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Good Morning,

Oh Kat, I pray things work out and I know it must be so difficult feeling so helpless and in the dark. Hang on there sweetie, things will be better once everything is understood. I don't know if you are Christian but at a time like this, you need to reach out to Jesus for only he can comfort you. If your not, pray to the One. Hugs and kisses :)

Betty, you too huh... is it the season changing that makes everyone crazy with food?

Today its gonna be hairy w/the boss around :success1:

But!! I came in early and get to leave early... gotta be at my DD's school for a Mommy & Me petting zoo thingy...they won't let the kids touch the animals w/out their parents LOL.

How are you today?

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Kat - you and your DH and family are in my prayers. I hate the way docs don't tell you things sometimes. However, if they thought it was an emergency I have to believe DH wouldn't be waiting until Thursday to see the cardiologist he would of seen him already.

Betty - I think it's the full moon. I'm stuck on jury duty hearing a criminal yesterday, today and tomorrow so that will help keep my hand out of the cookie jar lol. Oh lordy not looking forward to the gorey details today. Can't say much about it right now but, after it's over the judge said we can :)

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

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Good Morning Ladies & Ira

Cannot stay long but just wanted to stop by...

Kat my heart goes out to you.. My STBX had a murmur 11yrs ago repaired and has been doing fine since. {{{HUGS }}}

Eileen - Great Photos -

Donna - I love your Pics - Love the view too...

I see you Kelly Girll (((Hugs my friend))) Miss your posts..

George Strait Tickets were sold Yesterday.. I know what you mean Beanie - My sister is a die hard fan. I'm I Skynard girl or anything Rock..

Darcy - while you are there at Curves see if they waive the sign up fee for Bariatric Patients?? They do here

You know Mothers day use to be a day of sadness for me years ago. I use to cry of the very thought of not having my Grandmother who raised me till I was 3 around. But last year when my Aunts were going to to come down I realized that it was better to remember the good times than what I was not having now. Needless to say I had a blast with my son's and family this year and was able to go to the cemetary and talk to my Mom (Grandma) with out breaking down. I understand how you ladies feel...{{HUGS}}

Patty - still gots everything crossed that you will get a answer soon.

Ira - cannot wait to see those Pics.

Well I wanted to weigh myself but the scale light does not come on. Must be a sign..

Sherry, Cindy, Betty - I am sure I missed some - but having problems today here..

I finally got a payment for child suppport on Friday but now I am back in the not talk to him mode. He totally pissed me off yesterday - He wants the Pop up Camper and is upset that I will not let him take it. What's he going to pull it with?? His A$$ - Sorry you can see I am still mad and it did not help that I ate a Taco at 9:00 pm and it made it's reapperance this morning. Need I say Water is barlely going down. I am so stupid I knew it was gonna happen even when I was chewing it.. Stupid girl

Well talk to you all later -- have a good day

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Morning All...

Kat... I'm so sorry that you are going through this but please keep in mind that some doctors are just not great at giving patients the details that could lessen the stress. Let us know what the cardiologist says and don't let him get away without asking him every single question that is on your mind... write them down as you think of them and take the list in. (((Hugs)))

Eileen... Wow... you really were close...great pics!

Betty... I know the feeling girl! Darned food is everywhere!

Sherry... I have never been called for jury duty... *knocking on wood* I don't think I could handle it... I'd be having panic attacks in the jury box!

Bubbame... Wow... I will have to call them back and ask... THe joining fee was 75 bucks and the monthly fee is 35 dollars... it was a good workout and I will try it for a week but I'm not sure I will join.

So yep... went to Curves this morning and did the run through... it was a tougher workout than I thought it would be. Everyone was really nice but I really do think their fees are a tad high. Anyhoo... it really did feel good to get up and get moving first thing in the morning and it would be perfect to drop Em at school in the morning and drive on over.

Well... going out to soak up what little sunshine we might be in for this morning... gawd I'm sick of rain!


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Hi everybody!

Sorry I've been a little scarce, but I've been here in spirit.

Kat, I am praying for your DH and you, too. Please post when you get some news.

Beanie, thanks for the hugs, and you are right. It is not possible to get too many!

Eileen, way cool on the pics! You were so close! Have fun at the petting zoo with DD today!

Betty, glad your weekend went okay, and you got some rest.

Bubbame, just hang in there. Keep your head. It always surprises them, and after all, that IS the best revenge! :)

Donna, I started giggling when I read your post to Darcy...I just knew you were gonna pull the GEESE story out, like I did on you....not that it isn't a perfectly good story....

EIGHT more days until school's out, and two of them are 1/2 days. We're gettin' there.

Ira, hope all is well.

Hugs to all, and much love, Cindy

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Hey gang,

Just a quick stay.

Kat: I've walked your journey. I was just at my sons Cardiologist and I know it's scary but they have come such a long way with solutions. Lewis was just 4 months old when he had his surgery and it took an hour from start to finish. He was on the heart-lung machine a very short time and we praised heaven for that! If your DH needs a new valve we will be here for you and my PM line is always open for you. Lewis has what they call a mono-cusp valve, but I don't believe they give those to adults. If you don't understand a certain medical term or medication, I might be able to help with that. We learned more than we wanted and will lend a hand to those from behind. I believe our journey wasn't in vain. We're here to help.

Hey, all have a great day.... I have other stuff to share but later when I get home -- Hugs,

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Cindy - is this another pain free day??? Hope so

Darcy they charge $29.00 here if it is deducted from your checking account.

Hi Jersey Tammy - don't you have the biggest ship in your area this week??

Sherry --Oh No - not the Jury Duty - I too would get sick in the box or yet doze off. How sad

Well girls still not feelin well. I think me needs to watch that eating just because I get mad. Good words Cindy I should not have let him get to me ~ usually I just smile and grin till he lives ~ this time I kicked him out.

I guess what I am mad about is the lady who hit him does not have insurance and she even told him to his face that if he took her to court she was not going to pay. So he is hoping that the judge will say poor you and lower child support. Jerk to bad she did not hit him in the head.. The bad point is I only had Liability on his car.

well back to the drawing board. My numbers are so off today.. Crap

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Good Morning ladies

I think I will join your little group if you dont mind. I have went back and read this entire thread and you all seem so wonderful.

I do live in NJ, not by choice, but because of the job situation in South Carloina where I am from. So I am a born and breed country girl through and through. I am married with 3 teenage girls, one a graduating this June from high school, on turning 13 in aug and one turning 17 in december. I work a full-time job and have not really made any friends since moving here almost 2 years ago.

Kat- Please know that you and your husband are my in prayers, I am a firm believer he answers!!!!

I managed to lose 3 lbs over last week. No more 270 for me! I did however have my first...hmmmm...ya know I am not sure if what I did was pbing or not, you tell me.

I woke up with my tummy growling, I try not to eat much at dinner time. I have never had any trouble eating in the mornings at all, so I went for some left over hamburger steak with brown gravy. I had take about 2 bites when the pain started. The pain was in my back between my shoulder blades, and no matter what I did it wouldnt go away! My mouth started doing that watering thing, that's when ya know it is coming. Well it took its sweet time. I walked, I stretched, I twisted, I did any thing to try and make the pain stop, but nothing worked! So after what felt like 30 minutes, really on 10 minutes, the two bites came up. The relieve was amazing! Before I could stand from being bent over the toilet the pain was gone! Please someone tell me this isnt PBing! I can not imagine doing this on a regualar basis. I have read some thread where people say they pb 2 or 3 times a week.

I have an appointment for another fill on the 26th but now I am a little scared. Now I am a little gun shy, do I have another fill, or is this one just kicking in. I had this fill about 2 weeks ago and for the first time felt some restriction. Need some advice......

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Welcome Tammy!

Yep... that sure sounds like a PB to me! I know I have a difficult time with any meat that is "leftover" ... I can eat it with some type of sauce when it is fresh but even then I have to remember to chew it to death! I personally think that PBing several times a week on a regular basis is a definite sign that a person should either take a look at the foods that are getting stuck and make a change or they should consider a slight unfill. It can be healthy for a person or their band to PB that often. It's always a good idea to a liquid diet for 24 hours after a PB.

In regards to a fill kicking in... most of my fill didn't really kick in until 1 to two weeks after getting them... I think everone has a different experience. There is nothing wrong with approaching your fills with caution. Some people never need a fill to have restriction... some only need a wee fill... and some have to take it up to the max.

PBing is not a fun experience but it certainly is a powerful reminder to eat slowly... chew...chew...chew... and to be aware of the foods that don't go down very well for you.

It's a tough adjustment after getting a fill... it really changes the band rules. Good luck with your journey and welcome to the group!

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Gosh, I am so busy! I only stopped by to say Hey to everybody.

Kat - I am thinking good thoughts for you & yours. HUGS!

Tammy - Welcome - I have never had a PB - it doesn't have to be and it should NOT be a regular occurence. Hugs and welcome.

Well, I have to run. I really just wanted to let you guys know I am alive (although just barely after 35 minutes on the eliptical yesterday) and that I love you all.


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Again, I'm just stopping in real quick. I don't know why things are so busy for me right now. DH and i have been going to the gym this week. We like it. I haven't lost anything yet. Go figure. I listen to an audiobook while I work out and really look forward to that.

Kat, I hope the Dr. apptl goes well Thurs. Hang in there!

Darcy, I hope Curves works out for you. If not, go check out an exercise class. Something! It feels good just doing something.

Oh, and Betty -- I sold my old coat that I really liked. I wish I hadn't. It would be good for winter layering -- especially this 20 lb layer of fat I've put on over the winter!:faint:

Hello to all and I'll try to catch up later.

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Hey Tammy *WELCOME*

Where in Jersey do you live? I too go for another fill on May 26th. Wouldn't that be a hoot if we had the same doctor? Egads, nasty PB... I've only had one... and I'm embarassed on what I had it on.. chocolate LOLOL, yeah I know, nincowpoop! I just didn't chew it and poof slime.

Beanie, Becky, Betty, Pat, Patty, Darcy, Donna, Kat, Sherry, Cindy, Ira, Mary and oh gosh I hope I didn't forget anyone .... HELLO !!!

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Hi everyone! Just stopping in for a quick hello. DH is out of town for yet another week so I am taking the kids to my sisters for a few days.

Kat, please keep us posted on your DH - I will be thinking of you both.

I'm heading to bed, but I'll catch up with you all soon!

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Hi all, thank you so much for all the good thoughts, and all the prayers i know have gone up. I have no other words, just THANK YOU so much! We are hanging tough, spent the day together doing yard work, busy work of any kind to be honest! I blew my eating tonight, we wentout to our favorite Mexican food place...but, I will be better. Will let you know as soon as we know anything at all..I am SOOOOO glad I found this thread!


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Good Morning,

After playing some phone tag I found out where I am in the insurance game......

First I called my Primary Dr and was ignored over the weekend, so I called my insurance Co. They said that everything looks great and I jumped through all the hoops..... just need a referral from Primary. So I called back and was told that they have all the dietician stuff but NOT the Psych documents! Sooooo, today I must harass Windstone medical for my 3 psych visits to be faxed to my primary.... then that needs to be faxed to insurance..... then they need to give me a green light. Oh, well..... better to know than be in the dark.

On a brighter note: I ordered my TIVO machine online yesterday! It should be here in 5 days, the kids are stoked, and so am I. Well, gotta run, I have a Health aid meeting this morning.

Heart Hugs,

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