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Beware of the UN-fill !!!

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I have had issues with my band since I got it in 2006. was too tight for first 6 months, nothing but constant heartburn. Had to have it unfilled and let my stomach heal for 3-4 months, pouch was distended from all the throwing up and heartburn. I gained everything back I lost because honestly, I was starving when it was that tight. the amount of food and calories I could get and keep down with the band that tight was below what I should have.

Having put my body thru months of starvation mode, any and all food I ate afterwards made me regain it all back. it made my metabolism go nuts. it send a message to my body to store anything you eat as fat.

This February started to have stomach pain and band so tight I could only get down liquids. after quickly dropping 15 lbs because I was again starving, had the band completely unfilled in an ER and gained the 15 lbs back plus another 25. KABOOM.

wanna know what I was eating?? in the day lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Lean steak or boneless skinless chicken for dinner with a side salad and a small potato. I was not binging on Cookies, cakes, pizza pies. I was so glad I could finally eat lean meats and fresh veggies and fruit without throwing up til I saw stars. Yes, you can eat healthy foods and not overeat and still gain the weight back from being unfilled. it does happen because my metabolism is now reset and the 'normal' amount of calories way less then I am now eating.

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Hi everyone, i just had a complete unfill May 29 & so far Ive lost 9lbs. I needed an unfill because of a small slip. I think the unfill allowed me to eat how I am supposed too now because before I was too tight & could only eat those bad foods that go through my band easily. I am now completely anal about logging my food and keeping track of how much Im consuming because the slip scared me so much. Just my experience so far :)

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So glad I read this post, not the answer I wanted to hear, but glad I read it.

I had a complete un-fill on Thursday due to dilation..my own doing. I am 3 years post op and had well exceeded my goal but about 6 months ago something snapped and I just over ate and over ate, would vomit and eat somemore...couldn't get enough of anything. So after a long battle with my surgeon I contacted a new doctor who sent me for a upper GI and discovered the dilation. Long story short, in the past 3 days I have gained 19 lbs and have not had any and I mean any solid food, only Soups and low fat yogurt. I thought I was crazy. The bloating and gas is insane. Hopefully most is Water weight from the high sodium Soups I have been eating.

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I have no doubts that you will likely gain after an unfill, especially if you were barely eating beforehand. But what I also believe is:

You CAN get back in the green zone and you CAN slow, cease weight gain and eventually lose while unfilled if you really want to. It's harder to do than when with the help of the band but it can be done. So don't throw your hands up and give up.

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I am experiencing excatly what you described. I am 12 years banded and last fill was probably 5-6 years ago (don't even remember) I had 2cc in a 4cc Inamed band. my final fill finally got the last 30-40lbs off of a total of 130lbs. I felt it was "just right" but perhaps it was really too tight or I just started overeating and stuffing my pouch and eventually esophagus. Since I was banded in Mexico and everything was going okay..I stayed at my goal weight within a 5lb + or - so I never got follow up. I figured on my 12 year anniversay in August I should at least get a check up locally to make sure all was okay. Went in for Upper GI and the esophogeal dilation was found. 12 days ago I was completely unfilled in hopes of healing the esophagus. First few days was unbelievable gas pains and bloating..so bad I went to the ER because I had a bad spell where I had gas, sweating and tried to throw up. In those 12 days, I have put on 16lbs. I have weighed myself daily and 4lbs of that came OVERNIGHT!! WHUH? How can I have put on 4lbs in one day?? I am sure I am getting in more calories than before but because I was tight I probably relied on liquid calories and ate snacky easy foods..I am being careful with what I eat and how much. I started back at the gym again a few days ago so that effort has not kicked in yet..but food wise I am careful. The weight gain has bee very distressing. Just about all my clothes do not fit as I have been the same small size for years..I dont keep a range of sizes. It is very depressing. For those of you just saying " well watch what you eat" uhhh yeah...try a complete unfill and then give that advice. I didn't ever put on this amount of weight in a short amount of time pre-band. It's not that easy. There has to be the "starvation response" kicking in here. I cannot imagine I was not getting in no calories before.I had to survive.

It's very scary to gain that much in a short amount of time. My world is upside down with 20lbs up from my usual. I am going to work at fighting it until I can get a refill..not sure how long this will be until my esophagus heals up. If it doesn't I have no clue what I will do..praying for healing but also praying I don't pork up any more.

I wish everyone the best with the band..it is a fickle bitch and does require a ton of discipline to do the right thing!!

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@@maygoddess, I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope it turns around for you quickly.

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Last week I went to Boise to see my Grandkids. Great time and great kids but I ate like I just got off Survivor Island.

Over 2 1/2 days I ate:

2 bags of chips and dip

Appetizer and a plate of Pad Thai

3-4 country donuts

Ham sandwich and more chips

2 bowls of Cereal

large bowl of frozen yogurt(various flavors)

3 pancakes smothered in Syrup, two eggs, pile of hashbrowns and 4 sausages

Red Robin fish and chips, 4 deep fried onion rings and a large pumpkin pie milkshake

2 helpings of lasagna

I gained 9 lbs by time I got home Monday. Every day since, I've lost weight(not fat) and back down 9 lbs. It was all Water retention. Processed foods will do it every time.

Great video but not for the faint of heart:

2012-09-30 09.15.32.mov

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Wow. Now I feel crappy seeing that list of foods you ate. I am nowhere eating anything like that and gaining weight. I could understand if I was eating high fat, high sugar, carry, salty foods,but I'm not. I cut liquid calories ways down. Was an avid milk drinker but cut that down...getting Protein in, small Snacks like grapes or beef Jerky. Any normal person would be losing weight on my current food plan.. I just ordered a few months a supply of Ideal Shape shakes to try a weight loss program similar to what I did years ago. I just want this 25lbs gone and my weight stable until I get some fill back. Hopefully the gym will help too. I am just distraught. Bought a few pairs of work pants and even larger workout clothes but everything else is too small. Don't want to be squeezing into my clothes unable to breathe for long! Ugh. Will keep everyone posted.


Last week I went to Boise to see my Grandkids. Great time and great kids but I ate like I just got off Survivor Island.

Over 2 1/2 days I ate:

2 bags of chips and dip

Appetizer and a plate of Pad Thai

3-4 country donuts

Ham sandwich and more chips

2 bowls of Cereal

large bowl of frozen yogurt(various flavors)

3 pancakes smothered in Syrup, two eggs, pile of hashbrowns and 4 sausages

Red Robin fish and chips, 4 deep fried onion rings and a large pumpkin pie milkshake

2 helpings of lasagna

I gained 9 lbs by time I got home Monday. Every day since, I've lost weight(not fat) and back down 9 lbs. It was all Water retention. Processed foods will do it every time.

Great video but not for the faint of heart:

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Wow. Now I feel crappy seeing that list of foods you ate. I am nowhere eating anything like that and gaining weight. I could understand if I was eating high fat, high sugar, carry, salty foods,but I'm not. I cut liquid calories ways down. Was an avid milk drinker but cut that down...getting Protein in, small Snacks like grapes or beef Jerky. Any normal person would be losing weight on my current food plan.. I just ordered a few months a supply of Ideal Shape shakes to try a weight loss program similar to what I did years ago. I just want this 25lbs gone and my weight stable until I get some fill back. Hopefully the gym will help too. I am just distraught. Bought a few pairs of work pants and even larger workout clothes but everything else is too small. Don't want to be squeezing into my clothes unable to breathe for long! Ugh. Will keep everyone posted.

Remember, shakes are slider foods and won't give you long term satiety like dense Proteins, dense veggies?

There are several of us who plateaued and we're doing intermittent fasting. I lost 17 lbs in 2 months with this type of lifestyle(not a real diet). It's called the 5:2 diet(again, not really a diet) but it's so band friendly it just screamed at me to try it. There's no need to stray away from eating like a Bandster with this program and it's so easy to follow. Check it out:


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Please keep us posted. This banded life is so unusual to outsiders... I believe in what you call a starvation response. Never have I eaten around 1000-1200 calories a day forYEARS and how could I not be very slim? I'm happy and healthy and " normal size" but to most those calories are an extreme diet.... Not life daily as we know it as bandsters

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Remember, shakes are slider foods and won't give you long term satiety like dense Proteins, dense veggies?

There are several of us who plateaued and we're doing intermittent fasting. I lost 17 lbs in 2 months with this type of lifestyle(not a real diet). It's called the 5:2 diet(again, not really a diet) but it's so band friendly it just screamed at me to try it. There's no need to stray away from eating like a Bandster with this program and it's so easy to follow. Check it out:


Thanks for the info on the 5:2 plan. Looks interesting. I am doing the shake diet temporarily. I found one that supposedly has a good appetite control. I HAVE to drop these 20lbs I have gained since my unfill as quickly as I can. NOt only do most of my clothes(at least all my bottom) not fit, I also do motorcycle track days and have 4 left this season. My one piece leather track suit will only fit with the 20lbs off. This has been my motivation to keep the weight off since I started riding motorcycles a few years ago. I am praying I will eventually get some fill back and hit that sweet spot that takes away my appetite. I miss that desparately. I am back at the gym now which I know will help but my body is probably just so freaking confused right now. The shakes will make it easier to keep track of calories while I work to get this weight off. Once it is off, I will deal with working on eating more solid food. I just always hated counting calories, so this has been a hard adjustment.

We shall see what happens. If the shake works for now I will be thrilled. I just need to stop the gain and maintain for now!!

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I was banded in 2008....Boise...Dr Anderson doesn't do fills anymore ...I guess I am replying because you are from Idaho. I am sure I am in need of a Re-boot..and or maybe a small fill...but I have to remind myself this is a tool....I am new to this sight... our old habits are not far away. I will be going to AZ in November so hopefully I can find a doctor there and maybe even a support group. Miss the one that they had at St Als in Boise. I hope you heal soon...and your tool becomes operable again.

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I had my band in 3 years ago, was doing fine with gradual fills then i got pregnant with twins. My band doc gave me a partial unfill. I later miscarried one baby and the band doc decided i needed a complete unfill to regain my health to make it through a high risk pregnancy. I gained 15lbs and lost them within 6 weeks post delivery.

I shouldve gone in for a fill then, but i didnt because i got bells palsy and became more preoccupied with my paralysis than my weight loss. With the strong steroid medications i had to take for that it was hard and i was getting the bloated side effects of steroids but i managed to maintain my weight loss and didnt gain but i was feeling defeated for not having made any progress for almost two years. I recently kicked that fear out, got my fills back in and am losing again.

Point is, I empathize with how an unfill can lead to a phase of frustrations and defeated feelings, especially when theres a lack of support from a medical team that understands your unique situation and needs. IMO after having an unfill its such an important phase to stay connected to a support system to stay in a positive mindset. Like so many here have said, unfills can sometimes be vital to a healthy progress, and dont necessarily result in weight gain. I wish you all the best with your next procedure, good luck :-)

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I have not posted here in a long time but wanted to chime in here. I had my band put in 5 years ago next month. The first few years were fantastic then I got a fill that made me a bit too tight. Right after that my family and I relocated to a new home and for about a year and a half I slowly gained 10 pounds. Mostly stress, and since I was too tight and could not satisfy myself turned towards the slider foods and BAM here I am. Im going in tomorrow for a bit of an unfill FINALLY! Im looking forward to having more than one bite of food before throwing up. I actually feel like I will be able to loose the extra pounds easier after the unfill, I'll be able to satisfy my hunger with good foods that will make my body start working right again. It sounds like the unfill topic is a hot one on this thred, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow and be another data point for you guys!

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Good for you! Let us know how it goes. Good luck!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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