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Lisa, (IMT), since you profess to be a "newbie", I just wanted say, I think you may have "read" her wrong. Paula is one of our kindest members. I've been here for a long time too and I've never known Paula to insult or be rude to anyone. So, I think you may have just taken her remark personally.

As for the edit and delete buttons, I think they were fine the way they were. For example, I was frustrated in the Easter Thank You thread and was happy that I could go back and edit my comment, once I realized my surprise bunny had received her gift. My only thoughts on the deleting is I think we should be able to delete our posts, but if a thread's been started, and you're concerned for what ever reason, just delete your posts.

Oh yeah, Lisa, you've been here since Feb, we consider you an oldie now, :( .

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Nahhhh I try not to take things personally, but the tone was one of us "newbies" made a BIG deal about it and started questioning things AND now we have to change things?

Hmmm if we have questions, aren't we supposed to ask them? how else do we find the answers if we do not inquire about it?

I was told that it was ONLY us "newbies" that even cared if the thread was gone - a few replies from people who have been here longer has shown otherwise.

As I stated in other posts, there was some very valuable information in the threads that we deleted, but was told to basically get over it??? Wow what a reception that is for new members....

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Ok, I'm a newbie here too. Short and sweet, I think that you should be allowed to be your own self moderator. Which means:

1) The ability to delete your own posts

2) The ability to edit your own posts

3) Deleting or Editing anything not involving your own words would be wrong (i.e. deleting an entire thread which contains replies from others, even though you created it)

*UNLESS you are a moderator. That's what moderators are for.

My biggest concern is that threads like GFG club and others that update on the first page will become ineffective as a tool in our weight loss journey. I'm very unlikely to dig through 10 pages of posts to find the most recent update. I look at the first page for the update and then go to the last few pages to catch up and post.

Just my humble, probably useless opinion.

:( Kristin

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Dody, can you delete an entire thread that you started? Just curious. I've belonged to several boards and while some let me edit my posts, none have ever allowed users to delete threads. It just seems to me that's not a widely used level of access on message boards of any great size.

To answer your question Alexandra, NO you cannot delete a thread you or anyone else started. If you start something, well you better be able to finish it. There is a time-stamp on the editing part too. It allows you to edit for 1/2 hr. to correct spelling and then if you want to say anything else you have to do it in a different post.

I don't think people should start a thread and be able to delete it at will to be honest (ducks from all the darts being thrown), but I do like the idea of editing for a mispelled word or something like that.

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(( Hugs all around )) Folks, I love ya'll. I respect your opinions & your right to feel as you feel -- angry, betrayed, alone, whatever. No qualifications.

Change hurts. Period. People fear it! And statistics show that most folks can undergo 2 major changes per year without having major stress issues.

If your surgery was this year, heh, you've had 1 of your changes! If you've lost more then 10 pounds this year, you've had a major change! For most of us, our change quota is full up. We're working with raw nerves.

Could everyone please:

1. take 3 deep breaths

2. stand up & stretch

3. take 3 more deep breaths

4. sit back down

5. repeat to yourself: LBT loves me & I love LBT

6. remember that no one here is out to get anyone!!

7. if you're still feeling picked on or singled out, go back & repeat 1-6

We all feel strongly about our board... it's our friends, it's a part of our world. It's what we KNOW... and change to it is scary. It doesn't really matter if you want the change or don't want the change... someone feels JUST as strongly as you in the opposite direction.

So slow down & remember that words hurt & that we love these people & don't want to alienate them! ;)

Love ya'll!


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Like I said in response to your PM, no apology needed. I was simply pointing out that there is indeed a clique around here. I come here for information and support, I get that from my friends. A lot of my time here is spent in PM and reading. I don't post much and know that people won't miss me if I am not posting. I would guess that few people actually look at who is online at any given time. Like I said in my PM th "in crowd" all joined around the same time and were banded around the same time, at least most of them. I have a clique of my own, we are just a bit less public about it. We too were all banded around the same time and joined around the same time. I think that the "in crowd" just seems more public. My theory is if you are looking for someone, instead of publicly posting it, PM or e-mail them. I feel the same about the birthday post, send a private message, that would keep the board neater. (Just my 2 cents) So again, my feelings are not hurt, it takes more then an online support group to hurt my feelings. What does hurt is losing my bandland home, it seems like this place is losing some really great people, and that is really sad. As for the deleted threads, I am really upset about the Nana's Holiday challenge thread, it had my measurements in it and I didn't get a chance to save them before it was gone. I have my weight in my journal but not my measurments. I am sad to see Nana go, she was always sweet and kind, she has a beautiful soul and that is what LBT needs. I have discovered that all online groups are like this, they run in waves and the "big guns" seem to weather the storm and the newbies ebb and flow. I guess that like life, things change and we just have to accept that. The changing attitudes and feel of this place are hard changes to swallow, and I'm not sure that the changes are sitting well with me right now. There is a ton of stress in my life and I can't add more from here. We are buying our first house and Abigale is getting ready to have surgery, I am preparing for a very painful series of injections in my really bad knee. It just seems that my life is really crazy right now and instead of coming here and feeling supported and cared about, there is another feeling here, one I can't eplain. I miss the LBT that I found before being banded, the one that held my hand when I was denied 3 times. The one that reminded me to walk and sip even though I already knew that. The LBT that cheered me one when I won the holiday challenge, and cried with me when my baby was sick and we didn't know what was wrong with her. My LBT family prayed for her and she is making progress, slowly but it is happening. That is the LBT that I want, not what we have now, fighting over movies, politics and religion. If we can't all be friends, at least we can be civil. Maybe we all need to remember, if you can't say something nice then keep your damn mouth shut? There have been way too many personal attacks lately and I am sure that prohibits people from posting and even joining. I know that the last big blow-up almost kept me from staying around. I'm not sure what this uproar will do for the LBT family. I hope that everything calms down and go back to normal, but right now I just don't see that happening. ((Paula)) we are cool, honest. ~Mandy

Hi Mandy,

I'm sorry about all the crud going on with regard to LBT, particularly, for your sake, the missing persons list and the loss of information. I would be upset about that too. I wanted to tell you that I did notice you weren't around but I didn't feel like I knew you well enough to enquire about you. It feels a little like trying to hang out with the cool kids in high school! How silly is that but I can't think of a better parallel.

I understand that everyone likes to be part of a group but I can't help but feeling that if everyone keeps mainly to their own group and by posting mainly in PM you really don't give a larger group of people a chance to know you. When I say you, I mean all of us. I apologize for butting in to a situation that I'm new to, but I can't help but wonder if you kept more to the public forums, if your group wouldn't be bigger? The reason I'm posting this to you on the public forum right now is because I really think that a lot of PMing is a drain of information and occasionally acknowledgement. Obviously though, some PMing is a very good idea! lol

Again, I'm not trying to butt in or make you feel persecuted. I just want everyone to stay around so I can benefit from their experiences. I guess that sounds a little selfish but I want it for everyone, particularly the newest members.

I'm glad your feelings aren't hurt and I hope your knee injections go quickly with less pain than anticipated.

Best wishes,

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I guess with Paula's post all the newbies felt she was pointing the finger at them. In the first thread by Vines I did respond with a question to Alex on "why deleting was allowed"... so this could be my fault or maybe not!

Anyway it goes people would have continuted to "Get Mad and take their "ball" and go home" (I mean take their post and leave) but still it's childish just like on the playgroud!.

Who really cares "who's fault" it is that there are changes happening. I for one think they will be for the best in the long run. And I'm allowed that opinion even if I'm a newbie.

P.S. - The deleted threads didn't remain in my User CP or Subsribed thread area but I can find them on Google as someone else pointed out. The Divinci thread wasn't even "fighting" so I don't understand why Dylansmom got her feelings hurt so bad, did she not expect some rebuttle to her opinion. It doesn't make people bad to disagree.

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I think its the recent newbies (2?) that thought it WAS a big deal (regards to Vines thread) and started inquiring about it. Now these changes have to happen??

I just can't keep my mouth shut....sorry.....not really. :cry lmt33167 I think you have taken this totally too personal b/c I have been reading everything regrading this topic and not ONCE did I take offense. Please understand that first of all, I do consider myself a newbie (maybe I shouldn't at this point) and second of all, I did question where a thread went that was deleted in the middle of my reply. Imagine how shocked I was when I didn't know what was going on. I even made a new post asking what happened. Did I expect this topic to go on like it has? No. Did I cause it or was I responsible? No. This is going on b/c it affects each member on this board. Not just you or just newbies. You are putting too much emphasis on yourself. I think it's a little self-serving on your part.

I have come to know Paula a little bit as I have a lot of people on here. She is the LAST person that would try to make anyone feel hurt or offended. Then again, she doesn't need me to defend her.

Next time, please take a step back and look at the big picture b4 attacking an individual. It's OK to have different opinions, but I don't think it's OK to address an person in the way you have b/c you took it out of context.....this is MY opinion of course.

Almost forgot, on the topic of cliques....do I think there are some here? Probably. Do I care or does it affect the way I use this board? No. I agree with what you said, lmt33167:

I for one, plan to be around awhile, this is a great source of information for Weight Loss and Surgery.
This is a good point of view to have and this board does belong to all of us. It is a gift to which I am so thankful for. I think you are too as everyone else on here.
I was not the only "newbie" to post here - there were 5 or 6 of us and the feeling that I got from the older/higher posters was this: you can post on "our" board/forum, as long as we LIKE what you say then you're in, if not get out.

I have never felt this way and never will. This place is for all of us and if it wasn't, your posts could be deleted. I think a little of respect is in order. We are a big family and right now there seems to be a family squabble going on. We'll get through it & like Paula said, I will still be here and be addicted to LBT regardless of any changes that take place. This is a community that I call cyber-home.

BTW, lmt33167, I read your signature last night and I really liked it. Please don't try to tear down someone's character by misunderstanding.....give them the benefit of the doubt next time....you'll be glad you did. It's called integrity!!!

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Isn't there any way to maybe at least give editing privledges at least to the person that started the thread??? I have peoples names who have worked very hard to get their names on the "100 pound club" list, but I cannot do it anymore. This is really a downer................:think

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I agree that posting more and being in the open forums more would make more friends and open up my group. I do post, not everyday, but I do post when I feel I have something to offer. I feel like I know several of the members here, and would love the chance to actually meet them one day. When I say the changes are hard to deal with, I'm not talking about the editing changes, I am all for some changes being made. I am talking about the attitude changes, the general feeling of the board changing. I think the ability to edit post is important, but the ability to delete threads isn't. Hope this makes my feelings clear or at least clearer...~Mandy

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I'm sure that the editing feature will be back guys, there is no need to worry, it's only temporary, and in a few days I'm sure we will have an answer from the admin as to what they are going to do.

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:biggrin1: What? No Edit button!! What in tarnations is going on here? I mean what has this world come to when you take our edit button? Where is an Admin/Mod when you need one? Oh! I know, left with the edit button didn't they. Just thought I would add that in here. LOL

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On rechecking my racing forums, DRF allows you to edit or delete your own posts at any time, however, you cannot delete other peoples posts nor can you delete the thread, but you can delete your own post if you started the thread. The rest of the thread has to remain intact. You can edit at any time. On the other forum at Pace Advantage you can only edit for 1/2 hr. after which you must just reply in the thread but can't edit yours any longer, nor can you ever delete, so there is a variance in threads. I believe horseracing threads are much different because we actually handicap on them and they have a time stamp when you make corrections so they know it isn't before a race.

Don't know if this helps any, but it is the difference in forums. I think if a person who starts the thread wants to delete what they wrote so be it, but the rest of the thread should not be able to be deleted. Just my thoughts.

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I've only checked this thread a couple of times since the first night it was started and on that night we were mostly just being silly and goofing around. I don't think anyone needs to get nervous about the mood of the thread or the intentions of the people posting in it. It wasn't a serious suggestion to revolt and those of us who really wanted to keep the ability to edit and delete the way it has been were just expressing our thoughts on the topic. It may not be a big deal to some of you, it might be a big deal to others. I haven't seen anyone here attacking anyone or implying that this is all someone's fault. The few of us who were discussing it in the beginning weren't interested in blaming anyone for anything. Heck, if we wanted to do that we would hav been aiming our blame at Alexandra and the rest of the mods. It was only a discussion about the change and we were talking about how we viewed it from our perspectives.

So everyone please calm down. This was not, nor will it become, a board war. I think too many of you have misread the tone of the original posts.

Now, on to the topic at hand. I think that Alex and the Mods were being very clever when they took out the Edit option. It's the old, "Let's take more away and then they won't think the original bit we took is so bad after all" ploy. Now we all just want the Edit button back, so screw the delete thing! LOL! (I'm joking y'all, so don't get up in arms about that!)

I have seen both sides of this and while I still think it's unnecessary to remove the ability to delete the entire thread I concede that the owner and Admin feel its the best thing for LBT and they should get our support and respect for doing whatever they decide. However, I don't think any of us need to apologize for speaking out about our opinions on the topic. I'm sure that the mods are very capable of listening to everyone's opinion without taking it as a personal attack or anything. So no one did anything wrong by joining the conversation about something which will affect all of us as LBT members. I also think the mods are going to find that this will produce more frustrating work for them as people begin to request the deletion of posts or threads. I could be wrong, but after Admin'ing a few places myself, I have seen how more control over the masses usually winds up meaning more "babysitting" for the Admin/Moderators. If you all are fine with that, then it's all good.

Now, y'all get back to focusing on your journeys and stop worrying about LBT. It's full of great people who all have different opinions and somehow we all seem to manage to keep on going. Those who leave will come back (if they haven't already). And those who really cared about you, will keep in contact. It's just the way of the net folks. Nothing new at all.

Love you guys! ;)

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