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My Lapband Horror Story

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Well, I will admit that my post was a knee-jerk reaction. I know better than to do that so if I offended anyone or seemed insensitive, I apologize.

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Sorry but both links are irrelevant.

Neither study differentiate between complications caused by patient non-compliance and complications of no fault of the patient. Just because half the Lap Band patients are messing up their own bands with their own ignorant behavior isn't a reflection on those who actually follow the rules and do the right thing.

The second study was based on the 4cc band, which hasn't been used in the United States in a couple years because they've (unfortunately) had a lot of problems with the smaller band. So again, anyone banded in the last couple years has a bigger band so that study is completely irrelevant.

I agree that the 4cc band study is irrelevant, but your statement " Just because half the Lap Band patients are messing up their own bands with their own ignorant behavior isn't a reflection on those who actually follow the rules and do the right thing." is just unkind, and arrogant. As stated before, if you're so happy with your band and complication free, why are you here on the complications forum? What scares you about someone posting this information? If its irrelevant, readers can do their own research and figure that out. There's a wealth of information available today vs several years ago, when many of us were banded.

I'm sorry, but there are just too many variables within the banded community; the patients, doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc all have variables. Doctors protocols are very different in their dietary requirements pre and post op. There are huge differences in pre band testing requirements, screening for ability and willingness to comply.

Some band mills took advantage of people, taking their money, operating on them and charging exorbitant fees for follow up....and many of those patients have had complications and or failure to lose due to incompetence on the doctor's part.

Imagine that this OP is someone you care about, is truly struggling and looking for real support...few of the responses on this thread meet that need.

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I agree that the 4cc band study is irrelevant, but your statement " Just because half the Lap Band patients are messing up their own bands with their own ignorant behavior isn't a reflection on those who actually follow the rules and do the right thing." is just unkind, and arrogant. As stated before, if you're so happy with your band and complication free, why are you here on the complications forum? What scares you about someone posting this information? If its irrelevant, readers can do their own research and figure that out. There's a wealth of information available today vs several years ago, when many of us were banded.

I'm sorry, but there are just too many variables within the banded community; the patients, doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc all have variables. Doctors protocols are very different in their dietary requirements pre and post op. There are huge differences in pre band testing requirements, screening for ability and willingness to comply.

Some band mills took advantage of people, taking their money, operating on them and charging exorbitant fees for follow up....and many of those patients have had complications and or failure to lose due to incompetence on the doctor's part.

Imagine that this OP is someone you care about, is truly struggling and looking for real support...few of the responses on this thread meet that need.

It's not unkind or arrogant, it's the truth. I see post after post on here of people literally jeopardizing their health and their band with their behavior. When someone has a slip because of their fault, it is completely irrelevant to band complications by no fault of the patient.

Why am I on here? Why not? It's a public forum, if you don't want responses get a blog. Plus, I'm really tired of the under-educated and paranoid needlessly scaring newcomers with their self-induced horror stories or just plain spouting false information. Someone needs to step up and say "hey, this isn't true, don't be afraid".

Maybe you're happy sitting back letting people spread plain crap about the band- I'm not. We have a hard enough time dealing with the ignorance of people in our real lives who know nothing about the band yet run their mouth about it. The last thing we need is to breed ignorance in our own community.

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I read it yesterday am...I own Jeans book...she was one of my main reasons for choosing my band. I'm well acquainted with her common sense approach to WLS surgery, band myths...but there are several more myths...such as "if you follow all the rules, you'll avoid serious complications"; "keeping your band loose will avoid slips" etc.

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I can sympathize with anyone that has problems with the band that are not common to most. I was banded 6 years ago and when I got fills I was miserable. My stomach felt like it was in my throat, I had intence shoulder, neck, and jaw pain. I had this even with just a .5 fill. Of course everyone's reaction was to blame me for doing something wrong because NO ONE else experienced this. It frustrated me at first, but I knew I was doing everything right so I learned what I needed to do to live with it and not fight against it. I would hate to have pain that can not be controlled like mine could, by just not filling the band. I think every experience that anyone has after receiving the band should be put out there! I want to not only know the best case scenario, but the worst. And like we say everyday on this site, all of our bodies are different! I still have not read or heard of anyone with my problem, however, that doesn't make me crazy or a liar. It just make me less fortunate than the best case scenario, and more fortunate than the worst.

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I can sympathize with anyone that has problems with the band that are not common to most. I was banded 6 years ago and when I got fills I was miserable. My stomach felt like it was in my throat, I had intence shoulder, neck, and jaw pain. I had this even with just a .5 fill. Of course everyone's reaction was to blame me for doing something wrong because NO ONE else experienced this. It frustrated me at first, but I knew I was doing everything right so I learned what I needed to do to live with it and not fight against it. I would hate to have pain that can not be controlled like mine could, by just not filling the band. I think every experience that anyone has after receiving the band should be put out there! I want to not only know the best case scenario, but the worst. And like we say everyday on this site, all of our bodies are different! I still have not read or heard of anyone with my problem, however, that doesn't make me crazy or a liar. It just make me less fortunate than the best case scenario, and more fortunate than the worst.

Wow, that's one I haven't heard of! Have you been able to lose with the band unfilled? Mine was unfilled last June and you'd think I had my old fill amount in (3.5 cc).

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Wow, that's one I haven't heard of! Have you been able to lose with the band unfilled? Mine was unfilled last June and you'd think I had my old fill amount in (3.5 cc).

I was able to lose over 100 pounds in the first year and a half. I kept it all off or about 3.5 years. Then my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I stopped taking care of myself and stopped exercising and following lap-band rules. So in about 2 years I gained about 40 pounds back! Totally my fault, not the bands! I do have more hunger I think than a lot of others have, and I do have to eat more to stay satisfied! However, if I chose to eat healthy foods, I still lose weight. I don't have that overwhelming hunger that I had prior to the band. Without the band I think I would have regained more weight before I put on the brakes again. I am kind of happy that I have this problem because I think I've learned a lot about nutrition and it's importance and Portion Control. I know a lot of people that as soon as they become a little hungry run like maniacs to their surgeon to get a fill. They use the band as a starvation tool, instead of a tool to control HEALTHY portions. I lost slow, and I also contribute that to why I have no loose skin. Regardless, this has helped me more than I can express. Even though I'm not the norm, and maybe it is a bit more of a struggle for me than some, I am still 100% happy with the choice I made to get the band

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**love this lauri**

I know a lot of people that as soon as they become a little hungry run like maniacs to their surgeon to get a fill. They use the band as a starvation tool, instead of a tool to control HEALTHY portions. I lost slow, and I also contribute that to why I have no loose skin. Regardless, this has helped me more than I can express. Even though I'm not the norm, and maybe it is a bit more of a struggle for me than some, I am still 100% happy with the choice I made to get the band

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I beleive it is truly an evil contraption and I expect to see it pulled from the market in a few years. I think the number of patients with problems from it is higher than the 40 something %' date=' base on the forums on the web where people talk about it.

On to my story...I was banded 3 years ago. I won't bore you with all the medical probs it has caused, but during my research to find out what some of medical issues were, I came across the following shocking information--

Sometimes during the lapband surgery the vagus nerve gets damaged OR even worse some drs actually go on and wrap the Vagus nerve around the lapband in order to help curb hunger. This fact was NOT disclosed to me ahead of time. The Vagus nerve is a main nerve that runs down through your ears, thru your heart, your stomach and other major parts of the body.

I was having all these symptoms in those areas and more, loss of hearing, AFIB (which I wound up having some major heart surgery for), extreme stomach pain and so forth. A very LARGE number of lapband patients develop AFIB. Also had to have my gall bladder removed after banding, again, another high percent of banded patients have this prob.

Fast forward 3 years, so much pain, so many problems, yet all tests show my lapband is perfectly in place, not twisted, not eroded, etc etc. THEREFORE, insurance won't pay for its removal as of now! There is no test to prove the Vagus nerve is damaged. So there is nothing on paper to prove my theory that the Vagus nerve is damaged, and thus causing all my probs.

Next major problem with the lapband: I didnt go with gastric bypass because I didnt want to be on B12 shots the rest of my life ( a known prob with gastic bypass). But now, guess what? I am Vit b12 deficient. (also not told that this was a possible side effect with the band)

Third major problem: (was not told this ahead of time either) weight gain is guaranteed if you DRINK liquids with your meals, had I been told this I would have never gotten it because I know I drink with nearly every bite I eat. I knew there would be diet changes, etc, but not this!

And yes, I DID do my pre-surgery research for over a year, and used a highly reccomended surgeon in my area, but without ALL the info fo what all can go wrong, as well as all the failures and removals of the lapband after banding, how was I to make a REALLY informed decision? I would NOT reccomend this procedure to anyone.[/quote']

This is the single most ill-informed post I have read to date. Smh.

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I would like each of you who called the OP ignorant, arrogant, ill-informed, troll or any other negative to ask yourself "...what if this person is truly at a difficult place, the end of her rope and asking for one kind word and what I say here can make a positive difference or lead to her being more miserable?" Where is your heart, empathy and humanity? Ask questions before you judge. This poster is NOT who you all seem to think she is....I know NicM from OH and this isn't her. BTW OH is a forum that encompasses all surgery types, not just lapband. The lapband forum over there is pretty much dead due to overmoderation. The Failed Lapband and Realize Band groups on OH and FB are very active...interesting isn't it?

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I would like each of you who called the OP ignorant, arrogant, ill-informed, troll or any other negative to ask yourself "...what if this person is truly at a difficult place, the end of her rope and asking for one kind word and what I say here can make a positive difference or lead to her being more miserable?" Where is your heart, empathy and humanity? Ask questions before you judge. This poster is NOT who you all seem to think she is....I know NicM from OH and this isn't her. BTW OH is a forum that encompasses all surgery types, not just lapband. The lapband forum over there is pretty much dead due to overmoderation. The Failed Lapband and Realize Band groups on OH and FB are very active...interesting isn't it?

When someone comes in here out of nowhere just to bash the band and spew completely false information, yes, we immediately think troll. It happens on all message boards and forums, not just ones for WLS. Like or not, it's the society we live in. Had this person been an active member here that we all knew, perhaps the response would be different. There's plenty of people on here who started off wonderfully with their band and we've seen their complications gradually arise over time through their journey. We are nothing but supportive and encouraging of them. But a total stranger wanders in spouting complete rubbish? Sorry but it's most likely someone just trying to stir the pot and cause drama.

As for OH and failed Lap Band Facebook pages, again, not surprising. There's a scary amount of people walking around with the band that are completely ignorant to what the band is supposed to do, let alone what they should (and shouldn't) be doing. To make things worse, there's also a scary amount of surgeons pushing patients through surgery without an ounce of education- or worse yet giving them bad information.

The bottom line is, we are responsible for our own bodies and what goes into it. If you're going to get something like WLS, it is YOUR responsible to fully educate yourself ahead of time. Not your doctor's, not your friends, and not some forum. Too many people just sit back in ignorant bliss taking no responsibility for their choices- until that ignorance isn't so blissful because of self caused complications. So, if people want a place to all collectively whine about their problems like OH, let them. But just because there's many of them doesn't mean it's a good thing or even correct thing. It means misery loves company, even if it is self induced.

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When someone comes in here out of nowhere just to bash the band and spew completely false information, yes, we immediately think troll. It happens on all message boards and forums, not just ones for WLS. Like or not, it's the society we live in. Had this person been an active member here that we all knew, perhaps the response would be different. There's plenty of people on here who started off wonderfully with their band and we've seen their complications gradually arise over time through their journey. We are nothing but supportive and encouraging of them. But a total stranger wanders in spouting complete rubbish? Sorry but it's most likely someone just trying to stir the pot and cause drama.

As for OH and failed Lap Band Facebook pages, again, not surprising. There's a scary amount of people walking around with the band that are completely ignorant to what the band is supposed to do, let alone what they should (and shouldn't) be doing. To make things worse, there's also a scary amount of surgeons pushing patients through surgery without an ounce of education- or worse yet giving them bad information.

The bottom line is, we are responsible for our own bodies and what goes into it. If you're going to get something like WLS, it is YOUR responsible to fully educate yourself ahead of time. Not your doctor's, not your friends, and not some forum. Too many people just sit back in ignorant bliss taking no responsibility for their choices- until that ignorance isn't so blissful because of self caused complications. So, if people want a place to all collectively whine about their problems like OH, let them. But just because there's many of them doesn't mean it's a good thing or even correct thing. It means misery loves company, even if it is self induced.

I get that you might think she's a troll, but wouldn't it make sense to assume otherwise and ask a few questions? I came here less than a year ago BECAUSE I was having problems and looking for some answers/empathy and got jumped on too...

The other thing is the general consensus on this site seems to be that most, if not all, Lapband complications are self-induced! That's just unbelievable. I'm not saying some aren't, but the vast majority of the people I know are having similar problems and were very compliant, did their research, etc. Hundreds of people cannot all be wrong. It's cruel and unkind to tell someone who, just like you, was heavily invested (time, money and especially emotionally invested) in a process and device they thought would help them finally succeed at permanent weight loss, that they failed their device...just cruel.

I thought like many of you here think....I was very wrong.

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I get that you might think she's a troll, but wouldn't it make sense to assume otherwise and ask a few questions? I came here less than a year ago BECAUSE I was having problems and looking for some answers/empathy and got jumped on too...

The other thing is the general consensus on this site seems to be that most, if not all, Lapband complications are self-induced! That's just unbelievable. I'm not saying some aren't, but the vast majority of the people I know are having similar problems and were very compliant, did their research, etc. Hundreds of people cannot all be wrong. It's cruel and unkind to tell someone who, just like you, was heavily invested (time, money and especially emotionally invested) in a process and device they thought would help them finally succeed at permanent weight loss, that they failed their device...just cruel.

I thought like many of you here think....I was very wrong.

When someone's very first line in their post is "I beleive it is truly an evil contraption and I expect to see it pulled from the market in a few years. I think the number of patients with problems from it is higher than the 40 something %, base on the forums on the web where people talk about it."...no, I have no compassion. Anyone spouting that much pure ignorance is a waste of my time. That opening line screams "I'm an attention seeking troll" and I don't make it a habit of feeding trolls.

No one said all the complications are patient caused. They're not, especially when you speak of the older model 4cc bands. There are a lot of problems with them and we're seeing more and more daily. But the sad truth is, only 8-12% of band complications (excluding the 4cc band) are by no fault of the patient. Heck even when the complication is patient caused they have my compassion so long as they're not ignorant about it. I've met many who admit to chronically over-eating or not following up with their surgeons who ultimately had slips. I've met many who had slips due to walking around with their bands way too tight for months and even years. I feel for these people and I always offer my support- so long as they don't come in here blaming everyone else for their mistakes and spewing nothing but completely false information for the single purpose of scaring others and causing drama.

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Just wondering... Does anyone else find it strange that the OP only has 3 post out of all 58 post???

Just saying...

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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