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Hi everyone!

I had a great weekend with DH, even though we lost $300 at the casino on Saturday. You win some and you lose some. We had a great time and enjoyed our break from the kids. My washer pooped out and my dryer has been on the fritz for a while, so on Sunday we went to buy new ones. They won't be delivered until the 21st, so DD and I spent the day at the laundromat.

Mary, how did the dye job turn out? Red Auburn sounds like a beautiful color. I need to find some time for a haircut/dye and an eyebrow wax. I'm starting to look like Bert from Sesame Street. :D Congrats on your contest winnings!

Sherry, you crack me up taking DS to the cemetary to practice driving! What a great idea. Try not to worry too much - I'm sure he has a good head on his shoulders. Let us know if the rocks help with your weight loss. Glad to hear that everything is going so well with your life.

Beanie, how was the gym tonight? DH and I have recommitted to exercising and I already feel better after a week. We don't go to the gym but we put an elliptical machine and a treadmill in our extra bedroom. Good luck breaking your plateau!

Donna and Betty, hope you both make it through your Monday without falling asleep at your desks!

Patty, good luck getting your approval letter! You've jumped through more hoops than most - you deserve this surgery asap. :P Did you ever find ties for the boys?

Eilene, don't be afraid to get a fill if you need one. Everyone is different inside. If it takes more than 2 cc's to get the right level of restriction, go for it. You're doing the right thing by taking it slowly. I get my fill on Wednesday - woo hoo!! I'm nervous because they're going to yell at me for gaining weight. :nervous

Betty, congrats on winning the motorcycle contest! I don't know how you find the time. Enjoy your shopping spree! :D

Cindy, I hope you were able to stay headache free today. (((HUGS)))

Kat, what's up? Pat & Darcy - where are you guys?! We miss you!!

Love you guys - have a great night! :kiss2: :kiss2:

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Hi everyone! I remember the days when I could not wait for the weekend, today I was glad to see it was over, I worked my butt off!!! DD's place will be so nice for her and the baby though, it is worth it. We got most of the kitchen and LR primed, textured and painted, the wainscoating (SP?) up in the LR, is looking awesome. So what did DH do?? He was worried about the main bathrooms floor, it seemed warped he thought. Well he was right, there was a leak going under the tub to the sink....both of which are now removed...along with the entire floor! So he is rebracing the floor, new insulation, and then the new floor. And while it is all being repaired, we might as well put new fixtures back in, says he...$$$ Add another weekend of work ahead of us! The whole project is giving DD and DH some very quality time together, which she needs, she needs to see what a real man is like. This is her step Dad, tho one would never know it, in fact more people comment on her looking like him than me!! It is pretty funny!

Mary, I always think of some of the similarities you and my DD are going through with divorce. Her soon to be ex, finally decided to put the house on the market...and it sold within 24 hours, full asking price, CASH!! He is spinning his wheels now, he has to be out by the 23rd!! HA HA HA Hope you get as lucky!

So....Beannie, my boots are paint covered and ready, better keep up the good work!! I am way to damn tired to be kickin' you!!!

Thanks for all the input on the anniversary party. I have ordered from Oriental Trading twice now, and picked up odds and ends in every Dollar store in town. The Big Lots here has a section right now for Luaus, I got some cool Tiki statues there. And today at Target, I found fake coconuts for them to drink from! Also picked up a CD of Hawaiian music. My DD has several friends still in HI. She and her ex were stationed in Oahu for 4 years. So she is having real lei's flown over for my parents, the rest of us will make do with fakes!! When I took my folks over to visit with my DD when they were stationed there, my Mom fell in love with the Plumerias, so DD wants her to have some. We are planning on Teriyaki chicken kabobs and grilled pineapple...any other food suggestions?

Betty I never saw the bike....and would love to. We currently have 4 running, and he is working on #5. I am so looking forward to losing weight and enjoying it more. My back got to where it wouldn't take long rides. Congrats on your win...how fun!!

Donna, the "poem", or writing you included was right on the money! I like that a lot. Thanks for sharing it! I fully believe being happy is a choice we make. You have to want to be happy. Sometimes it takes pulling out a good memory, to do it, but that's why you store those times like your great bike ride with DH....and use it to stay happy.

So how did it go Cindy...did you make 3 days? I hope so!! I hate headaches, and remember my Migraines, I cannot sympathize enough!! Hope you are working towards day 4!

Sherry, how are the new rocks working? My Dad would kick my butt, some of those are NOT rocks, they are minerals!! He is a collector!! He has an awesome collection, the only rocks I have are in my head!!! Hope yours help!

If so I'll go rob his collection!

Patty...any luck on ties? I could send some but, the only kid I had who wore ties, was a daughter who worked awhile for Dairy queen, and all her old ties have Winnie the Pooh or Scooby doo on them!! Kids grow so fast it is hard to keep up with their clothes. Hopefully soon you will be needing smaller ones as fast as they need bigger ones!!

How'd the color job turnout Bubbame? I have occasional highlights done by my stylist, would be scared to do my own, I'd end up with green hair or something!

Ok, gonna quit here, and head to bed, sorry, I know I missed some of you...my brain went to bed without my body I think!!

Oh yeah!! I have a big NSV......no Blood pressure meds for 2 weeks, and tonight it was 126/52. And I measured today, and have lost 12"....that's a foot!!! (Not however the one used to keep you in line Beannie!!)

Night all!!!


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Good Morning

Happy Birthday Anne !!! hope your enjoying the day and its loaded with lots of birthday surprises :)

Nothing much is happening today, SOSDD.

How's everyone today?

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GM everyone and Big Happy Birthday Anne!

I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on personals, although, Cindy, I hope the Migraine is GONE!

Kat, every time I get happy, I get fat, LMAO. Why is that fat and happy are connected, do we get comfortable with ourselves? As Eileenie would say, WTF. Kat I posted a pic of my Harley on the "What do you drive thread"

Patty, you've been so patient with the band process, no wonder you work with kids.

Eileen how much Protein do you do a day? I'm really trying to get more protein in each day, along with my Vitamins, after all I'm no spring chicken, cluck cluck cluk.

Gotta go for now, will be back later...

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Buenos Dias ~ Good Morning

Just popping my head in for a few.. Another busy day ~ The dye job came out perfect ~ I actually love this color ~ will have to post a picture later.

Other than that not much going on.

Betty something simular happened to me but I was on the corner about to walk across the street when some jerks actually spashed me on purpose.

Kat - You are awesome to be doing all you can what a great support system... I Hope that with each passing day that she gets more comfortable and secure in knowing that she is definitly loved and protected...

I really need to get some exercise cause it's looking like I got Junk in the Trunk or rather a big ole hump. Not the good kind either...

Everyone have a good day and take care..

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:happybday: ANNE :dance:

Hey, I like that bouncing smiley(hes on caffine, wish I was too!)

Best wishes to the birthday girl, please share with us your adventures today!

Eileen: your cartoon was indeed wonderful. Reminds me of the little christmas saying about "if the 3 wise men were women" #1 they would have cleaned the stall #2 they would have baked a cassarole #3 and there would be Peace on Earth. Hey, hows the party plans?

Kat: thanks for thinking of me and those ties. I no longer dress the twins in matching outfits but they have agreed to have matching ties for graduation. I am very proud of my young men. Planning to taking lots of pictures.

Pat: you posted..... whew, I knew you would! Patient, my ass! But I fake it well! My long banding process had to teach me something..... hmmm but what? Hoping alls well on the homefront.

We have State testing ALL week, which means that kids won't be let out of class! :) Can we say EXCITED! Of course, unless they are barfing all over the place :) then I just call the janitor and send them home! Well, gotta get dressed.... bye.

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Hey Y'All!

1.5 days down - 3.5 days to go... Today is a little less stressful... just sort of cruising. I hope the rest of the week can go this way - but I am not going to hold my breath.

Sherry - How much does AR pay these days? hahaha! I have always thought that AR would be MUCH less stressful than mortgage - but having zero actual experience at it - I suspect the pay-cut might be a tad too dramatic for the moment... *sigh* Good Luck with all the training. And good luck with getting the bike put together! Rock on, Sister! and if it works, send me some. I can find room in my DDD's for a rock or two.

Mary - sounds like DexH was fishing - to find out how desperate you are without him - or to find out whether YOU have found someone else. Who knows. Men are so strange. (sorry Ira - but it's true). You will make a Beautiful Lady in Waiting. Have fun at the Faire when it comes. Do post the picture of the hair. The color sounds like fun!

Anne - hahahaha Bert! hahahaha. Happy Birthday! Guess you got a new Washer/Dryer.... lol! I shudder at the thought of having to get new ones - although I suspect that day is nigh... Oh well. Bummer about the Laundrymat. I HATE those places. I have never understood how a place where you are supposed to be getting clothes clean always looks so dirty!

Kat - is this a house that DD owns? Gosh, I hope so! It seems like you ALWAYS find something like that when you start in on these projects. It seems to never be as simple as it appears. The good news is, that once the bathroom is done, it will be beautiful - AND it will add value to have the new fixtures and such if DD goes to sell the home later.

Eileenie - you are awfully quiet these days... Hope all is well. Hugs!

Pat! Wonderful to see you. You will have to fill us in on the latest news of the DS, the Grandbaby and the Crazy Chick. Hugs! Hope everything is going great for you all.

Patty - hope you are dodging the barf! Enjoy the slow days of testing. Hugs! Any news on insurance approval or a surgery date, yet? I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Well - I flaked on the gym again last night - or rather, I let DH flake and chose to flake with him... He couldn't go because he couldn't do his laundry because (GET this) my clothes were in the dryer and he didn't have any workout gear to wear. Uh - yeah. He couldn't throw my clothes on top of the dryer and move on? Apparently not. Did I mention that men are strange? Hmmmm. Anyway, I decided to wallow in laziness for one more day.

I did, however, manage to eat like a bandster. I think half the battle is just keeping lunch under control. I have brought my lite cheese sticks and such - and I am low carbing. I was rewarded this am with the scale back to the infamous 316. Mmmm lite cheese... Anyway, the goal is to go to the gym tonight. I cleared the dryer and DH has no excuse... so neither do I.

Hugs All Round!!

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Wanna hear sometin funny? My email program for some reason started rejected my ex's emails as JUNK MAIL hee hee. Can you beleive the man still finds it necessary to explain why he got yet another new car to me? Weirdo.....those are his new wife's problems not mine lol. Just so you know he's on his, I think cause I lost count, 7th new car in less than 2 years. One creek.....one squeak and the car is gone. heh heh she can have him :)

Oh well...I'm making chicken enchiladas for dinner. I'm using wheat wraps instead of white flour so we'll see how that goes :)

chat later gals...love ya

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I've been nuts tried to catch up on everyone. We leave for Cancun on Saturday. I'm so excited.

I got the bad girl lecture today by my dr. urgh... So tomorrow I'm off to a new start. I mean right now I'm off to a new start. I'm going to look at fat and calories now!

Cindy I hope your feeling better.

Hello to everyone else. Eileen how cold is it up there? It's cold here in NC.


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Good Morning Y'all!

Wow, what a busy week, haven't made it home early one night so far and I am beginning to feel it too! Hurry up weekend!;)

I haven't even had a chance to read all the posts, so I am not even going to try to address them right now.

Dianne I hope you have a wonderful trip, I only wish I was going with you. I want to go there so bad, DH doesn't have any desire to. :D

I promise I will post some pictures of my trophy and bike when I get home early enough to do it.

Catch you all later! Time to get dressed and ready to go to work.

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I am always so tired reading your posts!!!! I hope this weekend you get to>>>>>>>>>>

>take a long drive on your bike ....

>swim in your pool........

>relax and only do what YOU want to do, not what needs to get done!


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Good morning ;)

Dianne, yes its chilly up here or is that chili? lol, gray and gloomy out. Have fun on your vacation !!!

Yesterday I ran to kohls at lunch time to get a birthday present for a friend and I always pass the jewelry counter... well I was standing there looking at some earrings for my friend and I looked down and there was this beautiful white gold ring, with a big ass pink sparkly heart stone, with two clear heart stones on the side WTF... like the freakin thing was calling my name......I asked how much.. on sale from 199.00 to get this chit.....$59.00.......so then I said oh poop, what size is it.. so I tried it on and lo and f**kin behold, it fit...... guess what I'm wearing today LOLOL!!!! Folks, I never buy myself jewelry but I could not pass that up. My DD who's 4 noticed it but DH didn't and the stone is pretty dang big LOL..men. Now I need earrings and a necklace to match ROFLMFFFFFAO. I'll try to take a picture (if I don't forget duh).

Sherry, ex-dh is wacko LOL, I hate the stress of getting a car lol. Sounds like your ex-dh still has a thing for you if he feels the need to justify chit to you haaaaaaaaaa.... oh the head games you could play....have fun LOL.

Beanie babe, I'm not quiet, just shoppin ;) Congrats on the WL WHOOT!!!!hey did you make it to the gym last night?

Betty and Donna and Becky and Cindy and Sallyjo and Patty and Pat and Darcy and Mary and Anne and Ira and Kat and Paula and I hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did sorry :D

Oh well kiddo's, I gotta work believe it or not... but *evil grin* I'LL BE BACK!!!

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Hello, everyone...sorry it's been so long!

I have been feeling better. I cut out the salads at school (again), and I have eliminated the coffee Creamer (just in case). No Migraine since Friday. I say that in a whisper in case the migraine gods think I am taunting them....

The absence is due to every spare minute being spent on dealing with the family estate. My mom's "branch of the tree" has found an attorney who can help us deal with the complicated issues in the estate. So, I haven't jumped ship; I've just been occupied on another deck.

Good wishes to everyone. I don't have much time right now, but will soon be gabbing and chatting once again.

Congrats to Eileen on her new jewels! Way to go!

Also, glad you to see you, Pat!

Hugs, Cindy

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