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Gone for Good Club - May 2006

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Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__1__4-27__1__4-28__1__4-29__1__4-30__1__5-01__1__5-02__1__5-03__1__Week's Total__8__

5-04__1__5-05__1__5-06__1__5-07__1__5-08__1__5-09__1__5-10__1__Week's Total__7__

5-11__1__5-12__1__5-13__0__5-14__0__5-15__0__5-16__1__5-17__1__Week's Total__4__

5-18__1__5-19__1__5-20__1__5-21__1__5-22__1__5-23__1__5-24__1__Week's Total__7__

5-25__1__5-26__1__5-27__1__5-28__1__5-29__1__5-30__1__5-31__1__Week's Total__7__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__33___

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__2__4-27__2__4-28__0__4-29__0__4-30__0__5-01__2__5-02__2__5-03__2__Week's Total__10_

5-04__2__5-05__2__5-06__0__5-07__2__5-08__2__5-09__2__5-10__2__Week's Total__12_

5-11__2__5-12__0__5-13__0__5-14__0__5-15__0__5-16__0__5-17__0__Week's Total__2__

5-18__0__5-19__2__5-20__0__5-21__0__5-22__2__5-23__2__5-24__2__Week's Total__8__

5-25__2__5-26__2__5-27__0__5-28__0__5-29__0__5-30__2__5-31__2__Week's Total__8__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__40___

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_3__4-27__3__4-28__0__4-29__0__4-30__0__5-01__3__5-02__3__5-03__3__Week's Total__15__

5-04__3__5-05__3__5-06__3__5-07__3__5-08__3__5-09__3__5-10__3__Week's Total_21__

5-11__3__5-12__3__5-13__3__5-14__3__5-15__3__5-16__3__5-17__3__Week's Total__21__

5-18__0__5-19__3__5-20__3__5-21__0__5-22__3__5-23__3__5-24__3__Week's Total_15__

5-25__3__5-26__0__5-27__0__5-28__0__5-29__3__5-30__3__5-31__3__Week's Total_12__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__84___

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 239

Weigh-in weight 5-3: 237

Weigh-in weight 5-10: 233

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 230

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 226

Ending weight 5-31: 224

Total lost during challenge: 15 lb!

Total points earned for Rule 1: 33

Total points earned for Rule 2: 40

Total points earned for Rule 3: 84

Total points earned for weight loss: 15

Total Challenge points earned: 172

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I posted this but are we supposed to just post these each Wednesday??? Our thread may get a little long otherwise. I'm going to copy the score card onto a word document and just keep up with it myself until Wednesday if that would help.

:bananadoggywow: Kristin

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Score Card

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_1__4-27_1_4-28_1_4-29_1_4-30_1__5-01_1_5-02_1___5-03__1___Week's Total_8_

5-04_0 __5-05 _0 _ 5-06 _1_ 5-07 _1_ 5-08 _1_ 5-09 _1_ 5-10_1____ Week's


5-11__1___5-12_1___5-13_1___5-14_1___5-15_1___5-16_1___5-17_1___Week's Total__7__

5-18__1__5-19_1___5-20_1___5-21_1___5-22_1___5-23_1___5-24_1__Week's Total__7___

5-25_1___5-26__1__5-27__1__5-28__1__5-29___1_5-30__1__5-31_____Week's Total_7____

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__34_____

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_2__4-27_2_4-28_2__4-29_2_4-30_2__5-01_2_5-02_2_5-00__2__Week's Total__16__

5-04___0__ 5-05_0__5-06_0__ 5-07_0_ 5-08__2__5-09_2__ 5-10_2_ Week's total__6_

5-11__2___5-12_2___5-13_2___5-14_2__5-15__2__5-16_2__5-17_2__Week's Total__14__

5-18_2___5-19_2___5-20__2__5-21_2__5-22__2__5-23_2___5-24__0___Week's Total__12___

5-25_0____5-26__2__5-27_2___5-28__2__5-29__2__5-30__2__5-31__2__Week's Total__12___

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_60______

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__3___4-27__3___4-28_3___4-29_3__4-30_3__5-01_3_5-02_3_5-03_3__Week's Total__24__

5-04_3____5-05_3___5-06_3___5-07_3__5-08_3___5-09_3__5-10_3___Week's Total_21____

5-11_3___5-12_3___5-13_3___5-14_3___5-15_3___5-16_3___5-17_3___Week's Total_21____

5-18_3___5-19_3___5-20_3___5-21_3___5-22__3__5-23__3__5-24_3__ Week's Total_21___

5-25_3____5-26__3__5-27__3__5-28__3__5-29_3__5-30_3___5-31__3_Week's Total__21___

Bonus earned__5___Grand Total__108_____

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 322

Weigh-in weight 5-03: 315.5

Weigh-in weight 5-10 : 310

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 303

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 300

Ending weight 5-31: 298

Total lost during challenge: 24

Total points earned for Rule 1: 34

Total points earned for Rule 2: 60

Total points earned for Rule 3: 108

Total points earned for weight loss: 24

Total Challenge points earned: ***231***

Attached Imageshttp://lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=4353&stc=1&d=1146113409

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Telly's Score Card

Points earned for Rule 105

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_1___4-27__1__4-28_1__4-29__1__4-30__0__5-01__1__5-02__0__5-03__1__Week's Total__6__

5-04_1__5-05__1__5-06__1__5-07__1__5-08__1__5-09__1__5-10_1__Week's Total__7__

5-11__1__5-12__1__5-13__1__5-14__1__5-15__1__5-16_1__5-17_1___Week's Total__7__

5-18__1__5-19__1__5-20__1__5-21__1__5-22__1__5-23__0__5-24__1__Week's Total__6__

5-25__1__5-26__1__5-27__1__5-28__1__5-29__1__5-30__1__5-31__1__Week's Total__7__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_33_

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__2__4-27__2__4-28__2__4-29__2__4-30__2__5-01__2__5-02__0__5-03__2__Week's Total__14__

5-04__2__5-05__2__5-06__2__5-07__2__5-08__2__5-09__2__5-10_2__Week's Total__14_

5-11__2__5-12_2___5-13__2__5-14__2__5-15__0__5-16__2__5-17__2__Week's Total__12_

5-18__2__5-19_2__5-20__2__5-21__2__5-22__2__5-23__2__5-24__2__Week's Total__14_

5-25__2__5-26__2__5-27__2__5-28__2__5-29__2__5-30__2__5-31__2__Week's Total__14__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total___68__

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__3__4-27_3___4-28__3__4-29__3__4-30__3__5-01__3__5-02__3__5-03__3__Week's Total_24_

5-04__3__5-05__3__5-06__3__5-07__3__5-08__3__5-09__3__5-10__3__Week's Total_21__

5-11__3__5-12__3__5-13__3__5-14__3__5-15__3__5-16__3__5-17__3__Week's Total__21__

5-18__3__5-19_3___5-20_3___5-21_3__5-22__3__5-23__3__5-24__3__Week's Total__21__

5-25__3__5-26__0__5-27__3__5-28__3__5-29__3__5-30__3__5-31__3__Week's Total__18__

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__105___

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 218lbs

Weigh-in weight 5-3: 213lbs (-5)

Weigh-in weight 5-10: 207lbs (-6)

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 202lbs (-5)

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 200lbs (-2)

Ending weight 5-31: 194lbs (-6)

Total lost during challenge: -24lbs

Total points earned for Rule 1: 33

Total points earned for Rule 2: 68

Total points earned for Rule 3: 105

Total points earned for weight loss: 24

Total Challenge points earned: 230 pts!!!!

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Kristin, the instructions says to continue to post under our scorecard by editing it, if not, the thread will be over 100 pages. Just keep up with your scorecard and edit it daily. :bananadoggywow: Good luck to you!

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Susan, you are brilliant for thinking of these score cards.

At this moment, Im not going to sign up. You know, its a suga thang. *wink*

But I DID want to post my stats for the week...

S 248/ J 185 / G 150/ C 183 (-64 lbs total)

gained a pound.

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Answers to questions about the Spring Challenge:

1. Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes per day scores 2 points. You do not earn extra points for doing more than 30 minutes per day. Sorry.

2. I would prefer that everyone keep their score cards here so we can all watch each other progress. Do update your card each day, but do NOT post a new score card each day. Use the edit button to update your original card. It might be helpful to put the page with your card on it in your favorites so you can find it easily.

3. At this point everyone should be keeping ONLY the daily and weekly totals. Grand totals are for the end of the challenge when we add up the weekly totals. I didn't want everyone to have too much daily editing to do and therefore become less apt to do it.

4. Even if you have a "suga thing" please join! Many people have that same struggle and won't be earning the points for that everyday. However, it is possible to skip a day or two here and there and earn some extra points. *nudges Paula*

If any of you have more questions, or need help with your cards, please ask! That's why I'm here!

I will not be eligible for the reward, but I am going to keep a card and particpiate just for fun and so you all can't say I wimped out! LOL! LindaV has been kicking my butt with the walking. We walked last night AND this moring for about 40 minutes each time. It goes by so fast because we talk non-stop the entire way! *laughs*

I know there are more that wanted to join. Where are your score cards?? :grouphug:

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Susan, you are brilliant for thinking of these score cards.

At this moment, Im not going to sign up. You know, its a suga thang. *wink*

But I DID want to post my stats for the week...

S 248/ J 185 / G 150/ C 183 (-64 lbs total)

gained a pound.

Awww Paula. :grouphug: I'm sorry to hear you aren't joining us. :( :( :( :(

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

P'Nuts Score Card

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__1__4-27__1__4-28__1__4-29__1__4-30__0__5-01__1__5-02__1__5-03__1__Week's Total__7__

5-04__1__5-05__1__5-06__1__5-07__1__5-08__1__5-09__1__5-10__1__Week's Total__7__

5-11__1__5-12__1__5-13__1__5-14__1__5-15__1__5-16__1__5-17__1__Week's Total__7__

5-18__1__5-19__1__5-20__1__5-21__1__5-22__1___5-23__1__5-24__1__Week's Total__7__

5-25__1__5-26__1__5-27__1__5-28__1__5-29__1__5-30__1___5-31__1___Week's Total__7___

Bonus earned_____Grand Total___35____

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__2__4-27__2__4-28__2__4-29__2__4-30__0__5-01__0__5-02__0__5-03__0__Week's Total__8__

5-04__0__5-05__2__5-06__0__5-07__2__5-08__0__5-09__0__5-10__2__Week's Total__6__

5-11__0__5-12__0__5-13__0__5-14__0__5-15__0__5-16__0__5-17__0__Week's Total__0__

5-18__0__5-19__0__5-20__2__5-21__0__5-22__0__5-23__0__5-24__0__Week's Total__2__

5-25__0__5-26__0__5-27__0__5-28__2__5-29__0__5-30__0___5-31__0___Week's Total__2___

Bonus earned_____Grand Total__18_____

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__3__4-27__3__4-28__3__4-29__3__4-30__3__5-01__3__5-02__3__5-03__3__Week's Total__24__

5-04__3__5-05__3__5-06__3__5-07__3__5-08__3__5-09__3__5-10__3__Week's Total__21__

5-11__3__5-12__3__5-13__3__5-14__3__5-15__3__5-16__3__5-17__3__Week's Total__21__

5-18__3__5-19__3__5-20__3__5-21__3__5-22__3__5-23__3__5-24__3__Week's Total__21__

5-25__3__5-26__3__5-27__3__5-28__3__5-29__3__5-30__3__5-31__3__Week's Total__21___

Bonus earned__5___Grand Total__113_____

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 244.5

Weigh-in weight 5-3: 244

Weigh-in weight 5-10: 241.5

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 238.5

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 237

Ending weight 5-31: 234

Total lost during challenge: 10.5

Total points earned for Rule 1: 35

Total points earned for Rule 2: 18

Total points earned for Rule 3: 113

Total points earned for weight loss: 10.5

Total Challenge points earned: 176.5

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Paula - I got ya updated. You've lost 65 pounds, not 64. Don't ya just love mistakes in your favor? hehe

Heather - I'm so glad you're having such a great day! You happiness is infectious! Grats on your NSVs gurl!

Funny - It is awesome to see the amazing amounts of weight our members has lost, isn't it? I'm so proud of everyone!! And with your fired up, ready to kick butt attitude, you'll be on that Honor's page before ya know it!

Everyone - Just a reminder... to help us save space, please leave your signatures off of your posts. There is an option to Show Your Signature that you can de-select before you post. Feel free to put them on your score cards though. You can put whatever you want on those. Before and after pics, measurments, whatever helps you. Thanks everyone!

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Score Card

JoyceGA H 450/ J 409 / C 398 / G 165

New Member of the Gone for Good Club and LapBandTalk. I hope to have the surgery later this summer. I have 82 more pounds to lose prior to surgery. I did something like this on eDiets years ago, so I look forward to this Challenge. -- JoyceGA

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_1_4-27_1_4-28_1_4-29_1_4-30_1_5-01_1_5-02_1_5-03_1_Week's Total_8_

5-04_1_5-05_1_5-06_1_5-07_1_5-08_1_5-09_1_5-10_1_Week's Total_8_

5-11_1_5-12_1_5-13_1_5-14_1_5-15_1_5-16_1_5-17_1_Week's Total_8_

5-18_1_5-19_1_5-20_1_5-21_1_5-22_1_5-23_1_5-24_1_Week's Total_8_

5-25_1_5-26_1_5-27_1_5-28_1_5-29_1_5-30_1_5-31_1_Week's Total_8_

Bonus earned_5_Grand Total_45_

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_0_4-27_0_4-28_0_4-29_0_4-30_0_5-01_0_5-02_0_5-03_0_Week's Total_0_

5-04_0_5-05_0_5-06_0_5-07_0_5-08_0_5-09_0_5-10_0_Week's Total_0_

5-11_0_5-12_0_5-13_0_5-14_0_5-15_0_5-16_0_5-17_0_Week's Total_0_

5-18_0_5-19_0_5-20_0_5-21_0_5-22_0_5-23_0_5-24_0_Week's Total_0_

5-25_0_5-26_0_5-27_0_5-28_0_5-29_0_5-30_0_5-31_0_Week's Total_0_

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_0_

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_3_4-27_3_4-28_3_4-29_3_4-30_3_5-01_3_5-02_3_5-03_3_Week's Total_24_

5-04_3_5-05_3_5-06_3_5-07_3_5-08_3_5-09_3_5-10_3_Week's Total_24_

5-11_3_5-12_3_5-13_3_5-14_3_5-15_3_5-16_3_5-17_3_Week's Total_24_

5-18_3_5-19_3_5-20_3_5-21_3_5-22_3_5-23_3_5-24_3_Week's Total_24_

5-25_3_5-26_3_5-27_3_5-28_3_5-29_3_5-30_3_5-31_3_Week's Total_24_

Bonus earned_5_Grand Total_125_

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 409

Weigh-in weight 5-3: 408

Weigh-in weight 5-10: 407

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 403

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 399

Ending weight 5-31: 398

Total lost during challenge: 11 pounds lost

Total points earned for Rule 1: 45

Total points earned for Rule 2: 0

Total points earned for Rule 3: 125

Total points earned for weight loss: 11

Total Challenge points earned: 181

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:clap2: Hiya JoyceGA! Welcome to the Gone for Good Club! :clap2:

I'll get you added to the Members page! If you want your weights shown like the others on that page (first post on this thread, page one) then please post them so I can include them for you. Also, when we get new members, we really like them to write a short blurb about themselves so we can get to know them. If you don't mind, we'd love to hear more about you!


Thanks for adding your stats. I've put you on the Members page now :grouphug:

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Score Card

Mo's Points

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_1__4-27__1__4-28__1__4-29__1__4-30__1__5-01__1__5-02__1__5-03_1__Week's Total__8__

5-04__1__5-05__1__5-06__1__5-07__1__5-08__1__5-09__1__5-10__1__Week's Total__7__

5-11__1__5-12__1__5-13__1__5-14__1__5-15__1__5-16__1__5-17__1_Week's Total__7_

5-18__1__5-19__1__5-20__1__5-21__1__5-22__1__5-23__1__5-24__1__Week's Total__7__

5-25__1__5-26___1_5-27__1__5-28__1__5-29__1__5-30__1__5-31__11___Week's Total__7__

Bonus earned__5__Grand Total__41____

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_ 2 4-27__2__4-28__2__4-29__2__ 4-30_2_5-01__2__5-02_2_5-03__2__Week's Total__16__

5-04__2_5-05__2__5-06__2__5-07__2__5-08__0__5-09__0__5-10__2__Week's Total__10___

5-11__0__5-12__0__5-13__0__5-14__0__5-15__2__5-16__2__5-17_2___Week's Total__6__

5-18__0__5-19__2__5-20__2__5-21__2__5-22__2__5-23__0__5-24_0___Week's Total__8__

5-25__0__5-26__2__5-27__2__5-28__0__5-29__0__5-30__2__5-31__2__Week's Total__8__

Bonus earned__0__Grand Total__48____

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__3__4-27__3__4-28__3__4-29__3__4-30__3__5-01__3__5-02__3_ 5-03__3__Week's Total__24___

5-04__3__5-05__3__5-06__3__5-07__3_ 5-08__3__5-09__3__5-10__3__Week's Total__21__

5-11__3__5-12__3__5-13__3__5-14__0__5-15__3__5-16_0___5-17__3__Week's Total__15__

5-18_3___5-19__3__5-20__3__5-21__3__5-22__3__5-23__0__5-24__3__Week's Total__18__

5-25__3__5-26__3__5-27__0__5-28__3__5-29__3__5-30__3__5-31__3__Week's Total__18__

Bonus earned__0__Grand Total__72____

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 276

Weigh-in weight 5-3: 269

Weigh-in weight 5-10: 270.5

Weigh-in weight 5-17: 270.5

Weigh-in weight 5-24: 269.5 (finally!)

Ending weight 5-31: 267

Total lost during challenge: 9 lbs!

Total points earned for Rule 1: 41

Total points earned for Rule 2: 48

Total points earned for Rule 3: 72

Total points earned for weight loss: 9

Total Challenge points earned: 170

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I started my new Water routine today! I went out and bought a few gallons of Water last night, everyday I'll have a new one in the fridge. Already about half is gone for today. This is really helping me with getting in all my water, and seeing the gallon get emptier as the day goes on is a great visual for me. Now I need to get outside and do some walking! Some of you are so lucky to have walking buddies! I don't know anyone in town and it can get kind of boring by myself, but I'm doing it!

I took before pictures yesterday and posted them with my scoreboard, I'm really excited for this challenge b/c I believe with the extra water, exercising, and trying to cut out the flour and sugar I will be able to see a difference at the end of the month!

Good luck everyone!

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Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Cynthia's Score Card

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26__0__4-27__0__4-28_____4-29_____4-30_____5-01_____5-02_____5-03__1__Week's Total_1___

5-04_____5-05_____5-06_____5-07_____5-08_____5-09_____5-10_____Week's Total_____

5-11_____5-12_____5-13_____5-14_____5-15_____5-16_____5-17_____Week's Total_____

5-18_____5-19_____5-20_____5-21_____5-22_____5-23_____5-24_____Week's Total_____

5-25_____5-26_____5-27_____5-28_____5-29_____5-30_____5-31_____Week's Total_____

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_______

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26 __2__4-27__2__4-28_2___4-29_____4-30_____5-01__2__5-02_2___5-03__2__Week's Total__12__

5-04_____5-05_____5-06_____5-07_____5-08_____5-09_____5-10_____Week's Total_____

5-11_____5-12_____5-13_____5-14_____5-15_____5-16_____5-17_____Week's Total_____

5-18_____5-19_____5-20_____5-21_____5-22_____5-23_____5-24_____Week's Total_____

5-25_____5-26_____5-27_____5-28_____5-29_____5-30_____5-31_____Week's Total_____

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_______

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

4-26_____4-27_____4-28_____4-29_____4-30_____5-01_____5-02_____5-03_____Week's Total_____

5-04_____5-05_____5-06_____5-07_____5-08_____5-09_____5-10_____Week's Total_____

5-11_____5-12_____5-13_____5-14_____5-15_____5-16_____5-17_____Week's Total_____

5-18_____5-19_____5-20_____5-21_____5-22_____5-23_____5-24_____Week's Total_____

5-25_____5-26_____5-27_____5-28_____5-29_____5-30_____5-31_____Week's Total_____

Bonus earned_____Grand Total_______

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 4-26: 210lbs

Weigh-in weight 5-3:

Weigh-in weight 5-10:

Weigh-in weight 5-17:

Weigh-in weight 5-24:

Ending weight 5-31:

Total lost during challenge:

Total points earned for Rule 1:

Total points earned for Rule 2:

Total points earned for Rule 3:

Total points earned for weight loss:

Total Challenge points earned:

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