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Last month I visited my local sleep center and had the mandatory sleep study done for my surgery. I went into it thinking that there was NO WAY I had sleep apnea. Wouldn't you know that 1 1/2 hours into the night I was awoken by the technician to tell me I had to put the CPAP machine on because I had already stopped breathing 40 times that night! The technician told me I had severe sleep apnea.

Well the pulmonologist quickly ordered me the CPAP machine and I politely declined. The woman at the sleep center gave me huge attitude about canceling my order telling me I wouldn't be able the get the surgery without getting the CPAP machine. My doctor had already told me that I didn't need the sleep study results to get the surgery so no...you're lying lady.

I don't want the CPAP machine because I would need the full mask. I am also a stomach sleeper and the mask does not permit people to stomach sleep. I also live with my boyfriend of over a year who probably wouldn't like rolling over to Darth Vader. Yes I get headaches and don't feel rested during the day, but surely there must be something else out there that won't make me look like Predator.

Needless to say I recently discovered a device called "Provent" online. This is not a CPAP machine. It is simply two little bandaid things that go over your nostrils. Each bandage contains a valve that helps keep your airway open. I am all for trying something that doesn't require me to wear the God awful CPAP machine. I was wondering if anyone else has tried or uses Provent to help their sleep apnea. Does it work?


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Last month I visited my local sleep center and had the mandatory sleep study done for my surgery. I went into it thinking that there was NO WAY I had sleep apnea. Wouldn't you know that 1 1/2 hours into the night I was awoken by the technician to tell me I had to put the CPAP machine on because I had already stopped breathing 40 times that night! The technician told me I had severe sleep apnea.

Well the pulmonologist quickly ordered me the CPAP machine and I politely declined. The woman at the sleep center gave me huge attitude about canceling my order telling me I wouldn't be able the get the surgery without getting the CPAP machine. My doctor had already told me that I didn't need the sleep study results to get the surgery so no...you're lying lady.

I don't want the CPAP machine because I would need the full mask. I am also a stomach sleeper and the mask does not permit people to stomach sleep. I also live with my boyfriend of over a year who probably wouldn't like rolling over to Darth Vader. Yes I get headaches and don't feel rested during the day, but surely there must be something else out there that won't make me look like Predator.

Needless to say I recently discovered a device called "Provent" online. This is not a CPAP machine. It is simply two little bandaid things that go over your nostrils. Each bandage contains a valve that helps keep your airway open. I am all for trying something that doesn't require me to wear the God awful CPAP machine. I was wondering if anyone else has tried or uses Provent to help their sleep apnea. Does it work?


Last month I visited my local sleep center and had the mandatory sleep study done for my surgery. I went into it thinking that there was NO WAY I had sleep apnea. Wouldn't you know that 1 1/2 hours into the night I was awoken by the technician to tell me I had to put the CPAP machine on because I had already stopped breathing 40 times that night! The technician told me I had severe sleep apnea.

Well the pulmonologist quickly ordered me the CPAP machine and I politely declined. The woman at the sleep center gave me huge attitude about canceling my order telling me I wouldn't be able the get the surgery without getting the CPAP machine. My doctor had already told me that I didn't need the sleep study results to get the surgery so no...you're lying lady.

I don't want the CPAP machine because I would need the full mask. I am also a stomach sleeper and the mask does not permit people to stomach sleep. I also live with my boyfriend of over a year who probably wouldn't like rolling over to Darth Vader. Yes I get headaches and don't feel rested during the day, but surely there must be something else out there that won't make me look like Predator.

Needless to say I recently discovered a device called "Provent" online. This is not a CPAP machine. It is simply two little bandaid things that go over your nostrils. Each bandage contains a valve that helps keep your airway open. I am all for trying something that doesn't require me to wear the God awful CPAP machine. I was wondering if anyone else has tried or uses Provent to help their sleep apnea. Does it work?


My son in law has severe sleep apenea and they gave him the bi-pap machine, however it is like the c-pap only for more severe cases of apenea. I know my doctor said bring your machine to the hospital if you did have it.

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I hate to tell you this, but if you have been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea you should get the CPAP. I didn't believe I had it either until my surgeon ordered it before surgery. I was shocked, but I accepted it nonetheless. Why do you have to get the full mask? I have the tiny one that just goes over my nostrils and the tube doesn't keep me from sleeping on my stomach at all. Let's face it, once you get your band, you won't be able to sleep on your stomach for a couple of weeks anyway. Are you going to decline the band because you have to sleep on your back? Furthermore, do you know what you are putting your body through by not using the machine? CPAP's actually help to elevate metabolism and I haven't waken up so refreshed since I was a kid. Yeah, I was just like you..."my boyfriend can't see me sleep with this on my face..." but honey, my snoring IS WAYYYYY more embarrasing than that mask. You sleep on your stomach anyway, cover the straps with your hair and your back to him and he won't even notice because the machine is silent.

I think you need to reassess your priorities. Your heart is seriously suffering right now and the machine is not forever! Just until you lose the weight, maybe even sooner. I know someone who no longer needed it after about 18 months of using the machine. This is more than vanity dear, this is your life. If you stop breathing, you're not getting adequate oxygen and there are a lot of other health implications to that.

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Clearly you are undermining the severity of sleep apnea and the body's essential need for oxygen. Provent is out of business http://sleepdisorders.about.com/b/2013/03/22/sleep-apnea-treatment-provent-reportedly-goes-out-of-business.htm due to it's inconsistent results.

On a + note, the CPAP and sleep apnea will hopefully be temporary once you lose weight.

I'm just not thrilled with the ambivalence in your post

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I don't know about the Provent, but I do know that whether or not it works would depend on what is causing your sleep apnea. Do you know whether you have obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnea? Central sleep apnea is caused by something in the brain that forgets to tell you to breath, obstructive sleep apnea is caused by some sort of blockage some where in the air way, If you have obstructive sleep apnea it may help. Also weight loss can help with that kind of sleep apnea, a lot of people lose weight and cure their sleep apnea, but sometimes it may take surgery if your not interested in the c-pap machine, Good luck


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I have obstructive sleep apnea. I'm sure it's due to the fact that I have DDD chest and sleeping on my back is not comfortable due to the fact that I feel like I'm being choked. I also need the full nose and mouth mask because I am a mouth breather. I don't not want the CPAP machine for vanity's sake, it's because when I did have to wear it I didn't like it. Several times during the night during my sleep study I woke up unconciously ripping the mask off my face. Quite frankly, the darn thing scares me.


I don't care if you're not "thrilled" with me. I am not abivalent in anyway. In no way am I contradicting myself. Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say.

I am merely trying to see if people have used provent and if it was successful for them. I am looking into it as a possible alternative to getting a CPAP machine. I called my pulmonologist today to try and get it instead of the CPAP because I am not comfortable with the thought of sleeping with a full mask. They must still be making the product because the secretary had just ordered it for another patient when I asked her about it. If the provent product can help my sleep apnea the same way a CPAP machine will, then why not do that instead?

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Hi, I ended up with a cpap machine after having to do the sleep study for my surgery (not banded yet 9/19). I started with the nasal pillows (so annoying) so I switched to full face (which covers the mouth and nose) and its better....i know NOT using it would be better but I do feel much better during the day! As for my husband....its not attractive but it is for my health so we make jokes about it!! And it wont be for forever!

I would check with your surgeons office since they would get a report from the pulmonologist stating the status of your test. Would be sad if you get so far in the process and then they put off your surgery because you dont have the cpap that you obviously need.

My doctor told me I MUST bring it to the hospital--

Im hoping it is for short term use once the weight comes off...

Give it a second thought...your boyfriend loves you for the good and the bad i would hope...so this falls into the inconvenient...he'll get over it!!!! :wub:

Good luck!

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Definitely check with your surgeon. Almost all hospitals require you to bring your CPAP machine with you if you have even minor sleep apnea- let alone severe.

With all due respect, I don't think you realize difficulty sleeping should be irrelevant when it comes to a severe sleep apnea. The amount of stress a severe sleep apnea puts on your body, especially your heart, is nothing to take lightly. This is especially true after being put under general anesthesia, which is why we have to have a sleep study before getting the Lap Band. Obese people very often have some degree of sleep apnea because of the excess fat putting pressure on the airway. For your safety and the hospital's liability, they almost always require you to bring the CPAP machine with you.

If I were in your shoes, I would just get the CPAP machine and get used to it. Not only for the sake of your health but because you don't want to get down to the wire and realize you need one for surgery.

Btw, often obstructive sleep apnea goes away with weight loss. I used to have obstructive sleep apnea too. Since losing weight, not only do I no longer have a sleep apnea but I don't even snore. Hopefully the day will come with weight loss you won't need the CPAP machine anymore either.

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I was diagnosed with sleep apnea pre-surgery. I ended up using the CPAP for about 15 months and once I lost about 50 pounds, I retired the machine.

I am not here to nag you about your vanity, just to tell you that you should take this seriously. At least do yourself the favor of learning about how sleep apnea is impacting your body. You admit to having headaches and feeling tired during the day, but the reality of sleep apnea is that you are harming yourself every night that you go untreated. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of options out there for treatment besides the CPAP .

I am also a stomach sleeper, but after a few tries I did find a mask that I could sleep with. I didn't want to wear the stupid thing either, but after I started using it, my headaches and fatigue were gone...I whined about the f****ing thing for the first six months, but I felt so much better when I used it. Just my experience, but please don't reject the idea of using the machine without completely understanding how much damage is being done. You obviously want to be healthier or you wouldn't be considering weight loss surgery, this is just one more component of that healthier lifestyle (and its not forever!).

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I also have severe sleep apnea as do my mum and brother (both skinny) and after a number of battles with medical staff over CPAP machine we found there is actually an excellent alternantive.

The company that makes the CPAP machines give money to the doctors to sell them (a commission) and hence they never tell you their are alternatives because they are getting huge kickbacks. Granted they work and they do ensure you breathe but I just think its a disgrace that they refuse to tell you there are other options.

Fortunately my mum is a nurse and was seeing what an incredible wrought it was and decided to start investigating. We found that there is a special mouthguard called a Mandibular advancement device that can be made by a dental surgeon. Yes they cost a fair bit of money but my god what an investment. They are fitted to your mouth perfectly and are adjustible to bring the jaw forward until you are able to ensure the muscles dont relax onto your airway.

Here is some further info but google them - they are awesome!!! and so much less cumbersome, easy for travel and much better for your partners sleep as well.

Mandibular advancement device (MAD)

  • A MAD is a mouthpiece you wear when sleeping.
  • There are many types of MADs. Most are made of hard plastic that covers your upper and lower teeth. Some devices also hold your tongue in place.
  • The mouthpiece keeps your jaw forward and your airway open.
  • These devices are sold and fitted by a dentist, or an orthodontist, who makes a mold of your mouth.

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PS dont let a doctor say it wont work for you, mine tried and I told him flat out that I knew he got a commission and that I was having none of it, he smiled and wrote me a referral to an excellent dental surgeon. I have not looked back and am so glad that I investigated. I know that it may not work for some people but personally I would try anything and everything before agreeing to a CPAP!

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I hated the thought of the crap machine too. I stopped breathing 80 times! I felt the same way, but did it. I hated it, but after a few nights I slept so good it was unbelievable. And my spouse slept better! I hated it every time I wore it. As I lost weight, I would wear it for four hours and take it off whenever I woke up during the night. But I did start off with it every night. Also, as I lost weight, they were able to lower the air pressure and before a year was up, I no longer needed it!

I agree that it does help your body and aide in you losing weight if you are breathing and sleeping better. Good luck with whatever you decide. But know that it is not the end of the world.

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You should research how you can actually die due to sleep apnea! I had to get one and have just had to deal with getting used to it! My hubby is also sleeping much better now too.

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Hello. I too have severe sleep apnea and as a nurse could not wait to get my cpap machine! Not because I was Looking forward to wearing it but it scared the hell out of me that I might not wake up the next morning . As a nurse I can't tell u how many Pts die due to noncompliance or undiagnosed sleep apnea. What can happen when u stop breathing for a period of time ur heart can go into a fatal arrhythmia and U can go into cardiac arrest and not wake up. I'm just voicing my reason for being compliant and wearing my cpap every nite! Yes it's inconvenient , not attractive etc etc but I think of my boys and family and my motivation to get healthy and LIVE a happier healthy life . I too am Hoping as I lose weight I will no longer need. Hope this helps explain the importance . Nothing to mess around with. Goodluck.

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Wear the CPAP mask!! If nothing else makes sense to you here, know that it will help with hunger and weight loss if you are properly oxygenated. I got to stop wearing mine after about 6 months. I don't even snore anymore. Heck, the goal of not wearing that mask forever was one of the reasons I GOT the band! It's really a serious issue.

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