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9 month anniversary of band removal!

Guest triciaebel

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Guest triciaebel

Today marks 9 months of having my band out. What a crazy ride it's been. I was banded on December 2nd, 2009. During the surgery, my band doc repaired a hiatal hernia, which I did not know that I had, as well as a hole in my esophogus, also which I did not know I had. Initially, I saw great results with my band. I lost quite a bit, and felt better than I ever had. Then I began having sharp, shooting pains in my back and middle sternum. So bad at times that I couldn't breathe. I thought it was food that had gotten stuck, or gas pains. It would subside after about an hour, and then every couple of months, it would come back. I went to my lap-band doc, who said it sounded like a slip, but when I did the x-ray with barium, the band was in the correct spot. I was so frustrated!

Fast-forward to October of 2010. My husband and I were planning to wait until I had the band in for a year before trying to start a family, but some things are out of your control and in God's hands! I found on October 18th that I was expecting twins. I couldn't believe it. My lap-band surgeon told me that I would be fertile Myrtle after I lost quite a bit of weight, but I honestly thought he was just joking. The pregnancy went quite well, and I didn't have any issues with the pain in my back and sternum area during the pregnancy. I gave birth to a 7 pound 15 ounce boy and a 6 pound, 2 ounce boy full term. I was filled to 5cc's in a 10cc band before pregnancy, and I never had a fill (or unfill) while pregnant.

Shortly after my boys turned one, we took a trip home to Seattle. We spent a month there, and arrived back home on a Saturday afternoon. Monday evening, I went to bed and had the worst back and sternum pain I have ever had. It would not let up. It lasted all Tuesday and by Wednesday, I was calling around to find a local lap-band doctor. I had my surgery in Houston, TX, and by this time, we were living in the Texas panhandle. The doc I got in with that Wednesday afternoon said that my band probably had slipped, and that he would take out all the Fluid, and I should be good to go. He drained my band completely, and I immediately felt better, but by that evening, it was back again. I tried calling my regular doctor, who told me that they couldn't see me that afternoon, but I could go to the clinic. I tried to wait it out. It got worse and worse. By Sunday morning, I was in so much pain I couldn't see straight. I told my husband we HAD to go to the hospital. He took me in and I met the lap-band surgeon who had taken all of the fluid out of my band. They did blood work and an ultrasound. The diagnosis? Pancreatitis caused by gallstones, which were a result of my band. I was devastated. The doctor said it would be best to take the band out, as well as the gallbladder. He said that he no longer does lap-band surgeries (as far as placing them) because there are too many problems.

I have managed to maintain my weight loss for the most part, mostly because I found out in January I am expecting again and have had horrible morning (all-day) sickness. My sister-in-law is a personal trainer, and she is going to be helping me to get into shape once the baby is born.

I don't regret having the band put in, I just wish that I had researched other options. I know everything has risk, but I felt at times like a failure, because I knew that I would most likely bounce right back to my old eating habits. My boys have given me motivation to not do that. It's a daily struggle, but one I am determined to win!

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I'm a little confused.

Gallstones and subsequent gallbladder removal is very common after any weight loss- not just with the Lap Band. Pancreatitis can result from from gallstones lodging in the drainage duct the gallbladder and pancreas share.

Neither have anything to do with the band specifically nor are they caused by the band.

Why would the doctor remove your band for something 100% curable and not band related? The exact same thing would've happened regardless of how you lost the weight.

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I was just thinking the same thing so I went and researched it and it has nothing to do with the band but with rapid weight loss. Which was talked about at my first meeting pre surgury. Its is something that has been in the back of my mind everytime I get a pain anywhere I want to blame it on the band.

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I was just thinking the same thing so I went and researched it and it has nothing to do with the band but with rapid weight loss.

Exactly, in fact I just had my gallbladder removed 6 days ago due to weight loss.

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The rapid weight loss is due to the band, regardless of how u look at it. Traci is telling her story very eloquently and for that reason is appreciated. Some members of this forum either work for the band companies or they stay confused. I wish you all the best.

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Wow what an insane story! I'm glad you're feeling better! And good luck in your post-band journey

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Great story, I just had my band removed due to infection I've had since it was placed in Sept. 2012. You give me alot of imspiration that I also can do this on my on from here on out 50ish lbs to go so I know the band works just not for all of us.... good luck and congrats on new addition to your family also.

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I'm a little confused.

Gallstones and subsequent gallbladder removal is very common after any weight loss- not just with the Lap Band. Pancreatitis can result from from gallstones lodging in the drainage duct the gallbladder and pancreas share.

Neither have anything to do with the band specifically nor are they caused by the band.

Why would the doctor remove your band for something 100% curable and not band related? The exact same thing would've happened regardless of how you lost the weight.

No one is contradicting that Traci's story was/wasn't written eloquently... just that the two things have no connection. Meaning that if you get GB disease you will have to have your band removed...

So balbuquerque... which are you... do you work for the band companies or or you just confused? Are or you insinuating that Mis is either of the two?

Mis... you are correct... having the band does not cause gallbladder to go bad... gallbladder problems are "mostly" caused by rapid weightloss... Go look it up on line.. But just to be sure, i checked with my doctor and he confirmed that having the band has nothing to do with gallbladder problems. In fact, my first consult with him he asked if i still had mine... I said no... why, and he said that if i did he would remove it at the time of the LB because the rapid weighloss could cause gallbladder disease..

Sounds to me like the doctor had personal issues with the band and choose to remove it. sorry you had to go thru all that.

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No one is contradicting that Traci's story was/wasn't written eloquently... just that the two things have no connection. Meaning that if you get GB disease you will have to have your band removed...

So balbuquerque... which are you... do you work for the band companies or or you just confused? Are or you insinuating that Mis is either of the two?

Mis... you are correct... having the band does not cause gallbladder to go bad... gallbladder problems are "mostly" caused by rapid weightloss... Go look it up on line.. But just to be sure, i checked with my doctor and he confirmed that having the band has nothing to do with gallbladder problems. In fact, my first consult with him he asked if i still had mine... I said no... why, and he said that if i did he would remove it at the time of the LB because the rapid weighloss could cause gallbladder disease..

Sounds to me like the doctor had personal issues with the band and choose to remove it. sorry you had to go thru all that.

That's my point exactly. It wouldn't matter if you lost the weight due to WLS or just a crash diet it's the weight loss that causes the gallbladder issues not the band.

I also just had a Tummy Tuck and skin removal surgery due to weight loss. Blaming the band for having your gallbladder removed is like blaming the band for me having to go through a tummy tuck.

Oh and I assure you, I don't work for anyone and I'm far from confused. I do, however, have a low ignorance tolerance and that seems to be running amok in this thread.

Thanks bayougirlmrsc for bringing my attention back to this thread :)

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Guest triciaebel

Well, I have just logged in after being away from the computer for a bit, and am shocked and disappointed at the replies to my story. The only reason I shared my story was to help others who may be having problems with their band. I have nothing against the lap-band, I was just quoting what my doctor said to me. Of course, everyone has a different opinion, and I support free speech, but this post was meant to share my story, not start online fighting. The story is mine to tell, and it's also mine to remove. I will be taking this post down and deleting my account. It was never meant to be this.

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Thank you for sharing your story Tricia. Your doctor guided you in the decision and while not everyone here agrees with that decision, it is what happened in your situation. Since I have seen post after post on another group with people developing severe esophageal issues 3-5 years out, unrelated to compliance, I think it was a good decision. You used your tool, are about to be a mom of three and have learned new eating and lifestyle habits you'll carry forward to continue your success.

Sometimes our doctors decisions are questioned by those who should refrain from commenting unless they can be supportive of the person, if not the decision.

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well then Tricia... you go ahead and take down the post and remove your account if you so choose... this is a free country and you have every right to do so.

I for sure and i'm going to speak for Mis too.. (hope that's ok) didn't mean to insult you only to correct mis-given information. YOU wrote: Pancreatitis caused by gallstones, which were a result of my band. If someone else comes on here and sees what you wrote they are getting uneducated and misinformed information. Simply, the band does not cause gallbladder disease. Your weightloss was the cause... not the band. And unless there were OTHER things wrong with your band, there are no medically necessary reasons why a LB has to be removed to preform a gallbladder removal surgery.

​I wish you all the success in your future endeavors..

MsMaui are you saying that when someone comes on this forum and gives incorrect information, we should all sit silently as to not hurt or seem "unsupportive"? That just won't happen. I have been here for over three years and have been and still are very supportive to all, but i won't sit by and have people give out uneducated and miss-guided information. If the post would have read that she had gallbladder disease and "choose" to have her band out... that would be a different story. But to say that the Band cause it is just completely false.... I challenge you and any other to find any where proof that the LB causes Gallbladder disease ... If you can i will issues an apology..

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well then Tricia... you go ahead and take down the post and remove your account if you so choose... this is a free country and you have every right to do so.

I for sure and i'm going to speak for Mis too.. (hope that's ok) didn't mean to insult you only to correct mis-given information. YOU wrote: Pancreatitis caused by gallstones, which were a result of my band. If someone else comes on here and sees what you wrote they are getting uneducated and misinformed information. Simply, the band does not cause gallbladder disease. Your weightloss was the cause... not the band. And unless there were OTHER things wrong with your band, there are no medically necessary reasons why a LB has to be removed to preform a gallbladder removal surgery.

​I wish you all the success in your future endeavors..

MsMaui are you saying that when someone comes on this forum and gives incorrect information, we should all sit silently as to not hurt or seem "unsupportive"? That just won't happen. I have been here for over three years and have been and still are very supportive to all, but i won't sit by and have people give out uneducated and miss-guided information. If the post would have read that she had gallbladder disease and "choose" to have her band out... that would be a different story. But to say that the Band cause it is just completely false.... I challenge you and any other to find any where proof that the LB causes Gallbladder disease ... If you can i will issues an apology..

No, I'm saying that perhaps we should be supportive of the person posting her experience, even if you wonder why the doctor proceeded to remove the band. Perhaps there were other mitigating circumstances. To say Tricia gave incorrect information given to her by her doctor isn't supportive. It's done, she's moving on, so should everyone else. She has a very positive outlook considering having had two babies, surgery and being pregnant again, why diminish that with questions and criticism?

PS Alex won't allow anyone to delete their account.

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well then Tricia... you go ahead and take down the post and remove your account if you so choose... this is a free country and you have every right to do so.

I for sure and i'm going to speak for Mis too.. (hope that's ok) didn't mean to insult you only to correct mis-given information. YOU wrote: Pancreatitis caused by gallstones, which were a result of my band. If someone else comes on here and sees what you wrote they are getting uneducated and misinformed information. Simply, the band does not cause gallbladder disease. Your weightloss was the cause... not the band. And unless there were OTHER things wrong with your band, there are no medically necessary reasons why a LB has to be removed to preform a gallbladder removal surgery.

​I wish you all the success in your future endeavors..

MsMaui are you saying that when someone comes on this forum and gives incorrect information, we should all sit silently as to not hurt or seem "unsupportive"? That just won't happen. I have been here for over three years and have been and still are very supportive to all, but i won't sit by and have people give out uneducated and miss-guided information. If the post would have read that she had gallbladder disease and "choose" to have her band out... that would be a different story. But to say that the Band cause it is just completely false.... I challenge you and any other to find any where proof that the LB causes Gallbladder disease ... If you can i will issues an apology..

I agree with everything here 100%.

No one meant to insult or upset anyone. In fact, the only person who was disrespectful and snarky on this entire thread was balbuquerque. The rest of us were simply pointing facts versus false information, nothing more.

Sorry if not wanting to misinform others is "unsupportive" but we owe to the rest of the community not to pass on bad info and needlessly scare people.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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