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Sept 16th- Lap Band Removal today!

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I am having my Lap Band removed today! My surgery is this afternoon.

I was banded in July of 2010 and was very successful in losing weight the first year.

Then I had a series of odd symptoms and a lot of discomfort that has taken 2 years and many tests/doctors to come to the conclusion that it is best to remove the band.

There is also a leak in the band (since there is no Fluid in there at all after 3 fills) and I believe my surgeon accidentally poked a hole in it while doing a difficult fill early in 2011.

Because of that experience, I would suggest people have fills done under the fluoroscope and not blind, so the doctor can see exactly where the needle should go. It could save you grief and expense down the road.

I'll write again in a few days to let people know how I'm doing and how the procedure went!

Thank you to everyone who reached out to me when I first posted with questions for those who have lost their band. You were very helpful and comforting.


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Wishing you all the best. I was told by my doctor some people have problems with the port being too deeply set, due to my weight loss before surgery, (176 pounds lost) my port is not that deep, it is rather easy to feel. But my doctor said some are in 3 or 4 inches deep making it more difficult to access.

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Are you getting a revision to another type of wls? Just curious. I do wish you luck though.

No. Just having the Lap Band removed. I don't remember if I responded to your note, earlier!

It's so nice to have it gone. It had been very uncomfortable for a couple of years.

I've lost 6 pounds since it was removed! Im also more active already because, even though Im sore from surgery, I feel so much better than when I had the band in.


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Wishing you all the best. I was told by my doctor some people have problems with the port being too deeply set, due to my weight loss before surgery, (176 pounds lost) my port is not that deep, it is rather easy to feel. But my doctor said some are in 3 or 4 inches deep making it more difficult to access.

Wow, I didn't realize some ports are that deep!. I wonder why. Mine was very cloes to the surface, which was a little freaky to me. It just seemed so BIG.

I'm glad to hear so many people are very successful with the band. Losing a significant amount of weight will change one's life! Some of us apparently are just not made to support the band. My new surgeon told me I needed a lot more fill in mine in order for it to provide the right amount of restriction---and my body simply could not handle any more fill in it. So it would never have worked for me. I guess there is no way to tell ahead of time.

My band is now OUT and I'll be finding another way to reach my weight loss goal!

I've got 40 to go.


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My body has become intolerant of the band after getting it done in January 2010, so I have to have it removed. Insurance just approved it today so I am waiting for the Dr. to schedule it. For almost a year now I have had problems, even after having a complete un-fill. The bariatric surgeon and gastroenterologist determined my esophagus is basically rejecting the band. I can't get a revision because, as the Dr. said, "you're too skinny". Not really but my BMI is too low. I can finish this on my own though. Can you tell me what the recovery was like?

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My body has become intolerant of the band after getting it done in January 2010, so I have to have it removed. Insurance just approved it today so I am waiting for the Dr. to schedule it. For almost a year now I have had problems, even after having a complete un-fill. The bariatric surgeon and gastroenterologist determined my esophagus is basically rejecting the band. I can't get a revision because, as the Dr. said, "you're too skinny". Not really but my BMI is too low. I can finish this on my own though. Can you tell me what the recovery was like?

Hi Marilyn!

I had mine removed in September. I spent the night afterward mostly because I live an hour away from my surgeon and we both wanted to be sure everything was ok.

The procedure took about an hour and he also did an upper GI (I've forgotten what it's called) to have a real good look around.

I was awake all night and sore, but not in pain.

What surprized me was the next day they took my IV out and I asked about pain meds. They told me they had not given me any pain meds!! I'd been having IV anti-inflammatory and anti-naseua meds, but no pain meds!

So that will give you an idea of the ease.

I had adhesions to my liver and to something else, I forget what. The operation report said the band came out easily. (You can request your Op Report afterward. It's interesting reading)

In the hospital I had Clear Liquids. I was told when I go home, stick with liquids for another day and then I could have soft foods for 1 to 2 weeks. I could decide on my own when to move to regular food after a week. I chose to wait 2 weeks before returning to regular food.

The most helpful order my surgeon gave me was that I was to walk 5 times a day!! I structured my whole day around that. I was up every 90 minutes to 2 hours to walk; I set my timer. I just walked for 10 minutes. I kept expanding my route and as I got better I could go further in the same 10 minutes. It was helpful that this was a doctor's order and I was really ridgid with it. Doing 5 walks a day was quite an accomplishment! It will help you with stamina. Plus it just keeps things moving. I had very little trouble with gas from the laproscopic part or gas from my innards being messed with.

I stayed off work 3 weeks minus 1 day. The first day i went back to work, I worked 1/2 a day.

I saw my surgeon the day before I went back to work. Everything was good. One of the steri-strips over an incision had already dropped off. My surgeon checked the incision where the port had been, removed the steri-strips and put 2 bandaides on it.

The incision for the port was the largest and it has just now stopped oozing. (I had surgery Sept 16th and today is Oct 22nd). I remove the bandaides on that side and apply Neosporin every morning after my shower. So don't be alarmed if that incision takes it's time to heal.

I was very tired during recovery. Sore some, too. I took percosett for a few days for the pain.

But I feel so very much better without the band!! They symptoms I had went away immediately. I woke up from surgery and no symptoms!

Before having my band out, I did a lot of research on weight loss plans so that I could continue to lose weight.

I found the cook book Primal Cravings which has recipes that fit the way I eat. I am gluten free, dairy free(except grass fed butter), and sugar free. I bought the book and use it a lot. Everyone I've shown it to has been very impressed with it.

My surgeon told me my body is still programmed to store fat and sugar, so to be careful what I eat. He said the band is only good to stop one from binging. The best diet for me is low carb because my body will always store carbohydrates. The recipes in the Primal Cravings cookbook (and the free ones on their website) are low carb and delicious.

One quick recipe: Cut some of those small sweet colorful peppers in half and clean out the seeds. Stuff each half with avocado and top with half a slice of crisp bacon! It's a great snack! Crispy, cool, filling, and satisfying with the bacon.

I hope this helps. I have to finish up writing quickly here as a guess is arriving.

Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions or want clarity!

You'll do fine and feel much better afterward.


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Thank you SO much! I travel for work and I am hoping I can get it done in December when I have nothing scheduled. When I had the band put in, I missed 4 full days of work, then worked 5 half days, then it was back to full time. I only took pain meds the first day and was up and walking every hour. I read online that removing it can be more serious due to a lot of scar tissue, so I am concerned about that. I do have to stick to a low carb diet so thanks for the recipe. Sounds good!

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Thank you SO much! I travel for work and I am hoping I can get it done in December when I have nothing scheduled. When I had the band put in, I missed 4 full days of work, then worked 5 half days, then it was back to full time. I only took pain meds the first day and was up and walking every hour. I read online that removing it can be more serious due to a lot of scar tissue, so I am concerned about that. I do have to stick to a low carb diet so thanks for the recipe. Sounds good!


I think you will do fine.

My surgeon said we wont know for 6 months if the scar tissue will be a problem. I had adhesions, but they know how to deal with those as they go.

It sounds like you know how to deal with surgery and your body bounces back fairly easily. It will wonderful when the symptoms you've had, created by the band, disappear!

I didnt realize I had learned so much from being banded until I had it taken out! For one thing, I love small servings of food, now!

take good care,


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I had my lapband out 3 days ago. My band malfunctioned, and leaked, but it also caused a hernia & 3 esophogeal ulcers. Before it came out, I hadn't been able to drink or eat without throwing up, even just Water for 15 days, so my insurance considered this an emergency, and approved the procedures.

So far my recovery is going great. I had a wonderful surgeon (not the same doctor that put it in), and he took great care of me. He also worked with a GI to ensure that everything wrong was corrected at the same time. My wound sites are tender, but I am walking, moving, and sleeping. I'm also eating liquids and keeping them down.

My surgeon only takes lapbands out, he refuses to place them. He says he's seen too many problems - mostly because the offices don't make follow-up a priority. In Europe, where the band is successful, most primary care doctors know how to do fills, and take care of patients, whereas here, only the doctors offices that place bands do, and in my experience - they don't want to take care of you after surgery.

I lost 64 pounds over 3.5 years. I am happy with my weight loss, and am hoping just to maintain for a while, then lose more through normal lifestyle changes. I won't have any more surgical solutions.

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I had my lapband out 3 days ago. My band malfunctioned, and leaked, but it also caused a hernia & 3 esophogeal ulcers. Before it came out, I hadn't been able to drink or eat without throwing up, even just Water for 15 days, so my insurance considered this an emergency, and approved the procedures.

So far my recovery is going great. I had a wonderful surgeon (not the same doctor that put it in), and he took great care of me. He also worked with a GI to ensure that everything wrong was corrected at the same time. My wound sites are tender, but I am walking, moving, and sleeping. I'm also eating liquids and keeping them down.

My surgeon only takes lapbands out, he refuses to place them. He says he's seen too many problems - mostly because the offices don't make follow-up a priority. In Europe, where the band is successful, most primary care doctors know how to do fills, and take care of patients, whereas here, only the doctors offices that place bands do, and in my experience - they don't want to take care of you after surgery.

I lost 64 pounds over 3.5 years. I am happy with my weight loss, and am hoping just to maintain for a while, then lose more through normal lifestyle changes. I won't have any more surgical solutions.

Hi! I, too, had my lap band removed (on sept 16th 2013, after 3 years banded) and my recovery has been smooth with only the usual tender wound sites and some discomfort from having surgery.

I could relate to your entire post! I had my band removed by a different surgeon than the one who put it in. The original one lost my trust long ago thru lack of serious follow up and not listening to me as I described the complications I was experiencing. According to him, none of it was related to the band! Needless to say, my new surgeon disagreed and said it absolutely needed to come out.

From posts, here, it seems a lot of lap band surgeons are very protective and defensive of their lap band career (I couldnt think of another word to describe it). Again and again my surgeon would claim that my symptoms were not because of the lap band. I went to several specialists and spent a lot of money trying to get someone to help me.

Finally a general surgeon who specializes in weight loss utilizing diet, exercise, metabolism, and surgery (if wanted and needed) agreed to consult with me. He did a barium swallow with several different views to see how the band was actually functioning (my original surgeon only checked to see if the band was placed correctly). We concluded together that since the band was malfunctioning and I had a lot of discomfort, the band should come out.

Are you going to follow a certain diet? I am eating mostly Protein and vegetables (Im using my crock pot a lot). I've lost 8 pounds so far. Most important is that I feel good for the first time since I had the lap band put IN.

Since I had lost quite a bit of weight with the band, I find it a lot easier to exercise and to walk! So Im in a much better position to be successful in losing the rest of the excess weight.

You sound very motivated to continue losing weight and best of all, you sound like YOU are in control and empowered --which is what will see you through.

A cook book I bought recently is really helping me - you might like it. Primal Cravings. You can see a lot of their recipes on this site:


I love your positive attitude!

Never give up :)


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My body has become intolerant of the band after getting it done in January 2010, so I have to have it removed. Insurance just approved it today so I am waiting for the Dr. to schedule it. For almost a year now I have had problems, even after having a complete un-fill. The bariatric surgeon and gastroenterologist determined my esophagus is basically rejecting the band. I can't get a revision because, as the Dr. said, "you're too skinny". Not really but my BMI is too low. I can finish this on my own though. Can you tell me what the recovery was like?

I had my band placed 2/25/09 and had it removed 9/4/12. My surgery was called at 9:15 am and I was home at 1:30 pm and that included a 25 minute drive. How did yours go?

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Hello, I know this is an older post, but I was hoping someone would have some input. I had my band removed this past Monday due to erosion and my surgeon did not want to do another band and wanted me to wait 6 months to heal before even considering the sleeve. But the fact that I was self paid, I may never consider that. In any case, that was just some history :), my question is for those who had it removed, did your right and left side hurt pretty bad? I'm taking the pain relievers every 4 hours, but the pain I'm having in both of my sides is pretty painful. I know I'm just in day 2 out of surgery, but this kind of sucks and I don't know if this is gas pains or something else. Also, did anyone not feel bloated and then feel bloated by day 2? I thought this was weird. I am not having any severe symptoms that merit a call to a surgeon so those of you that always chime in with "call your doctor", please don't bother. I'm just curious what others have encountered is all. Thank you!

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Hi Amy

I don't recall the specific kind of pain you're describing. I remember being sore and taking heavy pain meds.

I imagine the bloated feeling might be some swelling; maybe pushing against your innerds,

My surgeon wrote down orders for me to walk 5 times a day and that helped me a lot!!! I dreaded it, but I think he did me a big favor. I think walking kept my stamina up plus it helped the gas they used to dissipate.

You might try some easy movement, like short walks. And relax :) See if you can tune into your abdomen and relax it.


I was sore for a while. The second week, I think I felt kind of sick and not wanting to walk --- but that passed.

I think maybe you're just going thru a phase. Your body is probably shocked at the invasion. It's major surgery as we both know.

So give yourself time! And stay as active as you can with several short excursions a day.

And, of course, if fever develops you call your doc right away :)

I took almost 3 weeks off work.

I hope you feel better soon....but don't rush it.


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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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