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Slipped Band

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I just posted my first message to this board over in Introductions - Slipped Band & Introduction. I thought I'd continue my post re: my slip over here.

In the last couple of months I've had reflux. Went to my PCP and got a prescription for Nexium. That helped with the acid part, but not the reflux. Any food eaten within 1-4 hours of laying down would result in waking up choking on the refluxed liquid still in my pouch. My restriction was increasing. I thought due to a bout of PBs I'd had. Finally went down to TJ to see Dr. Martinez/Ortiz and the flouro revealed I had a slip. The large part of the stomach had migrated up through the band. It initially looked like a hiatel hernia because the stomach had pushed up into the chest cavity. The barium was barely getting through. Even though my band had been completely unfilled in January of 2005 there was .3 ccs inside. A result of the permeability of the band. After Dr. M removed the .3 the barium trickled out of the upper pouch. i went for an endoscopy to check on the health of my esophaugus/stomach and thankfully got a clean bill of health - no stricture, no esophogitis, no hiatel hernia. But still the band must be repositioned higher up & stomach manipulated back down. My surgery is scheduled for 4/19.

Mainly I am RELIEVED that there is a reason for this terrible reflux and HOPEFUL that I can find some relief.

My slip was a gradual one. No one knows exactly what causes them. I think in my case consistently eating too much and "pouch packing", PBing, and drinking carbonated beverages probably contributed in some way. I've stopped the carbonation completely, I know I can stop the PBing because I've gone for long stretches without doing it. The difficult part will be NOT overfilling the pouch.

I've thought long and hard about removing the band completely because I feel like my eating has become so disordered/compulsive, but am giving it one more try with this repositioning surgery.

If anyone here has had this surgery to repair a slip I'd love to hear from you. I've scoured the archives and have found some slip stories that have been helpful to read. The more the merrier so to speak.

Also if you care to share the cost of the surgery that would be helpful as well. Mine will cost 3500$ - that's for the hospital costs only, no surgeons fees. Fortunately I feel like I am in very good hands with my surgeons. I am hoping I don't end up in the hospital for 5 nights like in my initial surgery due to swelling. I'm thinking this surgery will be less taxing on my body.

Anything anyone has to share about their experience with any of this will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks for being here.

-Mary Ann

4/15/03 Dr. Ortiz/Martinez

238/199/I'd be content with 175/thrilled with 160/died and gone to heaven with anything under 150

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Good Luck to you Moss. I'm not a bandster yet--surgery is scheduled for May 1st and I worry about this happening to me as well. I worry that the I'll be one of the ones who doesn't succeed with the band or that I'll sabotage myself in some way. I'm sorry that you're having this problem, but I'm glad that you're going to give it another try. Sounds like you're on the right path. Much hope for your success. Meka

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Unfortunately Dr. Kuri was unable to fix my slip because of adhesions on my stomach. I really hope you're able to get yours fixed because. let me tell you, it is VERY difficult without the band. Even though I only had my band 6 months I had forgotten how difficult it really is. I'm scared to death of regaining the 50 lbs I lost so I'm taking Metabolife (until I'm able to get back to exercising) and Zetacap and I'm starting Nutrisystem today or tomorrow (depending on when my shipment arrives today).

My slip was a gradual one, too, I think.

I really hope they can fix you up - it would definitely be in your best interest. If my dr had been able to fix my slip the only thing I would do differently is keep my restriction on the loose side because I tend to swell. I think the constant fill/unfill/unfill/fill/unfill/unfill/unfill was just too much for my band - it couldn't take it.

Good luck to you,

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Meka & Shanna,

Thank you for reading and responding to my post.

Meka: despite the complications I'm having/have had slips are still relatively rare. Chances are good that you'll never experience this sort of thing. The good thing is that if you do, you can usually have it repaired without having it removed. When they can't repair the slip they remove the band for 6 months give the stomach time to heal and put in another band - if that choice is financially feasible for you. I haven't heard of anyone who has lost their band without any chance of repair or replacement, but then I'm sure they are out there too. The bottom line is that odds are in your favor. Some people seem to do better with the band than others and get within shouting distance of goal. Others like me lose some weight, but don't make it to goal or even close, but we seem to keep trying. Still others lose very little weight and have a lot of frustrations from the beginning. It's difficult to know the exact statistics because on some boards/lists those with difficulty are discouraged from posting. This board seems to be more tolerant and less critical of those who struggle. That's a very good thing. It's hard to suffer in silence without support. I read in ...I think it was Journal of Obesity or one of those medical journals that people with B.E.D. binge eating disorder are poor candidates for banding. I don't know if that's true, but I know I am a binge eater and it takes a great amount of self control NOT to find ways to eat around the band. Naturally I didn't read this until after I was banded and it probably wouldn't have changed my mind anyway. Again, difficult to know what makes a person do really well and another not. I suspect that bandsters who were successful with following an eating program and losing weight (regardless of whether they kept it off or not) might do better with the band as an element of discipline is definitely needed. I have not gained and lost a lot of weight in my life. The losing part is always almost insurmountable. Then again, what do I know? There are probably as many theories about band success as there are people on this board.

Shanna: I'm really sorry that you lost your band. I have no doubt that if I lost mine the weight would creep back on, although I'm trying to change my thinking about this. I like to think I can succeed with or without the band even though it seems very difficult. There are after all, people who lose weight and keep it off despite the often quoted stats about the chances of doing so. Despite my limited success I don't think it's an impossibility. No question that it's HARD. Very hard. Either way I don't want to lose my band and find out. I know I can at least maintain with a band. My heart goes out to you. I think it's fantastic the way you are being so proactive and hanging in there.

Best Wishes,

Mary Ann

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Moss -

First of all - HUGS to you.

This is a difficult thing to grapple with and I totally understand.

First of all - do NOT blame yourself. I don't think carbonated beverages are a good match for any type of Weight Loss Surgery (bypass or banded types) due to the fact that our bodies now process carbonation a bit differently, but sodas alone did not undoubtedly cause your slippage. And if occasional overeating made bands slip - you'd be talking to an empty chat room - because as WLS patients we sometimes have our moments where we revert to our previous bad habits. For most of us, those habits led us to need/want WLS and believe me, those weaknesses don't just vanish into thin air when they stitch a silicone band on our tummies. So no more self-blame and doubt. You bought a tool and it's currently not working up to snuff, so you are taking the right steps to get back on track.

And you're right at your Three Year Anniversary point, and believe me - many, many little band irregularities are discovered around the 2-to-3 year mark. It's like a car that's approaching the end of it's 36-month or 36,000 mile warranty, and although it's running fine, you might start hearing little noises here and there. :puke: No, there isn't always going to be a problem but it's a great idea to see what's going on down there in Band Land.

Although my Band has not currently slipped (err...fingers crossed), I certainly have had major Band incidents over my last five years (five years and 2 weeks, actually, LOL ). So last year I had a repair in my tubing and also had a replacement from my old-school access port to a newer lower profile port. And those are just some of the highlights :rolleyes .

Also, like Shauna, I too had adhesions that were found when they replaced my tube - yet no one bothered to tell me about them. I read about it a year later when I requested my surgical records (after my longtime first surgeon dismissed me as an 'active' patient, saying I'd lost all the weight I ever would lose with my band. Gee, thanks for the support, doc :) ). So I don't know how severe my surgical adhesions were, but somehow they were able to to repair/remove them and continue with the second surgery. My replacement/repair surgery took less than an hour with all that - and recovery wise, it was a breeze compared to the original banding. So I have high hopes that yours will proceed as smoothly, Moss, and you'll be back on track soon.:puke:

So as you prepare for your upcoming surgery, I would ask your Dr O and/or Dr M one important question - since you were banded in 2003, I'd find out which technique they used to attach the band to the stomach.

Specifically I'd find out whether they used the original Peri-gastric technique (which is what I have, unfortunately) or if they used the newer Pars Flaccida technique. My pals & peers who were banded in Mexico in '02 and '03 - usually had the older Peri-gastric technique. This technique was definitely used in the 2000-2001 surgeries(when I was originally banded) and that surgical placement has been associated with a higher rate of slippage (some have even thought it has some relationship to higher erosion rates, especially with some of the Mexican surgeons who utilised this approach longer. So I think it might be important to ask if that was utilised in your original surgery, as if it was, they will probably revise you to the newer Pars Flaccida placement. This will undoubtedly ensure greater long term success with your banding - and will hopefully reduce any chance of further slippage.

You're not critically ill (been there), you're not sick with no idea what's happening to you or your band (been there) and you're not stuck in a hospital ICU unit with a bunch of doctors circuling around you hoping they get to see this band when they cut it out since it's so new that they've never seen one in person (been there too - and I don't recommend the T-shirt :eek: ). So things could be much, much worse.

I'm not at all minimising your difficulties but thank goodness you know what's wrong, what's been causing your symptoms, and that your surgeons can fix your issue.

I wish you all the luck in the world, and have high hopes for your continued journey.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

And Big Hugs again.

Happy Band Journeys To All...

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Hi Moss,

First, I want to say that you are not alone! I, too, was banded by Drs. O & M, although in 7-05. After my 2nd fill in 1-06, I was pretty tight. I had a HORRIBLE PB episode on a nothing size piece of food in 2-06 due to being too tight, combined with being pre-menstrual. It lasted hours. I had reflux after that. I went down to TJ again in 3-06 and was told I had a partial slip--my pouch was enlarged-- the size of a plum instead of a walnut. I had a complete unfill, which ended the reflux.

I am going down to TJ again tomorrow (4/17) and they will try filling me again. If my pouch enlarges with the fill, I will need re-positioning surgery, which will take place the next day--4/18. Dr. Ortiz told me the odds are not in my favor to avoid the surgery--only about 25% chance that the unfill and rest will have fixed the problem.

Maybe I will see you! I am pretty nervous about stuff. May I ask you how the endoscopy went? Did you have it down in TJ by Dr. Manuel Juncua (sp?)--I will be having one tomorrow as part of my pre-ops, if I am getting the surgery. Could you tell me anything about that?

Thanks--Jigglypuff AKA Barbara

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New Shoe: Thank you so much for your kind response to my message.

Since you've had complications you can probably appreciate what the support means at a time like this. Also thanks for informing about the different stitch methods. I will write that down and ask Dr. O about it. I actually feel quite fortunate as some of the slipped band stories have sounded pretty dire/painful/unrepairable (pick an adjective). Mine IS minor in comparison. And if the band gets successfully repositioned, which is likely I will be one happy camper.

Barbara: I hope to meet you in TJ! I had my endoscopy with the dr. you mentioned. I would describe it as a painless experience. It doesn't hurt that the drugs they give you (IV) are very pleasant. I felt high the whole time. The cost is $250 and they don't take credit. Just so you know. Fortunately my sister and I had the money on us. Dr. O thought the endoscopy would not come out so good, but thankfully the results were all positive which was why I could reschedule my surgery for this coming week. Mine is scheduled for the morning of the 19th. Do you live locally? I'm in LA and am driving down on the 18th and probably staying at the Lucerna overnight. Haven't decided yet if I'm driving across the border or taking the Mexicoach like I usually do. How about you? I hope your pouch has repositioned itself and you can avoid surgery. Let me know what happens! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and sending you good thoughts.

-Mary Ann:)

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Hi Moss,

My husband and I will be staying at the Lucerna Monday night, 4/17, regardless of whether I have surgery on the 18th. (We live in the Bay Area.) I hope we can meet! Ask for Barbara Harman's room at the hotel. Have a safe journey and thanks for your kind thoughts! :) Barbara

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Am leaving for Mexico in a couple of hours. Surgery is tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for a swift recovery. I'm healthy as a horse (wait maybe that should be strong or big as a horse) but my first surgery was a 5 day hospital stint instead of overnight. Based on what I've read this kind of repositioning sounds less detailed/complicated/timely. I'll know first hand in about 24 hours. Thanks for the well wishes.

-Mary Ann

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I just posted my first message to this board over in Introductions - Slipped Band & Introduction. I thought I'd continue my post re: my slip over here.

In the last couple of months I've had reflux. Went to my PCP and got a prescription for Nexium. That helped with the acid part, but not the reflux. Any food eaten within 1-4 hours of laying down would result in waking up choking on the refluxed liquid still in my pouch. My restriction was increasing. I thought due to a bout of PBs I'd had. Finally went down to TJ to see Dr. Martinez/Ortiz and the flouro revealed I had a slip. The large part of the stomach had migrated up through the band. It initially looked like a hiatel hernia because the stomach had pushed up into the chest cavity. The barium was barely getting through. Even though my band had been completely unfilled in January of 2005 there was .3 ccs inside. A result of the permeability of the band. After Dr. M removed the .3 the barium trickled out of the upper pouch. i went for an endoscopy to check on the health of my esophaugus/stomach and thankfully got a clean bill of health - no stricture, no esophogitis, no hiatel hernia. But still the band must be repositioned higher up & stomach manipulated back down. My surgery is scheduled for 4/19.

Mainly I am RELIEVED that there is a reason for this terrible reflux and HOPEFUL that I can find some relief.

My slip was a gradual one. No one knows exactly what causes them. I think in my case consistently eating too much and "pouch packing", PBing, and drinking carbonated beverages probably contributed in some way. I've stopped the carbonation completely, I know I can stop the PBing because I've gone for long stretches without doing it. The difficult part will be NOT overfilling the pouch.

I've thought long and hard about removing the band completely because I feel like my eating has become so disordered/compulsive, but am giving it one more try with this repositioning surgery.

If anyone here has had this surgery to repair a slip I'd love to hear from you. I've scoured the archives and have found some slip stories that have been helpful to read. The more the merrier so to speak.

Also if you care to share the cost of the surgery that would be helpful as well. Mine will cost 3500$ - that's for the hospital costs only, no surgeons fees. Fortunately I feel like I am in very good hands with my surgeons. I am hoping I don't end up in the hospital for 5 nights like in my initial surgery due to swelling. I'm thinking this surgery will be less taxing on my body.

Anything anyone has to share about their experience with any of this will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks for being here.

-Mary Ann

4/15/03 Dr. Ortiz/Martinez

238/199/I'd be content with 175/thrilled with 160/died and gone to heaven with anything under 150

How long have you been banded? Dr. Ortiz told me his slip rate was low. His rep told me that she had a band slip but it was the old band and not the new Inamed band. She said if you have a slip it is usually 2 years out.

I seem to be too tight after a fill and honestly I take it so easy after a fill. Usually just Soup for a couple of days. I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Dr. Malley says we will find my "soft spot" and I sure hope it is soon. My last fill was so tight that I could taste some of the Soup after I ate it but as soon as he took some out that feeling disappered.

Did you pb a lot or was it more of a throw up. Mine is more like a throw up and it happens FAST.

I would hate to have my band slip as I paid cash for it. I sure do "feel" for you. Hang in there. Let us know how it goes.

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Mary Ann- Hi I too had a gradual slippage. It was long and gruel. Got to the point I could barely keep Water down. My mind knew hello something is wrong but the scale was reading 125! For me I always was chubby/big so to see the scale say 125 I thought I was in heaven. Let me tell you that was insane. I jeopardized my health. I had a huge unfill so I could get healthy enought to have the revision surgery 1.5 months after the unfill. I went from 125 to 139 in that time. Surgery was 139...that was a great weight for me. That too never stayed I went to 149 since 17 Mar 06. Now just a week ago I promised myself this time I will be healthy and do this right! But I have gained 10 lbs since surgery. Why because I do not have restriction before correction I could barely eat a few bites of food. Now I can eat bread, Pasta where before I could not eat that stuff for years. This has been my experience. Am keeping a journal in hopes it will make me see what is going on. I go next Monday for a fill..I can't wait.


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Hi. I am not sure what is happening with my band either. By the way, what DOES PB stand for? Don't mean to sound dumb, but I honestly can't figure it out. Anyway, I had a fill mid-March. Stayed on Soups and liquids for a week. Gradually started eating again. Went out to dinner one night and ate two very small pieces of fish and three french fries. That was three weeks ago, and I have been having pain when I eat ever since. It is getting worse, too. I haven't thrown up or anything like that, but it sure does hurt a lot. I have tried talking to my surgeon but he seems to think it is supposed to be like this. I disagree. It's like stuff is hanging up in my throat or something. It hurts when I drink anything or try eating anything. I am trying the things I saw on this website (I just found out about it yesterday) like the warm tea, etc. So far today I have eaten a small amount of pudding and a small amount of food. I am trying to drink some gatorade so I don't get too dehydrated, but that is rough going down as well. I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it. Any suggestions?

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Snow White,

You need to see your band doctor right away for an unfill and to check your band and make sure all is well. You're prabably in a cycle of PBing (Productive Birp, which is vomiting the food that is in your pouch) and being swollen.

Go to your doc (looks like you may need a new one) - you should not be in constant pain, it's not worth it!

Be well,

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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