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Cat Freaks-Is she preggers?

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Okay, I'm not so much of a cat lover, and I don't know alot, but a cat has appeared to have adopted me. Truth be known, I kinda like her. OMGosh!!!! She's a stray and showed up one day. Now I have her a cute warmie bed and new food and Water dishes. I know, I know, I'm a sucker!! So, what if this young diva is pregnant? How do I know? She doesn't have any milk yet, but she's gaining weight and getting a belly. Okay, I'm feeding her and she's not living on lizards and bugs anymore! So what's up with pregnant cats, all you cat freaks out there? How can I tell? Here's the beauty queen...


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Awww, what a little cutie!

My best guess would be - if she has kittens, she was preggers! *snickers*

Hmm.. how about calling a local vet and ask for some advice?

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If she's significantly rounder in her belly than anywhere else and the weight has come on pretty quickly, chances are she's pregnant.

Congratulations, you're about to become a mommy! Try to find your new babies good homes and GET THAT CAT FIXED! lol

On a serious note, you can sometimes find a group like the SPCA doing free neuters and spays. If you find one you might want to get all the little babies fixed too. The world is too full of stray cats who live miserable lives and die lonely, hungry, and diseased. God bless you for taking in this beautiful cat and caring for her. Nothing will make a friend out of me faster than someone who will take in and care for a homeless animal. Thank you.

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Not to sound stupid but are you sure the new baby is female? My SIL's mother thought her recently acquired stray cat was pregnant, took it to the vet and found out it was a boy that was just fattening up on good food!!!!!!!! :nervous


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She might just be getting plump from food.

If she will let you put your hand on her stomach (side), you may be able to feel babies moving - just like people. When I lived in the country, lots of our cats had kittens and that is how I could tell.

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You'd probably see the worms in her poop (maybe not) I third the nomination to take her to the vet. GOOD LUCK

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I also think a trip to the vet would be a good idea, Since she was a stray, you want to know she isn't bringing something gross like worms, fleas, ringworm, etc., into your home (all treatable, by the way). Also, you might want to get her vaccinated.

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Yep, I plan a trip to the vet. She's sticking around and I will most definately get her fixed. My sister lifted her tail and diagnosed her "female" but has never had an unfixed cat, so, no kittens. My sister doesn't know about whether or not she's preggo.

She's small and obviously young (can't really tell by the pic, I guess) and I figure she was dropped off around here somewhere (we live out in the boonies and it seems to be a popular dump spot for cats...shame!) and she was pretty slender before we started feeding her. She might just be getting fat and will take a growth spurt. But IF whoever had her before knows she went in heat and got "knocked up", they might have gone ahead and dumped her to avoid the kittens to come. sigh.

She is strictly outdoors, I'm allergic and have to wash my hands after petting her or my eyes will itch and get red, ouch! She will let us pick her up and rub her and scratch her and she just purrs. She got domesticated pretty darn quick! I haven't seen her poop, she goes out in the woods. She eats 1 small can of wet and about 8 ounces of dry food a day. That seems to fill her. She drinks 8 ounces of Water a day from the bowl. Who knows what else she's eating/drinking when she wanders. We have woods and streams nearby. And neighbors. ???

So, yeah, the trip to the vet is on the list, but I don't want to fix her if she's pregnant, we'll adopt out any kittens when they are weaned. Keep her if she wants to stay. I know she needs vaccines and a test for feline leukemia and worms, etc. I need to save up for another few weeks so get her up to date.

I guess I was just wondering how soon Mommy cats lactate and get milk when they are pregnant. Can I assume she's NOT if she doesn't have milk in her little boobies? Or does that happen later in the pregnancy? Also, does anyone know how long the gestation period is for cats?

I'll call the vet Monday, I just wanted some info this weekend if anyone knows, plus the chance to post her pic! Her eyes are light blue and she has that teardrop marking on her nose...so cute!!!! She gives me a soft heart. Whoda thunk it? LOL

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I guess I was just wondering how soon Mommy cats lactate and get milk when they are pregnant. Can I assume she's NOT if she doesn't have milk in her little boobies? Or does that happen later in the pregnancy? Also, does anyone know how long the gestation period is for cats?

The gestation is around 60 days. I seem to remember that the nipples got swollen but there was no milk until birth. A phone call to a vet might give you more information. If she is pregnant, you might want to feed her a high calorie food. It takes an amazing amount of energy to grow and feed a litter of kittens.

If she is pregnant, be sure that she is provided a safe birthing place. A roomy cardboard box and some towels would do. Cats like secretive dark cozy places. I would keep putting her into your "chosen" place, but she may have other ideas anyway.

I remember one of the inside cats (a first-time mother) waking me up when it was time and making me come downstairs to stay with her. Sooo cute.

Keep us posted.

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ohh wow! she's adorable. Just from looking at the pic she doesn't look pregnant at all, her belly looks like a normal one for a cat. Like every one else says the best thing to do is take her to the vet. If she got domesticated pretty fast, then she must have belonged to some one or she was use to being around people. Wild cat's don't domesticate so well and so fast. Ur right about someone dumping her probably. Well, let us know how it goes.

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