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Trouble With My Band After Revision - Did My Surgeon Just Try To Upsell Me?

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Here is my story, I worked through True Results in Houston and ended up with Dr. Wilkenfeld.

So I got my band in March, everything was going along fine and I was losing weight, down 35 pounds in 2 months. Feeling good, satisfied, not hungry, nothing out of the ordinary. I went in for my first fill with no problem, although it felt like a cattle call. I started to think I didn't care for the doc but blew it off as a bad day, we all have them, no biggie. Went back for fill #2.............here is where things get hinky. I was FINE until I went there for fill #2 but when he went to fill he could not get the needle in, he stuck me at least 10 times, no dice. At this point it was starting to get painful and the assistant suggests there is a problem, they put me in front of the xray machine w/o needle and I'm told (after much more poking) that my port has flipped. Apparently this is a rarity and they hardly ever see it. Of course, I would be the person this happens to, but OK, its fixable I'm told. Back into surgery I go to have "revision".

Fast forward to June, port revision.

Fast forward to July, things are starting to get strange, noises howling out of my throat, stomach growling constant, I'm STARVING. When i do eat I get stuck no matter what I eat...but not stuck stuck, just backed up stuck so I get the slime thing going and begin to pant like a dog. Sexy, I know. I begin to not eat so much and resort to only eating soft things for the most part.

August - work schedule goes crazy and I begin to have to travel, no time to go back to doctor just learning to live with it.

October - I go back to doctor...cattle call again, this time doctor blows me off when I begin to ask questions. Tells me to "read my book" rather than answer. I'm pretty sure I just paid a fee to come in here and therefore should have my questions answered. But I get angry and just think I'll blow him off and get a new doctor. Check that - on to find new doc. Call around and find out in order to even SEE another doctor in this town you have to pay a $300 fee. And that is just to talk to him, I can't justify that because what if I don't like him? I'm not making this mistake again.

Go back to doctor and finally have a "semi" conversation with him. I express my displeasure and problems and I tell him...and I quote "it seems it hasn't been the same since you did the port revision, its like it doesn't work now". Response? "They never are, you need to just get the sleeve, they work better".

HUH? If they never work the same, why did we do a revision? Shouldn't I have just been told at that time that they don't work? And why don't they work after revision? Is anyone else seeing a problem here? Does anyone else have similar problem? Anyone heard anything like this before?

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Well you are much better then me because I do not let doctors blow me off like that. I would have sat on the floor like a child until he answered my questions. I don't know anything about port revisions so I am not help in that department however the fees with other doctors are usually right because they are taking over someone elses work. I dont know what to tell ya except try to find another doctor and research him before you do go to him/her.

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Wow, I'd be very upset too.

I have to tell you, I've never used any of the True Results chain but I know from reading about them on these forums I never would either. It does appear just as you said- a cattle call- just pushing people through one after another to make money. It seems their patient care is nominal at best and they seem to pump out a scary high number of totally under informed band patients.

I think if I were in your shoes, I'd start from the easiest point. You say you're starving, so I'm assuming physically hungry. Yet you're sliming/stuck every time you eat and are stuck on slider foods. Has anyone bothered to check your actual band placement? If you band has been slipped this whole time, it would also explain the port flip too. I would not ask, but demand, a barium swallow to check your band placement.

I know $300 is a ridiculously expensive amount of money, but I think it would be money well spent to get your care into the hands of a doctor who actually gives a rip. You deserve good care with a good surgeon. I do have an idea how you could check out the doctor before paying the fee- go to his free informational seminar. This way, you can get a feel for his mannerism and personality before forking over the money. If you like him, then pay the fee and switch your care to him. Just a thought.

As for the Sleeve comment, I personally wouldn't even entertain the thought until you've given the band ample chance to work for you. Check the band position, check out the new doctor, and then go forward with the band from there. IF you reach a point the band just isn't going to cut it, consider the Sleeve, but I personally think it's way too soon to go through that.

Best wishes to you.

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Wow' date=' I'd be very upset too.

I have to tell you, I've never used any of the True Results chain but I know from reading about them on these forums I never would either. It does appear just as you said- a cattle call- just pushing people through one after another to make money. It seems their patient care is nominal at best and they seem to pump out a scary high number of totally under informed band patients.

I think if I were in your shoes, I'd start from the easiest point. You say you're starving, so I'm assuming physically hungry. Yet you're sliming/stuck every time you eat and are stuck on slider foods. Has anyone bothered to check your actual band placement? If you band has been slipped this whole time, it would also explain the port flip too. I would not ask, but demand, a barium swallow to check your band placement.

I know 300 is a ridiculously expensive amount of money, but I think it would be money well spent to get your care into the hands of a doctor who actually gives a rip. You deserve good care with a good surgeon. I do have an idea how you could check out the doctor before paying the fee- go to his free informational seminar. This way, you can get a feel for his mannerism and personality before forking over the money. If you like him, then pay the fee and switch your care to him. Just a thought.

As for the Sleeve comment, I personally wouldn't even entertain the thought until you've given the band ample chance to work for you. Check the band position, check out the new doctor, and then go forward with the band from there. IF you reach a point the band just isn't going to cut it, consider the Sleeve, but I personally think it's way too soon to go through that.

Best wishes to you.[/quote']

Great advise!

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Wow, I wouldnt be happy with that treatment at all.

I think $300.00 although a lot of money would be worth it for your health and peace of mind.

Find yourself a dr. who is going to listen to you and is genuinely concerned about your health. I know it is not going to be easy to find a new dr. but do some research, ask around and check the websites that rate dr.s.

Let us know how you make out.

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I too think Missy gave you great advice.

Sorry you're going through this and I hope you can find a Dr who is concerned with your problems.

Keep us posted.

Best of luck to you!

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It sounds as though you may currently be a little too tight. That could explain the sliming yet still feeling hungry. You definitely need to find a Dr that you can work with so that you can make your band work - a port revision should have no effect on how well the band works other than to allow Fluid to be put in/taken out.

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Of course he wants you to consider the sleeve. More money for him and he doesn't have to deal with you after the immediate postop period you need a better surgeon. There are great ones out there

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I had a port revision (mine had a hole and was leaking the saline) and I didn't have any issues whatsoever so please don't think that is how you are supposed to feel!

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I'm sorry to hear bout this....I on the other hand can relate :( as of sept I've been banded for 2 years. I am currently back to my weight I was on surgery day. I was going along slowly and thought this is ok I don't want to lose to fast. Then I was too tight (due to Dr) so went in got loosened back to where I was, then nothing was the same. Couldn't eat anything good for me.

My Dr moved out of Houston to another country. New Dr said "the lap bands not for everyone!" I was discouraged and fed up with trying. Months later as of last month I went to a new dr here in Katy. He took all solution out of my band and sent me in for an upper GI. He said within minutes "sounds like your band slipped". So now here I sit. No Fluid in band, back to 248lbs and feel like I failed. Hoping this new Dr can help. Don't give up like I did, if you want my drs name and number just message me. It was almost 300$ to see him, to me worth it cause I no longer don't feel good and don't know why.

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Wow, I'd be very upset too.

I have to tell you, I've never used any of the True Results chain but I know from reading about them on these forums I never would either. It does appear just as you said- a cattle call- just pushing people through one after another to make money. It seems their patient care is nominal at best and they seem to pump out a scary high number of totally under informed band patients.

I think if I were in your shoes, I'd start from the easiest point. You say you're starving, so I'm assuming physically hungry. Yet you're sliming/stuck every time you eat and are stuck on slider foods. Has anyone bothered to check your actual band placement? If you band has been slipped this whole time, it would also explain the port flip too. I would not ask, but demand, a barium swallow to check your band placement.

I know $300 is a ridiculously expensive amount of money, but I think it would be money well spent to get your care into the hands of a doctor who actually gives a rip. You deserve good care with a good surgeon. I do have an idea how you could check out the doctor before paying the fee- go to his free informational seminar. This way, you can get a feel for his mannerism and personality before forking over the money. If you like him, then pay the fee and switch your care to him. Just a thought.

As for the Sleeve comment, I personally wouldn't even entertain the thought until you've given the band ample chance to work for you. Check the band position, check out the new doctor, and then go forward with the band from there. IF you reach a point the band just isn't going to cut it, consider the Sleeve, but I personally think it's way too soon to go through that.

Best wishes to you.

Thanks Mis73 - Trust me, I'm not even entertaining the Sleeve comment, I was just horrified and couldn't believe he even said it. As I mentioned, he gave me a fill/adjustment yesterday, I called today because now I'm so tight that I can hardly swallow my own spit, but my stomach is growling and I'm still starving. Evidently, he is i surgery tomorrow and I as told not to force food, drink hot liquids and come in on Saturday. My husband is staring at me like I'm a space alien because every time I swallow anything at all loud ungodly noises come racing out of me. They did do a barium thing yesterday, he does one every time we do a fill or adjustment so I assume the placement is fine as he didn't say a word. It was after my barium thing that he made the Sleeve comment and said the revisions don't work.

That is a really good idea about the informational seminar, I hadn't even thought of that, a great example of why the forum boards are helpful.

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I'm sorry to hear bout this....I on the other hand can relate :( as of sept I've been banded for 2 years. I am currently back to my weight I was on surgery day. I was going along slowly and thought this is ok I don't want to lose to fast. Then I was too tight (due to Dr) so went in got loosened back to where I was, then nothing was the same. Couldn't eat anything good for me.

My Dr moved out of Houston to another country. New Dr said "the lap bands not for everyone!" I was discouraged and fed up with trying. Months later as of last month I went to a new dr here in Katy. He took all solution out of my band and sent me in for an upper GI. He said within minutes "sounds like your band slipped". So now here I sit. No Fluid in band, back to 248lbs and feel like I failed. Hoping this new Dr can help. Don't give up like I did, if you want my drs name and number just message me. It was almost 300$ to see him, to me worth it cause I no longer don't feel good and don't know why.

Thanks Theresa I'm going to send you a message, I'm willing to drive to Katy if the person is good!

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I love Missy's answer and agree with it all.

Just to add some advice, when you start looking into Dr.'s and get names, search the name on this site. You will likely get thread(s) of information on them and you can message the members who have said they used him/her

Before committing to my doctor, i did just that. I found others on this site who gave me very good advice/recommendations

I'm so sorry to hear your story and your doc sounds like the pits. After hearing about True Results on here, I would never recommend that anyone use them

BTW, try finding a doc who ONLY does lap bands. mine is exclusively a lap band surgeon and therefore knows THE INS AND OUTS! And he truly believes in it. He will do everything in his power to make it work and I doubt he'll say "ok give up- it's sleeve time"

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Hey Neekola,

I had my band on aug 20 went for my first fill unsuccessful with the nurse went back a week later to have one with the surgeon only to find out my port had flipped also. I just had revision surgery on Oct 2@ and asked my doc to give me a fill while in surgery he agreed have me 4cc in a 11cc band! I know how frustrated you are with this trust me I was too! Just when you starting to take off SLAM!

I have am new to a fill its only been 4 days I do fill some restriction but I've never heard of port revisions not working! You surgeon sounds like a JERK! In fact I know a lady who had her lap band done in 2001 when it was still very new to Canada now since she has lost 140lbs he port started to stick out a bit! It bothered her so she decided to have her port replaced with a newer model! Fast forward 5 years and she's still goin strong!

I don't understand if your port flipped why your band wouldn't work, it's simply flipping the port over and stitching it back in place.

Let us know what happens this is very interesting and anything I can do to help!

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To me, it'd be worth paying out $300 to another surgeon in the hope that I'd end up in a bariatric clinic that doesn't resemble a cattle yard. I guess I'd favor a clinic with more than one surgeon, in case the one I interview doesn't click with me.

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