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A New Day

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Hi, Ladies... sorry, with having not been feeling well and running around, I haven't been on here much. Would sure be easier if I could access this group on my phone. :)

My tummy is feeling better the last few days. I will find out next week the results of my gallbladder scan to see if that may be the culprit. My reflux has been better this week too but I had other issues instead. Anyway, all in all I am not doing too bad. I didn't get a fill and at least found out what is in my band (4 cc). The dr. didn't give me one until we figure out my issues. Also, he was telling the PA in the room that because I have a slight slip they don't want it too tight as that can make it worse. I think the scan they did this week at least showed the slip isn't any worse.

Michelle, that is AWESOME! So happy for you! Yes, football is quite demanding time wise. My daughter was a football cheerleader at one point and I was amazed how much just their practices took. Plus, the games. Enjoy!!!

Terri, can't wait to hear about your visit with our Dee. :) Franc gets to meet all the LB ladies too. How cute! As for my doggy, Benny... well, he has ISSUES. Essentially, he is a very nervous dog and also very scared (threatened) by people he doesn't know. He seems to be fine with people that ignore him but if people try to pet him, he will snarl and snap. People see him so little and think what a cute little (harmless) dog and don't expect it so they don't approach him with caution. Years ago he bit Brad's daughter as he freaked out when she rode past him on a skateboard and last year he bit my sister. I was frustrated w/ the issue with my sister because knowing he had issues, it wasn't a good idea to very loudly and excitedly yell Benny and just jump in his face. He bit her arm and ran away from her. The kids' dad comes over from time to time and he doesn't like dogs so he ignores Benny and it works fine. Sudden movements or strangers scare Benny. Ignore him and he is fine. Once he gets to know someone he is fine and is very affectionate. We are his 3rd home and I don't know what treatment he endured before. He is also very scared when I cook w/ oil or if he smells smoke (he hates the firepit). He is a good dog in spite of all that but... When you see CJ, make sure you tell him "shut the front door" for me so you get a good giggle from him. :)

Janet, big hug to you dear!!! I hope your mother is doing better and you are doing well.

Carole, awesome that you are able to get so many steps in!!! Such a loving momma taking care of her bab(ies). :) I went with my friend yesterday while she did her first 10k (6.4 miles). She was able to run most of it. She was sooooo excited as she's never run a 10k before. She is 47 and hopes to do a half marathon by the time she is 50. I felt like a slacker as a spectator seeing a VERY pregnant woman running it too! Definitely motivational though. You are doing so well; especially knowing the injuries and setbacks you have had.

Diane, I sure hope whomever would do something so low like that was desperate as you said and I sure hope it was someone that doesn't know you. I cannot imagine anyone knowing (the awesome YOU) and doing that to you. I shake my head in disbelief that someone could do that. I am so sorry. I am praying for NICE JUNE today!!! I hope one of the authorities can help relieve the financial burden so you can get more assistance with your mom. Are there government agencies that help with this? We seem to have a lot of avenues here. Also, have you looked into your local chamber of commerce for suggestions? I am not sure if you have the same things there but our counties and each village's chamber of commerce offer a lot of community assistance. I never knew and was surprised at all they do. Also, if there is a senior citizen club in your area, they often know of or have a lot of resources. Big hug to you, my friend.

Still no moving date but expecting late fall. Getting things ready for Audrey to head off to college. Gotta get sheets and towels today. :) Poor Ericka texted me yesterday after getting injured. :( Since she was very young she would pass out every once in a while out of nowhere. We went to the Children's hospital and they did all kinds of tests and never figured it out. Closest we figure is she is borderline anemic and they checked her ears and said one was weaker and can cause dizzy spells. It doesn't happen often (maybe 1x per year) or sometimes a few years go by without an episode. Well, she went to a outdoor spa thing yesterday with friends (she is still in Ecuador) and started feeling weak. She passed out and face planted. Thankfully, she didn't break her nose or teeth but her lips are cut up and swollen. :( I'm just so glad she didn't get hurt any worse than that.

Have a great day!!!! Love you ladies.

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Dawn... hope Ericka is OK. Benny sounds like our cat Lily. She is VERY skittish. If someone sneezes she runs to hide. The neighbor who takes care of the cats when we travel has me verify I am sure that they are in the house before we leaves. She never sees Lily when we are gone! But... I just had them both the the vet and they are gaining weight so I know they are eating OK!

Doreen, just two more days!

Carole, I am happy your life is getting some routine back in it. That will make a big difference.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We are in Pennsylvania now. Lots of family to visit.

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Another 10,000+ step day for me. I don't know who is more demanding...the dogs or Jack...

Off to the shower...catch up tomorrow...

But...happy Erica was not more seriously hurt.

Diane...how low can others go? I had a neighbor years ago who was a kleptomaniac. She stole one of my expensive bracelets and rings off of the dining room table. The house was unlocked, and I had gone over to another neighbors house for a few minutes. The kids were with friends, Jack was at work. When I reported the theft to the local sherif office to file a homeowner loss, he asked me to describe my neighbor who I suspected had taken my jewelry. He then told me her name without me telling him. Turns out she had a record as long as she was tall for shoplifting. He called her at work(the deputy actually had her work #). He called her and told her she had until 4 that afternoon to return my property otherwise he was going to press felony theft charges because of the worth of what she stole.

The story doesn't end there...reason I remembered was that she was also stealing money from her coworkers. She was from a wealthy family, and had a nice home and children.

I hope you never have to go through that again.

Shower time...good night all.

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Hi Ladies,

I have missed you all so much, along with my home, hub and kids..

As far as mom goes, late last night she was doing "really well", quoting my sister. Haven't called mom yet to get her take.

She has had every test to mankind and they can't find anything really wrong. She was really dehydrated and we know how that can affect you.

Dawn, sorry to hear you are having reflux. I hope your Dr figures out what the deal is and can fix it.

Poor Erika, Glad she didn't break anything. My sister did that same thing when she was a teen. They too thought it was an anemic problem and she did grow out of it. When this happens, is it around her period?

Poor Benny, he needs The Dog Whisperer. My cats need The Cat From Hell guy.lol They are all a freaked out mess.

Carole, Sounds like you are doing fantastic. Very busy, but sounds like you're handling things "one step at a time". Yes, stay away from the scale.

Hope Jack is feeling better.

Mini, My daughter was in the marching band, so I totally understand the hours of practice, but it was a very fun part of her teen life.

Come on onelander.....Breaking that 2 is sooooo hard, I remember.

FYI, breaking 190, 180& 170 seems to be hard too.lol But it can and will be done! You go girl!

Dee and Terry, can't wait until pictures.....You both have a great visit.

I'll be back,, time to phone my mom 10am

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Love, love Love, How will I ever figure out whats going on?

Mom moved back in with you?

Sorry someone help themselves to your purse. I just don't understand how ppl can live with themselves, after doing such awful things. Obviously, their conscious is dead, prayers being said for their character.

Love & Hugs

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Good Afternoon...

Busy morning. We had to get Sushi back to the vet today to have more bloodwork. Sad news, she now has to be treated for kidney failure in addition to heart failure. She seems to have energy,interacts well with the other dogs, and has good quality in her life and ours. So we will continue to do what we can...now she needs a low Protein diet. We have a recipe from the vet, so in addition to waiting on Jack and ferrying Sushi around, I will be cooking dinner for her as well as us later.

Janet, so nice to "see" you here again. We were concerned. I hope the physicians are able to figure out what is going on. It is amazing how inexact a science medicine can be sometimes.

Yes, in my experience, breaking into the 150's is extremely difficult. I'm doing my best to get to the rec center every evening, at least 6 times a week. I'm walking the track for1-1.5 miles, and then my knee begins to be painful. Then I go inside to the recumbent bike for 40 minutes. The scale is being very stubborn.

Without any Fluid in my band, my hunger is getting a bit more difficult to manage, but I still comply with the portions. And increased my Water. I certainly hope I can get some answers from my doctors next week. We hope that Jack's surgeon will not object to the road trip next Monday. We will know more on Friday.

I hope everyone is well...Tah for now!

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Evening ladies, Finally alone, just me, the cat, my computer and the TV. Feel like I died and went to heaven, lol, forgot about hubby snoring right next to me.

Busy Monday, did 3 interviews for staff nurses and supervisors. Working with a recruiter to fill my Director position, hope it does not take so long.

Day started out a little rocky with mom but the evening went ok. I left work early and went to her apartment and got all of her cloths and put them in her room, along with her plant and a few other personal articles. She said nothing, amazing, she pretends she knows nothing but than apologizes to my brother for being a b***h this weekend but to me she acts like she does not remember something. My such is so manipulative. Starting to think I need to take the drugs instead of her. Just kidding!

Had a good day eating today, actually no stuck episodes and no vomiting, yeah!!!

Here's hoping we all have a great week, Janet so glad your back, you were missed.

Teri, can't wait to see pictures from your meeting with Dee on Wednesday.

Night all, love you guys, Di

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Hi, Ladies! Well, gallbladder and blood test were fine. The doctor's office (nurse) called and said everything was fine/normal. I am still uncomfortable in my upper left abdominal area (near my port area) and my back is still bothering me a lot. I was dealing w/ some tingling in my back and now just this pain. I kind of feel silly because my abdomen was really tender and nauseous, etc. and they essentially found nothing. In speaking to a chiropractor he suspects I may have a pinched nerve in my back too (going to him on Wed). I can see my chart online from the doctor's office and am going to call them back tomorrow just to ease my mind as it says on the report: The right hepatic simple cyst is noted, measuring 13 x 14 x 21mm. This is a new finding since the prior study. Not sure if this could be causing me abdominal discomfort or not but worth asking about at least. Definitely need to get my back looked into. I have never had back issues and w/ the stomach issues it seemed it was internal and I really didn't think it was a back issue. I just want some relief. Sitting at my desk all day is not comfortable.

Anyway, Diane, glad you had some Di time tonight!

Janet - welcome back!!!! So glad all is well and guessing the family is glad you are back too. YES, Benny needs the dog whisperer!!! Funny thing is I see that show and they always have nice (and big) houses so I know they would never put my cubical of a house on there. So I have thought maybe once I move to Omaha I will try to enter him, lol.

Terri and Dee ~ yahoooooo.... can't wait!

Michelle, hey skinny twin!!! So proud of you!

Ugh, it's 12:30 at night here (no, I shouldn't be up). Audrey is watching Teen Wolf and our doorbell just rang. Of course, HELL no I am not answering it at this hour and it freaked me out. I finally was able to get to window (discretely) and see it was the police. I opened and they asked if I noticed anything as someone had their yard stuff all messed up and vandalized. Earlier today, the police were at the door this a.m. because the guy across the street had his tires slashed. This USED to be a quiet, residential neighborhood and I hate it now. I soooo cannot wait to get out of here. I am always really nice to all the neighbors (even the "thugs") as I don't want to be on anyone's bad side. Last year someone went through my shed and my neighbors.... It freaks me out! :( No area is perfect but I just don't feel so safe here anymore and stopped crating my dogs at night so I feel safer if anyone ever tried to break in.

On that note, goodnight ladies. Have a great day!

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Dawn... I can see why you are ready to move! Stay safe until the move and then get the heck out of there!

Mini... you are doing so well! I am proud of you!

Carole, you sound better and better as you get more settled in your new home. I still can't wait to see all the remodeling completed.

Janet, nice to have you back among us. Hope all continues to go well with your Mom. I know Ange and family are happy to have you around as well. Hows the backyard pond? Dried up yet?

Diane... you are a strong strong lady! A replacement for your director's position. I thought that was your job? I am confused. Loved the mental picture of you and your cat in bed with a snoring hubby!

Doreen... I will be there tomorrow! Can't wait! We will come as early as possible. I am hoping for good weather.

Today we are headed up to the Boalsburg and the Pennsylvania Military Museum to the outdoor market to meet our nephew and his family. They have a booth there to sell stuff from their organic farm! Then tomorrow it is Doreen day! Yippee! I am really looking forward to meeting all her family, and yes Dawn I will tell CJ to shut the front door for you!

I promise pictures from tomorrow!

Love to all!

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Good Evening all,

Another adventure today as we drove to Johnson City TN, and discovered their restored downtown area. We were on a mission of sorts.

I have a graduation to attend a week from Saturday (Jodi's Master's degree), and I have nothing to wear. Much to my amazement the size 12 fit. I thought I picked up a 14(I'm the queen of hips). This dress is the same label I used to wear while I was in my 40's, and the same size. What a validation of my progress to date. I am very happy!

Jack insisted on going out today, as "cabin fever" had set in. Of course, he drove. I guess that means he is feeling better. I still have to remind him he has a 5 pound weight limit for lifting.

Dawn, you really need to "get out of dodge" to a safer place. So happy that is already in the plans for you. Your dog is cute...how sad to consider the abuse he must have been subjected to. And now he has a safe place to be happy in. Kudos to you for seeing the possibilities in him.

Hi Janet! :)

To Terri and Dee, have a happy day tomorrow with your long anticipated visit!

Diane, kvetch all you want about Starbucks not getting your order right. Their reason for having a job is to get orders right. I hope the rest of the day went well.

Hi Michelle...

I've really gotten to know my way around some of the roads up here now. And I've been driving myself to the gym since the weekend. Jack asked me if I needed him to drive me to exercise. No way...I've got my wheels back!

I'm off to the gym now.

I'll be looking for the pictures tomorrow!

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

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Other than Dawn's thug problem, sounds like everyone is doing well tonight. That puts a smile on my face.

Carole, Sounds like you are getting stronger and stronger. Congrats on the new outfit. I do like the way clothes now feel, more than the scale.lol

Glad Jack is feeling well enough to want to get out of the house.

Sorry to her about Sushi's new problem, just like humans, its hell to get old.

Terri and Dee, I am so excited for you. Give each other a big hug from me.

Di, So glad you're enjoying your time at home, with your snoring hub.lol

Also glad to hear you're eating right. You have got to take care of you. We need you!

Dawn, Your Drs report is giving me mixed emotions. Happy to hear band and gallbladder is ok, but said you are having back pain.

You sure those police officers are not just stopping by to check out the hot chick???? That was my first thought.lol

I will be happy when you are safe and sound in Omaha.One day closer!

Minimi, Keep living up to that name GF.

How's your fil doing? Is your son excited about playing football?

Inquiring mind...

I took Jack & Delaney to the beach today. It was a little rough and Delaney went under, but didn't let it scare her. Both kids are becoming good swimmers.

Tomorrow is nail, grocery and sewing day.

I hope you all have a wonderful hump day.

Love you!

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Hello all! How's it going gf's?

Son is loving hell week at fb practice. So far so good. It gets daddy out if the house from 6-8 too so I get guilt free homework time.

I'm doing terrible this week bcuz I'm so close to onederland that I'm actually depressed! How crazy is that?! I am back at the gym. I have a race on Sunday 10k- but I feel like I have no direction.

My next dr appt is next week I think.

Anyone heard from Nicole? I've text her but no answer. I saw her on MFP tho.

My brain is so bad, I read all about your comments/lives and think of so many things I want to reply. Then when I start to write I forget everything! Ugh!

Kisses for now! Hey, two of you are meeting tomorrow huh?! >jealous<

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Good Morning all...

Janet, Jack was reading that there were rip current notifications for Madeira Beach this morning. We throught that was only an issue on the Atlantic coast. I guess not. Good to read that Delaney was not scared by her experience in the Water. Children growing up around that much Water need to have a good relationship with it and know how to swim.

Michelle, I can relate to your lack if recall...it no doubt is related to your warp speed and constant multitasking. At least with school, things do have an endpoint in sight. That should help and be something to look forward to.

Looking forward to pictures from PA today. Dee and Terri, have a wonderful,visit and share pictures. Please give each other a hug from me hug for me as well.

Laundry and boxes are calling to me.

Hugs and deep appreciation for all of you. It enhances this journey so much for me, even with my challenges and complications.

Tah for now...

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here is CJ and me enjoying our visit with Terri and Frank.....and Lamb Chops !!!

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