brittu 42 Posted May 1, 2006 I'm considering a lap band procedure in Mexico. My insurance covers the lap band here at home but I'd have to gain weight to qualify and I'm just not up for it. I figured I'd better find someone here at home who does fills before I make my appointment. If you know of any doctors in the Seattle area I'd love to find out who they are. The only doctor I could find on the internet is in Richland which is about a 4 hour drive away. Thanks! Britt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NPjellybelly 0 Posted May 6, 2006 I would also like to give you the name of a fill provider. Her name is Kitty Carmichael, ARNP and she was my clinical instructor while I was training to be a nurse practitioner. She has no problem taking patients banded in Mexico. Diabetes Management NW 540 West Ave Arlington, WA 98271 360-435-5365 Fills: $150 first fill, $125 after. 10 day free fill/untill She does not have fluoro yet but is working on it. Hope this helps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brittu 42 Posted May 7, 2006 Thank you! That's not too far for me and that seems like a really good price. Now I just need to be brave enough to actually do it! Britt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Morsaille 4 Posted May 7, 2006 My doc said that fluoro is pretty important for a first fill although my friend banded 3 years ago has had all her fills done blind. I took down that information because it is the first time I have seen a fill offered here for under $250. I was going to call the Drs. Fox in Tacoma. I am currently shopping around. I have seen Dr. Neal who has fluoroscopy but charges $350 (maybe $375, I forgot) for a first fill. NWWLS won't see foreign bandsters. Dr. Chebli is really nice and just moved to a new office, check Obesity Help for his new contact info. Lets see, I think there is another one... Nevermind, drawing a blank here at almost 1:30 am. Luck finding a good one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Morsaille 4 Posted May 18, 2006 Dr. Fox charges over $400 dollars for a first fill! Blind! I think $350 with fluoro is a much better deal, with Neal... tee hee I will try and schedule with Ms. Kitty Carmichael, ARNP however, for the most part a fill is a fill and I have been known to squeak <- this means that I am frugal. I do not actually squeak... well maybe if you ask real nice. Time for bed, I am getting weirder by the minute. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roblynn54 0 Posted May 18, 2006 My name is Robin Martin. I was banded 2 years ago by NWWLS. I took my son to PV to be banded last August, he is down 88 pounds with no fill! :clap2: I have lost 70 pounds and have been on a plateau for months. It was just discovered I have esophageal spasms and I am taking Nifedapine to help it. I work with Kitty Carmichael, ARNP. For many years we have had a diabetic practice here in Arlington, WA. When we decided to open our own clinic, we started doing fills for our banded patients. We have gone to PV and to TJ to be trained by the different doctors. (although Kitty has accessed many ports during her nursing career) I am always looking for additional support and answers to my own frustrations. I heard about this board from someone else and thought I would give it a try. It looks like you have a lot of fun on this board! I'm a McDreamy fan myself and can hardly stand waiting till fall for it to begin again. Robin Martin 2/26/04 266/190/150 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old girl 0 Posted May 29, 2006 I was banded in aug of 2004 by Dr Joya in PT and Dr fox has been doing my fill since I got back. He charges 495.00 for the 1st and 195.00 for each one afterwards. He has been doing bands from all over the world since 1985 so when he does them blind he has had lots of practice. He is not a newbe at this. It is a long way to drive for us because we live in Bellingham and it is a all day thing for us to have our bands tighten. My daughters and I have our really thankful that the band is around because I was to scared to do the bypass. One of my daughters and I had it done by Dr Joya in PT and my second daughter had it done in TJ last June. I have lost 100 lbs and so has the daughter that went with me. It sure changes your life and I am doing things I lost because of the weight. I too am at a stand still but I am glad for what weight has come off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SharronL 2 Posted June 2, 2006 Hello, I called NWWLC and they said they would only take patients if they were banded before September. Dr. William Neil in Olympia will take patients from MX. His cost with fluoro is $350.00. You might check with Dr. Fox in Kent as well. Sharon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillieBeth 0 Posted June 10, 2006 I was banded in Mexicali, Mexico on May 19, 2006. I am looking to schedule with someone to do my first fill. I live neer Stanwood, Wash. Morsaille & brittu --- did you get Kitty Carmichael to do your fills? How was she? How many fills has she done? Has she ever punctured a fill line? Thank You BillieBeth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old girl 0 Posted June 10, 2006 I had Kitty fill my band last Monday and she did a fine job. One of my daughters band port is near her navel and with the weight loss has flipped over. They managed to turn it enough to get a fill in it. I do not know if she has ever puntured a line I did not think to ask. You can call and ask her if you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roblynn54 0 Posted June 12, 2006 We are open to all Mexican Banded patients. We are in Arlington, Washington, about 45 miles north of Seattle just off I-5. Our prices are: First fill $150 Future fills $125 We have a 10 day free follow up. Fill Management NW 540 West Ave Arlington, Wa 98223 360-435-5365 for appointments or questions Robin Martin, Banded 2/26/04 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Morsaille 4 Posted June 12, 2006 BillieBeth, I ended up not going to see Kitty and Robin because my port is too deep. They only have the 2" needles and I need at least a 3", maybe 4" since this is still new for me and my port is located deep on my waistline. If you cannot easily feel your port, you may want to hold off on using them for now. I plan on keeping the contact info they sent through the mail and when I have lost some more weight I will give them shot. For now, I have chosen to see Dr. Neal in Olympia. The fluoro is worth it for me. If I ever get enough time and money to drag my butt to Mexico, I'd see my surgeon, Dr. Kuri. But thankfully... I have restriction now! YAY! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites