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A New Day

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Good morning everyone...Sorry about my lack of posting here ...I am just so busy when I get a min of down time...I just zone out....BUT I have to say I am enjoying this summer and my children like no other summer that I can remember !!!! No matter what I am doing now...Im feeling good....that's such a awesome feeling.....Last night I took the 4 boys and Sam to the drive inn ( dad had to work) ....we all had such a fun night.....I missed CJ...I never leave him with a sitter other then family ...last night I left him with a nurse and it botherd me lots....he hates the dark and I knew siting that long he wouldn't like either.....it was sad with out him but nice I could just up and run with the boys when they called me....Dawn I too had a majot cheat day yesterday...Im embaressed to say I did do good all day but at the drive in I ate a WHOLE BAG of pretzel pops !!!! I never felt stuffed....today I have a head ache and a bit of a tummy ache.....that should teach me...Schooling is going great Im enjoying it !!!!...I am walking 4 mil every morning...and yes God love my boys and their bugs and snakes...Terri that snake in the pic was still alive !!!! and as I drove in the yard they came running up to my car yelling to open my window...OMG they wanted to put it in my car and scare me !!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ok now to see how my memory is on all I read....Michele...glad your son is getting help for the terets.....your pictures of your back yard look awesome.......you all have such beautiful places....mine seems so run down and kids stuff everyplace.....Great job ........Janet...so sad for Maddy and getting poked...I bet Paula was HOT! ....CJ is schedualed for a swallow test soon....You are so talented in all you do Janet and I adore your faith...it shines through in everything you do and say ~hugs~.......Terri I will be sure to tell ( threatin) the boys to keep all snakes out of your site....LOL....that just may make them more onrry.....I loved the pics of your quilt and grand daughters first communion...made me smile remembering mine...I felt like a lil bride that day.....I am getting excited to meet you.....even looking for a dish to make for us....whats your fav food....mines chicken..........Dawn...I loved your lil HI......your so funny and quick witted....that's a special qulity I have always thought....sorry your having reflex....I don't think I have ever had that but I can only imagine how that must be.....Your doing awesome !!!....Diane....God Bless you in all you have been handed lately.....Im happy your taking the bull by the horns as my hubby would say....stay strong LOVE....Carole...you also have been handed a lot as lately....but you stay strong !!!! So happy for the good news of your DIL getting a job and a job of her first choice that's even more awesome....I have a lot of trouble with directions....do you have a GPS...that would help lots....and I bet you can do it a lot better then you think when your alone and you have to do it....I always drive when we all go any please......Hubs driving scares me.....,,,,,,,,,,,Ok I think I got everyone...I hope.....and I know this is long Terri...LOL....but my computer is still messed up...I cant move to start new paragraps here...I dunno why......OOOOO I did go to my local judges office Friday and filed a caplaint against the guy with my computer money.....wait and see now...

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Good morning, Ladies (afternoon for some). How is everyone?

I am having a good weekend. I went outlet mall shopping on Friday (love my new Ugg sandals) and bought my first pair of shorts in YEARS. Yesterday, got caught up on laundry, did some housework and colored my hair. Yay, me! My gray is gone for at least a couple weeks. :) I am thinking of going for a bike ride in a little bit to my best friend's house too. She is having a heck of a day and struggling with some things and my booty could use the exercise. My crockpot oatmeal was yummy for Breakfast too!!! I make it with skim milk and almond milk and used the steel cut oats and diced apples. MMM.

Dee, so good to hear from you. I am not surprised you are BUSY! I am elated to see how you are enjoying life in "your new body". I am sure your kids are so grateful as well that Mom is able to do more. I am very excited that you and Terri will be meeting soon as well! :) I am glad to hear you are pursuing the $ with the court too. Not only for the sake of what he took from you but for the sake that who else has or will he do this to. I hope he is held accountable. The trip to the movies sounded fun! What did you see? I recently saw Despicable Me 2 and it was hilarious!!!

Michelle, I am sorry your son is taking things out on you. Parenting can be so challenging at times. I am so glad you are able to see past it though and what's behind it. He is lucky to have such an awesome mom. Btw, love the backyard and chairs, etc. :) Hopefully, a little break at big sis' house will help things settle a bit.

Diane, I hope your night with your mother was restful for both of you. She is lucky to have a caring daughter like you as well always looking out for her and her best interest. I hope you are able to have a "me" day one of these days soon. I so wish I could take those kitties home too and adopt them! I love cats and miss having one here. I loved seeing Mason recently by Brad. Brad doesn't want anymore cats w/ the dogs, etc. Plus, Mason is FIV positive so he can only be paired with another one like that. :(

Janet, how are you feeling these days you skinny thing. When I saw one of your pics on FB yesterday of you with charcoal on your nose from a couple years ago. My gosh, what a difference this past year made. You are doing so amazing w/ the band and I am so happy for you. Any word on how Maddy's test went?

Carole, so sorry you had a rough night again. I am happy that you were able to talk with Seth. As much as it is a reminder of where he is, it is so nice that you are able to see and talk to him and know he is ok. I am so happy he keeps in touch as well. You have so much to be proud of with your boys. Happy unpacking again today. I need to start getting some of my things packed. Brad will be out here Aug. 2nd for the weekend and will be taking 2 of his kids and some of my stuff back with him. My uncle and godfather passed away far too young years ago. He was from Austria and was a very talented glass carver. I have some glasses and bowls he carved that I won't entrust to a moving company. I don't have a date set for moving but each time Brad is out here I try to send a few things with him. I need to get off my butt and get more things ready for when he comes. He gave me tons of the moving boxes from his move.

Terri, that sounds like a fabulous trip. :) I have heard there is so much to do in the DC area. I would love to go one day. I cannot wait to hear about your visit with Dee and her incredible family as well. Hopefully, no snakes will be involved, lol. Yesterday, I made it reflux free, which was nice. I have really been watching what I am eating, etc and the scale hasn't been budging... :( It will happen though as I know I have been doing what I am supposed to. So far, still stuck at 206. Sticking to mushies the past couple days has helped my tummy. I am going to make cashew chicken tonight and see how that goes. Glad you like my doggie too. :) He cracks me up every day. He is such a charismatic dog. How can you not smile when every day you wake up and come downstairs he jumps up, grabs a toy and does this growl/yodel thing in excitement. He is very vocal in a playful way. Like his momma in her long posts. Funny thing is, in person, I am generally a quiet person and keep to myself.

Dee, I have the same problem with typing paragraphs and C Mom told me how to fix it. At the top left of this box we type in there is an eraser. The box to the left of the eraser is for "toggle editing mode". If you click that then start typing it will allow you to hit return and type in paragraphs. It works for me.

Have a great day all you FABULOUS ladies!!!

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thanks Dawn...I will look into that ....I just typed and clicked it....all I see is the text is different.....Oh and yes we went to see despicable me and Monster University !!

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Well the weather cooperated and we had a good day for the goddaughters and the pool party. After swimming we all went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. The kids are so cute, but man they tire me out! Their Dad looks very tired and weak... chemo starts this week. I am praying for them all!

Now I have two days to do laundry and pack for our trip.

Doreen... I LOVE chicken. About the only Protein I don't eat is lamb.

Dawn, I will check on you after Tuesday. I hope it goes well for you. Definitely pack those glass carvings well and send them with Brad. Movers are not made for things that are that important.

Diane, hope Mom behaved at your house last night.

Janet, hope your weekend was good.

Carole, I am happy you heard from Seth. Hang in there Mom!

Michelle, I hope your son will settle down, but getting a diagnosis like his is never easy. The stages of mourning apply to these situations as well, so give him time and he will come around.

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Well the weather cooperated and we had a good day for the goddaughters and the pool party. After swimming we all went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. The kids are so cute' date=' but man they tire me out! Their Dad looks very tired and weak... chemo starts this week. I am praying for them all!

Now I have two days to do laundry and pack for our trip.

Doreen... I LOVE chicken. About the only Protein I don't eat is lamb.

Dawn, I will check on you after Tuesday. I hope it goes well for you. Definitely pack those glass carvings well and send them with Brad. Movers are not made for things that are that important.

Diane, hope Mom behaved at your house last night.

Janet, hope your weekend was good.

Carole, I am happy you heard from Seth. Hang in there Mom!

Michelle, I hope your son will settle down, but getting a diagnosis like his is never easy. The stages of mourning apply to these situations as well, so give him time and he will come around.[/quote']

Sound advise! Thanks!!

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Have a great trip, Terri!

Dee, click that box before you start typing and it should allow you to do the returns. The font looks weird while you are typing but when you post it will be fine.

Did my bike ride today ~ yay! About 6 miles round trip and fairly hilly. I even got to bring back summer squash and zucchini from her garden that I am roasting right now. :)

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Thank you Dawn for posting how to correct the problem with being able to use proper paragraphs.

It must be a problem with the site, I never had it with my desktop, nor with my new lap top for the first 6 weeks.

Looking forward to our day trip tomorrow to Charlotte. I hope they have something I like for countertops...

I hope everyone had a great Sunday, mine was productive with dwindling numbers of boxes in my office.

Just stopping by to say hi...

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Good morning Girls....

WoW Dawn your advice worked...

I was hating how every thing ran together...

A 6 mile bike ride..wow my butt hurts just thinking about that....I got my 4 mile walk in this morning befor the heat got to much...Im sitting here soposta be studing but needed a break...OMG I cant get this adding fraction stuff !!!!

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Hang in there Doreen... I have faith in you!

Carole, good luck on counter tops. That was the hardest part of our kitchen redo as well. You will find something that calls to you!

Michelle and Dawn have a great week.

Janet and Diane.... I wish you peace this week!

Just found out the heat wave will be hitting DC while we are there. It will high 90's and even over 100 degrees. May limit myself to inside walking! Keep cool everybody!

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Evening all, well I have survived the weekend and started my week. Surprisingly it is less stressful, I do not spend every evening driving up and down the road. I know it will change soon, it was way to easy. lol Mom had a very confusing day today, besides she does have Alzheimer's. lol this is what she told the daughter of a friend and all the nurses today. Oh how clothes to the truth she is. She thought I died today and cried most of the day. But by evening end she was calm and going off to bed. I have an appointment on Thursday with her primary care doctor and one on Friday for a permanent memory care unit. We will see, hoping we can afford it.

Heading to bed, I will catch up later and thank you all for your prays.. you guys all mean the world to me and I will never be able to repay your friendship, you will all never know how much it means to me.


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Good Morning all,

Very tired this evening...long day to Charlotte and back. We found what we were hoping to. We opted for marble with this kitchen. The designer w as against it, as the stone is more fragile than granite. If the sons were still living with us, I might have chosen granite. But with just the 2 of us it should be doable.

Dawn, I hope you enjoyed your birthday! And yes, in response to something you wrote some days back, it would be wonderful for all of us to meet at some point in the future. You're doing so well with your commitment to exercise! Please let us know how your appointment with your bariatric doctor goes...

Terri, bring cool clothing and Water with you to DC, you're going to need it. That pavement gets real hot. Enjoy your trip! BTW, what type of countertops did you end up choosing?

Diane, never a need to thank us for love, support, or friendship...we are going to be here or on FB with you. I know your mom is keeping your life complicated, just take a day at a time, and breath deeply.

Dee, so happy this is a great summer for you! What wonderful NSV's you have had. Just keep focused on your studies, you will reach your goals. I understand what you mean about the math. I'm number phobic. Keep us posted on your progress.

Janet...I hope you and the family are well...you've been MIA. Love and miss you...

Michelle, how was your weekend? I hope your keeping cool and enjoying your down time...

Spa day tomorrow...I'm still trying to get accostomed to a new structure of my time with Jack home all the time. The cardiologist gave the approval today for the surgery on Friday. Neither one of us are looking forward to this, but it must be done.

Everyone enjoy your Tuesday...and thank you for your friendship and support. It does help to know there are others who understand some of our unique challenges.


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Evening all' date=' well I have survived the weekend and started my week. Surprisingly it is less stressful, I do not spend every evening driving up and down the road. I know it will change soon, it was way to easy. lol Mom had a very confusing day today, besides she does have Alzheimer's. lol this is what she told the daughter of a friend and all the nurses today. Oh how clothes to the truth she is. She thought I died today and cried most of the day. But by evening end she was calm and going off to bed. I have an appointment on Thursday with her primary care doctor and one on Friday for a permanent memory care unit. We will see, hoping we can afford it.

Heading to bed, I will catch up later and thank you all for your prays.. you guys all mean the world to me and I will never be able to repay your friendship, you will all never know how much it means to me.


How heartbreaking! I'm proud of you and I admire your strength and courage!

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Good Morning all' date='

Very tired this evening...long day to Charlotte and back. We found what we were hoping to. We opted for marble with this kitchen. The designer w as against it, as the stone is more fragile than granite. If the sons were still living with us, I might have chosen granite. But with just the 2 of us it should be doable.

Dawn, I hope you enjoyed your birthday! And yes, in response to something you wrote some days back, it would be wonderful for all of us to meet at some point in the future. You're doing so well with your commitment to exercise! Please let us know how your appointment with your bariatric doctor goes...

Terri, bring cool clothing and Water with you to DC, you're going to need it. That pavement gets real hot. Enjoy your trip! BTW, what type of countertops did you end up choosing?

Diane, never a need to thank us for love, support, or friendship...we are going to be here or on FB with you. I know your mom is keeping your life complicated, just take a day at a time, and breath deeply.

Dee, so happy this is a great summer for you! What wonderful NSV's you have had. Just keep focused on your studies, you will reach your goals. I understand what you mean about the math. I'm number phobic. Keep us posted on your progress.

Janet...I hope you and the family are well...you've been MIA. Love and miss you...

Michelle, how was your weekend? I hope your keeping cool and enjoying your down time...

Spa day tomorrow...I'm still trying to get accostomed to a new structure of my time with Jack home all the time. The cardiologist gave the approval today for the surgery on Friday. Neither one of us are looking forward to this, but it must be done.

Everyone enjoy your Tuesday...and thank you for your friendship and support. It does help to know there are others who understand some of our unique challenges.


Marble is so beautiful! You will enjoy it. In Italy marble is chosen over granite most of the time. Yes it is more delicate but it is so beautiful. I'm sure you will do just fine with it.

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My weekend was nice. I aced my last classes. I'm on my last 3 with 6 1/2 weeks to go. I'm super frustrated with my group classes. So much so that I woke up at 3:30 stressing about it. The leader last week was a complete moron and now we are all behind a week. The assignment is huge!

Oh and here's a good one: I'm so unmotivated to get my butt to the gym in the morning! I haven't gone in two weeks. Ugh!

Well I'm up and going to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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