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My story--banded for 9.5 years.

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Yes slaughter house. One reason why I don't post very much! What I would say to those doing the slaughtering, you don't have to defend the band or your choice to get it! Damn it's like some people take anything negative about the band as a personal attack. Not saying everyone who has replied here was a butcher. But if the shoe fits....

It's great that it works so well for a lot of people (myself being one) but whenever someone talks about complications what they need is support! Not belittling.

When someone talks about complications I think we all need to sit up and take notice, the band is not THE answer to your weight problems. It is a tool, use it, but don't depend on it alone.

Also God forbid any of us ever have complications. Wouldn't it be nice to have a long term banded friend to be able to ask questions? Or at least have read first hand accounts of what complications are like with an open mind?

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I do have friends who have complications, some have had their bands removed or suffered damage. One I used to know recently had hers removed due to an erosion. She doesn't say things like 'the band doesn't work' and 'the band is a lie' or 'it's all the band's fault' which is surprising because in her case, I don't think it was anything she did that caused the erosion to happen. It was bad luck, plain and simple. The support she has received from LBT has been wonderful. And I personally think she made a bigger impact in her low key, factual story than anyone else I've seen here in recent times.

It's one thing to have complications. It's another to then tell everyone else that it will happen to them, or that they're been sold a lie, or that life with the band is a miserable existence for everyone, because it promotes an atmosphere of fear, not knowledge or support. It's sensationalism and it's not actually true either. And if someone says something that isn't true, you kinda have to expect that someone will call them out on it, whatever side of the discussion they're on.

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I don't have a dog in this fight... But my point is that it's pretty obvious to me that the op is having a really hard time. It's not our job to call her out or talk down to her. It's our job to be supportive. And if we feel we must set her straight or correct some perceived untruths, do it in a respectful way, as several have done. It is not our job to attack her. That's not what she needs and if I was going through the same thing I would hope that I would have a safe place to get it all out, vent, whatever. This is her story, her opinions, her truths of what happened to her.... Respect it.

It's not just this thread that I am referring to. This same situation happens far too often.

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I agree with you in that I believe discussions can be respectful. Or they should be. And that is regardles of whether or not someone has a complication, because I've seen it in other threads too and both sides of this have not been respectful on occasion. It's certainly not one-sided at all.

I don't have any apologies for the way I've posted just btw just to be clear. I came into the thread to read about complications (as I do often, and yes, I've seen all those other threads too) because as a long term bander, I like being informed of any new possible complications that come to light. But like I said, I don't respond well to fear-mongering. I've said this before and I'll say it again, give me your experiences, tell me your story and I will be the first to hold your hand. Don't give me hysteria, because if you do, then being an open and public forum, I may have to call you out on it.

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Wow... didn't those 4cc / ten year old bands pave the way for our "new" & "modern" bands!

Shouldn't we be slightly interested in any & all complications for "future reference" and education?

Note to self.... never ever ever ever ever ever ever post anything about a bad experience on this forum... geez!!

-I just felt like I witnessed a slaughter-

I'm a newbie and reading these brutal replies to someones post is the only scary experience I have had thus far! WOW

I was almost embarrassed to read some of the responses to the original post. Megan, no matter what people say, your story and experiences DO matter-- thanks for sharing. It's insulting to think "newbies" will run away because they read about your negative experiences; after all, we should all "bat for both teams" when doing our research. I don't think you sounded "preachy" like someone implied, I think you are genuinely concerned, and just want you story told. On the other hand, there are people who may (or may not) have a "wealth" of information but EVERY TIME they comment on a post, they come off as too-into-themselves-know-it-alls (at least to me)... And like someone said: if the shoe fits....! Thank you to those that also made their feelings be known, but at the same time showed compassion, understanding, and most of all respect for the original poster. And, Megan, I wish you all the BEST with your revision!!


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I am writing this post in the hopes that I help others really understand what life with the band is like.

I was part of the Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band clinical trial in October' date=' 2003. I thought I was doing a great service for the medical community, as well as hoping that I might help others that have battled with their weight find an effective treatment.

From the get-go, the band was a major pain in the arse. My fills had to be done by the surgeon under floroscopy because of the study, so I got to see lots of images of my stomach. My port was very hard to find as it had flipped and tilted upwards. I had my port moved once, and after that, we decided we would just have to live with it that way.

I got to my "sweet-spot" once. I lost 70 pounds. I threw up almost several times a week, even though I followed doctors orders and all of the rules. While I was at my sweet spot, I wasn't hungry or thought about food at all. This was about six months of heaven.

Then, I developed GERD and could not sleep in a bed because I would throw up food in my sleep. I was sick to my stomach all the time. I missed work, social outings, etc. because I was constantly in pain. My surgeon unfilled my band and let it rest. And then I got fills, unfills, fills, unfills, etc. I never found the sweet spot again. In fact, I never fully recovered from GERD and had constant heartburn for a few years.

After about 8 years, I finally decided I couldn't take it anymore. I had gained back 50 pounds, and was miserable. My surgeon unfilled me for the last time. Not, I've spent a year working with an eating disorder clinic to help me find peace with food. Now, I am ready for phase two of my WLS surgery journey.

I have been fighting insurance for almost a year for a revision surgery from band to sleeve. I finally won my appeal and will have surgery on Sept. 17th...almost 10 years since my band was placed. I weigh the same today as I did the day I got my band.

If anyone has questions about long-term band issues, I'd be glad to answer them. In advance, I will ignore those that attack me for coming here and talking about complications. But like I said, I would be happy to talk to you about the band and any insurance issues you might have to revise to another surgery.[/quote']

You said you did the lap band to help others??? I am sorry you failed the band and had the complications you did. I would also like to say Missy has been a big help to me and others on here. I do not know her but enjoy reading her posts. She is informative and always tells people to see their surgeon/dietician if they are having problems and is ALWAYS encouraging and uplifting. I have learned alot from her. Sounds like maybe you need to move on to a WLS site for sleeve patients? I can't imagine a surgeon that would let you go on vomiting and with gerd and all your other problems for that long. There must be more you didn't "share". And also--- please don't refer to people on here as "newbies"....whether I'm a "newbie" or an oldie but goodie I enjoy this site and all the great encouraging people on here ...

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I'm sorry to hear you are having complications. I've been banded 4 years and I have good days and bad days. I have to admit it took me years to finally understand the way my band works. There were days I wanted my band tight to lose more weight and days I wanted to take my band off so I can pig out on some food. But that the old me!!

We cant depend on the lap band to work magic! Although I know the old bands had a lot more complications, before we ALL had surgery, we were explained the pros and cons and still decided the risk was greater if we did not decide to have surgery. I know no one really knew what to expect post op, and how our lives would really change for the better. We all have been discouraged, experience pain, and discomfort. But, all gastric procedures are the same. They all have cons and we experience them at some point, some worse than others.

To say you were getting sick when in the sweet spot must mean you never really were. To say you weigh the same as the day you had surgery, I'm sorry, but thats YOUR own fault. After 9 years, you should be at a different state of mind and not let the food control you or depend on the band to work miracles. We all knew that with the band, it is a much slower weight lose than other procedures and its reversable. Which are the 2 reasons I choice the band. I only loss 50lbs my first year but each person is different. I also did not weigh as much as others weighing 250lbs. Its been 4 years and I'm down to 150 and I've worked my ass off for it. I havent had a fill in 2 years and nowhere near gaining my weight back.

Deciding to have any bariatric surgery is a life commitment to yourself and none of them will work if you do not put in time and effort to change you old routines that got you to the point where we needed surgery to lose weight. I dont love my band at times, but I love what I have accomplished with my band. And I've learned and listened to my body when my stomach acts up and have learned to not repeat the same mistakes.

Good luck on your sleeve. Just know that we all can gain our weight back and more with any procedure if we choose to not change our lifestyles.

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Amen, sister! I found out the hard way by posting my story on here and unless it's positive - forget about it!

I wonder what makes all these people so defensive. They have success on their side but have to bash anyone that didn't have a positive experience! So sad!

As I was told you must just be doing it for the "I'm sorries" I get. Ya okay! Good luck OP on your sleeve!

If you prick us, do we not bleed?

If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us,

do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

Sympathetic posts on this site get sympathy, posts seeking help on this site are met with constructive answers, and offensive posts will be met with defensive responses. This thread has obviously been the latter. Many people on this site complain about symptoms of their bands and seek constructive feedback. They are not attacked for 'not loving their band' or not being all 'sunshine and rainbows'. However, this thread's only intention is to attack the band as a viable weight loss tool and those of us, who so far appear to be in the majority, have been disagreeing emphatically from our own personal experiences. Let me put it this way, if you come in my house and sh** on my rug I will ask you to leave. Thank you and good day.

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If you prick us, do we not bleed?

If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us,

do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

Sympathetic posts on this site get sympathy, posts seeking help on this site are met with constructive answers, and offensive posts will be met with defensive responses. This thread has obviously been the latter. Many people on this site complain about symptoms of their bands and seek constructive feedback. They are not attacked for 'not loving their band' or not being all 'sunshine and rainbows'. However, this thread's only intention is to attack the band as a viable weight loss tool and those of us, who so far appear to be in the majority, have been disagreeing emphatically from our own personal experiences. Let me put it this way, if you come in my house and sh** on my rug I will ask you to leave. Thank you and good day.


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Hi, I am new here and not banded yet, but I found the original post bashed the band pretty badly (and subsequent posts) and is scaring me. It gives the impression that bands are very bad and that life with the band if pretty bad. I like to hear about complications, but I do agree with others that it could have been explained better. But I have already decided in my mind that I will go ahead and deal with problems if they arise.

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Hi' date=' I am new here and not banded yet, but I found the original post bashed the band pretty badly (and subsequent posts) and is scaring me. It gives the impression that bands are very bad and that life with the band if pretty bad. I like to hear about complications, but I do agree with others that it could have been explained better. But I have already decided in my mind that I will go ahead and deal with problems if they arise. [/sub']

There are many many positive posts in here so do your homework, get educated- check out lapband.com but most of all take your questions to your surgeon. When I saw my surgeon for the first time I took a list of 21 questions to him! He took the time to answer every one of them. It all boils down to this---life with the band will be YOUR unique experience and what YOU make of it. I wish you well and let us know how your doing!

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Hi, I'm 6 years with my band. I attended 4 evening classes before visiting the bariatric center in the twin cities. I phoned my insurance company to ask for a doctor who did many (over 100 surgeries). (1) Surgeon with good track record. (2) Complete work up with my GP required. (3) Mental test with correct doctor. (4) Class with Nutritionist. And finally, (5) Surgeon with a university student as assistant. I love my band. I don't think I would be alive if I hadn't had my band placed. I am no longer diabetic. My blood pressure is good. I am HEALTHY! :D

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Hi, I'm 6 years with my band. I attended 4 evening classes before visiting the bariatric center in the twin cities. I phoned my insurance company to ask for a doctor who did many (over 100 surgeries). (1) Surgeon with good track record. (2) Complete work up with my GP required. (3) Mental test with correct doctor. (4) Class with Nutritionist. And finally, (5) Surgeon with a university student as assistant. I love my band. I don't think I would be alive if I hadn't had my band placed. I am no longer diabetic. My blood pressure is good. I am HEALTHY! :D

so good to hear Joanne.. I was diabetic as well and thanks to my band I no longer take any medication for diabetes or blood pressure..For those who are critical of some of our long term bandsters and most successful.. missy, Carolina girl, etc. They are so helpful and so motivating.. I have seen them been very sympathetic to those who have issues and always refer them to their Dr's .. I have not found any of them to be rude or nasty.. sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.. The only thing I know is.. I would not have gone 8 or 9 years with all of the problems Megan had without getting something done about it.. hope it all works out but I am truly tired of this thread and how negative it has been...

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But I HAVE lost. And so has many thousands of other people. I'm not sure how you not losing means that the band doesn't work. Can you please expand on that?

And can I just say I read ALL the complication posts. Because I'm not at all resistant to hearing about possible complications. I like being aware. But you can't MAKE me say band things about the band when I'm not experiencing bad things. It's like saying 'men are pigs and will cheat on you' date=' and while you think you have a good man, just wait until he cheats on you, because he WILL cheat on you."

Umm, how about you treat me like the responsible, capable person I am and allow me to weigh the (so far considerable) benefits of my choices with the risks they pose? Everyone should be doing that. Everyone.

But both sides of the story should be told too. And every time I come in and say 'oh look I don't have pain, I lost all my weight, I did great with the band" i get this "you just wait, you're going to find out soon' rubbish. Except I have NONE of the problems that people talk about when they suffer these types of complications. Seriously, I accept that you have complications, can you not accept that the band has and continues to work for me?[/quote']

Extremely well said, could you write my PCP a/k/a as Dr. Doom? Lol! I am happy with my weight loss- slow but steady!

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Sorry the band didn't work out for u. I pray that all goes well with your surgery next month. Hopefully the sleeve will be better.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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