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What Am I Doing Wrong ?????

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I am hav'in a heck of a time. Last year I tried to get a fill in Tampa with Dr Grossbard, because I was at that time over 400 lbs, the x-ray place at the hospital wouldn't let me on the table (limit was 400 lbs), and they would not let Dr Grossbard do the fill. So, the x-ray guy tried. By trying, I mean he tried and failed terribly. There was blood all over the front of me, as I was standing up, and he had at least 4 holes. I was very up set and after putting out $300 for the hospital, and $200 for Dr Grossbard's office. SO.......... I asked for my money back. They both gave me my money back. So I got no fill and was on the "What should I do List". I ended up very sick and losing a lot of weight way too quickly. I ended up with A-fib, because of the weight loss, 90 lbs in a little over a month.

I had to go to NY in Feb. and got a fill from Dr Guiss, the doctor who did the band install. The lady at his office did the fill in about 15 min's., like.... no big deal, in and out. There was 2 cc's in the band and she added .5 cc's, so now there is 2.5 cc's in the band that holds a total of 5 cc's. WELL.......... that was not enough, as I can still eat too much and I am not losing any weight. I am wanting to lost this weight, and I have no will power to eat less, so the band needs to be tighter, right???. I don't want to go back to NY for a fill. SO.............. I found out on this wonderful helpful site that there is a place called "fillcenterUSA.com". I contacted them and they found a place in Tampa that I could get the fill. The cost was $299 at first, and then $75 for each fill after that. I went there and the lady was very nice and very friendly, but after almost 45 min's. could not find the port to fill the band. She used 3 needles and even bent one!!! I was in lot of pain afterwards because of all the poking and jabbing. I don't know what the problem was, the office in NY had no problem??? Well, I left there without the fill and she wanted me to get a Fluoroscope, to check the band/port. I ask them where I can go, and they referred me to Dr Grossbard's office and he refused to see me as, I had a problem with his office a year ago. Now I am stuck stopping payment on the check because I was not able to get the fill I needed. And Dr Grossbard's office will not see me. The fillcenterUSA told me that I could go to Tacoma WA, or Mexico!!!! If I have to go that far I might as well go to NY where they have no problem doing the fill. I am very disappointed, and very frustrated with the whole thing. Now the fillcenterUSA place will not try a fill without having a Fluoroscope, and they still want me to pay the $299, plus I have to pay for the x-ray thing. "WHAT AM I TO DO ???" I thought it would be an easy thing, I can feel the port, it's right there. Maybe I am expecting too much from the doctor's and I need to be more excepting of there limitations, and what they can do.

I am just venting and expressing my frustration with my inability to lose weight, without the band being tighten. I thought that is what the band was for, right?? I have another 170 lbs to lose, and it ain't going to be easy without my trusty "Lap-Band". I am just feeling sorry for myself and angry with myself for not following through with Dr Grossbard's office, and working something out with them. I was so embarrassed and ashamed when I was too fat to get on the table for the x-ray. I wanted so badly to cry, as so many times in my life I was so ashamed of being FAT, and being who I am. So instead of crying, like I always do...... I lost my temper at the hospital when asking for my money back. Was I wrong in doing that????? I would think when you pay to get a fill, and they can't do it........ why should I pay???? Is it wrong to think this way?? Should I pay anyway??? Maybe I could beg and plead to Dr Grossbard and his office, and offer to pay extra money weather I get a fill or not. It would be a lot easyer going to Tampa, 90 min. drive, then going to NY, a 48 hour drive one way.

Sorry, for being so long winded, and whiny, WAW, WAW, WAW, somebody call me a........ WAM-U-LIN's.

Anyway, thanks for listening.......... Butch

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I would say you definately need to have your fills done under flouro. That way they can see your port, give you some barium to drink and see exactly how much Fluid to give you for the proper restriction. Good Luck! I hope you can find a place to help you.

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Try Dr. Earnest Rehnke in St. Pete. He did my band and Dr. Grossbard actually assisted in my surgery with him. They work out of different offices.

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Please keep us posted. I think I would have reacted the same way and demanded money back... if they couldn't do it for me.

If you truly are that desperate... (it seems you are) Then go to their office and talk with them... like you said, apoligize and work something out.

Good luck!

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Have you called the fill center from http://fillcenterusa.com/ in Clermont? I read someone on here went to them and was satisfied with their service.

Did you go to the center on Palm River Road in Tampa by chance? Im asking because I know I read also that someone had a bad experience with them.

Call and talk to them and tell them the problem - get them to be your friend and tell them they are your last hope :) that kind of thing works for females all the time!

Since I am near Tampa, I had planned on using Dr. Grossbard for fills, hope I don't encounter any problems like you have had.

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Oh Butch, I feel like I watch part of your journey watching my DH's. You two started out with very similar weights, very big guys you.

I know how frustrating and hard life has been for my husband, being too big for life it seems.

I think you had every right to have your money refunded, since they were not able to provide the service you contracted. It sounds like it could have been handled a little more sensitively, but we go with what works for us. Or seems to anyway.

It sucks that you have been dealing with inexperineced people who cannot seem to do a fill right. I had experences with an intervential radiologist who let out more fill than he put in, all while leaving a bloody mess of my tummy. I'm so very fortunate to have amazingly experinced fill people at NWWLS. They don't need fluro and they are ultra-professional. But they are here in the Seattle area, so of no use for you.

So, you can work with the unskilled fill people, and hopefully increase their skill level, (which is a sucky option), you can try to appologise but it's never fun eating crow. Or you can schedule fills in NY, which is a big hastle. You might call the NY office, and see if they can refer you to someone local. I know that band surgeons are starting to provide referals for other surgeons, on a recipical basis, are finally understandingt hat people live mobile lives.

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Have you tried calling Dr. Jessee's office? I think she is in Largo. That is who I plan on going to after my band is installed in MX. I have heard great things about her and her staff. She also has great support groups.

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Hi Butch,

I'm sorry to hear about your negative experiences trying to get a fill. One week ago today I was banded by Dr. Geiss and have heard nothing but good things about him and his staff. Have you considered making a 2 day visit to NY for a fill? That way, if you feel the fill was not enough you could go back the following day for an additional one. I know it's a long drive to NY but it might be worth it to get the care you need in a professional manner.

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Thank you all for your insight and your concern. First in NY they will only do another fill after 3 weeks. They say sometimes it takes that long to make a change. I don't really get it but......... that is what they will do. So I have made an appointment in NY with Dr. Guiss on 9:30 am May 31st. And I will have the fill done there. I did the Floro thing twice, once a year and half ago in NY, my last fill. The person in Tampa was on Palm River Rd and she was very nice. I am sure she is a great person, but she might just have a problem with doing fills on my type of band, Whatever that is????? They did ask me what type of Band I have, and I told them I did not have a clue. I will ask the NY office what the type is. I know it only holds 5 cc's top. So I guess the most you can have in there is........................ 4.5 cc's???? Just kidding.

Vine Queen tell your hubbie I know how he feels. I have always been rather large. I handle myself pretty good for a really fat guy, and even when I was 585 I could dance and work, but only for short time, LOL. In fact....... I could do a lot more when I was 500 then I can do now. It is only because I am so out of balance, having lost most of the 200 lbs on the top and in the back, so everything else sunk down in front to hang like a 100 lb tool belt. So after walking or doing most anything my back is killing me. That is why I need this fill so I can lose the weight and have the Panni thing operation. That is to get rid of the hangie belly thing. I was telling someone on one of these threads about the operation and it sounded like I was having my penis removed !!!!!!!!!! They thought it was so large it was hurting my back, LOL, I could only wish, LOL.

I guess you got to be under 400 lbs to get a Floro thing done? I have asked some people in the x-ray game and they tell me, all x-ray tables have weight limits now. I guess a couple of fatty's broke them. Thank God I have never broke any. I would be so embarssed I would want to die. I have broken my share of chairs in my day. BUT, thank God I am Enlightened FAT person today and know where to sit and what to sit on......... nothing PVC or Plastic, LOL. Thanks again you all, and I will keep you in formed what the scoop is. Peace.


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Well Butch, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor. I agree with the person who said you should have your fill done under flueroscopy. I think it would be easier on you - no bloody multi-stick BS - and safer for your band - you don't want someone to puncture your tubing, right? I'm sorry I'm not giving you useful advise but I want to tell you I'd have reacted the same way about the money. I have a temper and it kicks into high gear when I feel like someone is ripping me off.

Keep working at it, you'll find someone who's willing to help you.

Good luck.

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I guess I am just PO'ed at myself for letting my temper map out my future, AGAIN !!!!! I have had a really bad temper my entire life, and have made some great changes as of lately, but........... every once in awhile, it gets the best of me. If you think about it, if you go to the doctor with something wrong and he can't fix it??? Then why should you pay ??? It would like taking your car to a garage and them not fixing it, would you pay for a car that was not fixed??? I was in the service business for 30 years and if I could not fix someone's heat or boiler I did not get paid, well I think the same goes for the doctors. "NO tickie, NO shirt'ie". On the other hand......... I guess they did put in there time, and effort, and they might be compensated for there time, but too many times we end up paying for stuff & services we never get. When I think the world is treating me unfairly, my temper sometimes gets the best of me. I wish it where different, I bet if I where a normal weight I would not let this stuff gets to me so much. I use my temper to cover up just how embarrassed I am of being FAT. "You know, the best defence is a good offence", right??? But I have an appointment in NY in May, and will tell them what happen and see what they want to do, reguarding the Floro.


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Hey Butch, Congratulations on your WL so far, geepers man you've done wonderful :)

I don't think your feeling sorry for yourself. If anyone understands how you feel its US thats for sure.

No fill, no money... period! Why should you have to pay for a service they could not complete? IMHO its wrong, just wrong of them to want you to pay. I don't understand why they would have a machine that only holds 400 lbs.... retarts!

Good luck in May !! Let us know how you made out.

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Hi Butch,

I don't think you were unreasonable in requesting your money back and your logic makes perfect sense. I see Dr. Geiss for my first post-op appointment on 4/14 and really don't understand how they determine when I will get my first fill. I'm only 8 days into this banding and learning as I go and read the experiences of others. I'm glad that you got another appointment. If it's any consolation, you're coming to NY at a beautiful tme of the year.

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First off, Butch, you have done some incredible losing!!! I understand that you want to get back to the weight loss scene.

For some reason, your port is difficult to access (I guess). I would always ask for fluro with whomever you go. Don't bother with them, if they don't do fluro on you.

Good luck on finding a place close for your fills. Shawn

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Hi Fuelman,

I thought Dr. Grossbard was banded and all the folks in his office were pretty experienced at fills. That part confuses me. I do kinda understand why you want your $ back, but please understand that it is easier to do fills as you lose the weight because the stomach fat becomes less of a hindrance as the port gets closer to the surface. It may not be the fault of the practitioner and they did have time invested trying to provide you a service.

You are not a pin cushion. If they cant do a fill after three tries then you need to walk away to avoid damage to your port. I have a difficult port to access. (NOT anymore). My port was tilted and with the stomach weight, manually with flouro it was very difficult to find my port. Now that I am thinner, its a piece of cake, but when the port is tilted or flipped, it can pose problems for someone. The lady in NY that did your fill sounds extremely competent at doing the fill, but conservative on the quantity which means you need to have another one if you are wide open now.

Dr. Maese in Dallas does fills for band patients with flouro and he is really really inexpensive. Also he takes almost all insurance. He is actually a cardiologist but does fills for Mexican band patients, cash pay patients etc. I am recommending him because if you explain your situation then he will try to file under insurance with a different procedure code or do your fill for a very reasonable amount. But more importantly, he will fill you up to a level he think you can handle and hopefully it wont be too much. You could always stay overnight to be sure so you dont go all the way back to FL to find out you are too tight.

Hope this helps.

Babs in TX


-150 ish


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