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Dear Rene,

And you thought I was kidding about the pig valve? This was what I was told 6 years ago and not much has changed on that front. In fact they type of valve is surgeons choice, and thats how we got half a donor valve.

My plans this evening is to wash up all the kids, pack a snack bag, pack extra clothes and shoes and gas up the car(well maybe in the morning).

The drive to Los Angeles will take 1 hour, and I hope that 8am on a saturday will be light traffic. I am very excited and will tell you guys all about it when I get home. :)

PS: Rene - cute avatar.

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Good Morning,

This stinks, DD woke me up yelling "I'm gonna get mad, okay now I'm serious" in her sleep LOL, so here I sit a little after 4 am OY VEY... I'm gonna be pooped later for the party but I just can't get back to sleep, because now my wondering mind is free.

I'll be back later :kiss2:

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Patty, thats great that Lewis gets to go to that camp. I think its wonderful that they do stuff w/the kids. When my neice was born (she is a dwarf) we didn't realize just how many 'groups' there were so that she could meet others like her and not feel so alone. People don't realize the many (over 250) different medical problems these people can have, its very heart breaking what they go thru. She has had at least 10 operations and she's only 10 years old. She was born into a family of giants, people that are 6' tall so you can imagine. Have fun today !!!

Darcy you keep up the good work at curves, you deserve to feel good ya know :kiss2:

Beans have fun at the faire today. Don't spoil DH to much now LOL.

Pat, Betty, Anne, Cindy, Donna, Sherry, Kat, Becky, Mary, Dianne, Ira, Tammy ZAN!!! have a wonderful day :confused:

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Hi all you Chickies!

I got my fill, finally. Eight months unfilled and over 3 of that waiting for an appt. It went better than usual. So far so good. I have esophageal dysmotility (weak contractions in my throat next to the band) so I'll see if that acts up. If not, I will get more fill and cut this hunger back to normal. I'm hopeful.

Kat -- my dad had open heart surgery last year. It went great. He recovered quickly. It's amazing how far this has come in my lifetime. There's a doc in San Francisco who does it without the bypass machine. It's a wonder! Hope your DH has as easy a time as my father's.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

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hi guys!

Well today the monitor comes off of hubby and he can shower again!!! He is used to showering twice a day, this is making him crazy!!

Darcy-it wasn't our PCP that ignored his palpitations and shortness of breath, it was a company appointed doc that does the DOT physicals. He had been very healthy otherwise, and had not seen our PCP until this got worse, and he ended up with the sinus infection, and then our PCP kinda freaked out and sent us the same day to the first cardiologist visit. He has talked to HR at work, and let them know he told the Dr. they sent him to about this and was ignored. He since has talked to guys who never even had their BP taken by this guy, and he just waves through their physical. We'll see if anything gets done or not. DH does not drive, he is a foreman, but he has on occasion taken a truck out to a location for a crew or something. Usually he is only in a truck for diagnostic purposes, but he won't now til we find out more.

Beannie-The Dr. told us if they had to replace it, there were several tests they would run to decide whether he would be a better candidate for mechanical or biological valve replacement. He said the mechanical is man made, and the biological valve is made from a pigs aorta. He said they would do sleep studies, checking the status of his apnea, and extensive testing on his blood clotting times. Because with a mechanical valve, my understanding is they tend to allow blood to clot on them more than the biological pig aorta does. He said the time he would be required to be on blood thinners would differ with the choice. He never said anything to us about donor valves. PS...like the new pic!!

Becky, thanks for the good wishes. My Dad has had 2 sets of bypass surgery as well, and is able to work circles around me to this day. He walks 6 miles everyday, and has done great too. He had his first bypass surgery in 1981, and they told him it would ideally last 5-10 years. He finally had to have one of the bypass' replaced 22 years later! He has had 3 stents put in as well. He has advanced artery disease. One of my biggest reasons for being banded!

Eileen--Hope your party turns out wonderfully!!! Get it set up, then enjoy it! Don't spend every minute worried about it being perfect, enjoy it with him!

Patty--hope your day is going great! Thanks for the great suggestions, I am already finding little gifty things to have on hand. Even if this never happens, will be fun to find a reason to give them to someone!

Mary--hope the infection clears up and you are feeling good again soon!

Betty, Pat, Cindy (keep counting down), Sherry,Anne, Donna.....have a great weekend! Have a feeling Betty may be doing what we wanna do...go riding!!! Thanks for all of you being there, will be in touch!!


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I posted a long personal and it went away...

Have a great saturday... I'll check back later! No Beach for me today. Gym this morning and cleaning/cooking this afternoon for a dinner party tomorrow. I like to be ready...

Have the grandkids... DSD is on Jamaica with boyfriend at some nude resort!!!! LOL She asked if I would ever do that... HELL NO!!! These fat balls are not meant to see the light of day!!!!!!


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Just stopped in -- Bored out of my mind and it's running out my nose..

Yes the River is running and has been all day. I hate just hate my sinus...

Taking the meds and am feeling like I stuck my head in a bushel of flowers. Eyes watering and everthing.

Well all the better the boys went with thier dad today so we did not get to do anything I had planned. It is ok just feel like crap.

I need input!! Everytime I click on a new post or page another window opens up ~ what is that about? Can someone tell me.

Well gotta go lay down..

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I woke up with the "inner nervousness" thing...I finally get a chance to sleep-in and I can't!

Wanted to check in and see how the Eileen party went last night, but APPARENTLY it is WAY too early for that! LOL! Must have gone well.

Kat, glad to hear that DH is coming along. I send my prayers to both of you!

bubbame, I'm sorry about those allergies...I know they are miserable, and I hope something helps you feel better!

I was so busy yesterday...DD had her last theatre class, then a lunch break, then dress rehearsal, then a performance...she did great! Then we went to a restaurant for my nephew (21) and FIL (76) birthdays. I watched my little nephew order his first margarita. Wow.

He just whipped out that ID, and I couldn't help applauding! He's a very conservative guy, no getting trashed for him, basically because losing control just freaks him out...but I imagine he'll have his experiences with being "overserved." LOL!

He's a fine young man.

I'll check back later, when Eileen rolls out of bed...


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Morning Gang :party:

First DONNA !! fat balls? gee girl, didn't know you had it in yah ROFLMFAO !!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ya got me there !!

Becky good luck with your fill. I go this friday for my 4th, and I think last. If I don't start making changes now, no fill is gonna do it for me if ya know what I mean. I can eat alot, but there are other issues involved, like snacking when I shouldn't. Hugs.

Kat, I'll be praying for DH's good results, and peeewww I can smell him from here LOLOL just kidding. It would drive me nuts too not being able to shower.

Cindy, that so cute about your DD and her dress rehersal, hope you got lots of pictures. Oh and your nephew... way to cool !!! How is your FIL feeling these days?

Mary doll, now that your diagnosed, you'll be feeling better in no time... I'm so relieved that its your nose and not your band .... the thought just scares the crap out of me.

Well the party for my DH is over.....he almost fell over and was very surprised. It was a blast. I ran so hard that I barely ate yesterday. Maybe 3 bites of chicken and one bite of cake... I'm glad b/c I know I burned off my food for the day LOL. Lots of folks who said they were coming didn't :confused: that part sucked because I paid per head and I lost about $200.00 by them not showing :party: fools LOLOL. But we still had a wonderful time. I'll try to post some pictures IF they come out LOL.

Today is some serious cleaning b/c my car is loaded with stuff and my house is da bomb for sure LOL. My feet hurt LOLOL !!!

Have a wonderful day all ... smooch.

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Mornin All!

Well... It was BEAUTIFUL up at the shack this weekend! We did a lot of work while we were there to catch up after all of the rain but we also took the time to really stop and just enjoy the beauty. :confused: We did take that bike ride... WOWZA... I can really tell the difference with all of the weight I have gained back... it was a struggle again. BUT... it was still a great ride and I was proud that I stuck with my plan! Food... well... again... I am stuggling with that but my goal for this week was to add exercise back into my life and I certainly did that! Now that the monthly is gone my restriction level has gone way down and I am stuggling on the fill or not to fill issue. ANyhoo... I plan on taking a walk with the pups this morning and then DD piano recital later today.

Becky Lee... I sure hope that you are able to tolerate this fill... it's so hard to use the band well without being able to use it the way it was intended. (((Hugs))) Glad you had a safe journey there and back!

Mary... Drink those fluids girl! May the river mucous slow to a trickle soon! In regards to the windows opening... I have no idea... sorry! Hope you feel better soon!

Donna... Nude Beach... OMIGOD... there are a very FEW people that look good enough to walk around nude... IMHO. My gosh... how would a person ever bend over to pick anything up???? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Kat... Well it really sounds like they are on top of things now... your hubby will have to make a lot of adjustments as this process moves along. It's so hard to have to depend on strangers just for ones activities of daily living and privacy is in short supply in the hospital. He's going to need a lot of support during this journey and so will you... we're here for you when you need to cry...vent... whatever you need. (((Hugs)))

Wow Eileen... I don't think people realize that "little people" deal with health problems as well as the challenges that come along with being "different". I've only sent my daughter into surgery once and that was difficult... I can't imagine what sending ones baby into surgey 10 times is like! I am so lucky that my DD is healthy and happy! Don't let those grannies get in a bunch over the lack of sleep, suck down a big cup o jo and have fun with the party!!!!

Irene... The walks with the dogs had better count...lol... My legs usually feel like Jello by the time I get back. :party: I feel so much better when I am active... I'm not sure why I fight it so much! Love your avatar... I love being able to put a face with the personality! Man... the big city would eat me alive! I'm so akward around strangers... I'd be tripping all over myself in every crowd!

Hope everyone else is having a terrific weekend! Off to get dressed and get moving for the day!

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Whoops EIleen... As usual I am a day late and a dollar short... lol... glad your hubby was surprised and that you had a great time! Have fun cleaning. :confused:

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Good Morning Everyone!

I've been scanning everyone's posts and I'll never catch up. I'm embarrassed I've been missing, but I've been busy and been bad, I gained 3 lbs, OMG, I was sooo upset. Darcy darling I can only imagine how tough it's been for you. I was so upset I couldn't even stop at Sonic and get an ice cream cone.

Patty, I'm glad your son is ok for now and with prayers he won't ever have to have surgery.

Cindy, woohoo, you go girl with the weight loss, proud of ya!

Betty, I was just missing, you're working too much. This new job's gonna get ya down. Have another HNana drink and relax all day.

Mary, glad your band is ok, I worry about losing mine all the time. Yesterday, I gave my preggers secretary a baby shower and we had punch, duhhh me, after 10 cups, I realized it had Ginger Ale, WTF was I thinking? I guess the orange sherbet absorbed the bubbles/carbonation, now my mother's in a panic afraid she's gonna lose her band.

Eileen, did you show DH the ring you got for HIS birthday, LMAO!

Rene, soo glad to see you've put the real you avatar back up, I missed it. I'd love to see some pictures of you gals, what's up with y'all not posting pictures of yourselves.

Kat, I'm sorry to hear your DH is not well, but so thankful they caught it now instead of him having a major heart attack.

I'm not done, but I've got to get dressed and meet family at Olive Garden....I will be back later to finish personals.

:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:

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OH, I almost forgot to tell y'all, my DS, (that stands for dumb son), is.....

SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Whew... You are aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :confused:

Sorry about the DS... It's unfortunate that a man's "wand of procreation" isn't a better judge of character. *sigh* One day he will come to his senses... hang on till then!

Sorry about the weight gain... we'll kick your butt and you'll be back on track by Monday. :party: Yup... gaining the amount I have back has been devastating... BUT... there's no use crying over spilt milk! :party:

Well... My DD and I took the pups for a 45 minute brisk walk. THe walks are a part of Ava's behavior modification program and she is doing really well! I can walk her with her leash draped over my shoulders most of the time and I can stop and talk to people without her flipping out. :party: We can walk by most distractions without her even turning her head to look... she looks at me instead. :party:

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Wow... it's awfully quiet in here...pssssssttttttt...anybody home? :)

Well... I had my hubby take a picture of my daughter and I at her recital today. I wanted to face a visual of how much weight I have gained back... man... reality bites! BUT... I needed that slap and besides... my poor DD will need proof one day that she actually had a mother since I run screaming from all cameras.

Anyhoo... Here it tis...


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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