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Abdominoplasty scheduled 2-5-13

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I am having abdominoplasty surgery on 2-5. Any insite or tips would be greatly appreciated. My Mom in law is here to help with my 3 kids while i recover. So my biggest question is how long will I be down?

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I was down about 6 weeks but was able to move around within 3 weeks without severe pain but that was about 7 years ago. I am sure things have changed since then. Good luck and remember to be patient with the healing process.

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Congratulations!! Go slow and use the help that's offered! And really-congratulations again!!

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I just had my tt on tuesday December 18. The first night I was still on pain meds but by the next morning I was up out of bed walking every hour and didn't take a pain med until that night. Granted I wasn't cooking or cleaning as hubby and adult daughter pitched in. I couldn't lift my 19 month old granddaughter of course but she climbed up in bed next to me.

By Friday I went to dinner with hubby but was very tired after a few hours. Drove myself to the store for some bras as I had a breast lift too... Was gone a few hours and again was just tired after that excursion. On Sunday I went to the store for some groceries for Christmas dinner and last minute shopping. No pain...just tired. On Christmas eve I wrapped all the presents, cooked for the holiday and other than being worn out I was fine.

So I really never felt I was down. I didn't take but 2 paid pills and just took it slow but was able to do everything I wanted. I was back working the day after Christmas. I chose to work from home instead of the office. I went back to the office the day after new years.

I am now a month post op and I don't feel 100% of my energy has returned but it's pretty close.

Good luck to you! I love my results!!

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Thank you for the feed back! My biggest worry is my youngest son. He will turn 3 the day before I have surgery and he is 100% a mamas boy. I worry that he may have some major issues if Mommy cant get up and play like normal. So maybe recovery wont be as intense as I imagine. I have a few other questions if you dont mind me asking. My surgery got approved out of the blue this week after 4 denials so the only person that I have spoken to about anything is the girl that schedules stuff and handles insurance. I didnt schedule and appointment to see my surgeon pre op as she has a very long waiting list to get in. But all I really have questions about are litttle things. I have heard that I will not be able to lay down flat and will have to sleep in a recliner for the first week or so. Is this true. Also I know I will have to wear a mesh thing on my abdomen, but is there a certain type of underwear I should get to wear too? Are you able to work out yet? I love to exercise so I think not being able to will be hard for me. I'm already trying to plan short walks I can do after surgery so I feel like I am doing something. Did you gain any weight, I told my lb surgeon when I saw him this week that I was having this done. He didnt tell me to come for an unfill before or anything. Which I dont have much in my band to begin with because I cant tolerate a lot in there. So maybe that alone didnt give him reason for concern. How did your surgeon deal with your port while doing the surgery? I think that concerns me since Im sure it will have to be moved when she goes in to work on my abs. Sorry I know its a lot of questions. I just want to have all my ducks in a row because this is coming up quick :)

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Nikki.... I think I asked the same questions so you are smart to get your ducks in a row. I will try to give you my experiences which may help but of course could be different for you...

The dr conferred with my bariatric dr and anesthologist with regard to the pre op unfill and they decided it wasn't necessary. As for my port my PS said he didn't move it he just worked around it and it wasn't a problem,

I didn't feel the need to sleep in a recliner. I was comfortable in bed with several pillows to keep me on my back.

I didn't have drains or a binder (mesh thing). After the 2nd week The dr did have me get a highwaisted panty girdle to help with the swelling. I got a couple at Walmart for $10 each so i washed them out frequently, I wore it for about 2 weeks in lieu of underwear. After that I found it was mor comfortable to wear underwear that didn't sit on top of my belly button since that was revised.

My dr said I could do as much moving as I could tolerate but no cardio for 2 months. Also no crunches, lunges or any of that type of sweating exercise until he clears me. I can walk and have been but it's certainly not at the pace yet that is was before surgery.

I hope this info helps. Again please remember your drs suggestions may be different.

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Thank you so much for your help! I think I will end up sleeping in the recliner just because I am a constant mover when I sleep LOL. My other question is about showering? Is that complicated? I really hope not because I love my showers! haha! :)

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I had my tummy done at Nellis AFB in 2009...I was only really "down" for about 5 days. I had a pain pump attached and percocet also...still, laughing and sneezing was no fun! My youngest daughter was 3 1/2 at the time, so I hear you about your son, but she was awesome and we just played, watched movies and colored on my bed...The most difficult thing was the sleeping for me, my muscles were so tight I couldn't lay flat for a few weeks, I propped my lower legs on pillows and did just fine. Showering wasn't too bad, the first time my husband held my drains ( I had 2) while I showered, from then on he fashioned a hook out of a hanger and I hung them up when I showered! I loved my binder and I kept it on for about 2 1/2 weeks. My husband was awesome during the whole recovery process, he emptied and measured my drainage,yuck! and he held my hand when they pulled out my drains, ouch!...You'll do great!! Like Floridays said your doctor may do things different...I wish you well!! :)

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I had my tummy done at Nellis AFB in 2009...I was only really "down" for about 5 days. I had a pain pump attached and percocet also...still, laughing and sneezing was no fun! My youngest daughter was 3 1/2 at the time, so I hear you about your son, but she was awesome and we just played, watched movies and colored on my bed...The most difficult thing was the sleeping for me, my muscles were so tight I couldn't lay flat for a few weeks, I propped my lower legs on pillows and did just fine. Showering wasn't too bad, the first time my husband held my drains ( I had 2) while I showered, from then on he fashioned a hook out of a hanger and I hung them up when I showered! I loved my binder and I kept it on for about 2 1/2 weeks. My husband was awesome during the whole recovery process, he emptied and measured my drainage,yuck! and he held my hand when they pulled out my drains, ouch!...You'll do great!! Like Floridays said your doctor may do things different...I wish you well!! :)

Thank you. I wll have to give my husband the tip on the hangers for the drains. I already know that I will have those. She told me that :) I had a breast reduction in 2010 and he was wonderful through that. Same as your husband. Cleaned the drains out. Helped me with showering and bandages. His mom also was here for that and helped with drains and bandages when my husband was gone. We all used to be CNA's so luckily it doesnt bother them at all to do those things to help me. I have a pretty good team :)

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I am sooo happy for you!!! Good luck and congratulations!

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Thank you. I wll have to give my husband the tip on the hangers for the drains. I already know that I will have those. She told me that :) I had a breast reduction in 2010 and he was wonderful through that. Same as your husband. Cleaned the drains out. Helped me with showering and bandages. His mom also was here for that and helped with drains and bandages when my husband was gone. We all used to be CNA's so luckily it doesnt bother them at all to do those things to help me. I have a pretty good team :)

That's awesome!! Best wishes to you! :)

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Thank you so much for your help! I think I will end up sleeping in the recliner just because I am a constant mover when I sleep LOL. My other question is about showering? Is that complicated? I really hope not because I love my showers! haha! :)

I was allowed to shower the next day but I didn't have drains.... So I don't know the rule for that

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OK Nikki, let's see if I can contribute any new info for you. I had a full TT with MR and BR/BL on Dec 19; I am 31 days PO. I was really only completely DOWN for about 5 days. The only real PAIN I had was the first 2 days trying to get in and out of the hotel bed. I had to stay in a hotel for 2 days, because my surgeon is 2 hours away & he didn't want me to commute, be that far away after having both procedures & being under for almost 6 hours & he wanted to see me 48 hours after surgery. Anyways, when I got home things were much easier. I had rented a lift recliner (lifesaver for me) which made it VERY easy getting up & down & that is where I slept until I got both of my drains out.

DRAINS....I had 2. I was able to shower after he saw me at my 48-hour PO visit. The drains got more uncomfortable the longer I had them in; got my first one out 7 days postop, 2nd one out 12 days postop.

SHOWERING.....I attached my drains to a lanyard around my neck when I showered. I first showered on day 3 PO, wanted to wash my hair SO badly. Got in the shower, sat in a chair while my hubby washed me and by the time he washed me & rinsed me, I was DONE! I didn't even make it to washing my hair & BARELY made it back to my chair after getting dressed. Had to do that the next day (my hubby had to do it for me).

SLEEPING....as I mentioned, I slept in a recliner til I got my drains out. For one reason, I didn't want to leak in my bed if it were to happen. Also, my bed is really high & I couldn't imagine climbing in and out of my bed. I was just more comfortable sleeping in the recliner. When I did sleep in my bed I put pillows under my legs. By that time I was standing straight, I just didn't want to put extra tension on my scar by laying flat. I can lay flat now, but still sleep with a pillow between and/or under my legs. I've heard some horror stories about peoples scars opening up, even at 4-6 weeks, so I'm paranoid and don't want to stretch it at all!

binder (mesh thing).....I woke with a binder and have to wear it 24/7 at least until I see him for a postop on the 30th of this month, which will be almost 6 weeks PO. It doesn't bother me like it sees to bother other people. I wear a thin, long spagetti strap tank on top of my bra & panties, but under the binder so the binder doesn't rub on my skin. This makes it much more comfortable. In fact, I'm washing mine now & have had it off for almost 3 hours (I forgot to start the washer, DUH) & I can't wait to put it back on!!! It feels so much better, my tummy feels more secure & it helps with my swelling. I bought some Spanx.....a tall underwear type and an open-bust camisole type. The underwear type is super tight and you pretty much need to be a contortionist to get into it, but it is just as comfortable as the binder. I'm not cleared from my PS to wear it alone yet....hopefully on the 30th!!!

EXERCISING/GYM....I am a gym addict!!! It has been so hard for me not to go to the gym or do ANY exercising. It's so strange how all the doctors are SO different with their rules, so ask yours about ALL of this!! Mine has cleared me (at 4 weeks) to do light cardio. NO lifting, NOTHING using my core. Basically, just light walking on the treadmill, elliptical (not using the arm part), and bicycling. (I had a BR/BL, so that's why no arm exercising). I think I remember him saying each week I can increase a little, 6 weeks I can start using my arms in exercising, but no ab workouts for 8 weeks. I can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!

LapBand.....I didn't have to get an unfill. In fact, I had my port changed to a low profile port at the same time of my TT. I haven't gained any weight....MIRACULOUSLY!! The first 2 weeks PO I was eating horribly, I had NO restriction and was eating everything that wasn't nailed down!! Some how, I am down 10 pounds since surgery.

ALSO, you will want to wear drawstring baggy PJ bottoms. Any elastic band will be uncomfortable pressure on your tummy. Mine were really baggy, so I didn't have a problem wearing them with the drains. I couldn't imagine having that extra pressure of an elastic band on the days I was in swell hell. I can't tell you how I would have been without meds the 10 days or so. I took my pain pills EVERY 4 HOURS on the dot (set the alarm on my phone) around the clock, bcuz I was so scared to feel the excruciating pain everyone had talked about. I was never in excruciating pain....not sure if that's bcuz I was continually meds or if bcuz it just isn't as painful as everyone says. I will never know, but I do know I wasn't ever in bad pain, more uncomfortable. You will need help at least for the first week, especially with your little one, cooking & cleaning. I went back to work on day 12, worked from home and struggled. Not bcuz of pain....I was just so incredibly tired. And even then, I had to rig a work station on my recliner couch. I still can't sit up straight in a chair for long periods or I hurt. (I'm still working from my couch) Go check out Realself.com it was & still is a HUGE help for me, as well as encouraging to see light at the end of the tunnel hearing from people who are a couple weeks ahead of me. I am healing well. My only complaint is being so tired all the time & I have to really watch to not overdo it STILL. It's getting old, but I wouldn't change anything!! I would do it again in a heartbeat!!! Second best thing I've ever done for myself!!!! Only second to my band!!!

I think, I hope, I covered everything you were asking about!!

Good luck and happy healing to ya!!! :):D

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OK Nikki, let's see if I can contribute any new info for you. I had a full TT with MR and BR/BL on Dec 19; I am 31 days PO. I was really only completely DOWN for about 5 days. The only real PAIN I had was the first 2 days trying to get in and out of the hotel bed. I had to stay in a hotel for 2 days, because my surgeon is 2 hours away & he didn't want me to commute, be that far away after having both procedures & being under for almost 6 hours & he wanted to see me 48 hours after surgery. Anyways, when I got home things were much easier. I had rented a lift recliner (lifesaver for me) which made it VERY easy getting up & down & that is where I slept until I got both of my drains out.

DRAINS....I had 2. I was able to shower after he saw me at my 48-hour PO visit. The drains got more uncomfortable the longer I had them in; got my first one out 7 days postop, 2nd one out 12 days postop.

SHOWERING.....I attached my drains to a lanyard around my neck when I showered. I first showered on day 3 PO, wanted to wash my hair SO badly. Got in the shower, sat in a chair while my hubby washed me and by the time he washed me & rinsed me, I was DONE! I didn't even make it to washing my hair & BARELY made it back to my chair after getting dressed. Had to do that the next day (my hubby had to do it for me).

sleeping....as I mentioned, I slept in a recliner til I got my drains out. For one reason, I didn't want to leak in my bed if it were to happen. Also, my bed is really high & I couldn't imagine climbing in and out of my bed. I was just more comfortable sleeping in the recliner. When I did sleep in my bed I put pillows under my legs. By that time I was standing straight, I just didn't want to put extra tension on my scar by laying flat. I can lay flat now, but still sleep with a pillow between and/or under my legs. I've heard some horror stories about peoples scars opening up, even at 4-6 weeks, so I'm paranoid and don't want to stretch it at all!

binder (mesh thing).....I woke with a binder and have to wear it 24/7 at least until I see him for a postop on the 30th of this month, which will be almost 6 weeks PO. It doesn't bother me like it sees to bother other people. I wear a thin, long spagetti strap tank on top of my bra & panties, but under the binder so the binder doesn't rub on my skin. This makes it much more comfortable. In fact, I'm washing mine now & have had it off for almost 3 hours (I forgot to start the washer, DUH) & I can't wait to put it back on!!! It feels so much better, my tummy feels more secure & it helps with my swelling. I bought some Spanx.....a tall underwear type and an open-bust camisole type. The underwear type is super tight and you pretty much need to be a contortionist to get into it, but it is just as comfortable as the binder. I'm not cleared from my PS to wear it alone yet....hopefully on the 30th!!!

EXERCISING/GYM....I am a gym addict!!! It has been so hard for me not to go to the gym or do ANY exercising. It's so strange how all the doctors are SO different with their rules, so ask yours about ALL of this!! Mine has cleared me (at 4 weeks) to do light cardio. NO lifting, NOTHING using my core. Basically, just light walking on the treadmill, elliptical (not using the arm part), and bicycling. (I had a BR/BL, so that's why no arm exercising). I think I remember him saying each week I can increase a little, 6 weeks I can start using my arms in exercising, but no ab workouts for 8 weeks. I can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!

LapBand.....I didn't have to get an unfill. In fact, I had my port changed to a low profile port at the same time of my TT. I haven't gained any weight....MIRACULOUSLY!! The first 2 weeks PO I was eating horribly, I had NO restriction and was eating everything that wasn't nailed down!! Some how, I am down 10 pounds since surgery.

ALSO, you will want to wear drawstring baggy PJ bottoms. Any elastic band will be uncomfortable pressure on your tummy. Mine were really baggy, so I didn't have a problem wearing them with the drains. I couldn't imagine having that extra pressure of an elastic band on the days I was in swell hell. I can't tell you how I would have been without meds the 10 days or so. I took my pain pills EVERY 4 HOURS on the dot (set the alarm on my phone) around the clock, bcuz I was so scared to feel the excruciating pain everyone had talked about. I was never in excruciating pain....not sure if that's bcuz I was continually meds or if bcuz it just isn't as painful as everyone says. I will never know, but I do know I wasn't ever in bad pain, more uncomfortable. You will need help at least for the first week, especially with your little one, cooking & cleaning. I went back to work on day 12, worked from home and struggled. Not bcuz of pain....I was just so incredibly tired. And even then, I had to rig a work station on my recliner couch. I still can't sit up straight in a chair for long periods or I hurt. (I'm still working from my couch) Go check out Realself.com it was & still is a HUGE help for me, as well as encouraging to see light at the end of the tunnel hearing from people who are a couple weeks ahead of me. I am healing well. My only complaint is being so tired all the time & I have to really watch to not overdo it STILL. It's getting old, but I wouldn't change anything!! I would do it again in a heartbeat!!! Second best thing I've ever done for myself!!!! Only second to my band!!!

I think, I hope, I covered everything you were asking about!!

Good luck and happy healing to ya!!! :):D

Thank you! Yes that covered A LOT and I will definately check out that website. So glad everything went so well for you. Hope your fatigue lets up really soon so you can get out and about more often :)

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I also, am one month post-op from a Tummy Tuck, but i also had Lipo of the flanks and my arms done as well. Although I don't remember too much of the first day or so, I definitely recommend a recliner if you can. And use lots of pillows around you to make you as comfortable as you can. If you can get a small memory foam pillow to sit on, it will help make you more comfortable as you will be on your back for a while during your sleep periods, until you are able to roll over onto your sides. I was able to roll to my sides at about 2.5 weeks out...

Since I had my arms and back done too, i was on pain pills regularly (every 4 hours) for at least 2 weeks (slowly started weaning myself to half of a dose during the day), but now I only take one at night because the lipo causes lots of bruising in the lower back.

I had two drains in my abdomen, and was only able to shower 24 hours after they came out, which was about 6 days post-surgery. I was able to take the binder off and sponge bathe myself...or have my mom do it for me...while the drains were still in. I woke up from surgery with a binder on for both my mid section and my arms. After wearing his binder for the first 3 weeks, I have now switched to more of a Spanx like product. My arms haven't been in anything since a week after surgery.

As for exercising, I am not really allowed any type of exercising or heavy lifting until at least 6 weeks which will be on Feb.1., although I was told no heavy exercising until about 3 months post-op.

I feel pretty good though overall, except for the AM when I have to get out of the bed...

You will do great!!

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