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prayer requests for LBT'ers

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Please pray for us to make it to church tomorrow. We have been out of church on a regular basis, only going here and there since we moved to IN. I think we may have found a new church home and it's hard to get back into the habit again b/c of that little thing called the devil.

*What an awesome thread to have!*

The last time I checked this thread, this was the last post on it. I went to reply and was side tracked... THEN kept losing it. phew!

3loves, regarding this quote from your post... did you guys make it to church? I hope so. Weve been IN church and OUT of church through out our married lives. Funny how life seems to go much smoother when we go regularly.

I will also pray for all the petitions that are presented on this thread.

Leatha, I worry for your mom. 70 yrs old raising 2 kids - my goodness. My heart is broken thinking of your family, and especially for your sister. More then anyone else, SHE doesnt want to be this way.

Remember, To have a resurection, you must first carry the cross.

and what a horrible cross this is.

God bless you and your sister, your brothers and your mom, and those pecious kids.

God bless all of you that have (and havent) asked for prayers...

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I just want you all to know that I read this thread regularly, and I pray through each request. God bless each of you, whatever your heart's concerns are. People are praying. Thanks for this thread. (((((HUGS)))) all around!

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Leatha ~ I am almost lost for words!! I have already lifted all of you in prayer and will continue to do so. The Lord is bigger and stronger than those drugs!! Stay on your knees....He is there. God Bless the heart of those precious children!! They are so innocent and don't deserve to be in the middle of all this turmoil....even though it can't be helped at this point. :cry

My SIL (she was in her late 40's) passed away last summer from that evil cancer and she had custody of her 3 grandchildren b/c her daughter is a drug addict. It was so sad to see the suffering of those children, ages 10, 7, & 6. Two of them contacted TB before they were taken away. :cry Her other daughter tried to find her sister to let her know her mother had passed away (even had the police looking) and they were not able to find her. As far as we know, she isn't even aware her mother has died....that is if she is alive somewhere. It's really hard on a family to NOT know where a loved one is, even if you know their addicted to drugs. That doesn't change the love in your heart. We offered to take the oldest child, but a cousin stepped up so they could all stay in OH. They live in different homes, but they get to see each other frequently. I can't say for sure they are in counseling, but I know they NEED it for sure!!

Keep fighting for those children and fighting for what is right. I don't mean fight your dear mother, but try to get everyone to see how important it is to put their needs before anyone's pride or money. They need all the love and support they can get right now. Here's a big hug for them....:grouphug:

With that said, I also have a BIL that I've never met b/c he is also addicted to drugs (they are the only 2 in the family I know of). He has been in and out of jail and actually prefers to be in jail to have shelter. He was on the local news a couple of years ago b/c he had been released and did something to where the police were chasing him. His mug shot was right there on T.V.!!! We have never let him know where we live b/c my DH fears he would come and try to rob us and who knows what state he may be in if he did come to our door. It's so sad.

Drugs are so evil & I hate them!!! My mom always taught me not to hate, but I feel strong enough to use that word in this case.

Leatha, I really can't imagine the pain and burden on your heart. These are my in-laws and immediate family is different, especially a dear sister that you've been so close to in the past. I will try to lift part of your burden by praying for you & the entire family. I don't always understand why the Lord allows such suffering, but I do know He has been on this earth and knows every pain we feel, felt, and will feel in the future. It makes me think of Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

O.K. I'm a bit windy.....I going to stop. Talk to you soon friend!!

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Paula ~ Yes, we made it to church and have been going every Sun since Easter. We even made it to Sun PM services. I think this is the church for us and we plan to join. I know what you mean about things going better when you're in church. That is how it is in our family too. Thanks for your thoughts & prayers!!

A special THANKS to all of you for the prayers!! :huggie: :grouphug:

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3 loves I am going to borrow this one.

Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. That says it all, if we would just be obedient and follow him. Hopefully today is that day we all will just do what we are suppose to do. 3loves thank you for the compliments. Encouraging others encourage me and thank you for the song. I am listening to it over and over.

letha being able to talk about helps you so thank you for sharing with us. We know have a chance to put you and your family on the alter. God knows what you guys are going through and bit by bit you guys will overcome this. When we come to together in 2 or more he is there. We lift up your family and pray for peace and joy through his son. Believe in him you shall have enternal life.

3loves I love your font....I was going to change it but I really like it. Did you get a chance to walk yesterday?

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I am a born again Christian and I love the Lord and will be praying for all the needs/problems that arise....We MUST support one another and pray for one another as the Lord has directed!!

God Bless,


Banded 3/20/06 -38lbs :grouphug:

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My family has alcoholism problems. Recently my

41 year old brother was hospitalized again and he will not get the help that he needs. Friends like this thread help to talk about issues like this. Prayer keeps us sane from a completely hideous disease such as addiction. My prayers are with you. Addiction shakes the core of the family in every way. And when children are involved, it is even tougher. Just know you are not alone. food has always been my escape from the devastation my brother has brought to the family for years. I remember as a teenage his drug and alcoholic fights with my parents. All you can do is pray step #1 that God will give you the strength and that you are powerless over what decisions your sister makes. God bless.

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Okay guys...I'm finally breaking down and asking for prayer. I read this thread often, and pray for each of the requests....but I'm one of those that tries to fix everything on her own before asking for help/prayer from her family/friends....so here goes (the extremely shortened version, although it's still long):

Had to remove my grandmother from my mom's home last week. My mom was hitting her over her head with her fist and pulling her hair repeatedly. Not to mention making my 85 year old grandmother sleep on the floor because my mom was afraid she would be incontinent in her bed. My mom had taken her off all of her meds because it meant more money in my mom's pocket (she was on alzheimers and diabetic meds, etc etc) was not feeding her anything warm, for fear she would "burn the house down" and would not let her watch tv all day long if my mom wasn't there because she was afraid she would "mess up her satellite dish". Pure mental, physical, and financial elder abuse! I ended up taking my grandma to the ER and she is still admitted as an inpatient and probably will be until at least Monday.

Yes I know, my mom is crazy...always has been...always will be. I have been my grandma's financial power of attorney for 3 years, and a week ago my mom took my grandma with her and closed all of our joint accounts and took charge of all my grandma's finances so she could use the money for herself. Not only that, but she found some quack attorney that would produce a new power of attorney and had my grandma (who doesnt even know what a power of attorney means, nor can she recall the names of her grandchildren, the year, president, or month) sign POA over to her.

Very sad.....I'm feeling very defeated and ready to give it all up, but something inside me just keeps telling me to keep fighting no matter what for my grandma's sake. No one else will stick up for her in my family. Don't know what to do.......right now the Lord is strongly telling me to be still, because I want to come out kicking and screaming and make my mom pay for all she has done.

On top of that, I have to have my 3rd surgery in less than two weeks.....I am having difficulty getting shifts to work (I'm an RN), I'm in the middle of a nasty lawsuit with my former employer (who fired me because I had lap-band surgery...haven't shared that with anyone on here before)...etc etc. I am finding the real meaning of when it rains, it pours!

Requests: (I'm gonna be real specific...because I need bigtime help!)

1. Please pray for discernment in whatever path the Lord guides me down with my Grandma.

2. Pray for strength to finally end the cycle of me continually going back for more doses of my mom's mental/psychological abuse. I need strength to stay away for good....I deserve better, and I know the Lord wants that for me too.

3. Pray the legal and medical people involved in my grandma's care see right through my mother's lies and deceit.

4. Pray my grandma gets placed in a safe nursing home where she is well cared for and my mom cannot take hold over her.

5. Pray for me to have peace and for the Lord to guide my words and actions throughout this whole ordeal.

6. Pray for lots and lots of babies to start getting born in the Kansas City area so I have work!

7. Pray for my surgery on May 12th....specifically that I do not get another infection this time around.

Okay, hope that wasn't too much! Love you all, and thanks in advance for your prayers.


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Robyn, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. It realy does pour when it rains huh? In a 3 month time span, we had a baby, hubby was seriously hurt at work and was on workers comp for a year and needed constant care, and sept 11th happened (we lived in an all middle eastern neighborhood, one of our neighbors was arrested and deported for supporting terriost activity). It was 18 months before my husband was able to return to work, 6 months of that we lived on unemployment. My point is that everything works out in the long run. Hubby was fired from his job over his injury, but is now making double his previous wage, with great benefits and he loves his new job. We have a beautiful almost 5 year old daughter and we are buying our first home. I repeated to myself each day that God would only give me burdens that I could carry and nothing more. I really think that if my husband had stayed at Circuit City, working the way he did and being so unhappy all the time we would be divorced right now, instead we are happier and more in love than ever. I think that our sorrows and burdens make us stronger and in the long run happier people. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that my ramblings have made you feel better. ~Mandy

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Dear Robyn,

Just wanted you to know that I agree with you in prayer for all your requests... May you find peace as you hide in the cleft of the Rock, may His goodness and kindness overwhelm you as you seek His face...may He grant divine favor in all your circumstances. He is with you through it all! Blessings and hugs to you and all others posting today.

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To everyone who has posted requests above I ask God that they all be healed by your love and grace easily and completely. Ask and you shall receive and so we ask. All is well. Allready done.Amen.

I ask for prayer for my health. I am having surgery next month, on the 13th, 2 months to the day after my lapband, to biopsy a suspicious area in my uturus and to remove a fibroid tumor. I ask that all is well, all is clear and my body be healed now.

I am also having problems with my lungs. I wake up every morning with my lungs tight and I have terrible anxiety about it. I ask God that my lungs be healed completely. Thank you.

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I pray for each request, that God hold you in His merciful hands. May He provide exactly what you need. May He give you strength to do what has to be done, and wisdom to see your path. May you be a blessing to others. You have asked for God's grace in Jesus' name, and it will be given. Praise Jesus' name, Amen

I haven't posted on this thread, but I read it and pray for all concerns. I just want to thank all of you for the inspiration you have given me to continue with the challenges in my life. It is always inspiring to see that everyone has blessings and challenges, and you never know what a person is facing in his or her life, regardless of their smile on the outside. I hope to remember to be more compassionate and understanding.

I am asking for prayers of comfort and healing as I face the first Mother's Day without my mom and grandma. I know it is fast-approaching, and even when I realize that they are with Him now, it does not help me miss them less. I know that your prayers will help me.

I thank you so much.

Hugs, Cindy

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Thank you, Leatha. I do pray for your family, and all families who are given the situation of addiction to face. We have faced alcohol addiction in our family, and thank God that we have been sober almost 5 years now. I also have family members who continue to drink and abuse prescription medication, and, of course, family members who enable that abuse. Rest assured that prayers are continuous and fervent.

Blessings to all, Cindy

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To all my dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, I thank you God for all the agreement in prayer as we know it is powerful for the pulling down of strongholds. We bind the spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus. We loose our loved ones from the bondage of addictions, and we loose upon them the the promises held in Scriptures that we and our entire household will be saved in the name of Jesus. We ask for the powerful protection promised in Psalm 91. God we love you for your infinite mercy and you have abundant love that gives us more than we can ever ask or imagine. How great is your love. Father I ask now that as we pray for others that your great healing power touch our own lives and bring healing in the areas that you alone know of. We need the touch from your mighty hand. I thank you for my family of believing brothers an sisters and their love for you. Please bless them and their families and their extended families. I ask for a baptism of peace to be upon them and grace that carries them through the valleys. May You be glorified in the answers to our prayers. We want to honor you in our lives and in our choices. We know your return is soon and we also know that your word says the it is your will that none shall perish. Father we are in agreement with you as you are our great intercessor that never sleeps nor slumbers. We want to hear your song in the night as you sing over us. Awaken each of us to your mercies that are new every morning. We choose to be a forgiving people so that the door to the tormentor will be closed forever. I am so grateful to each one who reads these prayers and agrees in their spirit to the swift answers that are already on the way. God bless those of us that need your courage to confront the evil in our own families to have the victory over darkness. It is not by might, nor by power but by your spirit that we are victorious. Praise be unto you forever. I am so happy that you are the Sovereign. I am so happy that I can witness the miracles that we ask for today. We love you Lord. Come quickly! In Jesus name! So be it!

I love you all. Thank you for love.

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