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Dealing with one problem at a time...

Last month I went to the Dermatologist for pail red blotchy rough spots on my cheeks (not really on my nose, just cheeks). And Rosacea is what she diagnosed me with (**Ive been using 1% hydrocortisone for the past 10 years. Ive just NOW decided it was time to get proper treatment for this problem** i know, i know... :eekB: )

Anyway, the doc gave me a regimen of different creams and moisterizers to try (both otc and scripts). With the instructions of, "some thing work for some, and other things work for others. We just need to find the right treatment for YOU."

So that left me feeling a little nervous.

So Ive started using all of this new stuff. But the same thing is happening that has occured in the past when I tried to stop the hydrocortisone... my skin gets flakey looking and itches!

I look like a shedding lizard when this happens. PLUS I have mulit-colored skin tone. All of this together is NOT pretty.

I really dont think Rosacea is the correct diagnosis.

Any of you have this?

What did your skin look like before treatment?

And, what is your treatments?

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I would start with an MD who could order a bunch of blood tests to determine if you have an auto-immune disorder such as lupus. Rosacea comes and goes and it sounds like your MD is treating you with a "hit or miss" approach. Very unprofessional... see a different MD.

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Hey Paula... I 'supposedly' have Rosacea too. I'm sure I do... cause my grandma has it quite bad too.

I was diagnosed about 5 years ago, when I went to the doctor, cause I had weird bumps on my nose, kind orange peel-y like. I got a prescription for Metrogel. (is that what you got?) It made my skin super dry and peel too. I actually stopped using it because of that. I've also tried Dalacin (sp?), and it was the same thing. I keep them handy and use it when I get those little bumps.. which luckily isn't very often. Supposedly as you get used to it, the peeling will stop, but I couldn't stand it anymore.

Do you have any other Rosacea type symptoms? All I really have is that I blush very easily, hot Water makes me face all patchy red... and I can't drink wine! I get SUPER blotchy and hot.

Yeah, maybe see about getting a second opinion...

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Paula, I've had rosacea for many years. I've tried the Metrogel and didn't like it much, either. Do you get broken veins on your cheeks and around your nose? This is another symptom. I've had laser treatments to "zap" the veins. This really helps with the redness but is not covered by insurance. I pay $300 a treatment. My dermatologist also gives me a long course of minocycline. This really helps the breakouts. My skin is looking really great now, especially since I've just had my third microdermabrasion ($125 a treatment). If you truly have rosacea, it can be an expensive proposition to keep your skin looking good. All the really good treatments are not covered by insurance. I do agree with the others, though - make sure you get the correct diagnosis. Check out rosacea symptoms online and see if that's what you've been going through. Lots of luck!

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I have Rosascea and the Metrogel works great for me. Just so you know, it also comes in a cream that provides some moisture. It's supper time so I gotta run but I'll check back in...

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Rosacea comes and goes

Elizabeth, MY problem does not come and go. The little red dots seems to stay. Im with you - I think I need another opinion.

had weird bumps on my nose,

Argon, see? I dont have the weird nose redness/bumps. Another reason I think I need another MD's opinion.

Janet, I have -every now and then- broken veins on the sides of each nostril. But nothing RELLY obvious. And like I said, its every now and then.

The heat makes it worst. When Im REALLY hot, my cheecks get REALLY red and itchy.

i dont know.

Kathy, I didnt know you had this? The metrogel is the only med you use?

What about oral antibiotics?

My doc gave me 2 creams and recommended a special soap and Aveeno moisturizer.


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Okay, when I first went to the Dermatologist for redness/breakouts he gave me Retin-A cream. OMGosh, it got worse. It was so harsh to my skin and made the peeling worsen (yes, this is what Retin-A is supposed to do...I'm pretty sure it keeps the top layers sluffed away) and it really dried out my skin. It didn't help. so when I followed up, the doc gave me a pamphlet with a pic of a lady with rosascea and I KNEW that's what I had. Yep...this was it. I felt like if I wasn't careful, my nose would end up red, swollen, bumpy...like red cauliflower! It was also that way across my cheeks next to my nose. I also had pretty good breakouts on my chin. (All this from someone who had beautiful skin as a teen. Anyhow, the older I got the worse it got). So I took a tetracycline prescription for a while...twice a day for about a month and it helped alot, by then I researched and figured out what made it flare and it was under control and improving. I have always, since then, used the Metrogel at bedtime. I apply it to clean, dry skin, then put a moisturizer on top of it, once it dries. This keeps the flaky stuff from popping up. But if I'm not "flared up" the flakies aren't an issue.

I avoid alcohol, no prob since I drink seldom now. I avoid heavy dairy. A White Russian is the absolute worst for my skin. half-n-half and alcohol...liquor! Oh my! I don't drink those. But otherwise my diet is pretty normal, now that I have the Metrogel and know to keep an eye on it. I know what to do to treat it before it gets bad.

I also treat my skin as if it's ultra-sensitive. I wash with my hands...not a wash cloth. And if I ever use a wash cloth, I don't rub, I press and pat. I use moisturizers with sunscreen. I moisturize and baby my skin.

My chin still has issues, but it's more breakouts and not what's on my nose and cheeks. I'll use acne meds on my chin if needed.

My face always has and still flushes very easily when I get hot. Weight loss has helped tremendously. I don't get so hot now! But when I'm working out and break a sweat, heart rate is up, I flush dark red. I know to baby my face at bedtime.

I don't take any oral antibiotics now. The Metrogel is all I use on a regular basis with the exception of the gentle cleansers and moisturizers with sunscreen. OH! I DON'T use Toners. I don't care what some rep says from some make-up company about how gentle it is...I don't put anything on my face that burns or gets hot or feels like alcohol. Yuck.

Once you figure out your triggers and how to either avoid them or work around them, you will get it under control.

My case is mild compared to others, I'm sure, but maybe it's because I have a consistent handle on it? I KNOW my skin could be alot worse.

Google Rosasea and give it some time. Your doc may not be so quacky. Everyone is different and you may need to change your face products to something more mild in order for the meds to give you the best effect? Just a guess. You know your skin and will know what to do.

Another thought...it starts with flushing, then the broken vessels, the swollen top layer, then bumps and just gets worse from there. So treat it early. Just beacuse you don't have a WC Fields nose now, doesn't mean you won't if you don't treat it. Make sense? Dont' panic, just be nice to your skin and keep up with the Metrogel until you get your triggers figured out.

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Kathy, using the metrogel, how smooth looking is your face (this is MY main problem - my skin is so rough looking)? Are you able to go make-up less?

ok, the doc prescribed Klaron lotion (sodium sulfacetamide) and Noritate (this is the metronidazole cream).

I was using the cream in the AM under my make-up, and the lotion at night. I didnt see any improvement, so I stopped using either one (I know, Im one that flew out of the koo koo's nest. I need to give it more time).

Anyone ever heard of Klaron?

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Hi Paula ~ I have never had your condition however, I have learned a little bit about skin care since becoming a BeautiControl consultant. Please understand I'm not really active in the business, but I am addicted to the products for my personal use. These products are top-notch. Anyone from Texas know what I mean?

Check all your skin products including make-up for the following items: alpha hydroxy acids, alcohol, retinol, salicylic acid. These can worsen your condition.

We offer a product for people with rosacea called Skin Equations Protective Services. I truly believe this may benefit you if you do in fact have rosacea. I can send you more info if you are interested after you confirm your diagnosis.

BTW, this is not a commercial. I'm not active except for ordering for my personal use, but I can place orders at anytime if someone has a special need. :biggrin1:

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I was diagnosed with rosacea a couple years ago, but had been using hydrocortisone ointment (creams are a big no-no for me) for years before that because I was 'too young' to have rosacea. I was perma-blotchy and was always blushing to the point of purple.

I have seborrheic dermatitis as well. I scheduled my visits with the allergist and the dermatologist when my rosacea started 'spreading'. The dermatitis is heated, red, scaling, itchy Patches with tiny blisters on my ears, eyebrows, and nose, not to mention my scalp. Ick, right? I used to joke about being a leper when I would go through a 'moulting'.

I gave up soap, use scalpicin (3% salicylic acid) to control the itching, and have started making my own moisturizers. My skin is much better than this time last year. I love chickweed and cleavers now!

If you want to know how you can email or PM. I just use all the good stuff and leave out all the shmoo that they sell.

Metrogel just makes my skin mad. Although it does a great job if I only use it overnight and only on occasion. I still keep hydrocortisone on hand but rarely need it.

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Kathy, using the metrogel, how smooth looking is your face (this is MY main problem - my skin is so rough looking)? Are you able to go make-up less?

I wear very little make-up. If I need it, I'll put the Metrogel on first in the morning. Then add moisturizer w/ SS. Then I'll apply a loose powder with a make-up sponge and that helps even out my skin tone. Then eye liner, maybe a little blusher, lip balm. That's it. Yes, I could be fancier, but that's enough for me!

Without taking care of my skin, it looks like I have a mask on...like the top layer is thick and not smooth. It's wierd. So I buckle down on my skin care routine, drink my Water, get extra rest, and it really improves in a day. I still have some of the broken blood vessels, but they are light under my skin...which seems a bit transluscent? Really, I have gotten so used to taking care of it I guess I forget how bad it can get.

I have more trouble with my chin than anything. I get real acne there.

My advice: go for clean skin, moisturized, and NO products that irritate. If you can, go make-up free for a few days to give your skin a breather?

Give it time. Research rosascea so you can find out your triggers (foods and products) that can irritate. Tomatos are a big one for many folks. I eat them, but really don't avoid much since it's pretty well under control now.

I'll see you this summer, right? You can see my skin in real life then. It's not great, but it's smooth now, without the bubbly look. That's good. I also saw my sun-kissed cousins this weekend, and their skin has aged more than mine. We are all around 40 years old, and my skin, carefully kept out of the sun for years and years now, has aged better than theirs. They look great, but have more lines and wrinkles than I do. That was encouraging for me to go with the pasty-white look over the tanned look. LOL

Treat you skin like it's super-sensitive. Go as non-irritating as possible. Drink your Water. It can and will improve!

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Paula, according to alternative medicine, it's caused by allergies and stress. My friend had it and so I read up on it by googling. Although they gave her topical meds, I wanted to find out WHY it was happening.

Supposedly it's something your ingesting, and a few of the main culprits are the nightshades (potato, eggplant, Tomato etc).

You may want to google a bit yourself and read up on the info there and see if it apllies to you.

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Well, I was diagnosed with Rosacea a few years ago and also adult cystic acne and I was devasted by the cystic acne. It hurt so bad and I had them injected with steriods to help them go away and I paid $500 a visit for a light treatment on face and nothing seemed to work. I did all of the prescriptions that they gave me....pills, creams, gels, masks...you name it I did it! Then a friend of mine told me that her mother told her to buy the plain Jane Safeguard soap and poof! Clear skin. I started to use it and I actually have cleared up alot and plus I stopped drinking the cokes and sweet stuff and more Water and that has helped too. Maybe you could give that a try. I think the reason it has helped is because it is an anti-bacterial soap...who knows!

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Kathy473, WOW -- how easy is that? safeguard soap? and its ALL better? wow!

I gave up soap, use scalpicin (3% salicylic acid) to control the itching, and have started making my own moisturizers. My skin is much better than this time last year. I love chickweed and cleavers now!

Brenda, I would love to hear of your home-made solution.

3loves, Im going to search the Beauticontrol products and see what I come up with.

Thanks for the input evryone.

Kathy, HOPEFULLY, Ill see you th end of May - and yes, Ill pay attention to your Rosacea. From what I read on the internet, I seem to have this. Who knows.

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I was diagnosed with Roscea when I got the butterfly effect. I thought it was Lupus since my immune system was going haywire. This was just another side effect of that. I took the old fashioned medicine they gave us as kids for acne, textryclicine (spelling wrong). That did clear me up. I went through some other medicine along the way. It gets bad if I drink wine, some spicy food, overheated, and then just plain old stress.

I treat it with getting facials for roscea and using products sold at the spa. I never clean my face with hot Water, only cold. I never rub my face as that makes it red. I use makeup for roscea and apply with a brush. Most spas can work with you to find the right cleansers, moisturers, and makeup. This has worked better for me than the dermatologist.

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