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I'm Not Working Well With My Band. It's All In My Head....

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So, I've had my band for 4 months now. I was 207 before I started the pre-op diet and I currently weigh 197. So yeah I haven't lost much. I did go down to 191.0 but started to gain it back. It seems like I am trying to find ways to get around my band so I can eat more. If I get stuck, I try to let it come up slowly, spit it out and go eat more. I know this isn't the right way to go about things :unsure: You would think a "self-pay" would go full force into becoming healthier....but I haven't and I am completely upset over it.

Also, I have been getting stuck A LOT lately. The other day I went to the hospital, because I was stuck for about 2 hours. When I got to the hospital, things went normal again. I'm thinking I slipped and it just fell back into place. Ever since, I have been getting stuck often. I also deal with a LOT of slime. When I puke stuff up, it's usually about 4oz of mucus! Should I be taking something every day for nasal drainage?? Could this be a contributing factor? This morning I woke up with a heavy pains in my chest. It felt like my ribs were swollen or aching...

I know I am eating the wrong foods, I am eating way too fast and too large of bites. I try...but then I fall into my old habits. What can I do to change this mind set? I really want to be healthy..... :(

I have had ONE fill. I am almost too scared to go back and see what they find out. But...I'm making the call tomorrow.

Thoughts anyone?

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I'm glad you've made an appointment.

Because of all the stuck episodes and taking too big a bite and maybe eating too fast you have swelling and aggravation. What you need to do when this happens is to go on liquids till it settles then progress to mushies then back on solids.

You are having problems with stuck episodes because your bites of food are far too big. If you continue this way you will cause yourself harm. I know it's tough but you've taken a huge step having a lapband put in to help you loose weight. You need to take a big step back and accept that your way of eating is different now. Don't think that you can never eat things you like, you still can but in much smaller portions, you aren't going to be deprived. Have you seen a nutritionist? If not I urge you to do so and talk to your carers about what's going on, they will be able to help you make the necessary changes.

You have to want to make the changes to have a safe lapband journey and loose the weight.

Also all that excessive mucus is your body producing it to help pass your food.

Take the time to get your inflammation down and eat like you're supposed to and you'll find you won't be producing so much mucus either.

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Hi, Im newly banded and am dying of head hunger! I obsess over what I will be able to eat. What kind of foods are you eating? Are you just eating too much too fast? Good luck with your appt!

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I have some suggestions that may help you. I just recently posted this again here but I think it's worth repeating for new bandsters.

I just received two wonderful e-mails from fellow bandsters that had read this post a few months ago and one tired the "Egg Timer Distraction" trick for the month of October and it really helped her with her head hunger and she got back on the "band-wagon"... I know bad pun... but she was down 11 lbs. The other person was down 9 lbs. Both people also enjoyed the books. Again... these are things that I've just found help but I've shared this information with many bandsters over the years in my coffee groups and here and it has seem to help a lot of people.

Also, you'll notice that I mention about finishing what you have in your mouth before you take your second or third bite... so many people in my lapband coffee groups have told me that now they really stop and think about how they eat... take tiny bites... the size of your pinky fingernail and MAKE sure you finish what you have in your mouth before you take that next bite.

I think many of us have felt or are feeling what you are going through right now.

I know for me I never realized how much food controlled my life. I had a really had time with “head hunger” in the evenings.

I’ve been banded just over 6 years and have talked about this here a couple of time but I think it’s worth repeating for new bandsters.

Try and take it one day at a time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t go into this journey saying “I’ll never be able to eat this or that ever again.” I can eat ANYTHING except rice and apple skins and no carbonated beverages. Follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Remember… take tiny bites (the size of your pinky fingernail) and remember to finish what you have in your mouth before you take your next bite... this cannot be repeated enough in the beginning... I'm 6 years out and I still make sure take 1 bite at a time. I also was self-pay. I couldn't and cannot afford to have my fail.

When I was losing weight I checked in every month with my family doctor to get weighed and measured. (I don’t own scales) I also attended two coffee groups for people that were banded. These things really kept me motivated and on track. I still check in every month with my family doctor to get weighed-in and I host two coffee groups. For me support from fellow bandsters plays a big part in this journey.

Back when I was banded my doctor suggested something called the “Egg Timer Distraction”. It’s kind of difficult to explain here but I’d be happy to email you the .pdf document. It REALLY helped me with “head hunger. I can’t tell you the number of people in my lapband coffee groups over the years that have said how helpful this “trick” has been in dealing with their head hunger.

Also, I’m not really a “diet” book type person but I recommend you pick up two books.< /p>

Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – by Dr. Michelle May

I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. May speak at a conference when she came to Toronto and her book and guidelines really work well with the lapband journey.

The second book is:

The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – by David L. Kessler

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and also if you would like a copy of the “Egg Timer Distraction Document”.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 156 lbs


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**I know I am eating the wrong foods, I am eating way too fast and too large of bites. I try...but then I fall into my old habits. What can I do to change this mind set? I really want to be healthy..... :(***

the band is only a 3 inch plastic stomach necklace pretty much it will help you feel full on smaller amounts. it is up to us (me and you etc)

to make good food choices and to eat (allotted amounts given to us by our doctors).

you deserve to treat yourself better than you are doing. you said you are eating the wrong foods. there are no wrong foods per say. only better choices. you can eat whatever you want but if you do eat (those bad ones) just do them every so often. for example, once a week, i allow myself one meal splurge on whatever i want...

too large of bites, that is what is causing your pain i am guessing, although i am not a doctor, i would think that is the cause. you have to eat small bites. missy once showed a pic of what a bite should look like. maybe dime sizes or skittle size?? that is what i try to make it..

ok, dont hate me but i am gonna be tough as you and i were banded nearly same time (i havent had a fill yet though, only difference...and that i was 100+ pounds bigger than you)..

so here is the thing..you admitted you are eating (wrong) and too large of bites

so stop. dont blame bad habits on this. this is you making a decision to eat those foods and to take too big of bites. you can choose to do better if you want too.

so follow the instructions given to you.

eat your meals but focus on Protein, veggies and fruits...stop at a cup or cup and a half of food and drink all day long....small bites that are chewed very well so they pass through your band.

you can do this. if you really want to. i would give anything to be the weight you are right now, i am fighting like hell to get there. i want you to fight too.

i am so proud that you are calling the dr for appt.

do not ever be afraid of what they'd say. they are the ones who can help you. they need to know what is going on.....i am rooting for you.

let me correct that, the Banded B's are rooting for you :)

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First off I am glad you are realizing what you are doing wrong, 1st step check!

2nd- find out if your band has slipped by seeing your doctor- that could be causing you to get stuck more often.

3rd- if everything is find, get back to the basics. If you find that you eat to much- fix your one cup and go to another room to eat or go ahead and put the left overs up so you won't tempted. Eat using a small plate or bowl and small utensil or chop sticks- this helps you eat slower. Putting your utensil down betweeen bites helps.

4- Remember to CHEW!!!! If you have to put a sign on the table where you eat that says CHEW!! It is up to you to do this and it's very important.

You have the band, you want to loose weight, you know what to do, now take steps forward. You have already figured out what you are doing wrong, so that is wonderful, now start making the steps to correct those behaviors.

If you have a bf or BFF or family memeber who you live with, ask them for support. My hubby each night when we sit to eat it grabs my hand and says I love CHEW!! It's cute, funny, and it reminds me to slow down and chew so I don't get stuck.

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Based on some of the things you said, it sounds like maybe you're an emotional eater and a food addict, like me. Maybe even a compulsive over eater? My two bits of advice: remind yourself that the band will not keep you from eating or make you lose weight. It's a tool and you have to do your part. A hammer is also a tool. It can accomplish mighty tasks and help build beautiful things, but if nobody ever picks it up and uses that tool, it will never see its potential. And the other thing I'd suggest is getting help with your eating disorder. I've had amazing success with www.shrinkyourself.com. Or you might try overeaters anonymous. Good luck!

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Work with your band and change the way you eat. There is no reason you cannot enjoy the foods you love without all the drama. Go to liquids for at least 24 hours and then SLOWLY add in solid food again. As has been said here, small bites, chew, chew, chew, no second bite until the first is down, (some people try to consciously wait a minute between bites,) and do not drink while eating. Think of it as eating longer, but not less.

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So, I've had my band for 4 months now. I was 207 before I started the pre-op diet and I currently weigh 197. So yeah I haven't lost much. I did go down to 191.0 but started to gain it back. It seems like I am trying to find ways to get around my band so I can eat more. If I get stuck, I try to let it come up slowly, spit it out and go eat more. I know this isn't the right way to go about things :unsure: You would think a "self-pay" would go full force into becoming healthier....but I haven't and I am completely upset over it.

Also, I have been getting stuck A LOT lately. The other day I went to the hospital, because I was stuck for about 2 hours. When I got to the hospital, things went normal again. I'm thinking I slipped and it just fell back into place. Ever since, I have been getting stuck often. I also deal with a LOT of slime. When I puke stuff up, it's usually about 4oz of mucus! Should I be taking something every day for nasal drainage?? Could this be a contributing factor? This morning I woke up with a heavy pains in my chest. It felt like my ribs were swollen or aching...

I know I am eating the wrong foods, I am eating way too fast and too large of bites. I try...but then I fall into my old habits. What can I do to change this mind set? I really want to be healthy..... :(

I have had ONE fill. I am almost too scared to go back and see what they find out. But...I'm making the call tomorrow.

Thoughts anyone?

In reading your post, did you see a psychologist? Maybe you need to talk to someone to discuss your issues with food. Also going to the support group may help. Check your local hospital.

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My Doc told me this time of the year he receives the most request for unfills, due to allergies, sinus infections and common cold increasing the tightness of the band, also he stated caffeine, drinks, coffee, tea and soda makes you lose 1 ½ a cup of fluids for every cup you drink and even the slightest dehydration will make your stoma swell (really everything inside). So if you are one of those that have a hard time with the Water intake you might think about changing to Decaf, as far as the eating getting stuck , unstuck then eating more…..are you eating because you are hungry? This band of ours is a very tricky thing, the simplest little things can make a HUGE difference, just a drop of water can put you over the edge or in the green zone, lack of it you can be hungry as hell one minute and stuck in the next, And that mucus stuff is nasty! when I have been stuck dehydrated and swollen that stuff does not stop. And the pain OMG!!!!!!! ER visit and IV’s please.

Good Luck you will get there, just don’t give up some of us just take longer to do it ; )

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I can't help you become a compliant patient - only you can do that. All I can say is that it sounds like you're sabotaging yourself for reasons you might want to explore with a counselor. Your surgeon can probably refer you to one who has experience with WLS patients and/or eating disorder patients.

When you have a stuck episode, the worst thing you can do is to go on eating. When you do that, you can get into an endless cycle of stuck-eat-stuck-eat-etc. You won't lose weight that way and you can do yourself some real harm by means of a band slip or esophageal and/or stomach dilation. It will probably take a good deal of discipline for you, but I strongly suggest that when you have an eating problem like a stuck episode, you immediately stop eating and follow a liquid diet for at least 24 hours before carefully transitioning back to purees, then soft foods (that you can cut with the side of a fork), then solid foods.

Also, don't be afraid to talk with your surgeon or a member of his/her medical staff about this. I can almost guarantee that you're not the first patient they've had with struggles like yours. They already know you have an eating problem, and presumably they're well qualified to help you deal with it.

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Wow brebre I thought I was reading about myself! You are not alone. I am 2 years out (as of 12/20) and started @ 238 and am now 206..and the scale hasn't moved in a LONG time. I too often make wrong choices, take bites too big and eat too much, and then end up in the bathroom, regurgitating loads of that same clear mucus you describe. One of the issues is I think my band is too tight because I am getting discouraged with that lump in my throat feeling and "wet burps" sometimes after just a few bites so I am eating slider foods which is very bad. But I have been afraid to ask for a little unfill fearing I will still make the wrong choices b/c I often get cravings for sugar/salt/fat and if I get a little unfill then I can eat more. On the other hand if my band is a little looser maybe I would be able to eat the appropriate foods high in Protein and then I wouldn't crave the junky food. I have resolved one thing tho even if I cheat on wrong foods, DON'T drink my calories-EVER-it becomes wayyyy to easy to get wayyyyy to many calories. Frappes, Juices, smoothies, milk etc. You will put on weight faster than you can blink your eyes and it is easy so you will do it more and more.

Anyway brebre, I know EXACTLY where u r coming from and I hope you can conquer the mental thing and I hope I can too!!

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Hi everyone. I just want to thank you all for the responses. Sorry it took me 2 months to reply. I was to say that I am finally realizing how to work with this band. I am eating WAY less and my mind set is completely changed. I have lost the weight I gained and I am on the way to losing again. I still get stuck ocassionally, but only because I eat a "tad" too much. I am finally realizing WHY I cannot eat and I've accepted it instead of finding ways to eat around it. I know that I have a psychological problem with food. I have accepted it and I am not working on fixing that. Thanks again for the encouragement and suggestions! I will let you all know how I'm doing in a couple months.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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