asmith011289 7 Posted August 22, 2013 I just got my third fill today. I was banded the 20th of June. I had my first fill on July 15. I found out I had a 10cc band and already had 4.5ccs in there so I got 1cc that day and felt nothing. I waited thinking it would hit me later that week but nothing. So I go back for a second fill two weeks later and get .5cc and was up to 6ccs in my band. Still. Nothing. So today I go in and get another .5ccs. I am now up to 6.5ccs and they are hopeful that I am in the green zone now. So I'm asking, when you were in the green zone, how many ccs did you have in your band? 1 pastor o reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfish87 3,471 Posted August 22, 2013 Mine looks like this. It took a while to fine tune it....but so nice now. Hang in there. It gets much better. 1 pastor o reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoingforGoal 1,734 Posted August 22, 2013 It changes over time. When I was at 250 my green was 4- 4.5 and I inched my way up to 5 to get me down to 195. I found that this was a good maintenance fill for me and 3 years later I got a new fill (0.5cc= 5.5 cc total). But a few months later after it's relaxed I need another 0.5cc to get to my optimal. I would estimate 6 is my sweet spot.but that wasnt always the case. Take day by day. Realize we are all different because our anatomy is diff. So what 5 cc does to me may be too tight or too loose for you. 1 pastor o reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lisacaron 5,075 Posted August 22, 2013 Now that was cool to look at, but didn't really answer the question Catfish….I am curious as well how many CC's it takes to feel in the zone, but I have the feeling that answer is going to be different for everyone. I don't think there is a "set" amount that gets you there. I think we need to keep filling and sometimes unfilling until we reach that point where we are eating that right amount of food, not feeling hungry between meals and losing at a steady pace for our body. 1 pastor o reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pastor o 73 Posted August 22, 2013 Mine looks like this. It took a while to fine tune it....but so nice now. Hang in there. It gets much better. Can't tell much from the video; don't know what to look for precisely ! 1 asmith011289 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfish87 3,471 Posted August 22, 2013 I'm always hesitant to say cc #'s because they really aren't a indication of adequate restriction, speaking from EXPERIENCE. But I completely understand why people ask about CC's.....because, unfortunately, most don't use fluoroscopy on a regular basis. They guess. But the number answer is this: I started to "feel in this zone" about 8.2cc's. And over the last year or so, have tweaked it up 0.2 at a time to where I now am at 9cc's. I think I'm done...I KNOW I'm happy. Pastor O: About 4 seconds into the video you should be able to see the small stream of dark contrast material pass through my band opening. 3 pastor o, KAATNS and asmith011289 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toddy 758 Posted August 22, 2013 I have been in the green zone several times, only to have things tighten up and then need to scale back. For me, the green zone is very elusive, but I'm not giving up... 3 asmith011289, lisacaron and catfish87 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites