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Egads! Can I do this???

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Hi, I'm Dawn. I am really still in the research mode, as I am sure you're all very well aware, this is a scary, life-altering procedure. I tend to be the implusive sort, but with something as big as this I have promised myself I would do my homework.

Here's my story, probably similar to many others: I am 33 years old, 5'11", 285 lbs, wearing a now-tight size 24 and sporting a BMI of 40... After a full blown physical in January, I found out am as healthy as a horse, with the exception of my, um, morbid-obesity...(thank God on the healthly part - although I am guilty to admit I was only slightly praying I had something wrong with my metabolism so I could blame my weight on something other than me). Like just about everyone, I have been on every diet imaginable and keep putting the weight back on, recently noticing over the last 15 years I have only added 20 lbs. to my total weight every three years or so - without changing my eating habits (so this is what they say about things getting harder as you get older...). Graph that on a chart and it would look embarrassing.

The thought of exercise makes me want to lay down - and I hate that - because I used to be pretty active playing sports like volleyball and softball (I was one hell of a tall, left handed first base-woman) in my twenties - although I have always hated traditional exercise, running, walking, gyms, etc.. Now it's beginning to hurt just rolling out of bed at times. I'm in a wonderful marriage to a man who sees me as beautiful and sexy, but because my knees hurt and my back hurts and my "apron" (big belly roll) is just getting too big and uncomfortable I don't care too much for sex anymore - a bad thing at 33 for a woman, no? I want my sex life back. I want to stop hurting. I want to stop feeling older than I am. I think it's time to do something about it but I am afraid. I am so afraid.

I love food. Love it. Love to shop for it, to cook it, to serve it to others in my home and I love, love, love to eat it. Until I am way more than full. I don't snack, I don't eat sweets - I am your classic "bloater" (comforting description courtesy of the local bypass/band surgeon) - I eat big, hearty, should-be-going-out-and-plowing-a-field meals. It's problematic. I have to stop, I am on the highway to diabetes (which runs rampant in my family) and heart disease - and possible marital problems if my sex drive doesn't perk up someday (although my husband would never say that). It's sick, really. And sometimes I just want to hate myself. I'm sure it's not just me...

Last thing is I am definitely self-pay. My insurance does not cover the procedure, hence my looking into the possibility of Mexico, despite the shock and disillusionment of my friends and family. Their ignorance makes surgery in Mexico sound like the doctor will put me out with an ether-soaked rag and cut me open with a rusted ruin of a knife found from the time of the Aztecs. Alas, as I am absolutely sure this is not the case, the Mexico thing makes my research even more complicated.

So, how did you all make the leap? I'm not terribly religious, but God bless all of you. Seriously. You all have some big-time courage which I can not seem to get a hold of yet. If you wish for me anything, please wish for me courage - and wisdom to make the right choices.

Thanks - Dawn

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I know where you are coming from. I too have been on every diet and can't seem to loose. I also have a big apron(which got bigger after 2 kids), so I totally understand the sex drive(lack of) deal.

I am only into my second week with the band, but lost 8 lbs the first week. I went out to eat with my family tonight and a small bowl of Soup actually filled me up. I can't believe what I would have eaten before.

I can't help you with the Mexico bit, but there are plenty of bandsters here that did get their band in Mexico and they can give you alot of good info.

I too was self-pay and I know I will not regret spending the $$. This was a start to a new life for me. I have 2 little girls and I want to live to see them grow up.

LBT is a good place to ask you questions or voice your concerns, because there are so many wonderful, supporting people here.

Good Luck on your journey.

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Heyas Dawn, Welcome to LBT!

Your story sounds so much like mine. Healthy in most respects - just terribly obese. I'm not a snacker, don't care for sweets, loved to cook, centered every family event around the planning, preparation and serving of food. I didn't know how to cook small or eat small. I ate huge quantities of food, and often hated myself for it. I wondered how in the world I was going to give all of that up.

I've had the band since Jan 9th of this year and my entire outlook has changed. A lot of it without my even noticing it. Family events now center around family - not food, which gives me much more relaxed time to enjoy the people I love. The drive to eat and eat and eat and eat at every meal is gone. The last time I felt self loathing over the food issues was pre-banding. That's been replaced with a slowly increasing sense of accomplishment.

You said, that "this is a scary, life-altering procedure". I was afraid of the changes too. I was scared to death that I would fail somehow - I've been so good at failing in the past. I didn't know how I was going to cope without my comfort (food), and for a time before surgery I was feeling remorseful about giving it up. But what I found was a very pleasant surprise. I don't feel deprived. I don't feel like I've said goodbye to what I thought was my only comfort in life.

Since banding I've gone through a bored, down in the dumps time when I felt like I wasn't really going to lose this weight, and if I did manage it, it was going to take soooo loooong to do it.. yadda yadda... which typically would have been the point I would have falled off the wagon and started gaining back - but I didn't do that this time. The band kept me going, even when I didn't want to. That was a huge break-through for me.

Life-altering? Yes, I'd say so. I've lost 52 pounds. I'm starting to feel stronger and more agile each day. While I'm still a bit afraid to put my full faith in the success of this venture (strictly because of my self-destructive patterns), I'm beginning to have glimmers of believe in it. That's HOPE. And that's something I had lost before the band. And without hope, we are dead. So yep, it altered my life in a big way. It brought me back from sure death and gave me another chance at really living and enjoying my life. Scary? Yes, it's never easy venturing into the unknown. But each day I keep putting one foot in front of the other (on the dreadmill.. hehe) I am finding that it's not so scary after all. In fact, it's quite do-able, and very pleasant.

I was self pay as well. I felt guilty as sin about spending all that money on my lazy, self-gratifying, out-of-control, fat self. Twenty-six thousand dollars can go a long way in paying off bills, helping family, taking a vacation, etc. However, my family all agreed that they would rather have me alive and healthy to enjoy the years ahead with them, than anything else they could think of to spend the money on. I thank them for that, from the bottom of my heart. And if I had to do it over again, I would.

As for Mexico - I hear only great things about Dr. Rumbaut. The others.. well, I've heard both good and bad.. some very bad. The important thing is to be sure you have a local doctor set up for follow-up care unless you can easily get back to Mexico if you have any problems. Some doctors in the states won't touch a bandster who was banded by another surgeon, let alone out of the country.

I look forward to welcoming you to bandland and to hearing about how it's altered your life. :eek:

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thank you, Jana and Susan! I'm grateful for your posts and encouragement - even though you know it, it's still nice to hear you're not the only one out there in our situation! Have a nice weekend!

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Heh. Courage wasn't what made me do it... desperation was. :eek:

My one recommendation about the Mexico thing... make sure you have a local doctor (or someone within driving distance) that's willing to follow up with you. Going to Mexico for fills is fine, but when you have an emergency, it's nice to know there's someone close to home to help.

We were self-pay & opted to stay in the states, mostly because of the follow-up factor. The surgery is just one day... the follow up is every day for the rest of your life.

Either way, though, I understand your fear & frustration & hope & dreams & fear & worry & concern. It's a lovely rollercoaster, lol, welcome to the ride! :eek:

6 weeks out, would do it again in a heart beat. It's already saving my life!

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Hi Dawn,

I had surgery in Mexico on March 7th with Dr. Rumbaut. He's awesome. His staff is awesome. The hospital was awesome. There aren't enough AWESOME's in this post to tell you how incredible my experience has been. I know what you mean about the misconception regarding surgery in Mexico! lol I was terrified but determined about having this surgery and because I was self-pay I had to make the most of the money I could spend. There ARE other doctors in Mexico who do this surgery for less money. After doing a lot of internet research I chose Dr. Rumbaut because he has the most experience and the best results with the fewest complications. The cost of surgery with Dr. Rumbaut is $10,600 which includes everything but airfare and food.

The $10,600 includes:

- Hotel for 4 or 5 days - Hampton Inn, clean, all new beds, the staff speaks English. There are several resaurant's that will deliver to your hotel room and are well within walking distance of the hotel. There's a shopping mall with a grocery store and restaurant practically attatched to the hotel! Applebee's is across the parking lot from the hotel and mall.

- Transfers to and from the airport, pre-op testing and the hospital. If you want to go sight seeing or shopping you only have to schedule transportation with the hotel - they have a courtesy van which will take you anywhere you want to go at no charge - if you don't schedule with the hotel you can get a taxi, they're very inexpensive.

- All hospital costs at the best hospital in Monterrey, which is the richest city in Mexico. Dr. Rumbaut's office told me that the San Jose Hospital in Monterrey is the hospital chosen for emergency care for the president of the United States if he should need it while in Mexico. That's a pretty good recommendation!

- Pre-op testing. This was the weirdest part of the trip for me, but only because the doctor giving the pre-op does the chest X-Ray himself while you hold the plate in front of your chest - the room where the X-Ray is taken has a wide, lead strip nailed to the wall. I'm sure it's the same set-up as an X-Ray room in the states but the difference is that the lead strip would be covered by expensive panelling or fabric in the U.S. It was still odd that the doctor did his own X-Rays!

- Post-op care. Dr. Rumbaut or his associate, also an M.D. comes to your hotel to check on you several times!

- All fills if you choose to return to Mexico to have them done. It will cost me only a little more to go to Mexico for a fill than it does having one here under flueroscopy. If you don't want to return to Mexico, Dr. Rumbaut will help you locate a doctor near you who will do fills and follow up care. I have a doctor close by but I'm probably going to return to Dr. Rumbaut for at least the first fill just because I'm nervous about it!

- Any complications which may arise, including band removal if required. Dr. Rumbaut has a less than 1% complication rate, which is better than any other doctor I researched so I'm hoping I won't need to take advantage of this part of the package, but if I do - it's covered.

Dr. Rumbaut's staff includes several doctor's who specialize in nutrition and obesity and Dr. Rumbaut is banded himself so he knows what you're going through.

I recovered from the surgery with very little pain, I didn't even come close to using up the pain meds he gave me - I think I only took one and then used liquid Tylenol PM. I went home from the hospital the day after surgery and was out at a very nice upscale mall shopping the day after that. My husband and I even did some sightseeing and souvineer shopping the next day before we caught our flight home.

I didn't have a single problem from the time I chose to go to Dr. Rumbaut for surgery till I returned home with my wonderful band in place. I know I'm gushing but it's only because I can't say enough about Dr. Rumbaut, his staff, the hospital, and in fact, my whole experience. Best of all, I've been banded for 26 days, my scars are healing nicely (go Maderma!) and I'VE LOST 18 POUNDS already. They told me not to count on much if any weight loss until I was healed and had my first fill. This 18 pounds is just a bonus. Just a bonus. I can't believe I did it and I'm on my way.

If you want to look into surgery with Dr. Rumbaut, his web address is: www.gastricband.com. All the information you need is on his website and Cathy, his U.S. Patient Coordinator, is just GREAT. Give her a call.

Whatever you choose to do, and whomever you choose for your surgery, good luck to you on your weight loss journey. It's scary but SO worth it.

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I think we've all been there. I went on my first diet "program" when I was 8 years old. My life has been a roller coaster of dieting, up and then down, and then up again. I've tried them all. I also have problems with pain. I have severe arthritis in both knees and my back gives me a lot of problems. That and my apnea were enough for me to get insurance approval. I don't know that I could have done this if I had to self pay. I really give credit to those of you who have had to make that choice and have followed through with it. I know the problems I was having and looking at my beautiful grandchildren was all it took for me to take the leap. I've only been banded since 3/7 and have had some problems, but wouldn't go back for anything. I'm looking forward to my 1st fill in a couple of weeks. I just want my life back and to enjoy everyday. This was the only way I could see getting there.

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My story is very similar.

I was also self-pay, I had my surger in Green Bay Wisconsin. My total bill seems to be about 11,700.00. This includes my fills for one year and dietician at the hospital.

I did absolutely no research. I knew someone who had it and just made the call one day and the rest is history.

My first appt. with the Dr. was March 10, pre-op appt. was March 14, surgery was March 23!

It helps to not have the insurance hassle and not having any health problems other than the extra weight!

Good luck with you decision!



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I was a Kuri patient and was very happy with both him and the brand new hospital. It is gorgeous. He and his team of surgeons were wonderful.

All post-care, transportation (to and from airport) and lodging are included in the price I paid: $8,950. The hotel was very nice.

I had a friend who had been banded in Mexico, so I knew that it could be done.

Nothing like a friendly guinea pig, right?

Check his site: http://beliteweight.com

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I was banded in Mexico by Dr. Arturo Rodriguez and like others, I feel that my care was awesome! Every part about it! His services include everything that Donna B's posting above states. The total he charged was $8,100 (not including airfare, restaurant meals, tips, silver jewelry). I may be going back to Monterrey for my fills although he has a coleauge in Dallas/ Ft. Worth area so that is also an option for me.

As for courage, I think you'll just KNOW when the time is right. One of my mentors in life told me, "You make a decision, and then you make it the right decision."

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All I can add to this is DON'T WAIT. Do not wait until you're 41 yrs old with a BMI of 59. Go NOW. Run, do not walk.

Just be sure you have a doc lined up here to do the aftercare BEFORE you go to Mexico. If you are signed up for surgery with Dr. R - I bet he would help you locate someone beforehand.

Hugs, and Good Luck!

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