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Hello Everyone...I'm alive and kicking just busy as ever with work. Man, this one woman leaving without notice is kicking my ars! I'm just not a happy camper about that at all. I've now found out that my accounts are growing even more. I'm gaining 20+ docs for Primary Care and another whole radiology group ohhhhhhhhhhh lordy. I'll be lucky I can post at all for another year when that happens. Gosh I don't even want to think of it. Right now my group of employees is the biggest of any supervisor and I'm looking to hire 4 more. YIKES. I mentioned to my boss today I'd like to move up a level or something. I used to have 3 supervisors under me before this job. I'd like to get there again. (Fingers crossed) I love what I do but, man oh man the hours are starting to get to me.

Sooo I've gone from so much restriction that I get a golfball or two a day to what feels like NO restriction in a matter of days. Go figure! Does this happen to folks 3 weeks after a fill? It will be 3 weeks tomorrow for me. As much as I don't like the golfball feeling.....I'm afraid to have no restriction. I know...I'm weird huh?

I haven't taking a ride on my motorcycle yet. DH just got done painting my tank and he's going to be polishing it tomorrow. It looks soooo cool. The previous owner painted the frame Kelly Green and the tank was a different green and the paint had run all over. Hubby sanded it all down and painted it this cool color changing color. It's purple/green. Depending on where you look at it and how the light hits it looks purple one minute then green the next. Neato! My mom ordered me a windshield cause she's excited I got my license lol. Hubby ordered me side covers......do you think these people want me to ride? lol

Don't remember who mentioned it but, yes you're right. I need to go clothes shopping but, I"m SCARED! Yes I said it scared! I've looked a few times and keep grabbing my previous sizes. I'm actually afraid to see what size I'm in. Isn't that weird? Maybe because, like I mentioned before, I feel like a small gal until I look in the mirror or try on clothes. Ohhhh what a sick, sad mind. I'm going to have to do it soon though because although I haven't lost more...my pants are getting too baggy.

Ohhhh I wanna see more pictures of everyones plants and babies :grouphug: What a cutie he is ....squeeze those cheeks hee hee. I'm so jealous of all of the green thumbs out there. I've got one plant in my house and it's a bamboo thing with yellow leaves that's how good I am at it and all I gotta do is put Water in it hahahaha. Oh well....I think I'll stick with fish lol. I'll see if DH will take a pic of out tank so I can show ya.

Well time to go to bed. Love you folks and keep up the great work of supporting each other! I appreciate this thread more than you know. (Have ya caught the thread "Why not CHEAT" OMG the crap going on in there. People are amazing.) Anywho....sweet dreams and may there be less of you tomorrow. (weight of course :huggie: )

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Wow.. I am never the first to post in the AM... Where is everyone? I am at work and preping another room to paint. It is fun that I get to pick out colors and paint... and GET PAID!

DH and I had long talk last night. He is so sweet. He has seen me eating out of control and wanted to know if I was ok! ahhhhhh... I love him so. I am better, but still working on the food.< /span>

We are going to CT Memorial day to see my oldedr son before he leaves for bootcamp in San Antonio and visit the new apartment of my younger son in Boston. He is the one broke up with his girlfriend of 5 years... and just moved into his own apartment. I guess he listened when growing up and learned some compasion and in the end helped her move into her apartment....

My boys are really living their lives and I am very proud of them. I told hubby that they are now making their own decisions and suffering the consequences of some of those decisions. DH said that is what is suppose to happen. He said we raised the "birds" to fly the nest.

That is it for now. As always, thank you for listening..... You guys are truly the best! I will check in later...

Kisses my friend,

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Hi Kids,

Okay this is my second post.. geeze. I can't stay and play but I wanted to thank you all for your kind words about my hair.. its scary as chit but your words do comfort me and give me hope.

Love you all :grouphug:

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I no longer live there, but used to live in San Antonio, Donna, have you ever been there? I would love to go back and do the River Walk again....maybe someday. I was there during a really bad marriage, not sure the good times would cover the bad memories!!! I hope you enjoy your trip. Sounds like you raised fine young men. You should be proud! I told my DD, who is going through a divorce, to lie about something in dealing with her soon to be ex, the other day. She told me no, she didn't want to lie about it, she would work it out. I had to ask myself....who the hell raised her so well??!! And what happen to my values I taught her??? LOL


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Hey Folks,

Another crazy day... but I am taking a few minutes to check in and see what's happening with my Home Girls. (and Ira if he checks in).

Kat - I have been known to offer a size 9 boot to butt - but only in a spirit of love and to those who asked for discipline.... I CERTAINLY don't offer such to those who don't want it. You have nothing to worry about unless you REQUEST somebody to kick you in the butt... Until then, I am just a fluffy bunny... :] You are cracking me up with the "what happened to the values I taught her?".... lol!!

Darcy - I love that song... here's another one... Slow down, you move to fast, ya got to make the morning last... Have fun with that one, too. :]

Patty - sorry about the cash. Thank goodness it wasn't a WHOLE bunch. Too funny about DexH. Hope they skin him good... hahaha. We cashed out a couple of retirement accounts for something like $22k year before last. Our penalty was about $3400 after withholdings... We prepared for that. I wonder if your lovely ex did? *evil grin*

Betty - mmmm - more Protein tonight. Last night I was here to late for steaks... we ate some healthy and delicious Taco Bell... *EEEEK* Tonight it's Surf & Turf - if I can get my butt home before 9pm! I am glad for the re-vamp of my department. Maybe I will get to have a life again!

Donna - DH is pretty cute. He's all into the Faire thing right now. He is researching a costume.... I told him if he would pick out something he likes, I will make him a costume when I make mine. Look out Scarborough - here we come.... :] Once I get them all made (sometime in the next 12 months, probably not until the night before...) I will take pictures... I am a ways from San Antonio - and I haven't been there, yet. Have fun!

Sherry - can't wait for the Biker Babe shots on the new irridescent bike... cool-ness! Sounds like the bike is starting to come together. You will have to fill us in when you start the wild ride. Hugs!

Eileenie - gosh - I might not even get to New York this month! How am I going to point and laugh and give you a rough time about your hair? (just kidding! I feel for you and I am NOT looking forward to losing hair myself!) But seriously - it looks like my new supervisor is going to Due Diligence this month - so I probably won't go. My scale will thank me - but I will miss our Lunch!

Oh - and Eileenie - have you had your girlie exam, yet? I got a clean bill of boobie health this morning... Get thee to a Physician, young lady!

Well, Mon Chers... While the department now includes more than just me, I still have work to do. Love you guys!

Oh - and I got on the scale this morning. I am at 319 today - 3 pounds over my lowest weight at home. GRRRR. Back on Plan! Back on Plan! AAAAAAHHHHH. My diet is spinning somewhat out of control. Kat - could you kick me in the @$$, please?


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LOL, ok Beannie, guess we will have to swap a size 9 for a size 9!!! Because I can almost guarantee you I will need it!!!


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food is a daily Battle

Some days I win, some lose

A nibble do not tattle

for it's one time I choose

I choose to keep me sain

they say first eat Protein

make healthy meat my main

vegs and fruits then seen

starches are the downfall

if room you eat them last

because they make a golfball

to the toilet run fast, fast

Eat Slowly, chew well and right

all bandsters rules will help you

stop when full, not over tight

and keep it down you do

LBT NJ group helps keep you in line

with you they laugh and cry

the caring and love combine

always supportive & no questions why

This poem a bit corny, my pals

but, this gal doesn't mind

She knows that her NJ Gals

No fault of it they'll find

I love each and everyone

as if they were right here

lucky am I, can't you see

with the best group of pals on LBT

hee hee couldn't help myself. Love you folks!

Know that I'm wishing you all the best with your bands, all the happiness with things at home and most of all I wanted to THANK YOU for supporting me and everyone else that joins us. Hugsssssssssss

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Wow, I'm a little overwhelmed with all the posts that I've missed! Things have been a little insane with DH out of town two weeks in a row (very unusual - he's usually gone about once every 4 months). And no, I haven't been sitting at the April Chat, LMAO! Okay, so I went there first, but I figured it out eventually. :)

Becky, welcome to the Jersey chat! The more the merrier. ;)

Cindy, WTF - that much money for a speeding ticket?! That's robbery. I'm sorry you have to pay so much. :eek:

Eilene - don't worry, the butter has been cleaned up. Well, as much as you can clean up butter smushed into a couch. The cushions have been flipped and I'm pretending it's not there. I'm going through the hair loss right now too. My hair is about 6 inches past my shoulders, and I'm thinking of having it all chopped short. It's a bummer. Why couldn't my chin hairs fall out instead? :)

Sherry, I LOVE THE POEM!! You're such a sweetheart. :hug:

Pat, your grandbaby is cute as a button! That's a pretty good picture from a camera phone. I always look like a zombie when I take those.

Patty, hope you're all recovered from the food poisoning. That sounds awful! Banding should be a piece of cake in comparison.

Kat, it sounds like you're healing up nicely!

Darcy, thanks for the flower pic! I need to plant some more Spring bulbs this Fall. Are you heading up to the cabin this weekend?

While on the topic of gardening... Betty, Preen definitely works! You just sprinkle it on top of your mulch and Water it in. It doesn't do anything to existing weeks, but it keeps them down all season. It's a fertilizer too.

Beanie, good luck battling the food demons. I'm letting them get me down, but I just know I'm going to kick ass when I get my magical fill next week. That's what I keep telling myself anyways. :)

Donna, I've never been to Chico's before, but I've seen the ads and the clothes are really cute! I'm glad DH talked you into keeping an outfit - you deserve it!!

I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone! I was driving down the road one day last week not even thinking about LBT and I thought "Crap! I forgot Darcy in my personals!!". You guys know I love you. :kiss2: :kiss2:

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This is my granddaughter and some tulips at the side of the house....



thanks for shrinking it Becky!!!


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Don't have time to post but just dropped in to say your GG is a darling:)

And I am so jealous of the flowers.. I love Tulips but never have planted them. They are beautiful just Beautiful. We are getting cold rain again and again tomorrow. On Sat who cares cause the Boys will be with their dad:(

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Good morning everyone! I just returned from getting DD her first real haircut. I've cut her bangs a few times, but never taken her to a professional. It's a cute little bob now. They cut off about 4 inches, and I'm sitting here trying not to cry. Her hair is a beautiful color, but thin. I think she'll enjoy having it out of her face. Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself that I did the right thing?

Cute story... most 5 year olds want Spiderman toys, but not my son. I always tell him a story at night, and last night a genie granted him 4 wishes. He asked the genie to bring him the following toys:

1. Magnetix (little magnetic toys)

2. A toy phone

3. A toy "drink of water"

4. Glue

WTF?! I'll never understand how his mind works. His teachers tell us that he's the most intelligent child to come through their school, but that he learns completely differently from the other students. It makes me simultaneously proud and scared sh**less. We thought he was autistic for a while when he was younger. Sorry... I'm rambling! Time to get a cup of coffee.

Mary, you sound a little down today! I'm sorry you're stuck in the rain. ;) Try to think of the weekends away from the kids as well deserved me time. Does ExDH get to have them every weekend?

Kat, thanks for the picture of your beautiful granddaughter! With those tulips it looks like it could be a greeting card or something. I'm sorry - I've never figured out how to shrink images. I'm sure somebody on here can do it though!

Time to clean this place up! What does everybody have planned for this weekend?

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Hi all!

Thanks for the sweet comments on my little sweetie, she really is a Gramma's girl!!!

Anne...I read about your little guys wishes and had to laugh, they come up with some wild ideas don't they? The Christmas my DD was 5 she ask Santa for a fishing pole and a Toyota!!! We got her a big bear and he was holding a fishing pole, the first thing she did was run to the window to check on the Toyota status!!! I was wondering if you saw the TV show on the Magnetix toys? It said they are considering taking them off the market because several children have had to have surgery to save their lives, and some have died from swallowing the little magnetic ends. Apparently the little ones swallow more than one magnet, and then as they pass through the intestine, the magnetize to one another, causing blockages, and the children get infected, and turn septic very quickly, some of them dying before they got it figured out!! So check his every now & thn to make sure the magnets are secure! This worries me!

You will be glad you took DD to get her hair cut, to this day 20 years later I have a lock of hair belonging to my DD reminding me to NEVER cut it again myself!!! My Granddaughter is just begining to even get any hair, I think a haircut is a ways down the road!!! Her Mama had long hair by this age (18 months).

Everytime I look at the pictures of her with the tulips I have to laugh at my DH, we bought the bulbs at a Farmers market here, and they were separated in bags by type and color, so we bought several types. DH planted them for me....and silly me I expected him to Mix 'em up.....little did I know until they come up last year, he did them bag by bag.....so we have stripes of color!!! I think this year I may dig them up and move them around a bit!!

Have a good day I am off to a post op with my PCP today, hope he is impressed!!! He supported my banding, he even wanted to go with us so he could see how it was done!! My DD is his nurse, maybe he was just humoring me!!!


Thought I'd let them grow a bit first!!

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Hi Anne - Nope not down as of yet.. It seems with the loss of those extra pounds I've lost my insulation and when it's cold rain I am down right freezing. We need the moisture I know but I'll get over it..

Ex gets the boys Sat And Sunday 10 to 8 - daytime only but it cuts in to my weekend plans with them. I always have something exciting planned and now I have no clue what to do with myself. I know they are in good hands but having them all to myself has me spoiled.

Your right I should take the time for myself ..

Anne ~ I bet your little girl looks good. It is hard for that first Professional cut but I bet she looks like a little princess.

Your little boy ~ Gifted ~ That is Awesome...

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Kat, that is such a cute picture.

All this talk of children makes me miss my grandson, who lives in Kansas -- so far away from California. I so enjoyed my children when they were little. Kat's picture reminds me of when my son plucked all the buds off my aunt's marigolds. He was quite a little collector. It was worse when he collected slugs. Ew! Enjoy those precious little ones!

I have lots to do, so I must get busy. Have a great day!

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