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Unfortunatly my blister still bloody hurts!! Today all i have had is a coffee 1/2 cup Soup and a few sips of another coffee, only cos i made it way to strong, and some pineapple juice from a can that the parents had with their tea. Maybe 400 cals at the most. Can you imagine how bad we would both be this time last week with only eating that!!!! I didnt walk today cos i needed to help mum make a casserole for the C.W.A chrissie breakup. I wasnt tempted to eat the chicken while deboning it or even try the curry sauce!! Massive change. Oh C.W.A is country womens association they do craft bake cakes and lamingtons and the best scones ever!!!!!! In the morning im leaving to go back home, yey freedom cos i live alone, and i will get a steamer calorie book and kitchen scales oh and better do a food shop now that we can have real food!!! How long are you on fluids for? Dad has relunctly given me some of his fish that he caught, i think it broke his heart! Are you having cravings or missing any foods and have you decided your plan of attack for chrissie? Im off to be now. Have a great night!

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well yesterday i wanted to eat so bad, like an egg or a cracker but didn't give in. my husband bought me some popsicles and i felt better. i did get shaky and un-easy. i just kept drinking my Water with lemon and slept. i wasn't sure if i were getting sick or if it were something else. it passed and I'm good today. i think fish would be a good thing, just depends how you prepare it. i have to be on liquids for a week, so i start mushies Saturday, I'm guessing you do as well?

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Well done!!!! Remember to think how much a cracker would hurt you at the moment. I miss cabury crunchi chocolate and i was thinking the other day if i had that, it would be another block of chocie to loose. Do you have some o.j or any juice? Soup? Tea or coffee? Mineral Water (not soft drink)? Do you have any jelly that you could have ready in the fridge for those times? I have in my hand bag i small kiddie size juice with low cals so if im out im not tempted at all. Plus they are handy for long drives. Im on fluids for a week as well. What are you going to have for breakie tomorrow? I think egg but i havent decided what vegies to have with it. Decisions decisions!! I reckon it was never this hard when we could eat everything and anything!!! So what is you eating plan rules? Ours is 1/2 a cup of food maximum 3 times a day, no Snacks, unlimited water tea coffee and mineral water. Have 1 bite from a teaspoon or small fork and chew until its mush then wait 1 minute befire the next and dont eat for longer than 20 mins, but if it prevents me chundering im all for it!! And if we are hungry between meals it means were in the yellow zone ring them and maybe a fill, but if we must have a piece of fruit so we dont sabotage our weight loss. Oh and our 1/2 cup has to be mostly Protein. i think its good to know that during Prif O'Briens 12 year study no one has ever suffered from deficancies which i think we also have some bloods every year plus we have to take a multi vitiman, whats 1 more drug!!! Its weird after i told you last night before i went to bed about what i had eaten ive just woken up not very hungry at all!! I think he put a touch of Fluid in my band during surgery if this is the green zone im lovin it!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! Your lucky im single so i dont have anyone to have farting comps with, unless i see my brother, or who will get me things, you are very lucky!!! Cya later.

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oatmeal, then chicken for lunch then chicken for dinner :-) my plan allows 1/2 cup, of course Protein 1st, then veggies, then if any room, carbs.... then Snacks in between i can have a shake, at the top of my head i can't remember how much, i believe 1/2 cup, i am always going back through my papers if i forget, lol.... think I'll do a cheat sheet an carry it in my purse. think I'll make a pot of Beans tonight....

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oatmeal, then chicken for lunch then chicken for dinner :-) my plan allows 1/2 cup, of course Protein 1st, then veggies, then if any room, carbs.... then Snacks in between i can have a shake, at the top of my head i can't remember how much, i believe 1/2 cup, i am always going back through my papers if i forget, lol.... think I'll do a cheat sheet an carry it in my purse. think I'll make a pot of Beans tonight....

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Wow your plan is massive!! On the forum of food and nutrition someone has a written a thread on Snacks for 100 cals. Im still trying to finish my book but were they put the band is at the top of the stomach so there isnt even a pouch like the first time i had it. I suppose thats why we cant have snacks or more than 3 meals. I took my dressings off and they all are healing well. And the best thing for them is fresh air so top off except my bra that presses on 1 cut and holds up one boob so its relaxing laying on the couch with the fan on. I just did the shopping and i brought eggs, a choice of large or large! I was even tempted to go down the chocie isle. If you have an android or iphone search for calorie king and it has the cals fat and entre weight or amount, much cheaper than buying the book! I brought a steamer and also a microwave 3 egg cooker in the shape of a chicken, most cute!! Tommorrow is going to be 37 degrees so i have mushie apples already in the fridge to have if im hungry in the morning. Have a lovely night, you guys have winter there? And also guess what we both finally made it through a week of fluids!!!!!! Cya

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yes, it's winter weather right now, that's why it wasn't so hard for me to get through the liquid stage, lol. i went & got a food scale & today even went out to dinner with my husband. what's nice, i get like 3 meals out of the fish i ordered! for a moment i thought i was gonna have a "stuck" moment, but it was a false alarm, thank god. i ate about only half of my 3 oz of fish. i don't feel any different, but i do feel somethin in me to "stop" eating. i don't know how to explain it. been keeping on track & my husband even took me shopping for workout shoes & food to make it easier on me when i cook for him & my daughter. how's your blister? i feel pretty good & my strips are falling off.... it was great not getting tired the 1st 15 mins into shopping >_<

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I weighed myself this morning and down 5.3kg or 11lbs. I had lunch with my friend today well i had a skiiny flat white with a horrible sweetner while she had 2 sushi rolls and coffee. I was thinking about all those cals in the rice. Weird. So until tea (dinner) i had only 1 coffee and about 2 bottles of Water cos it was so hot. And i did 30 mins on the wii fit and got 155cals. For tea i used my 1/2 cup to try and measurre for a small fish fillet from my dad and vegies. So my george forman steamer is great saves on time and washing up!!! So i had preparred 2 very small fillets of fish and 1 of each- a piece of cauliflower, sweet potato, brocili and i put them in the cup and pretty close!! Good guess! I mashed and then put some sweet chilli sauce through it. I had 2 mouthfuls totally yummy and 1 did the 1 minute rule and i lost interest in it. In the book it says when you dont eat all on your plate think of it as food for angels so they ate well!! Oh i found something very helpful from 7 years ago on my last diet i had 1 book were i had written down foods weight cals. So i started that with the foods im having now so i can add to it later. And a seperate book for what i eat each day, including Breakfast lunch or tea and coffee inbetween, because you are allowed Snacks as well maybe this could be handy for you. Plus my weight every saturday including total loss and down the bottom i write exercise. So i put the wii and cals and also walking around the shops for about 2 hours. My poor blister is bigger!!! And considering i was wearing thongs today it made it worse, but im not going anywere tommorow just going to exercise with the wii. I have fit plus, mel b's and biggest loser challenge ( amercian) which gives a great workout!! Its weird that feeling isnt that. We got told to call it saiety which is your satisfied without being full. Congrats on your first meal out. What did you have with your fish? Have a great night

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good job, have u tried the myfitnesspal app? i used it in my efforts before to lose weight. i don't feel any restriction anymore and i notice that i am feeling hungry, unlike before where i wasn't feeling any hunger.... i am feeling itchy where my stitches are, lol. today i went and bought some Decaf tea, yum....

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Decaff?????? Its real coffee or nothing. We can even have a glass of wine at night cos if the health benifits but spiruts and what we call 'alcopops' is basically the alchol that teenagers drink cis they are like soft drink. The government even put a tax on those!!! I akso wrote down my plan for today which included cutting vegies, fish and chicken into the grams that i have set out to volumes that i think would fit in my 1/2 a cup. After 4 hours including doing the dishes my hands still smell like carrot!! Yes i read on many of the threads about fitness pal so i downloaded it last night, well 3am! So im going to play tonight. But i like having each day written down and also foods and how much cals so i can make sure i stay with my cals. But it will be good especially when im out to track even that skinny flat white & exercise. Oh today i had lunch and i didnt chew a piece if chicken till it was mush before i swallowed and it got sort if stuck, pain but it passed through so it was a massive reminder not ti do that again!!! Have you decided what your having for christmas? Im working at the bakery christmas eve until close so i can bring extra food for the family cos its a 2 hour drive to my parents house. Being summer chrissie lunch is always cold roast meats and salads. So i told mum i will eat my food then, soft chicken and pork apple sauce and salads that are moist and soft. I really dont care about missing out on plum pudding. Also they always have b'day cake fir me my brother and grand mother. Mum said you cant refuse cake and i told mum i will not be eating it. After a couple of mins i finally got through to her by telling her if i eat ut ill through it up, she got the message!!! What are doing for your exercise? I dont feel confident walking cos of the comments, maybe when i get down to 100kg, no idea in pounds. When are you seeing you surgeon? Sounds like you need an adjustment. Is it weird being hungry again? Do you have dissolveable or actual stiches? I have dissolvable. 2 sites are totally healed, one under my tit us red but its probley from the heat. My long cut is in a totally akward and 1 week and i reckon they will both be fine. I go back to the surgeon on the 19/12 so 3 weeks post-op and probley an adjustment. Whats on the menu at the moment? Steamer works great well except the steam burn i got!! Anyways im enjoyung a lovely cuppa and gone from 2 artifical sugars to 1 so im going to get down to 1/2. Anyways have a lovely night

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i can't have caffeine, it doesn't agree with me very well, lol. my mom makes tamales and menudo which i will not be having any of either. yeah, i think I'll need a fill cuz today i didn't pay attention an swallowed too soon an no stuck episode. i panicked but it went down fine. i stopped eating just cuz i freaked, lol. i've been doing walking for now til the Dr ok's me cuz i like to swim. i have lots of fish, chicken and veggies. i have been between 600-800 cals in, always Protein first. it's getting easier, i go to see the surgeon on 12/21, which will be perfect timing before x-mas cuz all the goodies will be coming! lol, not looking forward to challenging my willpower that day. i know I'll be ok but what i would like is a glass of wine, lol....

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Can you have wine? Oh my blister is massive now and not healing considering having to walk on the ball of my foot everyday and band aids dont stick. It got even worser today from wearing a cheap pair of heels for a job interview, and i always put my normal shoes in the boot to drive home. 40 mins of total agony cos its my right foot. So ive got another pair, more room but a bit tighter. So band aids and extra cushioning for the ball of my foot and bandaids for the back of my ankles cos i have another job interview tomorrow. Othrrwise since ive lost those couple of kilos i feel more self confident than 2 weeks ago, weird!! Its so odd we had our surgery on the same day and seeing our docs a couple if days apart. It was not good my tummy was rumbling not loud but i could hear it!! And i decided to wait till i got home to eat so it would be better than a drive through latte! Im still not feeling hungry at breakfast. I guess good side is it helps keep the cals down! By only having 31cals for coffee. Otherwise im feeling well. How is every thing going for you? I go back to work on saturday. Which i have always thought is ironic that a fat girl is serving them at the bakery!!! But have you been told, but you have a great personalality and a pretty face! On a personal note ive only been to the toliet twice but i guess considering we dont eat much. I might get metamucil which is a fibre supplement drink but it means i have to drink more Water. Bugger!!!! I hate water!

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I'm doing ok, been breaking my meals up to curb my hunger. one of my incision has a bump on it, gonna call the Dr tomorrow & see if i need to be seen. i noticed i've been tired the last couple nights but hanging in there. sorry about your blister.... i think this Friday I'll weigh myself but really don't want to. i keep telling myself this is my time for healing. good luck on your job interview....

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Thanks the interview went ok. Ladt night i walking to the letter box in bear feet and stood on something that ripped just about all the blister skin off!!! Bloody painful!! I rang the docs and spoke with yhe nurse and she said to wait till its healed. Your allowed is it 5 meals a day? At least you can plan your meals. I think im deffiently in the green zone as im throwing away more food than im cooking for the 1/2 a cup. Are you finding that your hunger is like before you had your op? I have no idea how many cals im supposed to be on but i think while i cant exercise im going to lower them but still make sure that i get my Protein and vegies. What did the doc say about your wound?

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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