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Wow U Eat That!?

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I eat all that crap and can't fight the urge. I'm weak like that. I still think fat. This an addiction. I'm having a hard time eating properly. It seems like a lot of people follow the plan out if fear. I wish I had some of that.

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I eat all that crap and can't fight the urge. I'm weak like that. I still think fat. This an addiction. I'm having a hard time eating properly. It seems like a lot of people follow the plan out if fear. I wish I had some of that.

Perhaps a counselor would help. food addiction is very real and very powerful.

There is plenty to "fear", like weight gain, band slips, and health issues. But I don't think fear will help you. Addiction isn't rational and fear rarely plays a role in it. Just like a crack addict knows it can kill them, the fear of death isn't strong enough to tame the addiction. food addiction is no different.

Find a good counselor that deals with addiction, I really think it would help a lot.

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i dont think i ((fear)) anything

i just know if i eat like i did before surgery, i will stay where i am at....fat/obese

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Mean girls???? Called out?????? Are we in Jr High???? Oh come on , everyone realizes that some bands fail it just makes sense that things happen. Having said that it is probably due to people eating to much in many cases judging from the post we see on this forum not every case but most.

For those poor folks that are experencing pain and more surgery from band defects I think everyone here wishes you well and feels your pain ,. It has to be so disappointing. If you followed all the rules and this happened to you it just isn't fair and hopefully you will feel better soon.

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Eating out of fear............. well I have to admit in the begining due to my past failures I was afraid of failing again . Having a heart attack is scarey, not being able to breathe when walking half a block is scarey, Not being able to snuggle up to a hot fudge Sundae when I was hurtin was scarey and just having the fat girl to depend on was real Scarey. so you are right in the begining there is a fear factor.

..................BUT................ Now having faced those fears and being on the other side I eat out of KNOWING AND BELIEF , I know if I eat right I will stay healthy and I know no one ever died from not eating a bag of Cookies , I eat out of love for myself . I am finally treating me good and not like some giant garbage can and I am not afraid to leave the retired fat girl in charge anymore.

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Too bad you didn't do this research before you were banded. Maybe we wouldn't have to be reading this. Obviously this research was available to you at the time.

Sorry for your bad experience BUT AGAIN YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT! Those who cry about band failure while belly up at ff restaurant have no one to blame but themselves.

Too bad you didn't do this research before you were banded. Maybe we wouldn't have to be reading this. Obviously this research was available to you at the time.

Sorry for your bad experience BUT AGAIN YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT! Those who cry about band failure while belly up at ff restaurant have no one to blame but themselves.

Well said!

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Correct' date=' I wouldn't get a band. I would choose VSG, since Portion Control was my issue and I'm not a candidate for malabsorptive WLS. My experience hasn't been all bad. I've regained a lot of my mobility, have a more active and participatory life. I've been "successful" having lost 60% of my EW (82 lb).

When I post about my experience and the experiences of hundreds of others who HAVE suffered serious complications, lifetime damage to their stomachs and esophagus, vagus nerve damage, reflux, it isn't to stir up sh*t, it is to aid those are doing their research and save them the trouble and risk of additional surgeries, procedures, etc. for those who are banded and complication free, it is good to know the warning signs and be prepared, in case. The people I used to think were band bashes have become my greatest resources in dealing with my complications and getting unfilled quickly. I credit them with me being able to keep my band this long. My symptoms of a problem started 15 months post-op. I've been dealing with them for over a year, it's been a roller coaster to say the least.

I just had my GB out a year ago, I've had over a dozen major surgeries in my adult life and the prospect of enduring at least one more is daunting, especially when you consider I have a knee that needs replaced and that is getting pushed back due to my band issues. This isn't being negative, it's being honest. My band issues are as follows:

GERD, intolerance to most veggies and fruits (wont go through the band), frequent PBs, palpitations when I eat, regurgitating food while eating despite eating very slowly, chewing, tiny bites etc, pain in my back, neck, jaw, and even teeth (vagus nerve irritation). I had to have a complete cardiac work up to rule out cardiovascular disease. Remember, I kept my band loose! 3.5 cc in my 11 cc band. I'm a rule follower...I was 100% compliant with my doctors instructions.

Those who insist that it is the patients failure most of the time are creating an atmosphere where those having problems will feel unsafe sharing their experiences and asking for help. If a person was in a bad car accident, they would get a lot of support, not be blamed for the accident by people who have no idea what happened. That's just wrong.

I called AJ out on blaming most bandsters for their own failure/complications...tried to make a point. Epic fail due to a very closed minded group of "mean girls".

The End[/quote']

Well you just answered my question. First you say the research was all there and then you said that you DID do your research. But now you are saying that had you know you would not have had surgery. So which one is it ? ( and please don't waste your time answering because I won't be following this thread) So I think you are swinging and lashing out and being offensive to ones here that are trying to understand you but really you need to understand and maybe take some responsibility for you decisions.

I'm done with this thread and with you. The women on this board have helped me tremendously and to hear you lash out because you are angry is just offensive on so many levels.

I would suggest some holistic healing to get some of your bad energy gone. You obviously have a lot!

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Well you just answered my question. First you say the research was all there and then you said that you DID do your research. But now you are saying that had you know you would not have had surgery. So which one is it ? ( and please don't waste your time answering because I won't be following this thread) So I think you are swinging and lashing out and being offensive to ones here that are trying to understand you but really you need to understand and maybe take some responsibility for you decisions.

I'm done with this thread and with you. The women on this board have helped me tremendously and to hear you lash out because you are angry is just offensive on so many levels.

I would suggest some holistic healing to get some of your bad energy gone. You obviously have a lot!

Actually, I have seen a great deal of offensive posts on this thread alone, not to mention a wealth of absolutely wrong information but the offensive posts aren't from the one you accuse.

I am still waiting to hear why lap bands are removed at a rate of over 50% by the 6 year mark yet when these SAME people revise to a sleeve they do well.

I was the poster child for lap bands. I followed every rule, did all the right things, followed up with my doctor every 2 weeks for 18 months and ended up losing weight to the point of looking anorexic, I was seriously malnourished, I have permanent esophageal damage, I was so weak I couldn't even go shopping to buy clothes that fit because I couldn't walk that far, and all in all, the band almost killed me. And you know what? I am typical. My case was not unusual. Many doctors decline to band anymore, my own employer refuses to band people. He won't place new bands and he won't reposition slipped bands. He will remove them, he will revise to a different surgery type, but he believes it is unethical to place bands knowing he'll get the person back for a revision.

We remove about 5 bands a week. And no, we didn't place them. They were placed by surgeons all over the world. I see these people every single day, I work with them, I take care of them. They are not at fault. They have been trying to get banding right for 40 years. Yes, 40. First it was the mesh band, then the non adjustable metal band, then the small adjustable band. Now the mega band. Stats are NO different today than they were 40 years ago. People buy into this nonsense that least invasive somehow means safer. It is NOT safer. Banding provides the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most complications of all main surgery types. Least invasive means nothing about long term safety issues. I can have you drink poison, that is least invasive. I can slice open your gut and pour in the poison, that is most invasive. But it's STILL poison.

When people are having band problems and are facing losing their surgery type they are already at their lowest point. They feel like even WLS can't help their weight issues. To blame them is childish, insensitive, poison to the soul, idiotic, repulsive, insecure, and simply uneducated nonsense. These people need compassion, not a bunch of school yard bullies saying yes yes yes, you phucked it all up. It's all your fault. My butt it's all their fault, it most certainly is NOT a majority of the time. There is a reason many doctors decline to band anymore. Many hospitals decline to band. Heck, entire countries opt not to band and they are doing sleeves now. Sleeves have far superior weight loss and are one heck of a lot safer long term than banding.

People do not need your childish finger pointing and uneducated nonsense. They need compassion and a shoulder. Try being adults for damn sakes! Yes, it's much easier to run around pointing that dumbass finger and blaming everyone and everything except the stupid sorry band. It's easier to slam dunk than it is to pony up the compassion and try to treat people like human beings. And it is far easier to slam dunk and then run and hide claiming you won't be reading posts anymore when we all know darn well you are reading. Yes, much easier to do that than to be a friend.

Some of you people make me wish I could be around to see the karma when YOU start having band issues. Lecturing people on band rules when some of you have been banded 3 full years and you still aren't at goal. If you were following your own advice, shouldn't you be at goal now? Some of you can't even post accurate information! This nonsense about erosion being the fault of the patient. Total crap. Nobody knows what causes erosion a majority of the time. So how the heck do you guys know? People, at least shoot for accuracy for goodness sakes! But posting a bunch of negativity, blaming people for something they have no control over... it's nothing but insecurity on your part.

Get over your silly little selves!

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I called AJ out on blaming most bandsters for their own failure/complications...tried to make a point. Epic fail due to a very closed minded group of "mean girls".

Yes, sweetheart, I tried to make a point and if that means I am part of a closed minded group of mean girls then great I love that group.

I am truely sorry you experienced complications, if that happens to me then I will deal with it. I took that chance when I chose the band. I will continue to express my opinion on this forum. You, like everyone else, have the choice of reading my opinion or not.....

I wish you the best in your weight loss journey. Ultimately we all want to be happy and healthy, one way or another.

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WOW you are just so angry..... that has got to becoming from a lot of pain. I feel so bad you have had to go through this but this karma stuff and wishing you could be there when their bands fail WOW. People speak from their own experience and it looks like yours just sucks but she didn't make your band so why be so angry at her.

I hope you feel better and justified but you are just venting a lot of stuff that is just not necessary. You're attempt to educate us was lost in your tirade. I suggest everyone just drop it attacking someone is not helping your bad experience and it is time to just let it go hope everyone feels vindicated I feel a little sick. And to be honest I don't think anyone that differed with you could ever be your friend.

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Well you just answered my question. First you say the research was all there and then you said that you DID do your research. But now you are saying that had you know you would not have had surgery. So which one is it ? ( and please don't waste your time answering because I won't be following this thread) So I think you are swinging and lashing out and being offensive to ones here that are trying to understand you but really you need to understand and maybe take some responsibility for you decisions.

I'm done with this thread and with you. The women on this board have helped me tremendously and to hear you lash out because you are angry is just offensive on so many levels.

I would suggest some holistic healing to get some of your bad energy gone. You obviously have a lot!

Are you suggesting that there is no new information now vs 2009? There's a ton of people who are experiencing exactly what I am. I don't have bad energy...I don't like it when people who are suffering are blamed for it. As obese/formerly obese people we should be able to show some empathy. A lot of obesity is rooted in psychological problems, abuse and self esteem issues...now we're going to blame these people for a medical device's inherent propensity to fail AND cause permanent damage to vital organs?!! Heartless and cruel is the only way to describe this sort of attitude. I don't care if you're following the thread. If ONE person opts out of banding because of the information I posted, my job is done.

As far as your character assessment of me, you could not be more wrong. Responsible is my middle name. I'm fully responsible for my decisions and accepting of the consequences AND appreciate the good my band has done me...when you know better you do better. We know better now, the newer WLS candidates can avoid the pitfalls, injuries and pain of band complications that happen even if you follow all the rules (which by the way are so inconsistent from one doctor/clinic to the next, who the hell knows what they are?). You go ahead and believe what you do....I really don't give a rat's behind.

I would post links, but LBT won't allow. Anyone who would like more info, please pm me.

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It's weird how you changed your tune so quickly on your feeling of the band... You posted just at the end if May on your second anniversary that "life is good"...

I researched, I know what the consequence could be and I still chose to do this. People ask me all the time if im gonna take it out, I just tell them "not till I have a problem with it". I have come to terms that eventually it will need some kind of maintenance or removal. But I have every intention of keeping up with my doctor and taking care of it so that day will be very far away if ever...

and the other lady who works for the doctor that did lapband... You do not sound like you knew anything about taking care of you or your band... To let your self become almost anorexic so that you can barely walk means u needed psychotic help and still need some now.... It sounds like you are just spouting off what ever your employer wants you to hear

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I think ClarksforWillie is the mean one. How Judgemental! Don't you realize that some people have real problems with food? I can't eat a whopper or a Big Mac. My stomach won't hold that much. But people have this surgery because they have problems with food. Think of how people judged you when you were fat. Now you are judging others!

When I had my surgery, a switch didn't just turn on and say "Oh, all I want is healthy foods". It is a process. Be kind and loving to other bandsters. We are all at different paths on our journey. You have NO RIGHT to judge. Very cruel.

Oh, and I am on my second one. because the first one FAILED. This is my second time around and I have lost almost 70 lbs. So, yes the band can fail even when we do everything right.

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There are really no 100% factual conclusions to draw from all this. Let's stop splitting hairs and agree to disagree and just move on.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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