stacyp83 30 Posted July 24, 2013 Hi all! I am right at 37 weeks pregnant with my second band baby and I have started having intense left rib pain in the past few weeks, especially after I have eaten. I thought it was the baby kicking by rib, but I heard from a friend it could be my lap band. the only relief I get from the pain is to lay down. Has anybody else had this? Was it because of your lapband? If so, did it damage your band/port and did it cause any other problems? I am very concerned. I have called my Dr. but they said it was probably my uterus pushing on the tubing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kime-lou 648 Posted July 24, 2013 Do you still have your gallbladder? I ask because my BFF had the same issue- post bypass- during her 1st preg. They kept saying it was just the baby pushing on things. When her daughter was born by c-section they both stayed in the hopsital 4 days, then went home. The pain was worse- they said it was due to the surgery. The next day she had to be rushed to the ER and had emergency gallbladder removal- a stone had blocked off the bile duct. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stacyp83 30 Posted July 24, 2013 yes I still have my gallbladder, my doctor did an ultrasound on it back in January but said it was normal. They have also ran tests but always say its normal. :-( It really scares me though because it is a constant ache /pain & it gets worse after I eat. I'm going to the Dr today so I'm going to see if they will do my csection early. I have gestational diabetes so they say she is a big baby already. :-/ Thank you for your reply! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heather_8.1.14 65 Posted July 27, 2013 Gall bladder pain isn't that high, its more around the sides and back. I had mine removed 6 months after my son was born in 2011. To be completely honest, it could be that your baby is on the bigger side and is shoving a leg or foot up there. I'm almost 27 weeks and my son sits just like my other one did, up almost in my chest cavity. (Obviously NOT but you get the idea lol). He has a tendency to shove his leg up into my rib cage and booooy that hurts. The reason you might get relief when laying down is simply because that will put your baby into a slightly different position/angle in there. Hang in there, the end is in sight!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stacyp83 30 Posted July 27, 2013 I think mine is pushing mine too! she us wayy up high lol. And I have gestational diabetes so she is on the bigger side according to my ob. I'm 37 weeks & measuring as if I'm 3 weeks over due! after I eat my left rib hurts and almost feels like something is digging into my skin too ..its really sore & stings to touch. Luckily I only have a week left Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heather_8.1.14 65 Posted July 31, 2013 You can do it mama. My first baby was 10lbs 1oz 22 inches long and I didn't have any GD, just BIG babies! My third was 9lbs 2oz and my doctor is pretty sure I'm looking at another 9lbs 1/2'er this time again too! Good luck! Make sure to post some pics of that sweetie pie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stacyp83 30 Posted August 7, 2013 I had my baby via emergency csection on August 4th. Was scheduled for csection August 5th but I was up all night with what j thought was kidney pain. It got worse and worse and my mother saw me crying in pain so she made me go to the ER. Turns out I am actually in labor! Had been all.night! They went ahead and prepped me for csection in case my Dr decided it was time. I was having intense contractions & they put in my catheter and a few minutes later mym Water broke! Next time I know I am being taken to the OR to get a spinal for my csection. Well the spinal wouldn't work so they had to put me to sleep so they could deliver her. She weighed 11 lbs and 2 ounces and was 22 inches long! Biggest baby I have ever had! That is why I was having all the pain & discomfort! Since I've had her, my side has not hurt one time! ! She is currently in the intensive care nursery because since she was an emergency csection she got some Fluid in her lung so they have had to keep her on oxygen and had to give her a feeding tube. Also she has a small hole in her heart but the Dr said it should heal on its own. Also has slight jaundice. I'm hoping she gets better so I can take her home by At least Friday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ceres 26 Posted August 7, 2013 wow that's a big baby! did you have GD or do you normally just have bigger babies? just curious. congrats on the delivery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heather_8.1.14 65 Posted August 8, 2013 awww congrats hunny! I'm sure she'll get to come home soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stacyp83 30 Posted September 2, 2013 I got to bring her home when she was 2 weeks old :-) she is doing great :-) 1 Heather_8.1.14 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites