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So I got better pretty quick with essential oils that a friend brought me the other day. It beat being put on antibiotics and cough Syrup that knocks me out for two weeks. So I became a consultant for $25 so I could get my stuff at a discount. Anyone use oils?

Today was so weird not having homework to do. Crazy!

Happy Monday.

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Good Monday morning Ladies...

Lifes been going as good as expected...craz some days....

Im thankful school has started...and mornings are going pretty smooth....I have had a night nurse call off a few times...but God love my Kaleb he has stayed up watching CJ nights I have worked...

Charlie...will start somcardi rehab hopefully by next week...I fear he is getting depressed about everything...

One thing I had not shared with all was while Charlie was in the hospital Kaleb who is allowed to use dads truck just on the farm....smaskhed it....its over 1000 damage to fi it..so its sitting here now...and between me trying to get to work and find ides for the boys back and forth from football....now Charie will be starting to go o rehab and he will need the van....so really my GED is on hold..Im really feeling ....not even sure the wors for how im feeling....Carole...im sorry I have not been posting here...and just on FB...but I think on FB ts what we put out to make others see the good.....when I come here..I open mysef up...and wow I break down....thank you all for being the wonderful friends you are....

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Ok..imback and composed....LOL

Janet so happy to hear your knees are doing better...and I so know what you mus feel watching nurse deel common sence lady !!!! eal with that with many o CJs nurses too...you have to speak up !!! On your good news about your new grand bay coming in Oct has to e so making you all feel so blessed ....I find out Tuesday I my Lizzys having a b or g.....

Terrie..thank you for your message on FB...and I think about you coming back an helpin me kick charlies butt..no eating wise he is doing better..lots better...even better then me..I have been having lots of PBing..and going way to long with out eating or eating sliders....but staying with in m 5 lb range... That's why I have not been doing my fitness pal....LOL but I looked last night and I see you are doing wonderful Terri ~hugs~~

Carole...your picture on FB of your kitchen sink...MGoodness its sooo beautiful !!! I have never seen anything like it..I think its funny about your hubby never getting a generator while in Florid and now your the proud owners of one....guess he is worried about who to call there when you will need help...so he is just being prepared...

Dawn...my heart breaks for all you must be feeling about your daughters first weeks aay from home...as parents we want out babies to grow and yet growing means some pain..so your doing a wonderful job...and I love how you put your thoughts and feelings in words...

Michele...I applaud you and your schooling..im seeing first hand how hard and how important it is...and still living your new skinny life...You go girl.....

Diane...I hope life settles down for you and your mom...You have to always take time for yourself...

hugs to all of you..........

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Teri I don't do scrap booking but I have a friend who had made some...OMG show us some pics of yours !!!

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Happy Monday!

Dee, we all need a safe place to land, and I do understand that life and all your responsibilities keep you focused on other important needs. So keep in mind that when you are here, we love hearing from you, and when you are away, you are missed. There is always some challenge in life, and I hope you get a break from all the chaos for a bit. Perhaps Kaleb needs to find a job to cover the repair costs from the accident?

Michelle, yes, what will you do with all that extra time now that hitting the books is in the past? Enjoy your new well deserved freedom!

Janet, do you feel ready for Round 2 with the other knee? I had my foot surgeries 2 months apart, and don't believe I could have survived if I had the second one earlier. On the other hand, your recovery progress is nothing short of phenomenal! How is the sciatica these days?

Terri, did you finish the Disney album as planned? I hope the weather cooperates for the pool party! When does Fall peak in the eastern part of NC? Does all the excessive rain we have had impact Fall?

Dawn, how is the empty nest? I know a major adjustment for you, bur now you can focus more on your needs and choose how to spend your time. You have so many good events ahead...enjoy this time!

Diane, just remember to take good care of yourself, and do whatever you can to create some "me" time through all of the chaos. You are having an addition built on your current home? You have my sympathies...I'm so tired of the construction and dust here...

As I type this, Jack has gone back to work in the kitchen, installing the garbage disposal and getting the rest of the plumbing hooked up for the kitchen sink. I guess I'd better finish lining more shelves...

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Pool party got cancelled, Disney scrapbook is done, but not fancy enough for pictures ladies.

Doreen, so sorry to hear about your transportation woes on top of everything else that is going on. I hope Kaleb was not injured. It is too bad about your studies, but I understand priorities must be made. We will keep pushing you to go for it when the time is right.

Carole... fall starting varies here from mid-September to early October, but leaves will likely not peak until late October. The rain usually means more color and less brown from drought. TIme will tell.

Dawn, I hope you will begin to find a new routine for yourself, even if it involves packing up to move. We are all anxious to have you out of the ghetto! :P I hope things will quickly get better for Audrey, having her call and cry will not help our stress level at all! Take care of yourself!

Michele, one set of studying done, and now the prep for the test. It is good you will be taking so soon after finishing your studies. What is new on the business front?

Janet... ready for round two? What is the date again so I can send up my prayers for the surgery?

Diane, keep the faith lady. We know life is not a bowl of cherries right now, but you will get through it somehow. You are stronger than you know. Eat right and give yourself breaks when you need them. How about Concord Mills in November? It is a longer drive for me, so I will need to stay overnight, shall I book a room with two beds? We could also do Ikea?

Love to you all... now what shall be my next quilt project?

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Early good morning! Been awake since 1230 this morning. Brain going ninty miles an hour. I have been on the web sit, visiting the forum and spreading cheer! lol I even wrote a blog.... See even writing run on sentences...

Mom feel again yesterday, she feel at day care and hurt her knew. It was very stiff tonight and she was having issues getting around, I decided to stay home this morning with her while the guys work and go into work later in the day after they come home.Thank goodness I have a job that allows me the flexability to work from home occassionally.

I got up and checked on her a couple of hours ago and she was talking in her sleep,

Hubby thinks i am crazy and should be sleeping instead of surfing the web.

Hope everyone has a great day today, going to try and get a little sleep before 7am.

Love to all.

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Morning Ladies,

It is so good to hear from you all. I so wish there was something I could do to help with your problems Dee and Di, but alas, all I have to offer is a heart felt prayer. May God give you peace and strength to face your daily challenges.

Dawn, How you doin? Must say, I'm glad you do have your puppy's, so you are not totally alone. I would hate the thought of you coming home from work to a totally empty house.

I happen to catch a special news report about the thugs taking over the streets of Chicago, last night. Ppl staying off the streets and kids having guards walk them to school b/c gangs have taken over. How sad! I will be so happy when you move out, can't come soon enough. Start packing!!!

Carole, That kitchen sink is so beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. Better get that kitchen done before the leaves are in full bloom. If you are like me, you will be spending a lot of time outside, just enjoying the beauty of it all. I do hope both you and Terri will share pictures. I will trade one beautiful beach sunset picture for a glorious picture of a sea of magnificent color spend over the mountains. Even the thought of it thrills me. So jealous!

Minimi, I checked out your Essential Oils page. I have always been interested in it, but now with you being a distributor, will have to investigate more. What oil works on staying asleep longer?????

So when do you have to start studying for CPA exam? I will be so happy when all you have to do in life is enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Terri, I think I may have asked you this and sorry for possibly repeating myself, have you every made a One block wonder quilt? You use just one fabric. I got the how to book for my birthday and just dying to make one.

I have so many quilting projects sitting in my sewing room waiting for me. Yesterday was half tempted to put on embolism stockings a sit at my sewing machine, lol. The darn things are just too hot.

My next knee is scheduled for Sept.11. I do appreciate all the prayers, it worked great the first time.Hoping for a repeat performance. When standing, I put more weight on that leg and it reminds me, it is time. It will be nice to have two knee's that don't lock up while standing.

I did all the laundry yesterday, hubs in charge of carrying it in and out of laundry room. I did not use the cane once, but getting out of bed at 3am I was trying to figure out where I left it.lol

Thursday my Dr said " get off the walker as soon as you can and use a cane and then get off that as soon as you can", following Drs orders, thanks to all the prayers.

Batteries are about dead, better post before I lose all my ramblings.

Love you all!

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Good Morning girls !

Its a better day...just want to thank you all for letting me come here yesterday and have my li melt down...

Maddy prayers are always a blessing ..I have a very busy day here...o Im off.....have a great day everyone !

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Good Almost Afternoon All,

Good to read all the positive updates...

Terri, I vote for your next project to be a leaf quilt! Or one which depicts the four seasons. I have always loved anything which depicts the seasons...If the Disney pages are not fancy enough to share a picture, just pick one of your favorites from the past. How have you been feeling? I hope you are doing well...

Diane, I'm so sorry to read that your mom fell again. As you know, this is so dangerous. Are you taking care of yourself among the chaos? These are times to let friends help keep your spirits up. It was good to see your FB post about friends. Keep shining...

Dee, you never need to thank your friends here for having a safe place to have a melt down. Heaven knows you do so much for so many...don't forget to take care of you admist all the chaos in your own life!

Janet, so wonderful to read that you have made such great progress so rapidly! I agree that those stockings are like wearing an extra layer of clothing. I'm supposed to wear actual compression hose because of veinous insufiency...but I've managed to keep the ulcers away for over a year now, and will just monitor my skin. Hate is too mild a word to describe how I feel about compression hose. I can imagine you are anxious to get back to your projects...and I am jealous. I still have so much work to do with getting the breakfront and kitchen unpacked, not to mention moving upstairs to the master we prefer now that the furniture is here. Keep up with your progress...you are an inspiration!

Dawn, I hope the adjustments to the empty nest are going well. I so agree with Janet that is great that you are not coming home to an entirely empty house. How are you feeling? I hope that your back pain is resolved. How is Audrey adjusting to university life? I hope all is well.

Michelle, preparing for your board exam should go smoothly, especially since so much of the material is still fresh in your mind. I am glad that you have reached this place where your pace can slow to a more manageable level.

I had to order more shelf liner online yesterday, as I was running out of the wider length rolls. I was amazed that the same Sonoma patters was still available. The kitchen is looking as I hoped it would. The final piece will be the countertops. Jack is now working to complete all of the small trim work. Never again...

I am up to a full hour of cardio 5-6 days a week now, and the scale is stalled. So frustrating...we've all been there. I will keep slogging along with it. Some days I am very hungry, other days it is easier to manage. But I still comply with portion sizes, and stay away from carbs.

I appreciate and love all of you...in a sea of confusion we seem to be the sane ones!

I hope all are having a great Tuesday!

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Hi, Ladies.

Dee and Di, my heart goes out to both of you fabulous ladies that I am proud to know. Dee, I understand your wanting to stay on FB at times in the "fantasy" world; however, know that we are always here for you. It's not my business how or what happened with Charlie's truck but maybe it would be a good idea for Kaleb to find ways to earn money to help if he is not already doing so. It really helps teach that responsibility and take some of the pressure off of you. Just do me one BIG favor, no Craigslist guy gets your cash without doing the job. :D I hope today is going better for you.

Di, you are so welcome for the flowers. It was the least I could do and glad it made you smile. You are a beautiful lady that needs to keep her "smiler" working too. :) I am surprised they lasted so long!

Ma! What can I say - you are truly BIONIC. I should be able to recover as quickly as you have. I am confident your next surgery will go well for you!!! I am also happy to hear hubby is looking out for you! Wow, so Ange is due soon. That is AWESOME news. How's your band treating you since surgery?

Michelle, sooo happy for you. Heck, I would be crying too! I believe in you and know you will do well. I am glad you have a couple weeks off to regroup and re-energize! I can't wait to hear that 100 mark too. How's business going at the firm during "off season"?

Terri, scrapbooking, party hosting, quilting, traveling... so glad you seem to be enjoying your retirement and finding things you enjoy and keeping active. Do you feel more energized to do things with the weight off? Also, sorry I was wrong about Machu Picchu. Ericka's group voluntarily did a trip up a mountain next to it to see it. I guess you don't have to, it's just a different aerial view. Heaven knows I wouldn't make it 8000 stairs at that altitude either. I hope you are doing well and Franc is too.

Carole, I cannot wait to see the final product of your kitchen. That's really neat that your husband is doing a lot of the work. It is a source of pride I imagine to see it all coming to fruition. It's very nice! How's your band been treating you lately? Anymore road trips?

Audrey is doing much better at school. After she got thru that first night of being alone. She is starting to meet people and make friends so I am very happy for her. Ericka's drop off on Sunday went well too! I was a bit sad on the way home thinking of being all alone, Brad in Omaha, the kids gone, etc. Both of them will be home this weekend though w/ the holiday. I am supposed to be meeting with someone Friday that wants to adopt Symba. I hope it works out. His home visit was already done, it's more a matter of making sure Symba is a good fit. Symba is a sweetheart but has his issues. I have to keep him separate from my dogs so it's fun in my 800 sq foot house. I rotate the dogs so they have time to roam and get to be in the yard, etc. I will still have my 2 doggies though, Benny and Kobe and will know how Brad must feel being alone in Omaha. Now that my garage is empty of all the kids' dorm stuff, I have room to be packing boxes and will begin that process. Brad should be back in town in a couple weeks and will take some things back. It's hard to pack too much as I don't have a lot of stuff and am still using most of it as my day-to-day stuff. My back is better this week. I was sure it would be bad w/ moving, stress, etc but it's just the tingling right now and not the agony. So that's good.

Sorry for my novel, but you know me :D

Have a great day, ladies. Time for me to blow this pop stand and head home. Muah!

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Janet... no one block wonder quilts with just one fabric. I would be interested to see yours when you do it!

Dawn... novels are OK... I like to read... and read... and read.... LOL!

Doreen... I always hated the start of a new school year and working out all the carpool stuff. I can be a stressful time.

Carole... I will look for a good page to photo... I am not that creative in scrapbooks!

Janet... lose the cane! So proud of your progress.

Michele... send me a link for essential oils... or Janet you can! I found a recipe for homemade body scrub I would like to try out!

Love you all! Played golf today and broke 100!

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I love you ladies!!!!

Dawn, I hope and pray Symba is a good fit with adoptee!

Ever since surgery, band has been super tight. 2-3 bites fill me up. Problem is boredom is kicking my butt. Every KFC or pizza Hut commercial drives me crazy, not that I could eat it, but would like to give it a try, lol. Oh, and the cupcake commercials, omg.

I'll be so happy when you and Brad are together!!!!

Terri, It will be a while before I do the One Fabric Wonder, lol.

Just got call today that Ange's quilt is ready. Will be interested on how much to quilt?!?

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I start outpatient PT tomorrow, hope that helps tv commercials kicking my butt.lol

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ps. trying not to cross my legs is hard too, as I sit here with my legs crossed. Stop it!!! lol

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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