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Good Morning Y'all,

Sorry, things have been really hectic for me the last couple of weeks. Hopefully this weekend I can finally catch up with ya!

Kat I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, but wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and DH.

There just isn't enough hours in the day for me! Yikes, did I really say that? I mean I don't have time to get it all done! Hmmmmm

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hello, let ya know I am still alive and kicking and that I think about you even though I can't be here. I think I need to find a job that I can be on LBT too!:)


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Good Morning :)

Boss man is here today :) I'll be back later to read up.

Bunny Update: Wild Life lady said that mama bunnies will come during the night to feed them and we will not see her. Last night when I got home they had their eyes open and they look good... The lady said not to touch them (well of course I won't) and they will be fine.... :)~ pheww!


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Good Morning,

OH I feel so much better today... :) Good night sleep..:notagree

That is such good news Eileen - what a relief huh?

Darcy - That is funny ~ the Name Piggly Wiggly ~ we are not so lucky here. I usually never go to Safeway but now that I am on a budget and cutting corners everthing I can get my hands on a if it can be frozen works for me.

I did go back last night and they gave me a full refund of $8.00 cause they over charged me on other stuff as well. Big plus I got all stuff I bought free.

Betty - Are you working this weekend too?? Slowwwwwwwwwwwww Downnnnnnnn...

Well I best get moving - Lots of work today

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Afternoon All...

Well... did the ole workout this morning and then headed up to the cabin so that I could drop off my sister's B-Day present. Her B-Day is tomorrow and I know they are going up so I wanted the honking blue spruce to be waiting at her door. I decorated it with ribbons and crepe paper. :) THey had a tiny little CHarlie Brown tree that they planted last year in front... it died so hopefully she will like this one. Only one problem... the darned thing was so heavy and they had locked lines across their drive so I had to drag it quite a ways and then carry it up the steps... Back is on the verge of going out now... darn... guess I'm not as young as I used to be!

Anyhoo... that took all of my morning!

Betty... Tis good that you check in even if life is sucking up all of our time with you. :) Hope you are able to stop and smell the roses one day soon!

Mary... Glad you got a good nights sleep and a refund!

Eileen... So glad to hear the the Bun Buns will be okay... they are so sweet until they eat my garden plants...lol.

Sherry... Good to see you!


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Hey All

Another glorious day in mtg lending...

How's by youse guyse?

Eileenie - what is this I hear about bunnies... you got bunnies? I wanna see!!! We have bunnies that live in the neighborhood, too. They are awful cute in the Spring.

Darcy - WAY dizzy. I was actually a blonde until I moved to the northwest and my hair never saw the sun again. Now I suppose my hair could be called Dark Blonde... VERY dark. Oh - and I have always wondered who the heck thought that they should call a fat ladies store "The Dress Barn". WTF?!?

Mary - So the SIL was making the calls? Or was she thinking she was going to get the funds? Vent any time... Goodness knows we all do it from time to time...

Becky - I know what you mean about the work and family thing... I just never had the family and have always worked full time. I can't imagine being in the mortgage lending business if I had to make it to day-care at a certain time, or whatever. I don't know how the other chicks do it... I must be a lightweight, too.

Sherry - and computers were supposed to make our lives easier... I must admit that I have never seen a single episode of the Idol all the way through... I just don't get off on reality TV. Glad your favorite won.

Betty - the only way I manage to get in here these days is to eat my lunch in front of the computer and use the rest of the hour to surf. We miss you. Hope all is well. Hugs!

Well, my lunch hour is up - and I have to get back to the old grind.

I for sure will NOT be around for the weekend - since Dorky Nephew will be hangin' at the Hacienda. I'm such a big kid myself that we get along great.

I had room spins again this morning - but I couldn't stay abed. I think it is just going to have to go away over time. It's no biggie, really. It doesn't actually hurt - it's just a little irritating to have to be sure I am holding onto something sturdy if I plan on standing up or bending over...

Hugs! Love you Guys!!

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Good Afternoon Ladies:)

Beanie - Welcome back - glad that it is going better for you..;)

Eileen - Pictures please...

Patty - How is the Tivo going?

Darcy - Have fun at the cabin - that is going to be such a nice surprise. :happybday2:

Becky - Between Work and kids and appt and ex - Lord only knows how I do it... But it is fun and it keeps me out of trouble. :hungry:

Sherry, Betty & Pat & Jersy Tammy ~:)

Well I now know why I was in Piss Poor mood yesterday... Aunt Flo is here -

I usually have the Dr. Jekell / Hyde moments. I was kicking A$$ yesterday and not taking names.. Funny now :rambo

Yep the Wench is figuring that they were going to pocket the settlement. Ha Ha :deadhorse:

They already called me from the Auto Place and the estimate to repair is

$3376.00 I really think they are going to call it a loss. And yes she has been leaving them messages to call her back and they are deleting them so the owner says. I did talk to the ex and told him it is back in the hands of the claims dept and they will call me direct. So his question is how much is my take going to be?? Well douche bag since you were not paying the Ins for all these months and I was, I believe I am entitled to half.. Don't you all agree???

Anyway like I told him I am in control and you have no say in the matter:boink: Not like I live with him and half to hear his lunatic rantings. :lalala: Karma it's a good thing. :devious

Well today was the last day of school and the kids are now out. Not much planned for this weekend except to sit back and relax with them and do some fixin up in the house. You know moving things around and cleaning.

Well better scoot - back to work..

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Good Morning Everybody!

Thank God its Friday..... woot!

We're celebrating birthdays here in Westminster!

This cake :cake: is for Taylor Nolan

and this cake :cake: is for Channing Andrew and they are both 14 years old... well almost. Baby A came to us at about 9 am, but Baby B arrived at 2:10pm!

We started this morning with Moms famous homemade pancakes and sent them off with a great big ol' KISS. After school we head to Baskin-Robbins for some free ice-cream. Yeah, load them full of sugar and send them off to Dads for the weekend. The twins got a cell phone that we picked up a week ago so, there wasn't anything to wrap.

I asked their Dad to help us set up the TIVO this weekend and he said he would. We need to get a phone line over to where the box is and I wanted to mount a shelf by the TV so that all our machines just don't sit on top of each other. Currently the VCR has the little DVD player on top, add the TIVO and I know we'll have an earthquake.... natural or by kids. So I thought that we needed to do this thing right. Heading to HomeDepot for L brackets and a small piece of plywood.... I think that'll do the trick. Don't have much planned for the weekend. How about you guys?

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My Goodness -

Such a quiet day. I guess everybody else is holding out for Betty to check in on the weekend? Since I will be busy, I thought I had better check in now...

Mary, Dear. If I had been paying the insurance - and idiot boy hadn't - I think I would be pressing for more than half... after all, they will be cutting that check to YOU. Would he have even HAD insurance if you weren't paying? I think not. Just my 2 cents.

Eileenie - I will be up in June - 19th thru the 23rd. We will have to plan on lunch. Hugs!

Patty, My Darling... Happy Birthday to the boys! Have fun hanging the shelf. I wish I lived closer, I would come and help you set up the Tivo so you didn't have to depend on your EVER so delightful ex. Oh well. Hugs!!

I go to grab my Dorky Nephew this evening and then its off to a wonderful weekend of hanging with the kid and pretending I am 15 yrs old again - only smarter this time. :]

We will probably make a run out to Scarborough faire - and of course, the obligatory trip to Dave & Busters. Maybe I will put the little urchin to work in the yard for a few hours - We can use the free labor from the young and strong... Not much going on, otherwise.

Hugs to All! I will check in on Tuesday!



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:cake: Hello Everyone

Happy Birthday to them their Kiddos Patty... So do you have any special Plans for yourself while they are away?

I really do not have any big plans except just to get house work done. Nothing exciting as of right now.

Hi Beanie ~ How are you doing / Feeling? Any better?? Is Nephew there yet??

Well not much to say I seem to have gotten alot better from my sinus infection and my band feels a whole lot better.. Thank God

I was very worried. :amen: :hail:

Well update on the Psyco soon to be Ex SIL - As you all know the Collision Place / My Insurcance Co are dealing with me Direct - NOT her anymore. Anyway since she only has been calling them all day yesterday and trying to get info they will not give she is down right pissed off . So what does she do next? She calls me last night to say that I am FB and not to be Calling her F phone and leaving F messages and hangs up. Humm I did not call and talk to her that way, could of but I left her a blunt message not to call MY Ins or Collision Place I was taking over and that was it! Anyway called the Police so that they will have it on file :devious and that she is aware that they know. I am not going to go there with her at all. Anyway the Police Officer called her and let her know as well as me no calls either way. You should have heard her! Yelling through the phone at the Police Officer ~ he told her several times quit yelling. I tell you they must be related to Pat's Daughter IL. Some people never give it up...:noidea:

Other than that Ex calls and asks if everything is ok since he called while the Police were there at the house. I told him what happened and he did not say anything. I did tell him this is all your fault you started this whole mess with them and now it comes back to me to take care of business. :cake:

Oy ~ what can I say???????????????

On the good note the kids are happy to be out of school and slept in late today. I could have to, but you know gotta pay the bills and come to work.

well better get some done too..

Well you all have a safe and wonderful long weekend....

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Hiya :cake:

Busy day... Went to work out for an HOUR AND A HALF!!!!! WTF has happened to me???? :cake: Then a little shopping for some veggies and herbs for the garden. Needless to say... you buy them... you plant them! Of course... first you have the pull the weeds... YUCK! Bought some bug spray to finally kill the spider that has been living in my side mirror since the start of spring. I finally got tired of the spider web that was built from the mirror to my window everyday! The car is all loaded and ready to roll for the weekend although I think we are coming home tomorrow evening as it is supposed to be blasted HOT on Sunday. I imagine will head ot on the lake in the boat on the hot day. Heck... maybe I'll even brave a pair of short and get a little color!

Patty... Happy B-Day to the twins! You are going to LOVE that TIVO... my sister says she doesn't know how she ever lived without hers!

Beanie... I know!!!! Dress Barn... Cripes!!!!! I'll head right over there as soon as I'm done at the Piggly Wiggly and then it's onto Sty's R us. :) Have fun with your Dorky nephew!

Mary... Man... I'll sure be glad when all of this is all over for you! It's unfortunate that you have to continue having contact with him after the divorce is final.. dab nabbit!


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Whewwwwww, what a week! My preggers girl had her baby, (which means my fat a$$ is back to work), my good friend with lung cancer passed away Wed AM, opened the pool to dark green Water, been working on that all day in 90 degree weather,(then had to rush to the office to do checks), ruffff, I need a screwdriver and not one for screwing with either, LMAO.

Man, ya miss a few days and all hell breaks loose on the regular site, sure am glad we're all pals here....:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: , it was still funny reading all the BS.

I'm sooooo looking forward to a 3day weekend, 3 days of thing but Pat time :clap2: :clap2: . I've been filling pots with flowers, OMG, :omg: , I'll bet I've spent $300 in plants. My planters all look like I couldn't find anything but purple petunias. I've never used them before, but I hope they'll stay blooming all summer. I did a red, white, and blue pot. I'll post some b4 and afters later gal pals!

Hugs all the way around!


Where's Anne?

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Ohhhh, Pat I want to see the flower pot with red, white & blue flowers! I love patriotic things.

Mary: What I have planned for my weekend alone is the FINAL episode of the cable show "six feet under". I have never had cable but when they put the show on DVD I went crazy. I only watch when the kids are away.... but now the show is completely over, and I'm kinda sad. I always do something fun while the kids are away, it keeps me busy and depression isn't so much of a problem as in the beginning days of separation. And thats a good thing.

Rene: Ya, know that ever loving Ex is digging his own grave. I keep him around for laughs and he's quite entertaining, better than television. Right now I have him running around doing stuff for the kids graduation.... look out, he's gonna blow! :heh: :cake: :heh: And he thought he could juggle 2 families! What a nerd.

Pat: I forgot to give my condolences for your your friends passing. Thats never an easy thing to deal with.

Hey, where is Anne???

Darcy: How did you become the queen of exercise. Ever since my food poisoning incident I haven't step foot into my curves store. Maybe on Sat.

Well, gotta scoot..... behave everyone!

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TGIF! Just jumping in to say hello, trying to read up on a few posts before I fall asleep. We actually got off early today, was going to finish up my contract job but when I got home I started on the house and that ended that! Oh well, tomorrow is another day, just wanted not to worry about it all weekend.

I am trying to watch the mav's game, DH is yelling it's back on. I still haven't read the posts yet, so I have some catching up to do.

I'll get back with you all tomorrow, until then hope you are having a great day! Everyone that is going out of town, have a great time!


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