hard for everyone. I hope someday it will be easier - I know if I wasn't lugging around this extra 100 pounds, it wouldn't be this hard.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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