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Happy Marshall Tucker Day!!!! LOL Have a great time Eileen..... Like you won't ... DUh!!!!!!

WEnt for my bike ride - swim last night.... I was great! Came upstairs and sat and ate a BIG bowl of icecream and then had peanuts. W*T*F*

Of course I blamed it on DH because he went food shopping and brought it into the house! It couldn't possibly be my fault!


Picking Grandkids up at school today and they are spending the night. I bought a canvas and paints. We are going to paint an abstract picture for my stepdaughter for mothers day. Sounds like a good idea and fun, but we'll see later when the little darling are getting paint all over gramies stuff!!!!!!:heh:

Have a great day! I plan on it....


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Good Friday Chicas ~ WoW Kat ~ It was like seeing a flashback in my Mind of my Life. :drama:

Sherrry ~ Those last 5 years with your Ex are text book to what was going on.. I one day would love to find my Prince but unlike him turning and running into the arms of just anyone, I will bide my time. :love:

Hi Betty -- Missed you Lady - You sure gots a lot of Energy

Elieen - I am honored to be considered a Jersey Girl - That Springsteen song comes to mind. :rockon:

Patty :angel:

Anne- Cindy ~ Beanie ~ Donna ~ Darcy ~ Pat ~ :confused:

Well gotta get to work girls..

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well I didnt know all of us New Jersey bandsters had out very own site. Ok I am not from NJ but living here for clost to two years now, does that count?

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:gossip: Wanna know a secret? You guys are awesome!

You all made me cry and I am SO honored that you would think so kindly about me. Your friendship here means the world to me, and I will never forget that.


Lewie's Echo results show NO CHANGE from last year! Which for us means NO SURGERY (yet.... or ever?) (No guarntee's). Heart pressure is good and he has no physical restrictions..... so he can run and play like any ordinary monkey! We need to pray for the lastest surgery that is being perfected and actually being done where heart valves are replaced thru a catheter! Surgery would mean an overnight stay! DR's guess is that when Lewis is 18-20 we MIGHT/might not need a new valve but no cutting with this newest medical technique. It sounds WAY easier than lapband! Anyway, prayers were answered yesterday and I am much calmer today.

I took Lewis for his beloved Krispy Kreme and then on to Disneyland to discover the hidden waterfall caves by the hotel. We splashed and laughed and had an absolutely wonderful/great/ loving time. By 5pm I was exhausted and on the way home grabbed KFC and treated the whole family to dinner as we watched "Survivor". We are one HAPPY family!

A special thanks go to Anne and Beanie for running over my DexH. He never called last night to get the news about our dr visit. It was his babys first birthday, ya know. I guess he forgot that yesterday was our 2nd anniversary of our divorce..... how soon they forget! :heh:

And Sherry: Your story..... heck mine & Kat's too. We all lived it. And some how when you sign on the dotted line -- it's not over! Grief has it's own timetable. So seriously, I am not seaching for Prince Charming any time soon. This Mothers day I will be taking my gorgeous self to the local college to see "How to succeed in Business". The theatre I worked at years ago performed this musical and I'm ready to really laugh out loud -- can't wait! My gift to myself.

Hey, All you Moms..... pamper yourselves but don't eat too much!

Love, Love, Love,

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That is awesome News Patty. You are so blessed to have the little Guy running and Jumping. Wishing you the best...

Even when my STBX was home did he even ask how our youngest did getting caps on his teethnot once but twice nor when they did surgery to clear his tear ducts. I could go on but why waste the time. I am just thankful that they are mine. Just to hear them go on about me to the teachers as their Hero means the world to me..

good gracious we are all so blessed to know and get the support we deserve..

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well I didnt know all of us New Jersey bandsters had out very own site. Ok I am not from NJ but living here for clost to two years now, does that count?

Tammy of course that makes you one, heck most of the girls that post here are not from Jersey at all ROFLMFAO!!! Grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfy... *welcome*

Patty thats WONDERFUL news about Lewis :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Betty your gonna have to pry that ring away from my DD first... she may only be 4 but she's built like her mama... a bull !!! snort ~

Donna, you have every right to blame DH for bringing in ice cream.... shame shame on him !! :guess Hey, we all need a treat every now and then. Trick is to keep it more then, then now.

Mary, have a great day at work.

well I need to get some work done.... don't wanna get in trouble now...

I promise girls, I will not throw my grannies at the band tonight, but I would like to tug on the lead singers hair :guess (just a bit).

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Just a quick hello. It has been a hectic week. I'll try to drop in tonight.

I'm glad to hear your little guy is doing well, Patty. It must be a great relief.

Congrats to Miss Betty for her bee-u-tiful bike! You won enough for a new coat. Yeah, baby!

Our weekend was fun, the ride was great. I drank beer. Then we came home and joined a gym. Gotta go trot on the exercise machine. Ugh! At least DH was finally ready.

Catch ya later.

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Hey Y'all!

Ohhh - look, Darcy AND Kelly are on line... What's up, Chickies?

Darcy - we missed you - Don't you just LOVE it when you get surprises like that? I shudder at the thought! I would love to see my Mom - but without notice? EEEK.

Donna - I already called shotgun. You'll have to ride in the back. I have the rotten veggies ready. You got any eggs? And what a great idea to paint the picture for your daughter! It will be much better than the copier paper on the fridge. Have fun with the Grandbabies.

Eileenie - after I got done rolling on the floor - I went back to look. I just saw a bad picture of a scraggly grey beard... But I see where you might accidentally have a visual error... Have a great time at the concert!

Anne - hahahahaha - after - ahahahahahahahhhaaaaa......

Kat - wise advice. Hope all is well with you. Hugs!

Sherry - Wow - what a story. I am glad you didn't take him back. The reward for your self respect and strength was a man worthy of you. And now Look at you! 35 lbs ROCKS! Go, Girl, Go!

Betty - TGIF~ Hope you get some time to play this weekend. I am going to the Faire again. :] I will think good thoughts for you to get a cruise on the Harley, at least! Hugs!

Mary - when the right one comes along - it will be obvious... you have already seen what the wrong one looks like. Don't worry about timing. Hugs!

Tammy - Howdy!! Welcome to our little chat. Set awhile - tell us about you... Doesn't matter if you don't live in Jersey at all... LOTS of us don't. I personally live in Dallas. Hope you visit often. There's always room for one more Jersey Girl. :]

Patty - that is SO exciting. I am glad to hear that our Lewis is well - or at least unchanged - and able to live a normal life. Hugs to you and all the boys. You're pretty awesome yourself! I am MORE than happy to shotgun with Patty and Donna any time - nothing gives me more satisfaction than crushing a bad man.

(see Ira - you don't have anything to worry about. You are a Good man.... Hugs!)

Becky - Do come back and fill us in on stuff. We have missed you. You didn't poke anybody with your knitting needles last week did you? :] Glad you had a good weekend. Hope this one is great, too!

It seems that some folks are always missing these days - everyone is so busy!

Well, let's see. The big excitement for the day? The scale STILL read 314.8 this morning. I took my Vitamins, my Calcium and drank my 2 litres of Water yesterday and DH and I went to the gym. I ate like a good little bandster and was rewarded with the scale holding fast to that number below 315. Woo Hoo!! Only 15 lbs to go to become a Twonderkind. I guess I will have to try and be a LITTLE bit pure at the Faire this weekend... But GOSH - that fry-bread with the fruit topping was good last time! *sigh* OK, OK. I will be good.

Hope everybody has a great weekend.


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Hi, everybody!

So much good news!

First to Patty, I'm so happy about DS's great dr. report! Don't borrow trouble and worry too much for the future. Enjoy the here and now. You do so well at that!

Eileen, have a fantastic and rockin' good time tonight!

Beanie, have a nice weekend...Friday's are so great, aren't they? And, congrats on the scale movement! I just love that!

Becky, thanks for checking in!

Betty, enjoy your weekend...knowing you, there are parties and all kinds of great cooking going on around your house!

Donna...how's the weather down on the Florida beach?

Pat? Anything going on the continual story of crazy DIL?

Anne, just haven't said hi to you personally in a while!

JerseyTammy - hey there! We're all Jersey girls in spirit, but there's plenty of us feisty Texas gals on here, too!

I'm feeling pretty good so far coming up to Mother's Day...I am sure that a big part of that is due to the prayers and support of all of you! You know what else is so sweet? One of the girls who graduated last year came up to school today to bring me flowers for Mother's Day, just to say she remembered it would be hard without my mother and that she cared. My bestest friend who I also teach with slipped a Thinking of You card in my mailbox, saying the same type of thing...she lost her mother about 15 years ago, even though she is only in her 30s. So, thank you, everyone, for being so "there" for me, and being as always a safe and warm and loving place to rest.

Hugs, Cindy

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Wow Patty, I'm so glad that Lewis is doing so good! :)

I got a PINK bathing suite! I really tought no way but it looked nice. Fit the hooters perfect! And with these hooters, thats not an easy thing!

I'm just about completely packed. Please pray that we have a peaceful vacation. DH is under more stress than ever and really needs it. I'm excited. I know it will take me 2 weeks to catch up with everyone when I get back, but know that I'm thinking of you all everyday. I will have that Pinacolada with ice cream!:spit: Why not!!

Have a good 8 days while I'm away, don't :hungry: to much bad stuff and most of all stay healthy and happy.........

I'ma leavin on a jet plane dahdah dah ...........ok I'm going......................:Banane41: :Banane41: :Banane30: :nanahump: I'm a little :) can you tell....

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(see Ira - you don't have anything to worry about. You are a Good man.... Hugs!)

Thank You!

I wish I had something interesting to contribute here. Things are pretty routine right now, except for the wife going under the knife in 3 weeks. All the tests and insurance hoops have been exercised.

Next weekend I will post my before and after pictures. Of course I will give my cheer-leading squad here first peak before I put it on the main page.

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Good Morning :nanahump:

Hot Dang Ira !! can't wait to see them whoohoo.

Dianne, congrats on the PINK bathing suit, I'd lend you my new ring to match but you'd have to cut my finger off first LOLO bawwwhhhh.

take lots of pictures of your vacation, we'd love to see them.

Beanie CONGRATULATIONS on your poundage lost WTG !!!!! I WILL SEE a movement in the scale this week....dang gum it. I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw that man's balls on his chin. Last night there was a guy at the concert who has his ass on his chin, no lie, he had the biggest cleft (sp?) I ever saw.

Cindy your friends are just soooooooo nice. I'm glad they are thinking of you at times when you need it. HUGS

Becky you drank beer? lordy woman, you got an Iron gut? LOLOL sounds like you had a good time :)

I think we should ship everyone's EX on an island some where and they have to call each other Wilson :guess

Well the concert was great, I got my Marshall Tucker Band 2006 T'shirt :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: Last time I saw them was in 1994 and the T'shirt I have from that concert is still in mint condition LOLOL.

Get this chit...... the doors opened at 7:30 pm... it was standing room only.. WTF... my ticket had seat #'s... okay so we're there. I'm about 2 feet from stage, wall to wall people, can't tell you how many drunks felt my ass and my hair... I almost killed them because you all know how much my hair is falling out and to have strangers touching it ewwwwwwww. My ass is another story... don't care LOLOL... anyway we stood for 4 hours before Marshall Tucker came out, then they played for 1 1/2 hrs approx. So from 7:30 pm - 12:30 pm I just stood in one spot.. my back hurt so bad LOL but I got some great shots of the old geezers. I'll show them as soon as DH down loads them. I was so close to stage I could have grabbed Doug Gray's legs... he kept smiling at us and making all sorts of cute faces. I went to bed last night at 3 AM, and got up with DD this morning at 6 AM zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz did I say I'm tired and its gonna be a long day LOLOL. I had my two nasty sisters with me (fun nasty) and we had a blast.

Did I mention I'm to old for this chit..... I'd ROFALMFAO but I'm to tired

TTYL....... HUGS

EDIT: Oh and lovely aunt flo paid me a visit today... no wonder my back felt like it was gonna break yesterday....:tired

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I think we should ship everyone's EX on an island some where and they have to call each other Wilson :guess

OMG I just got up, DH and I are in here checking email and I just burst out laughin. Eileen, girl, ...You always get me to smile. DH wanted to know why I was laughin so hard. Had to tell him about this awesome, crazy woman I know lol. "Crazy bunch aren't they," says DH. Oh yea, they are and I love it lol Thanks for starting my day off with a belly laugh hahahaha

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Me too! Just tell what island.

Eileen: you are the funniest chick! Where do you come up with this stuff?

Just me, sitting around in my jammies :typing: .... with no cares(at the moment) -- Hmmmmm maybe I should make a pot of coffee :cup: , the kids are with their Dad, so it's nice a quiet right now. I'm watching an ebay auction right and some stuff for the twins graduation, I love shopping at home! My plans for today are to do a Curves workout and then head to the local college to see if they have tickets to this evenings performance.

Yesterday I called my primary to see if all the paperwork arrived and if the surgeons referral had been made and SHE NEVER CALLED BACK. I am upset, but with the weekend here, theres nothing I can do and will deal with it during the week. I'm getting worried that testing and surgery will push past june into july and I don't want that. OK, lets not talk about it, its making me blue.

Have a blessed day.... and be safe out there!


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:whoo: :cheer2: :banana :Banane30: OH YEAAAAA! woooooot! It's official, don't know what possessed me to step on it especially with Aunt Flo paying a visit but,

I weigh less now than when my hubby met me. WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOO!:nanahump: :Banane41: :) :)

Hmmm now to keep it off heh heh. :Banane41:

Thanks for letting me share...love you gals and I couldn't do it without ya!

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