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Hey all. I got my band 30/11/12 and live in Melbourne. Anyone want to share or vent during our journey. My mission is to stop being just the girl with a pretty face! Eould love to chat with any and everyone!! Have a good one!

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Hey all. I got my band 30/11/12 and live in Melbourne. Anyone want to share or vent during our journey. My mission is to stop being just the girl with a pretty face! Eould love to chat with any and everyone!! Have a good one!

Hi, yes! I'm also from Melbourne.. I'm being banded on 17th.. 5 days!! Awwww! Lol

Can I ask who did you go through? How are you doing now?

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Yep from Tassie. 9 months in & still learning. :)

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Mr burton, he was fantastic!! Im 13 days post-op and today its now 9:30pm and still waiting to get hungry!!!! I mean i know its supposed to be max of 3 meals of 1/2 a cup. Ive had 2 coffees and 1tsp if metamucil, maybe that filled me up? Did you get the book and 2 dvds? If you can try and finish the book if not at the moment the relevant chapters. Also the night before i rewatched the 8 golden rules dvd. The next morning i was given an a4 booklet that explained the first month and that we have 2 paid nutrionalist appoitments. Oh i would recomend writing down everything you eat and if you have an android phone then you can get calorie king and also my fitness pal, which is good to enter your weight cals and exercise and you can entre quick cals which is good cos i cant be bothered to search. I have a book which has one side food grams and how many cals and the other end has daily- meals exercise cals and if i feel anything mentally i write it down. Plan before you go in, with fluids, aldi have nice cup a soup(which you have to take the noodles out) a version of v8 juice, some of the kidie pop juices are handy to have in your bag when your out. Soups. This is my 2nd band i had my first taken out 2 years ago in geelong. Whos your doc? Oh most important thing post-op is to support your tummy and deep breath and cough. If you have any questions im always here! Best of luck

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Yep from Tassie. 9 months in & still learning. :)

Still Wilkinson? Hows it? I got my first band there. Hows the nutrition support?

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Yep from Tassie. 9 months in & still learning. :)

Still Wilkinson? Hows it? I got my first band there. Hows the nutrition support?

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Mr burton' date=' he was fantastic!! Im 13 days post-op and today its now 9:30pm and still waiting to get hungry!!!! I mean i know its supposed to be max of 3 meals of 1/2 a cup. Ive had 2 coffees and 1tsp if metamucil, maybe that filled me up? Did you get the book and 2 dvds? If you can try and finish the book if not at the moment the relevant chapters. Also the night before i rewatched the 8 golden rules dvd. The next morning i was given an a4 booklet that explained the first month and that we have 2 paid nutrionalist appoitments. Oh i would recomend writing down everything you eat and if you have an android phone then you can get calorie king and also my fitness pal, which is good to enter your weight cals and exercise and you can entre quick cals which is good cos i cant be bothered to search. I have a book which has one side food grams and how many cals and the other end has daily- meals exercise cals and if i feel anything mentally i write it down. Plan before you go in, with fluids, aldi have nice cup a soup(which you have to take the noodles out) a version of v8 juice, some of the kidie pop juices are handy to have in your bag when your out. Soups. This is my 2nd band i had my first taken out 2 years ago in geelong. Whos your doc? Oh most important thing post-op is to support your tummy and deep breath and cough. If you have any questions im always here! Best of luck[/quote']

Thanks!! For all the information.

I'm going in on Monday! My surgeon is Professor Paul O'Brien. Glen Iris practice.

I've watched the first DVD and I watched the 8 golden rules online a little while ago. I do have the DVD for it too. I've pretty much read most of the book. I feel pretty set. I think I'll try and make some Soup over the weekend.

Haha! Questions.. I could ask you a million. Lol

Did you do 1 week of liquid then 1 weeks of mash/ baby texture are you now on normal?

Did you stay overnight? I'm going to go home the same day.. How did you go straight after!

Have you lost much weight? I never had to do a Pre diet.. I would like to lose 30-40kg. It's going to be a long road and big lifestyle change. I'm ready!

Can I ask why you had your band removed? Please don't answer if you don't want to.

And thanks! I'm happy to be your support buddy! Just might take me a month or 2 b4 I can relate to you! Lol. It's good to chat to someone from Australia/Melb and ESP from the same clinic. Everything will be relatively simular.

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At midnight i still had not eaten but not hungry so if i tried i would have thrown it up. Wow to the questions!! I wrote them done so i can hopefully answer all your questions for today anyways!! Having prof obrien is fantastic after just seeing him on the semminar and 8 golden rules dvd plus writing a book he knows his stuff and seems like a really nice guy! Okdoaky q&a time. If you want me to go into more detail or more questions just let me know cos i have the forum on android.

1. 1 week fluids, the first couple of days clear then for the rest if the week fluids as long as it goes up a straw. And they dont care that it contains cals as unless for a specific reason it will be the last time you have fluids, as after that its Water tea coffee mineral Water. I had a problem with milk for just the first week even added to coffee but 2nd week im fine with milk. You are allowed i think it was 250ml of milk, skinny of course but dont quote me! All of this is explained in the book they give you post op. Then 2nd week mushies and make sure you have Protein like eggs fish cottage cheese Beans. I ate chicken yesterday and i must not have wizzed it enough cos i got pain. But i didnt chuck so that was lucky, just pain but it passed. With the 1/2 a cup as per the dvd 1/3 Protein and the rest either fruit or vegies and expect not to go to the loo, in 12 days ive only been twice which they expect as your not eating as much. At the start of the 3rd week so friday for me still the max of 3 1/2 a cup meals a day build up to more normal meals. Remember that at every stage chew till its total mush, wait a minute then next bite. I brought a steamer an early chrissie pressie cos its really good to chuck every thing in and you no its going to be soft. The harder it is the harder it is to chew and swallow and a greater chance of it being stuck, let me explain 'stuck' it means the food wont go through the band and you get pain in your abdo and cant swallow and the easiest thing i found was to chuck and learn from my mistake!!! Between week 3-4 you should have a follow up appoitment.


2. Did you feel pressured to be a day stay? I live alone and when i had the band put in 4 years ago i only had panadol and was in agony and the lower half of my lungs collapsed cos i couldnt take a deep breath i thought it was chest pain!! Cos i live alone and parents are 2 hours away and could only pick me up 2 days later i enjoyed the extra boredom! Cos of other drugs im on i can only have panadol so i cant go home with any thing else. So i had a pca so a button i press to help get through the night and shower the next day then it was taken off. But the issue was never raised about day stay. Mr burton had to actually cut away part of my stomach from the damage that had been done when it was put in 4 years ago and taken out 2 years ago. So the op went for 2hours instead of 1hour but still only had the 5 incisions. I was really drowsy even till the next morning and could hardly stand to walk to the loo.


3. Well i weighed myself on my scales a couple of days before i went in and have been going off them. So off them to date 7.4kg but thats from not eating much cos you loose intetest in food. I have 59kg in total to goal. Im going to see what i look like at 65kg and either maintain or maybe at the lowest 60kg. Yourself?


4. I saw my doc 2 weeks before my op and was on Optifast for 2 weeks and i was starving and went for bad health choices during those 2 weeks. The aim is to shrink the liver and if you get weight loss good if not i dont think it matters.


5. Oh my first band, i was living in hobart for 5 and a bit years and i got it put in, only one surgeon for the state private and public and the after care is fills and a terrible bed side manner and we were forced to buy prof obriens book and i adkef him how many meals and what to eat and he said everone is diffetrnt so he doesnt reccomed anything, when he put it in he put mesh around were the band was going to go to help it adhese or join and make friends which the mesh is not needed at all. I had it taken out about 18 months ago cos i was sick of chucking with hardly any mls in it and on a barrium swallow it was sideways, that was in Geelong and the surgeon hadnt seen mesh before so it made it hard for him. So as you can imagine over that past 18 months i tried to keep the weight down by all diets as my stomach returned to normal pretty quickly so did my appitide. And so i thought about it and decided as i had just turned 32 im not going to be that fat girl when im 25. So im in melb now and so happy about support and they are a call away. Im very happy i got it back in. Sounds like you have alot less than me to loose so i think you will beet me to the finish line!! But its a life style change and an expensive chrissie present to ourselves and a great start to the new year already!!

I think that was all of them. Oh you will have left shoulder tip pain from the air they blow your belly up with an its good after a couple of days you can start farting it out!! A hot pack works well for the pain. Also if you need to do any heavy lifting or the vaccuming do it before you go in. If you decide on the day that you want to stay over night are you allowed that option? Also you will be given a card to put in your wallet for forbid the worst happens and you cant tell them you have had a lap band they will feed you to much.

I hope some of this has helped! Oh and on the next day you usually get a sore throat from the tube but panadol and cool water eases this!

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Wow!! Lot's of detail. Thanks!!

Definitely great information. Thanks.

I'm sorry to hear about how your first band went! Glad you've been able to start again..

My appt went well with professor O'Brien. I felt very comfortable. I also love the sound of the after care. " partner ship " that they proud them selves on and that the will be there all the time for you.

I did have the option to stay overnight and if things don't go well I will stay over night. I chose not to in the time being as I have 2 kids.. A 4 year old and a 20 month old and I don't really want to spend a night away from the little one as he wakes through the night and wants me. I have had 2 c-sections I'm thinking they would have been a little more challenging and I did pretty well afterwards so I feel as though I can do the day and come home to bed. With a some pain relief.

Not sure how old you are you put 2 ages! Lol. I'm 32. I'm 5 foot 7 and about 112kgs. I would like to be about 70. I think if I were any smaller I would look funny! I would just love to lose enough that I feel comfortable in myself. 70 would be a dream. Hopefully I will make it. Yes definitely a long road ahead and a big lifestyle change. Oh you never know! Sometimes when you have less to lose its harder. That can be " our " challenge?! You have a couple of weeks on me... You will have to fill your details out on the profile on here so that you can track your weight loss. It's a great idea. I love reading people's that are I front of me.

I haven't had to do any pre op diet. So I've been pretty lucky. Apparently he felt my liver and he said it feels good. Christmas I feel maybe a little challenge for me as I will be only day 8 but I chose this appt. I was going to be booked in for next month and I wanted to get it out of the way! I was cheeky and asked if he had an earlier appt. I'm ready. Lol

Are you at the Glen Iris Practice? Oh are you doing the survey research? I said Yes. I'm not sure it may only be a professor O'Brien thing. What part of Melb are you? We are in the eastern suburbs.

Keep cool today! : ) and thanks for all the info.

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Yep that was 2:30am writing talking. Yeah im 32 and on my scales that im going off 119kg and 5'3. I said i dont want to fat when im 30 then the next year 31 and now when i turn 35 i dont want to be the fat girl with a pretty face and nice eyes. Yep i go to glen iris. Maybe the studies he just does. But i would love to be in a study, what was it? To know its eventually going to help even 1 person is totally worth it!! I downloaded forum on my phone and i cant edit my profile and cant even add a piccie. Everyone is always taller than me!!!

Oh you know how i told i only ate metamucil and coffee yesterday well nearly 8am and im still not hungry. So last night when my bro rang i told him how weird it felt to wait to get hungry!!! Cos if we try and eat when we are not hungry then we will just get massive pain and then find a dunny to chuck! Oh i do have a story, i have to many storries for a rainy day!! With no Fluid in my last band i was driving, i was living in Ocean Grove at the time, and i chewed pretty well, we had a pouch so we didnt have to chew to mush so i chewed as i had done for so long and it stuck after a few mins with the pain getting worse i had to pull up at a beach car park run to the bushes and throw up. I decided yep its going!!!

Im in mentone. So what are you planning to eat for chrissy? If im actually hungry after yesterday! Some hamand chicken and salads, anything that i no i can chew to mush i really dont want to throw up in front of my grand parents.

I work at bakers delight in southland and of course im the fatest there and they are always talking about how much weight they have lost, i think the customers must think that i have eaten everything in the shop. I hate it!!! are you going to make a new years resolution? Im learning to listen to my tummy, even when i in the words of winnie the pooh, rumblies in my tummbly, its my old stomach when before we woukd be starving i only feel a tiny bit hungry! But i am staying commited to my lifestyle. In the mornings and at night i have to take 5 drugs and if im peckish they almost fill me up. Of course 1 at a time and a minute, but i have become productive like taking one then going to the loo or hanging up clothes checking my email on my phone to find out if im loved or need to write an essay like last night and this morning!

Wow 2 kids, lap surgery should be a total breeze for you!!! Remember to be careful in the first few days lifting anything heavy as it feels like you tearing yourself open. But you have been there done that!!! Oh up and go is good cos with it in the fridge while so hot its so refreshing!!!

Ok im getting up now!!! Another essay for you to read! Have a fantasic day. Im off till tommorow on sick leave then back at work at the bakery on saturday and it is going to be so busy!!! Oh well exercise for the day!!!! Cya stay cool

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Morning ladies, I'm also an Aussie, about 90 minutes east of Melbourne. I was banded 13 April 2011 and have lost 63kg so far. Would like to lose about another 10 but am not in any great rush at the moment. I cannot believe how good I feel every day now, compared to feeling sick and miserable so much of the time before.

I'm also on myfitnesspal if you want to friend me there. I find it really helpful to keep track of my calories, especially because I have turned into something of an exercise junkie.

Best of luck to you both with your journey.

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Hi, im in mentone and i only git my band in on th 30/11/12, i have a total of 59kg to loose. Are you also at the glen irris centre? What did you learn from the nutrionalist? Im looking forward to seeing her, from the videos on the website she seems really nice and very informative! Welcome again and fantastic weight loss!!!

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Oh wow. Even though your not hungry do you feel like you want to eat?

Have you eaten yet? Lol You will be a skinny mini in know time. ; )

Gosh in not looking forward to the chucking part. Hopefully it doesn't happen too often.

The study is all about you and how you feel along the way during your journey. B4, after. I think you do quick survey once a month for a bit then I think it gets less frequent. I think it might be professor o'brien only.

I totally agree with you! Hopefully I can change they way I look a feel b4 I'm 33. I'm not looking to be at my goal then just be feeling better and looking better within myself.

For Christmas I'm not too sure yet.. I will get an info pack once I have the band as to what and when I can eat.. But I'm thinking not much I will only be like day 8.. I still might be on Soup or baby food. Lol. Off to my sister so luckily I don't have to do much just help her out. We do have to travel 4 hours though. Hopefully by day 7 the car ride will be fine.

Haha no! Wouldn't be too fun throwing up in front of the grant parents. Are all your family supportive? Do weight problems run in your family? I haven't actually told my family. I tried to do this 12 months ago and my sister talked me out of it.. So I've decided not to say anything until after I've done it. I do come from a family who are all over weight. I'm hoping that if this works for hopefully I can inspire them.

Oh your way too hard on your self.... I'm sure your customers aren't thinking that at all.. I'm sure if they said anything it would be something like " oh she is a big girl and not think anything more" I know if I saw some that's bigger than me that's what I would think and I'm sure your the same.. You don't go into it any further. You just fob it off. Most of the time I don't even think anything like that unless the person said or did something to stand out. You just don't really think about it. I know people that are bigger than me and I've never really thought much of their weight but sometime think of my friends that are smaller than me what are they thinking? Lol.

That's a good way to take your tablets... Maybe hopefully your new lifestyle will eliminate some of those tablets for you.

I have a link for you to check out.. It's such a good story! I know you don't have kids but all the same it's a great story!


I've had a few surgery's 2 c-sections and my gall bladder out. So I'm hoping the recovery is about the same.. I did pretty well with all I've them. Having 2 small children will definitely be a challenge this time round though. Luckily my other half has time off work.

Good luck on Saturday with your work! Take it easy! Just remember you have not long had surgery.

I guess I really only have 3 full days left now! Wow! Lol. We actually went to Donovan's in st.kilda for lunch today.. It was just lovely. Thought I would try and get one of my favorite places in b4 hand. Hopefully the next 3 days go quick as I just want it over and done with so I don't have to think about it happening and I can just get on with my journey.

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Welcome!! Do you go to glen iris clinic or some were local to you? Are you the same of max 3 meals a day of 1/2 a cup? How can i get more Protein in as im throwing away some of my meal for the angels. i got mine done on 30/11/12. So its weird not to be able to even finish 1/2 a cup! I go in on wednesday next week for my first follow up appoitment. Im looking forward to the nutrionalist. The website saud she has written a book so i will find out about that. Today was great i ate i had up and go for breakie just to get some cals and good stuff in since i didnt eat wednesday. I ate lunch and tea, not all of it but at least i had an appitite!!! Welcome again. And congrats on your fantastic weight loss, may i ask your age? I no a rude question to ask a women!! Hope everyone stayed cool today, i did 35mins on the wii fit while it was still boiling hot and had 2 fans going! But better than walking outside! Have a great night well whats left of it! Have a wonderful friday hopefully the sun will be shinning and the birdies will be singing!!!!!!

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Morning ladies' date=' I'm also an Aussie, about 90 minutes east of Melbourne. I was banded 13 April 2011 and have lost 63kg so far. Would like to lose about another 10 but am not in any great rush at the moment. I cannot believe how good I feel every day now, compared to feeling sick and miserable so much of the time before.

I'm also on myfitnesspal if you want to friend me there. I find it really helpful to keep track of my calories, especially because I have turned into something of an exercise junkie.

Best of luck to you both with your journey.[/quote']

Thank- you! Wow.. 63 is a fantastic effort. Well done. That is just great that you feel good every day. I can't wait until I get that feeling also. I just down loaded my fitness pal this morning. Do you need email address or something how do you add people? Sorry new at this. My user name is lozjacko1.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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