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Good bye bandsters, hello sleevers

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Never did I ever think when I got banded in 2010 I would be getting my band out and revising to the sleeve...Everything went so well. For 2 1/2 years everything was wonderful. I did my homework, I did what was expected of me and dropped about 70 pounds.. Talk about a new me. I still had like 50 pounds to go but I was on a roll and wasn't going to stop. I was on top of the world. Went back to school and found that confident person I once was before becoming obese. Unfortunetally after an unsuccessful fill due to the port twisting, everything went to crap. I had my port fixed and never found my green zone again. I am a 46 year old woman that knows her body and when something is wrong, something is wrong....after numerous attempts ( seven long months of trying to convince my doc something was wrong, like weight gain, starving all the time and horrible pain after my fills) he finally listened and sure enough I had a leak and my port lies right where my pant belt lies. Why would you put a port there in the first place? So not only did I go through physical and emotional pain. I went through a lot of financial pain. All those fills that never worked and the horrible pain I faced. I just never understood why a doctor would let a patient continue to feel this way...and yes, I have gained all my weight back and more. Talk about ashamed and feeling like a failure for the millionth time....The good news is..I fired my doctor and hired a new one (same practice, awkward, but its my body!. He is awesome, kind, very sensitive to your needs, caring and listens to you, Not like the doctors that ask you the question that you just answered to him. One time I had the doctor ask me the same question three times that I had answered. Talk about wanting to get up and walk out...So I have been blessed for a second chance per insurance. They are paying for the band removal and the sleeve. I am scared right now, but I have faith in my doctor and staff. My life will be for the better and I have much support. I have three young boys and wonderful husband supporting me and believing in me. I am not bashing the band, I am bashing the doctor that would not listen to me. He should have never let it get this bad. If I won the lottery, I would help set up a foundation for those that could not afford this surgery. It is life changing and I would want everyone to have that opportunity....obesity is just an awful disease to live with..So my new journey begins MAY 1 and I am so blessed. I think about a year from now how much healthier I will be. Plus I will finish up my schooling and be ready to conquer the world. Best wishes to everyone for whatever choice of surgery you chose...I commend all of you for taking that step. Surely a life long journey.

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Thanks for sharing your story; my journey has also been troublesome

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Thanks for sharing your story; my journey has also been troublesome

Your Welcome, yes, these surgeries can be trying and emotional. Its amazing though how strong we can stay though during the rough times. And sounds like you know what I mean!! Can I ask why do another fill with severe reflux going on? I would think adding would make it worse. Something new for me. I am sorry you are going thru this. Its so hard when you feel you are doing everything right and the tool is failing you. Is your doc listening to you? My band would only allow me 10cc's. Looks like almost a year for you too. That is great only if they can get the reflux under control. Did they give you medicine for it or any advice...i wish I could help everyone. I can honestly say I have been thru hell and back with this band but i am still here to fix things so I can't complain. Thats how I look at it. At least I still have a voice to speak up and say listen to me!!! My body is hurting and you need to look into it. Its not till I got very assertive and rose my voice with my doc things changed. I wish you well and please speak up....let me know how you are doing..Although its hard, keep your chin up!! Get things worked out...Good night.

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Thank you for your story and I wish you all the best with your sleeve.

You make a very good point here and its not just with bariatric surgeons but all Drs. Make them listen! I always say listen to your intuition, its hardly ever wrong and change Drs if you have to.

My granddaughter has Cerebral Palsy and some Drs have argue with my daughter thinking they knew more than she did about her daughter. They're now history and granddaughter doing very well.

Just like anything else, there is good and bad in everything.

Best wishes with your sleeve. Keep us posted.

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Thanks for sharing your journey and the best of results.

Please feel free to keep us posted on your new path.

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Wow! So sorry to hear about the problems you went through. Your doctor sounds like a real jerk, and his group should have done a lot more for you. I hope the best for your revision surgery. Thank goodness your insurance is willing to cover it, that is good news!

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Wow! So sorry to hear about the problems you went through. Your doctor sounds like a real jerk, and his group should have done a lot more for you. I hope the best for your revision surgery. Thank goodness your insurance is willing to cover it, that is good news!

Thank you for your support. The good news is I had the revision on May !, so I am 5 wks. Post op...my stay at the hospital was a little rough because there was an error in my "computer chart" for only 5ml of pain meds and I was suppose to be getting 20ml. So I had to play catch up and so that second day was really really rough. But I am here to talk about and that's what matters. By the way, I did change surgeons and couldn't be happier. As of today I am 28 pounds down. Not bad in five weeks. So the surgery went very well, I love my new doctor and I also had a long talk with the head nurse on my floor, They put you on the general surgery floor and its almost like the nurses are out of their elements. I feel there should be a bariatric floor for us. Just because there are so many different needs. I wish I could have gotten up and walked more there, but the pain was to much for me. Even after it sort of got under control. I have moved forward, but it still bothers me once in awhile. Pain will get your attention. I hear these stories people are up and walking and feeling good, ect...yet I have heard people say, " what did I go and do". So its all in the experience. I am pleased how I feel and the results so far. I am so blessed my insurance paid for it!!! I was shocked...I am writing a letter to the head of general surgery, The big chief. I need closure on what my old doc did to me. That should have never happened to me...plus 7 months of unnecessary bills...so that's where I am right now..they said I should lose about 12 pounds a month now if I stay compliant... how exciting is that!! Have a good evening.

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Thanks for sharing your story; my journey has also been troublesome

I was going through your post today. You have had a lot of issues!!! One thing my doctor didn't do was keep track of what I had in me so at least you know where your at.....yet I am sorry you are having problems. I do understand and feel for you. Have you given thought to any other options?? How are you doing now, I see you had a fill on May 13th....let me know how its going. Do you see you don't see the Realize Band commercials anymore? Wonder if there is a reason for that. Best wishes for you.

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Hello My Supporters! Well, its been 5 weeks post op and I am doing great. I had the band removed and the sleeve done. I stayed for 2 1/2 days just because I got a little sick and my pain was being managed. (someone messed up on my orders for pain control). My new surgeon is wonderful and treated me with the most respect. As I read through some of the past posts on the sleeve. I read a lot that people would say, "what did I go and do" after the surgery do to the pain. Well, yup, I said it...my husband said, You knew you might say that...we all know pain will get your attention! Anyways, my first post op check up I lost an astonishing 19 pounds and today I lost 8 pounds. But gained some more pills to take! I feel like I need to buy a pill box. Like my starting my Vit. B12, gallbladder meds and Vit. D due to it being so low on my blood work. Now I need to amp up my exercise. I need to learn to take time out for me. With 3 boys at home I feel like it hard to do, but I have to. Its like medicine too. I wonder where I will be in a year. I take small goals, but its nice to think about, because I know how fast time goes. Thank you everyone for your support!!!

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Your Welcome, yes, these surgeries can be trying and emotional. Its amazing though how strong we can stay though during the rough times. And sounds like you know what I mean!! Can I ask why do another fill with severe reflux going on? I would think adding would make it worse. Something new for me. I am sorry you are going thru this. Its so hard when you feel you are doing everything right and the tool is failing you. Is your doc listening to you? My band would only allow me 10cc's. Looks like almost a year for you too. That is great only if they can get the reflux under control. Did they give you medicine for it or any advice...i wish I could help everyone. I can honestly say I have been thru hell and back with this band but i am still here to fix things so I can't complain. Thats how I look at it. At least I still have a voice to speak up and say listen to me!!! My body is hurting and you need to look into it. Its not till I got very assertive and rose my voice with my doc things changed. I wish you well and please speak up....let me know how you are doing..Although its hard, keep your chin up!! Get things worked out...Good night.

Well, I am just wondering if I had too many underlying allergy and G.I issues to warrant getting the band; I did run this by BOTH my allergy doctor and my G.I. doctor. I begged my doctor to use fluro-fill and he was insulted. I am not satisfied with my band or the results but I do see my surgeon and NUT each month because I don't know what else to do at this point. My lap band surgeon will not agree to any testing or medicines. And, yes it has been a very LONG year for my journey.

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I am going back for my June visit and if things do not drastically improve, I am going to ask my doctor option other options (sleeve, etc.)

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I had a similar story where it took me a long time to get my dr to believe that my band was still leaking. First time, he replaced the port and tubing, but I kept going back saying I had no restriction, and after irrefutable proof that saline was disappearing from my band, he did another port replacement surgery, but this time he didn't replace anything because he couldn't detect a leak. He told me it was just my band being 'finicky'.

Fast forward a few months and countless fills and back and forth, I went through a time of feeling like I should just give up hope, I finally decided to go see him aagain and it was his wife who saw me. Because it had been months since I last saw them she could not deny that I'd lost over 3cc from my band in that time.

So I then was given the opportunity to revise, either to another band or to a sleeve.

I've decided to roll the dice with the band again because I had incredible success with it, and I'm looking for something to help me maintain and not lose anymore. Plus my issues were, like you, with my dr (who bless him, was NOT being malicious in not believing me) and not the band.

I'm happy with my decision and feel like for the first time in almost 2 years I'm almost at my green zone again but wanted you to know I feel your pain and completely understand your decision. I wish you all the best for your sleeved life!

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Well, I am just wondering if I had too many underlying allergy and G.I issues to warrant getting the band; I did run this by BOTH my allergy doctor and my G.I. doctor. I begged my doctor to use fluro-fill and he was insulted. I am not satisfied with my band or the results but I do see my surgeon and NUT each month because I don't know what else to do at this point. My lap band surgeon will not agree to any testing or medicines. And, yes it has been a very LONG year for my journey.

I am so sorry for what you are going though. I think its time for CHANGE. Can you find another surgeon. I insisted of changing doctors before anything was done. I would never let my arrogant first doc touch me again. For your doc to seem insulted for you suggesting something is clearly wrong. We know our bodies more then anyone and it sounds like you might be on to something. Like my lap band. When I had it, right from the beginning I always had issues with port site pain. I just lived with it because my band was working. After my port revision things really painful and that was that. My body just didn't like the band in me and of course we know going in that our bodies and reject it. Well, my leak was the final straw. But 7 months of convincing him and a hefty pile of medical bills. I am writing my letter today to the head of general surgery to let him be aware of what transpired, I feel all my medical bills should be waived from Aug. 2012 to Jan. 2013. I know that's just plain dumb to even consider, but he would not listen to me. Even the nurses agreed with me!! Again, can you change doctors. I was fortunate that there are three docs in the hospital I could choose from and I heard nothing but wonderful things about my current doc, I thank god for him. I am at peace now that my band is out and no more painful fills and a doc that will listen to me. He is a good man. I wish you well in your search, its your body, your choice!!! I know, it might be hard if your insurance is not good. Its easy for me because my insurance didn't give me an issue. I will tell you though, after 26 years of having the best insurance in the world, we are losing it as of June 31st. I am on some expensive meds and I don't know what to do. I am going to have to go off of them or change them..some I will get off as the weight comes off. Good ol' depression and anxiety ate me alive with this weight. I also am learning to figure out what causes the anxiety and that's what made me eat....so it was a circle for me and I want to break it. No pill will take care of an environmental anxiety. It helps short term while learning to figure things out, but I need to learn what caused me to eat. So I journal. Its amazing what pours out in your writings and who makes you get these feelings. Ok, I have rambled enough. Please again, tell yourself know you are worth more then what this doc is giving you. I worry as things get bad for you, what else could happen if doesn't listen to you.....keep in touch.

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im becoming a sleever july 1st my band was removed about two months ago. ive gain 25lbs back from the 128 i had lost :( Good luck with your new journey im a little nervous i hope my sleeve doesnt fail me like my band did.

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im becoming a sleever july 1st my band was removed about two months ago. ive gain 25lbs back from the 128 i had lost :( Good luck with your new journey im a little nervous i hope my sleeve doesnt fail me like my band did.

Does insurance cover the sleeve if they already paid for the band? I mean it would have to be medically necessary wouldn't it?

Good luck on your sleeve!

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