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Let me just say Darcy you look great!!! Your DD (dear daughter) is beautiful..

Ok I finally got my system to work correctly ~ knock on wood..

Eileen ~ Glad your party was a smash. I would be upset if I have people who RSVP'D then were a no show leaving me with the tab. Shame on them but I bet you all had a blast, so their loss.

Donna - nude beach - I cannot even think of seeing such a thing or better yet, they can never just sit down on the sand. WOWZA

How did the dinner party go??

Darcy - I hear you on the gaining but you know overall you walking and taking the control on getting out and about is gonna pay off Girl..

Pat - What can I say? They just don't learn untill it is too late. Why some men like women like that is beyond me. My brother married her last year. White Wedding and all. I can only hope one day he will see the light (Your son and my brother)..

Beanie - Did you go to the Faire again??

Cindy ~ 21 WOW ~ that is cool that he has a good head on his sholders.

I bet you all had fun..

Kat - How are things going ???

Becky - At least you know what it is - hopfully everthing will work out this time.

Well yesterday as you all know the river (my sinus) was running. Today it was a trickle and not so bad. The boys went with their day again so I was bored but actually got a lot of stuff done. I move the kitchen around - In winter I put the china hutch in front of the window and summer I move it to add extra light in. I actually finished Laundry - sorted clothes to give to Goodwill, Mowed the lawn and added more soil to some house plants. I also went and got a trim and bought me new shoes. Did not need shoes but don't have any tan ones so I needed them. My sister saw a duel excersise bike at a garage sale for $10.00 and she bought it for me. It is very well behaved, sits right in the middle of the living room. I also took all the curtains down and washed them plus washed all my windows.. I am pooped now.

Well better get everyone ready for bed. Dad Brought Cristian home all full of Sh!T ~ boy was I pissed and his excuse was he did not know. I smelled him the moment he walked in the door.. A$$wipe

We go to court tomorrow anyway ~ The Saga continues

Talk to you all tommorrow

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Morning All...

Mary... THanks so much... I wish I could see that picture through your eyes... all I can see is what I looked like 40 some pounds ago in comparison. Still... it was a good thing... made me feel even more determined. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better and watch out for the new exercise bike... they seem all sweet and innocent but will plot to become a coat rack if given half the chance! :) I would take that crap filled diaper and pack into a nice box and mail it 1st class back to the dink.:heh:

Well... Plan on heading to the "other" circuit training place today... I am going to end up with a delima of which one to choose. I like Curves because it is closer and with the joining fee waived it is only two dollars more a month that the one I am doing the trial with this week... we'll see!

Have a good week everyone!

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On my way to work, but wanted to give you guys a "shout out"...

Had company for dinner. Ate cheesecake, ice cream!

I am trying a new class at the gym today. I am not a big class taker. I usually go for my Water class and leave. This is a class that works with weights to music. I need to tone, tone, tone!

I haven't even read anything since Sat... I'll try to catch up tonight.

Hope everyone has a great day! I plan on it!!!


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Good Morning,

My dogs are still barking (that means my feet hurt) since saturday LOL !!

Darcy, you and your daughter are so pretty, she really looks like you and I agree with Mary, you look really good !!! I have skinny pictures of myself and can relate to how your feeling, every time I look at the old me, my stomach turns. I need to put a skinny pic on my frig.

Pat, I'm so glad your back. Sorry your DS is thinking with the wrong head. So what, you gained 3... now get yourself under control before it becomes 5, 10, 15, 50 !!! you can do it. Come up to my house, I'll kick your ass, but you'll have to wait until I'm done w/my chips :faint: Yeah... girl, I'm no better but we all have to restart some where and now's a good time. I threw away all the goodies in my house from the party (the brownies in the garbage broke my heart) but I knew I had to. Now drop and give me 50 !! jk jk :) Love yah !!

Mary, I"m sorry your ex brought home the little guy like that WTF was he thinking....schmuck! Make sure you document this stuff so if there's any problems in the future you can tell the judge what he does.... dumb ass for sure. Cool Beans on the bike and how are you feeling today?

Donna, muscle toning is great, you really benefit from it more ways than one. Have fun.

Well kids, I gotta run and do some work :) TTYL

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Good Morning Chica Bonitas

Today I feel a whole lot better. You know the saying - Better with time.

Darcy ~ I get the same way with pictures of me - I usually run the other way at the site of a Camera and then when the picture is taken I get like it could not possibly be me in that photo.

Eileeen - Can you share the chips with me while Pat is telling us more about the Enemy?? I am sure I can get them down the hatch: hungry:

Donna - At least you are getting exercise I would really love to join something but no funds to do it. I know what about the exercise bike?? Maybe I will start that tonight. My sister is also bringing me a Gazelle. At first I thought is that not an animal? Humm Pet ???

I will surely bring the incident up today. The fact that my son is potty trained and it was his underwear that was soiled. Chithead Dad

You can tell I am still PO'd. I had to toss them in the trash cause they were full if you know what I mean!

On a good note I am glad my babies are home with me - I miss them so much when they are gone. On another good note I came across the title to the pop up and guess what it's in both are names.. So he cannot just take it like he thinks he can.. Woo Hoo

Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well in the Status Hearing..

Well better get to work now I have played to long.

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Morning Ladies,

Mary: I'm with Eileen, get a notebook and title it "incident report" I kept one on my ex when he brought home Lewis at 5pm in the diaper that he had slept in! Douche bag is what Eileen lovingly calls my ex-dh.

Eileen: Cheers for putting on the party of the year! Go out and get a foot massage - yummmmmm! Good girl for throwing out the food, I know that must of been difficult. :clap2:

Well, I want to tell everyone on how successful out trip to Camp del Corazon was. After we registered, the boys all got camp t-shirts and we found 3 girl counselors who took all the boys on a whirl wind tour of Universal Studios. Lewis was all sad but I knew he would be well cared for. I went into the seminar where they showed us a video of what camp is like on Catalina. Praise God that I was in the dark, I cried buckets as they showed the campers giving a memorial for kids who don't return.....

But then they showed kids who were rock climbing and rowing boats -- man, it was emotional. Anyway, I learned a few things, had a great luncheon, reconnected with a gal I met years ago, it was all good!

The kids came back excited and full of stories. The 3 couselors fell in LOVE with Lewis and 2 of these precious girls have had heart transplants -- I was extremely touched on SO many levels. We said our goodbyes and headed home.... in stop & go Los Angeles traffic. When we pulled in, there sitting on the porch was our new TIVO machine! It was the best weekend, tired and happy this gang of mine! :)

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Hey all I'm back!!! We had a wonderful time! It was really really nice. Weather was great. We got upgraded thanks to my sister the travel agent to the presidential suite. It was huge and perfect for the 4 of us over looked one of the pools and of course the ocean. We were dumb and didn't go in the hot tub until the last day cause I am a nerd sometimes! We laughed a lot. Ate to much and drank to much. I got stuck 3 or 4 time one was horrible. I'm afraid to go on the scale today because I'm also PMSing so I know that will add a few pounds.

Tomorrow I go for a fill and hopefully I can get it right. I didn't each in between meals there had no desire to. I was pretty good with the drinks stuck with a sip here and there of the rest of the gangs and that was good enough, except for the one day when the tequila sunrises were really good!!! I think I had 3!! Then danced and laughed.

Kat-How are things going with you DH?

Eileen-Looks like you had a great time at the concert! OK I can't read every single page so just tell me was he surprised? How many people didn't show? Mine is this Saturday and 86 have RSVP'd should I plan for 100 or 80 or some where in the middle.

SherryW-WOW what a horrible case. So sorry that you had to go through that and that poor little girl and her family. It is so sad how things can effect so many, especially the innocent children.

Darcy-How's curves going? I have my clothes on to go now I need to just get in the car. Well I started this at 9AM I'm still in my curves clothes and not out the door yet, But I will as soon as I finish with this. Hang in there you and you DD look good. You'll be ok we all have faith in you and each other.

Cindy- Is school out? Yah...enjoy congrats on the 5 pounds!

Becky-I'm sure you have already said but I can't remember. Why didn't you have a fill? Is everything ok?

Hey Tammy- Welcome! I'm a true Jersey girl I lived in Northern NJ my whole life up until 5 yrs ago, now living in NC 5 miles from SC. Welcome. I know what you mean about the pain. When we were away I got stuck I don't think I've ever PB but being stuck is not fun. It happened once at lunch because I ate some FF and twice in the AM so I went to yogurt after that I usually have Protein Shake in the AM. I have a fill tomorrow I'm hoping all will go well. GL with yours.

Patty- How are things going with the insurance and do you LOVE your TIVO? What an emotional day for you yesterday.

bubbame-WOW I'm only up to 5-17 in my catch ups of reading but I sure hope your doing better. A taco messed you up? Oh no I'm so sorry.

Pat-I'm so sorry to hear about your son and then enemy. How frustrating and upsetting for you!

OK I really am off to curves now right now....I need it. I have to make my self go on the freakin scale and suck it up!! Clifford is well on his way so I know I can add 5 pounds right there. Maybe I won't be so upset. Well it was vacation...

I know I missed a bunch of you sorry hi though I'm still thinking of you. I'm sure I'll be back on later with sad news.

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Just thought I would stop in.. Patty the incedent reporting sure did help today. Oh was he in shock when his lawyer to him what I told my lawyer.

But he now knows the way I send my children clean and fed is the way on want them back!

We made headway in todays hearing and I will be getting a llittle of $600.00 but it is well worth dropping child support down. He parted with the pop up camper it goes for sale tomorrow and he gets our Truck. There was alot of other stuff he can not do that he is not thrilled about at all. He thought he was going to be able to take the kids on vacation to Mexico - Judge told his Lawyer - Better talk to your client those kids don't leave the State EVER and I bet she will never agree to it. Damm Right - Also he mother cannot ever be left alone with the kids at all. Plus he cannot take them to any fiesta where booze is involved. That cuts out his time with his family and friends. To bad so sad., He gets the bunk beds and I stay with my antique Bed that I bought at an auction. I have to confess he got shafted but I warned him. I am still willing to work out the details if he would just concede. Other than that thank you all for the Prayers going out to us.. I cannot be more thankful.

Well gotta go - did not eat in all day I was so upset..

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Just popping in for a quickie:D :) :)

Yesterday I posted a real long post, lost it all! Tonight I am working on some problems, then watching the Mav's play, and DH keeps yelling at me to come in there! I need to have some clones made of me!:) :) :thumbs_up:

I haven't had a chance to read the posts so I can't comment on anything said today. I promise to catch up later!

Hugs and sweet dreams to all of you!

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Welcome Back Diane!!!! Vacations are about excess and it sounds like you did everything a person ought to do while away. :) WTG getting right back to Curves!

Mary... I'm glad things went well today and I sure understand the feelings you are going through. My ex dragged me into court everytime he thought something was unfair (Such as my setting a specific time for him to pick up our daughter instead of showing up whenever.) He always had a lawyer... I never did and I can remember being a shaking nervous wreck everytime. (((Hugs)))

Betty... Miss you girl... that job must be keeping you a movin and a shakin!

Patty... Sounds like you all had a wonderful time amd the TIVO ta boot! Glad you had such a wonderful weekend!

Well... I went to the new circuit training place today and it was very nice. I do like that it is a circuit with steppers between machines...and the machines are weighted so you can change the resistance and really build strength. The downside was that she put me at a very low resistance so two times around the curcuit didn't leave me feeling worked out! It has a beautiful atmosphere but a slightly uppity feel. Anyhoo... I left there and went to Curves for the last of my free trial period... then I felt worked out! I'll finish out the free trial at the new place and then decide. :)


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Hello everyone, stopping in with an update followingour Dr. visist today. The Dr. said they rate Mitral Valve Prolapse on a scale of 1-4. I being mild with no needed intervention, and 4 being immediate surgical intervention. DH's appears to be a 3 to a 3 1/2+. It is the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve that is malfunctioning, but it is severely messing up, and it has caused the left atrium to enlarge, because it is being overfilled with the blood being pumped and the backwash from the bad valve. They are running 2 more tests this week, a TEE (trans-esophogeal-echocardiogram) where they put a tube with a camera down his throat, and do a echocardiogram fro the back of the heart. The heart is in front of the lower esophogus, so they will view it from there. He will be semi-unconcious for the test, awake only enough to swallow when told to. Then he has a couple of stress tests to see if there is any blockage issues to watch for. He said this type of malfunction in the valve can usually (85% of the time) be repaired as opposed to being replaced. Which was very good news! Then as soon as the results are all in. They did not have a read on the Holter monitor yet, so we are still waiting for that as well. But once everything is in, then we will make an appointment inAlbuquerque, and head down for surgery.

He is handling it so-so. He is VERY moody, which I know is stress. But man he is making me crazy! I may end up strangling him before anything can be fixed!!! And when we told his family today, they informed us that they ALL plan on being there for the surgery. Well, that makes for a LOT of people!!! I know they love him and want to be there for him too, but I am selfish, and do not want to give up my place with him! Two of the kids will likely be there, myself, his parents, and 3 siblings. And if it is the same as when my Dad had heart surgery, you are limited to a few minutes every hour in CICU...and then to 2 visitors at a time in the coronary unit itself. Like I say, I do not want to share MY time!!! So I guess, I am just borrowing trouble. Maybe it is because this is something I can get angry over...have someone to be mad at.

Anyway, I will be in and out the next few days, and will get around to personals, I am reading and thinking of all of you...I know the parties are happening, and vacations and school ending. And court battles being fought...so all of you hang in there, and we will ALL get through ALL of this together!!! Thanks for being there!!


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Good Morning,

Kat, give DH a big ol hug from us and you can count on our prayers, thats a given.

Dianne, Welcome Home !!! glad you had a wonderful time on vacation. Good luck with DH's party... yes, my DH was very surprised :biggrin1: We were expecting 50 people, they called and said yes they were coming, when only 35 showed. I was pissed to say the least... to me thats disrespectful, but now I know not to invite them again to family functions :eek:

Patty, glad things went well with the camp, I'd cry too. Did I call your ex a douche bag? sounds like me but I don't remember haaaaaa !!!!!!!! :biggrin1:

Darcy good for you for going back to curves...stick with something you enjoy or else its going to become a chore and we all know what happens then.

Betty boop ! I know your busy just keeping up with the bickering posting thats going on lately... hang in there hon. Hope you enjoyed the game.

Mary :clap2: ... shafted??? him??? no dear, he deserves what he gets. Sounded like the judge was a good one YEAH!!! Hugs to you !!!

Well I need to get some work done :guess so I'll check back in later taters.

Luv Yah

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Hello Ladies.

Stopping in for a bit. My boss is already here - ususally he gets here after 9:30am so we are all walking on egg shells...

Kat - We are all not there with you physical but you know spritially we are there girlfriend. I understand about not wanting to share your time but it will all pay you back once it is over and your hubby is on the road to recovery.


Patty - I am glad you and Lewis had such a terrific time. TiVo ~ let me know if it is easy to hook up and use?? I can kick myself when I miss a program

Eileenee - I hear you girl. I know he deserves everything he gets for all he did to us but I really hate to hurt even him. How sad

I am just glad we are moving on. The kids sat out on the porch waiting for him last night cause he told them on Sun he would and he never showed up.

Douche~bag ~ oh well I am sure he is licking his wounds or they are all contemplating on how to get back at me or better yet telling him how stupid he is for agreeing to the terms.

Darcy - I felt like you the first time I had no lawyer ~ I was shakin in my boots. I felt relieved that my Lawyer took control the moment he walked in. We agreeded before we even got into the courtroom. Judge sure was happy.

It's a scary place and even hate going there.

Dianne - Awesome that you jumped right back into the swing of things. I did 15 min on the bike, tonight I will try 30. My 8yr old even did a turn.

Betty - Cindy - Tammy - Ira - Beanie - Pat - HI

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Hi all...

Well... I've decided... the circuit connection... I really like their machines and felt more at ease there today. I weighed in today and I'm down 2 lbs. :eek: I can only imagine what that number would have been if I had behaved food wise. It's a start back in the right direction.

Kat... That would be really wonderful if this ended up being a repair as opposed to a replacement... what great news! Hang in there and come here to vent when you need... I'm sure your hubby will be an even bigger pain in the buttocks later on . :) It sucks to have your health be out of your own control and it is pretty natural to burden your partner with some of that frustration. (((Hugs)))

Mary... Never again without a lawyer... that what I said at the last round. My Ex just moved into the same town as we live in... last week. I fully expect to get a summons anyday in regards to a request for a change to 50/50 custody. My stomach flips just thinking about it.

Eileen... Yeah... I need to choose the best fit... and after today I think it will be the knock off place. I'm just happy that I made it though 8 full days with some type of exercise on all eight. Ohhhh... Waterfest is starting this Thursday ... and every Thursday through the summer with some great bands including your Ball/Chin Granny panties/Head dudes. :D Loverboy... THe BoDeans... lots of great groups!

Soooo.... what does everyone have planned for the holiday weekend????

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oh oh you said Loverboy.. Oh man my brother never lets me down that I actually went to see them.. :eek:

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