Where Are You in Your Weight Loss Journey?
Where Are You in Your Weight Loss Journey?
68 members have voted
1. Where Are You in Your Weight Loss Journey?
I?m still exploring my options for weight loss. I don?t know if weight loss surgery is right for me.0
I?m definitely going for bariatric surgery, but am not yet sure which type..1
I?m going for the lap-band and have set my surgery date (or am trying to get one set).9
I got my surgery already and am busy losing weight.36
I am within 15 pounds of goal weight or am already maintaining it!18
I am not a weight loss surgery patient, but am on LapBandTalk.com to support someone who is.0
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The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol.· 0 replies
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