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Too tight? Or is this typical?

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If you're throwing up all the time' date=' have acid reflux, and aren't losing weight, then you're probably too tight. If you just have difficulty eating some foods then you may be fine. It's kind of up to you. Everyone keeps themselves at different levels of restriction. Personally, I like to stay on the loose side because when my band tightens up...WHOA BUDDY![/quote']

I have a question for you. Why would you stop loosing weight if you are too tight?

I have reflux and I'm not loosing weight. I DO have an appointment on Friday. Before everyone gets into a tizzy! Lol

I got on here for fear of a slip. Wanted to see what others have experienced. I have 9cc in an 11cc band. My doc didn't wanna do a fill last time, but I twisted her arm till she did. So serve me right I guess.

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I have a question for you. Why would you stop loosing weight if you are too tight?

I have reflux and I'm not loosing weight. I DO have an appointment on Friday. Before everyone gets into a tizzy! Lol

I got on here for fear of a slip. Wanted to see what others have experienced. I have 9cc in an 11cc band. My doc didn't wanna do a fill last time, but I twisted her arm till she did. So serve me right I guess.

You wont lose weight if your too tight because you cant eat the right kinds of foods. If you are too tight you will lean more towards slider unhealthy foods. You will also get acid reflux.

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Oh and NaNa your statistics are wrong because its less then 5% of lapband patients that fail. I don't care if you have been banded for 10 years you must have lost yours or something to be so rude to people. I think everyone knows how to eat. Your insinuating that we will all lose our bands and why because you did? The only reason I could think that you preach what no one should do. We all have mothers you are not a surgeon and if yours turned your back on you its because you probably drove him nuts. I think most people have enough sense if something isn't right to go to their surgeons. We all have made mistakes but it doesn't mean that we all will lose our bands. I can almost guarantee you lost or do not still have your band that is why you feel the need to preach to everyone. For the record I can assure you that 95% of this forum will still have their bands 10 years from now. You have no right to tell people what to eat or how to eat there is no food off limits with the band NONE. Its only what you and only you can not tolerate. I cant eat meat but that does not mean everyone in the forum cant eat meat. Its my personal problem with MY band not all of bandland. Your not educating you are putting people down and most of the time people who do that are miserable with their own selves.

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you are not a surgeon and if yours turned your back on you its because you probably drove him nuts.


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ok, my friend AJ just said a crab is not a fish.

so i still wont eat it...no matter what..now that

i embarrassed myself i will go blog about sammy hagar or something.

Maryland, or Atlantic shore crabs are great! But, I only eat crab cakes. I am in Florida, and have not had a decent crab cake in 7 years, since moving from Maryland!

Now, I hijacked the thread!

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Speaking of crabs....no really! We love them, this Long Island gal is sooo happy to live by the seashore :)

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I'm at 6 in my 10 band. I can eat and eat bread, rice, pastas with no problems. I do have trouble with meats and I guess I have started to avoid as much meat as possible as I know it hurts. I have only actually been sick once and that was chicken but apart from that I can eat what ever I want. Stick with it. If you find it hard to eat but don't want to have to give up then maybe look at your bite sizes. Or look for alternatives I used to eat a lot of bread. Now I try and choose a wrap or pitta as my dietitian said they can be easier to digest.

X x

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Oh and NaNa your statistics are wrong because its less then 5% of lapband patients that fail. I don't care if you have been banded for 10 years you must have lost yours or something to be so rude to people. I think everyone knows how to eat. Your insinuating that we will all lose our bands and why because you did? The only reason I could think that you preach what no one should do. We all have mothers you are not a surgeon and if yours turned your back on you its because you probably drove him nuts. I think most people have enough sense if something isn't right to go to their surgeons. We all have made mistakes but it doesn't mean that we all will lose our bands. I can almost guarantee you lost or do not still have your band that is why you feel the need to preach to everyone. For the record I can assure you that 95% of this forum will still have their bands 10 years from now. You have no right to tell people what to eat or how to eat there is no food off limits with the band NONE. Its only what you and only you can not tolerate. I cant eat meat but that does not mean everyone in the forum cant eat meat. Its my personal problem with MY band not all of bandland. Your not educating you are putting people down and most of the time people who do that are miserable with their own selves.

Hmm...suggesting ways to prevent vomiting with their bands is not telling them how to eat, SOME people may want to know how to avoid vomiting with their bands....I could care less how tight someone keep their band, however I honestly get sick and tired of people bashing the band and blaming the world for their problems, when all they have to do is take precautions and learn how to live with their bands, but that still don't guarantee problems, but it sure can minimize them.

Removing a lap band can cost between $15,000 - $80,000 depending on how severe complications are, and where they live, and some people may not have insurance to get the band removed....this can be catastrophe for some if they have to pay cash, so some people may want to know the good, bad and ugly about the band and what they are getting into..

AND FYI...I have a brand new AP band, it's in my signature....I don't lie about my lap band status....

My lap band did not SLIP, nor did I have any esophageal damage after 8 years and it did not have to come out, I developed a hernia, and in order for me to get my hernia repaired my surgeon had to remove my old 4cc band because they do not unbuckle like the new bands do without destroying the entire lap band system, so I had to get a new AP band...so there ya go hopefully you learned something new today.

And *I* decided to get it replaced and I am very happy I did so, I love my band and want to keep it another 10 years if possible...

Also edited to add: I've never had any food intolerance or vomiting issues with my old band and new band...I am grateful for that. But I've seen others suffer with not being able to eat solid food and frequent vomiting and suffer band damage from it.

Although I love my band and I am not stupid or naive enough to believe it may last a lifetime, I DO know that it has a very high complication rate, some of it patients fault, some of it no aftercare, some of it medical reasons from no fault of the patient, but there ARE PREVENTIVE COMPLICATIONS...like vomiting daily on a too tight band.

Here is an article on the band complication rate, I don't have time to dig up studies...but there is a pretty high complication rate, but most of the complications are not serious...that was one of my reasons for rebanding....

I feel lucky and grateful to be able to get another band, many are no longer candidates due to severe esophageal dilation from being too tight too long. However, I still can develop another hernia down the road, who knows....


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Thank you Lisa Caron. I, as a newbie so to speak, is so tired of reading the uninformed rants. I try to skip them, but there're everywhere.

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Thank you Lisa Caron. I, as a newbie so to speak, is so tired of reading the uninformed rants. I try to skip them, but there're everywhere.

And you are right, why should I care about newbies? I did not pay a dime for my first band, and I did not pay a dime for my second band, I lost 130 pound pounds kept it off for a good 6 years...regained 50 last year....

Lost 30 of that this year, have great health, and now I am rocking my clothes again with a brand new band...so I guess I will just lurk most of the time and pop in with new pics....and avoid any "help" type posts...LOL.... ;)

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A bit cocky are we? Let's see how cocky you are in about 5 more years....

Sure let the surgeons figure out the EXTREMELY HIGH complication rate of the lap band' date=' and some newbies will think ...Oh...that will not happen to me, I can use my band as I please...and nothing will happen..... :rolleyes:

Or oh..she had the old band and outdated technology, or her surgeon did not install it correctly and I can vomit and keep my band as tight as I want it....this makes me laugh as I type it.

FYI...here are some lap band complication stats..if you think that I am just pretending to be doctor..lMAO...


And by the way...no more preaching and help from me on this subject...I will let the newbies dig their own ditch...SURGEONS don't care if your band slip, they will get paid just as much to remove it...they work for you, if you say filler up...and vomit daily, they don't care, you will be the one paying for another band or getting it removed...please remember that....

Peace out...no more warnings from me.... :)

I an a newbie. Got to my mushies and either did not chew good enough or forgot

the basics. I'm not judging anyone just taking a little here and a little there and try it for myself. I have vomited 4-5 times trying to eat thinking I had cooked it good enough. The advice I get from all the sites I keep inside and mull it over but don't take it as the bible. You've got to think for yourself and take it for consideration for what you think your body can accept. Pros and cons everyone has an opinon.

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Nana I don't think you get it. It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. I have been known to be a bit short myself at times, and I won't lie, I get frustrated too, but I think what everyone is trying to say is that you make it out like you know better than ANYONE else, and I'm sorry, I don't think that's true. You may have read heaps, been through heaps, but I can assure you, others can read, others have experience too. But anytime anyone has a difference of opinion from you, you immediately revert to "oh wait til you've had your band as long as me". That's not helpful and it alienates people. Pulling that card out has a time and place, not as a counter-argument for every single time someone disagrees with you.

I have been banded 5 years now. I am, by all accounts, a successful bander. My one complication was not from non-compliance and I have no physical damage as a result of being long term banded. Yet I try (mostly) to relate by telling posters of my own experiences and letting them make their own minds up. Read my posts in this thread alone as an example.

I tossed up replying to you, and did in the end because I think you have masses of great information that could assist but you need to work on your delivery. Hell, so do I sometimes. So take this as constructive feedback from one vet to another.

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Nana I don't think you get it. It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. I have been known to be a bit short myself at times, and I won't lie, I get frustrated too, but I think what everyone is trying to say is that you make it out like you know better than ANYONE else, and I'm sorry, I don't think that's true. You may have read heaps, been through heaps, but I can assure you, others can read, others have experience too. But anytime anyone has a difference of opinion from you, you immediately revert to "oh wait til you've had your band as long as me". That's not helpful and it alienates people. Pulling that card out has a time and place, not as a counter-argument for every single time someone disagrees with you.

I have been banded 5 years now. I am, by all accounts, a successful bander. My one complication was not from non-compliance and I have no physical damage as a result of being long term banded. Yet I try (mostly) to relate by telling posters of my own experiences and letting them make their own minds up. Read my posts in this thread alone as an example.

I tossed up replying to you, and did in the end because I think you have masses of great information that could assist but you need to work on your delivery. Hell, so do I sometimes. So take this as constructive feedback from one vet to another.

I gotcha ...and get what you are saying...but I guess I've seen SO MANY lose their lap bands, I've coached newbies, followed their journeys on OH (another site) over the years, seen the exact same issues, over and over and over again, and then they disappear into the night...and come back about 4 years later bitter...getting their band removed...bashing the band, etc....this has not been ONE person.. but.MANY...

So maybe I am shell shocked when I see someone heading down the wrong path to lap band destruction and other newbies egging them on --

And who am I? the big bad wolf raining on their (too tight parade) because right now they don't have reflux, they don't have heartburn, they don't have horrible burning in their body and screaming for someone to rip their bands out because it's so uncomfortable to live with...

BUT all this misery can be avoided ...and it can be easily avoided....at least a PREVENTABLE complication....and other newbies egging them on because they all too have too tight bands and the scale is moving for them....so right now NO ONE will convince them they they are wrong...as long as the scale is moving for them...

So maybe you are right, maybe my delivery is a bit harsh...sometimes when you say things with roses and peddles...many think the consequences are not serious...I've just seen so many go bankrupt because they could not afford or find a lap band surgeon to remove their band after it damaged their body.....I try to scare people straight..but apparently that approach does not help...

So you are right and I rest my case now.....

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Thank you lellow for your reply. It is very much in the delivery and the tone of the messages. It really tunes people out to what can be a very important message for all of us to read.

When these negative messages come on the heels of other Veteran’s messages it sort of discredits them, and undermines their messages which are also very helpful and necessary for us to read. It is more than helpful to new bandsters like myself as well as more seasoned bandsters to hear from everyone about their individual experience and knowledge, but when the message is delivered in a way that stops other’s from sharing their experiences for fear of judgment or simply to not be forced into engaging in a thread war that is not good for anyone.

I totally understand the frustration and the argument about those who are non- compliant and for those that are just seeking an “it’s OK to be doing wrong” pat on the back. Those are the very people that you are trying to reach and those are also the very people that are alienated by the tone of the messages being sent out.

It doesn’t have to be all hearts and flowers, tough love is needed but remember that they are people and they are going to be best reached if they can relate to you and your message. If they are put off by you, then they are not hearing anything you say or anyone else is saying. They are just going to discredit the whole thing, and move on till they find what they are looking for.

Sometimes it takes a bit of sugar to get the medicine down. It is as simple as remembering where you started from and helping those people put themselves in your shoes and you in theirs for a moment for your message to be heard and well received.

Thank you all for your helpful replies, and wisdom. I assure you it is not lost on us.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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