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Totally Discouraged :(

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It'll be a year come October that I got banded. I'm only down 60lbs, and still have 80-90lbs to go before my goal weight. Yes I feel a difference and see a difference since last year, but nothing compared to what I was told by Drs and what I was expecting. I hear from my dietician once a month and all she has to say is, "well clearly you're not following things properly" She keeps pushing another fill, but I know I couldn't handle it. I have had only 1 fill and would never go in for another. Some days I find it hard to keep anything down and feel like I should be living off of Water and/or liquids but who wants to live like that for the rest of their lives. Other days everything and anything stays down, but I am constantly hungry. Honestly given the opportunity to do this surgery again I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. And to make things worse, I have family and friends that know I've had the surgery and tell me they don't see it working. Its really discouraging. I'm writing this in tears and ready to give up. Someone please tell me it gets better and it was worth it.

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You said you hear from the dietitian.... What about your surgeon? Does he/she know what's going on? I would definitely make an appointment to see the surgeon. And if you feel like you should be living off liquids only, how about an unfill instead o a fill. A band that's too tight can lead to stall or worse, weight gain. I know it's tough and disappointing when we expect one outcome and it doesn't materialize, but DON'T GIVE UP!! There will always be people who will wanna kick a horse that's down, SPECIALLY those closest to us. Don't let that defeat you... You CAN be a success story, but never give up. Keep searching and searching until you find an answer. Just because right now you're not in a good place doesn't mean you won't find your way... Just keep swimming!! ;)


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Do not give up on yourself. You need to do what is best for you. Find what works for you. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. We can't pick our family. Remove yourself from the negativity (family and friends). I was banded on 5/24/13. Take it one day at a time. I believe in you.

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Ok wait. Can you eat solid food? Or is it just that some days you can't hold anything down but others, you can?

Just from the little you've said, I'm wondering if you may be too tight. In some cases, lapband patients can be at green zone with no or little fill. Putting MORE fill in in those cases would make things worse, not better.

If you're too tight, it is a miserable feeling, I agree. Been there. You can't eat solids and therefore are hungry all the damned time. Because what keeps the hunger away is being able to eat solid food. It helps to satisfy you in small amounts and at the right fill level, should keep hunger away for 3 - 4 hours. So if you're at the point of not being able to eat solid food, a small unfill might actually help. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it's completely possible that you're in the red zone now and your care-givers just don't know it.

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It'll be a year come October that I got banded. I'm only down 60lbs' date=' and still have 80-90lbs to go before my goal weight. Yes I feel a difference and see a difference since last year, but nothing compared to what I was told by Drs and what I was expecting. I hear from my dietician once a month and all she has to say is, "well clearly you're not following things properly" She keeps pushing another fill, but I know I couldn't handle it. I have had only 1 fill and would never go in for another. Some days I find it hard to keep anything down and feel like I should be living off of Water and/or liquids but who wants to live like that for the rest of their lives. Other days everything and anything stays down, but I am constantly hungry. Honestly given the opportunity to do this surgery again I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. And to make things worse, I have family and friends that know I've had the surgery and tell me they don't see it working. Its really discouraging. I'm writing this in tears and ready to give up. Someone please tell me it gets better and it was worth it.[/quote']

I think there are a few things going on here..did the dietician look at your food diary and say that? You can actually be too tight and end up gaining because you eat sliders...foods that slide right through the band and are usually high calorie. Or maybe your not chewing food good enough. I had to learn how to eat differently after eating a certain way for 51 years. Because of my job I only get 30 min for lunch and 10-15 min can be spent standing in line to get food so I always had to eat fast. Think about why you got the band in the first place and keep that in mind. Refocus your goal . Remember it's only a tool and we have to do the work. It's very important that you do your follow ups with the surgeon and let him know if your having a problem with a fill. You don't want to be vomiting either and risk a slip. Make an appt to sit and talk with your surgeon..write down your questions before you go..take a food diary with you. Are there any lap band support groups in your area? They can be very helpful. It WAS worth it. I agree...there will always be people that want to kick a horse when it's down. Don't surround yourself with those people. Look where you have come from--60 pounds is fantastic! And I'm sure you look and feel better! Don't compare yourself to others-everyone loses differently. Be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished so far because YOU did it, refocus your goals, go talk to your surgeon and be determined to make this work. There is a voice inside you saying "you can do it" ...listen to that voice! Make an appt today to see your surgeon. :0)

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It'll be a year come October that I got banded. I'm only down 60lbs, and still have 80-90lbs to go before my goal weight. Yes I feel a difference and see a difference since last year, but nothing compared to what I was told by Drs and what I was expecting. I hear from my dietician once a month and all she has to say is, "well clearly you're not following things properly" She keeps pushing another fill, but I know I couldn't handle it. I have had only 1 fill and would never go in for another. Some days I find it hard to keep anything down and feel like I should be living off of Water and/or liquids but who wants to live like that for the rest of their lives. Other days everything and anything stays down, but I am constantly hungry. Honestly given the opportunity to do this surgery again I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. And to make things worse, I have family and friends that know I've had the surgery and tell me they don't see it working. Its really discouraging. I'm writing this in tears and ready to give up. Someone please tell me it gets better and it was worth it.

well seems to me that you LOST 60 pounds....and what is wrong with that?? i think that is a great accomplishment....not sure what the issue is.....were you expecting to be at your goal weight in 5 months? it doesnt happen that way...YOU are doing a great job as you are steadily losing (weight)...so you go 80 or so to go yet, well me too.....each day i get closer to that number....JUST like you....the band is working and the question is are you working it?????? stress/TOM/being sick, first thing in the morning can make a person to tight......if you cant drink/eat/ lellow is right, you may be too tight....the band is not suppose to work by making one so tight they cant eat drink as that is a horrible way to live........i agree, go back to your doctor, tell them what you wrote here (or print it out for them to read your feelings) but def realize that losing 60 freeking pounds is an accomplishment.......the band is working for you.....good for you

ps: if you are hungry, eat more Protein and drink alot......

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As others have said, based off what I read in your post, it seems you may be too tight. Just as other people without the band experience, if you do not eat enough, it can halt weight loss or even make you gain weight. Have you checked with your surgeon on maybe getting a little taken out? Even the smallest amount could make a huge difference. Also, what types of foods are you eating? If you're having difficult keeping foods down and are instead taking in higher calorie liquid/mush type foods, that could halt weight loss as well. If you're constantly hungry, drink tons of Water and eat every 2-3 hours very small meals. I am constantly eating... oatmeal for Breakfast, banana for snack, lunch, grapes for another snack, another snack before gym, then dinner. People always tell me "you're ALWAYS eating" and they're right, but I'm seeing results. And of course, we can't forget about exercising. If you're not exerting any energy, it will be difficult to lose weight. If you can, try to do at least a half hour of working out at least 3-5 days a week. Best of luck and don't get discouraged! We all go through plateaus!! :-)

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I would definitely sit down and evaluate that I was following the rules to a 't' and as the others said, be careful you are not too tight. Without specifics it's kind of hard to offer constructive help. It is a positive thing that you are 60lbs down and while we do sympathize with your frustration we are also willing to help if you give us some more information on why you've not lost as much weight as you'd like.

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Can i tell you honestly for a year i was the same way it was like some days i could eat whatever i wanted no issue eating cheeseburgers at a bbq and then others i couldnt eat at all no matter how hungry i was. I hadnt been back to the dr in a year and hadnt been filledin a year. When i went in i told the nurse about everything( all the nurses in my dr office have been banded they know their stuff) i asked if there was something wrong she said no. I wanted a fill, after a year of nkt getting a fill it was tougher than normal she said its like having to oil a rusty wheel. She removed some fill and put it back in along with my new fill and since that day (july 15th) i lost 20lbs and feel alot better i dont have that issue with eating everything in sight and it feels like im back to when i was first banded. More energy more care more happiness : ) in my opinion i'd go get a fill if worse comes to worse you can get the fill taken out! The perks of the lap band. Good Luck

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Can i tell you honestly for a year i was the same way it was like some days i could eat whatever i wanted no issue eating cheeseburgers at a bbq and then others i couldnt eat at all no matter how hungry i was. I hadnt been back to the dr in a year and hadnt been filledin a year. When i went in i told the nurse about everything( all the nurses in my dr office have been banded they know their stuff) i asked if there was something wrong she said no. I wanted a fill, after a year of nkt getting a fill it was tougher than normal she said its like having to oil a rusty wheel. She removed some fill and put it back in along with my new fill and since that day (july 15th) i lost 20lbs and feel alot better i dont have that issue with eating everything in sight and it feels like im back to when i was first banded. More energy more care more happiness : ) in my opinion i'd go get a fill if worse comes to worse you can get the fill taken out! The perks of the lap band. Good Luck

I wonder if her taking some of the fill out and then putting it back in didn't help redistribute the saline in your band. I've heard of that happening and helping in other cases as well.

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Yeh thats what she said she also said sometimes if it sits too long then you go for a fill the saline could be pushed back through the tubing and just needs that push. I guess ince you hit green it wouldnt matter but i think im one fill away because after she did that and then added my fill i was nice and restricted up until a few days ago so its been about 3 weeks

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I completely understand whwre you are. I was banded in nov, and have lost only about 50ish lbs. part was me, and part was diet, the huge part is exercise. I just met with a trainer and he said to push walking to at least 30 mins, along with doing strength training. Gotta get those ol bones movin. I know it's hard, trust me. But I'm gonna try. I've been stuck at my current weight since before June. Prior to that everything was fine. The trainer said for me, my body is used to what I'm doing, and to change it - work it. Also, if you have t got a fill, DO IT ! It was until my 3-4 one I actually do not feel hungry.

So I'm not giving up, I'm going to try to push myself more, and the trainer said I'd get results.

Since losing what I've lost, I'm feeling sooooooooooo much better. I don't want to revert back.

Also, if you' e got the hungries, try to drink a Protein shake. It will take that edge off from going into the evil carbs.

Hope this helps. Good luck

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I have absolutely no way to know what you're going through. But from experience I will say this....

One fill, and I was far fom being too tight....I did however have problems with eating the wrong foods the wrong way, simulating a tight band....and if I irritated the band because of this, it could linger for more than a day....

As I progressed with my fills, it was essential I also progressed with my eating habits, putting all those silly rules to practical purpose....I could not eat the way I used to...the band FORCED me to change my behavior....and t he more fills i got, the more i had to change...it is a slow progression......

imagine the Dr. putting in 7cc at surgery...it would be a disaster....but 7cc is where i am now, and have been for over 2 years with not a single problem.....because I learned and now know how to do it......

what I eat now in a given 24 hr period, I could never have thought possible...I could not imagine it....

Just saying, I have had my Dr. Tell me stories about patients complaining because they said they were too tight....and upon further investigation he was shocked at what they were attempting to eat....

Not saying this is you....I have absolutely no idea , and it would be unprofessional to even guess....just share my experiences.....

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I understand how people get discouraged. I went to have a test done to make sure my band was still in place and functioning via my doctors orders. The Radiologist said it was still in place but empty. I went for a fill on Tuesday and was turned away. I was told the doctor I was scheduled to see is refusing to see me because another doctor didn't explain to him the purpose of my visit. This is a Biatrics office with a team of doctors that supposed to work togather. How hard is it to take the time to read a patients chart? Also, other patients were in the waiting area complaining how bad the doctor attitude was and how they didn't want to see him any more. I had my surgery done at Washington Hospital Center in DC by Dr. Finelli. He is an awesome doctor. Its one of the other doctors that doesn't seem to like dealing with patients. So, I started to give up as well and never go back. But I said I'll try again and request my appointments to be scheduled with my doctor only.

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I understand your thoughts in your post 110%.

I worked SO hard the first year --- joined Anytime Fitness, Yoga Classes, Pilates and Zumbas, etc.

Yes, I lost weight and Yes, I feel better BUT the "tweaking" this band of has been an adventure.

I thought I would be at or near goal at my one year date. That didn't happen so I have made a new goal for my second year anniversary date.

Also, I am tired of family and friends asking me if I regret the band and why I haven't lost more weight.

It is good to be able to rant about it and exchange your feelings. Hang in there :)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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