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Start my new job today!

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Wish me luck! I have a new job working in a consignment shop! Wish me luck in not buying anything! I am guaranteed Mon - Fri 11-3 & then extra hours when needed. & I get 20% off & first pick of the clothes that come in! The place is huge! It's like the size of 4 or 5 Dollar General stores (if you know what they are). It's only 15 minutes away from home. I have never worked that close to home. I think it will be fun!:clap2:

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Good Luck Jessiebear! :clap2:

It sounds like a neat place to work and sooooo close to home. I wish I worked that close to home. :phanvan


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HAAAAAAAAAA I'm like you, I'd be buying all the good stuff as it came in LOL.


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Hi Jessie ~ I'm so jealous!! You are in the perfect place to get things b4 they hit the shelves. I've sold a bit on E-Bay and you may want to watch out for some of the name brand items. You can pull BIG bucks on some of those things. I look for Gymboree, Baby Lulu, & Stride Rite. I just sold a used pair of Stride Rite gym shoes for $12.99!! Not bad for being used, but they had tons of wear left in them. Just something to thing about. :confused:

Good luck on your new adventure and have fun!!

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I totally love it! Everybody that works in there is in one stage or another of chunkiness. It's awesome! I've had lots of questions about the band. I share with anyone who wants to hear about it. Most people are curious, but some are really interested. It is really hard to do my work instead of shopping. I was born a shopper! I sell a lot of stuff on ebay too. I don't have anything on there right now cause I've been too busy. But you should see the mountains of stuff surrounding me that needs to be put on there. I brought a U-haul full of stuff from Georgia. I helped my Nana clean out her garage & basement while i was there. The family brought a bunch of stuff to her house for a yard sale & then left it. For 2 years! I couldn't stand it any more. Anyway, I'm rambling! Thanks for the well wishes!!

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Jessiebear I'm so glad you like your new job!! Sounds as if you and your new coworkers will become good motivation and suport for eachother!!!

Good luck on your second day tomorrow!!! Don't spend all of your first pay check!!! HAHA!!!

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Wow, I'm so sorry I missed this thread, Jess! Grats on your new job. Sounds ideal! I'm really happy for ya!

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Way to go Jess, I would love a job like that but I too would be buying so much that i would not have a paycheck...LOL Good luck and have fun.

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Okay. I quit my new job. LOL!! I loved it. But I met the owner. She was a nasty piece of work!! I don't need to work that bad! I will still shop there though. LOL! I bought somthing every day that I worked. I think Lonnie was relieved that I quit. There's a first.

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What Happened that Made you quit?? I almost worked in consignment shop last year but the owner closed shop. I was always there every weekend.

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Oh Jessie, that is too bad about the owner. :phanvan Aren't you thankful to have a choice though? I have been in jobs were I have had to take a lot of crap b/c I supported myself for a long time. Johnny Paycheck sings a song that comes to mind.....:confused:....something about shove it. :heh:

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LOL, I missed this thread... congrats on your new job... and congrats on quitting! Heh. At least you found a cool place to shop! :confused:

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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