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Have to make this quick. I have a review tomorrow and my boss has been on us all...

My brother bless his heart took the kids bowling on Sat night. They loved it

It gave me some quit time. Actually I was quite bored with no kids. On Sunday after church we went fishing with my 2 brothers and to say the least my son caught the first Trout of the season. He was very Thrilled.

Been very stressed since I picked up the papers on the response for the Divorce. He wants custody of the kids and wants to split everything. I am gonna lose our house. I am sure in the custody I can prove I was, Is and am the Primary Parent but I cannot do anything about the house. But like I say I can live in a one room shack with my kids and be happy...

Well you all have a lovely week ;)

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I'm BAAAAAaaaaaaaack!

Sorry so long between visits....I've missed so much!

You'll NEVEr believe what movie we watched Friday night! Narnia! Apparently we weren't the only ones...did I count two or three other people who were watching it this weekend?

I haven't had a big headache since I went to the dr. last week.

Patty, you know I'm jealous of your special Disney shopping trip!

Eileen, you look sooooo cute in your bunny suit!

Pat, glad you got that fresh fill...hope it helps!

Sherry, what a doll! Love the avatar!

Betty, hope you got a little ride in this past weekend; it was so nice!

We had our Medieval Times thingie Sat. afternoon, church Sunday morning, then I slept for 4 hours Sun. afternoon...WTF? I was glad for the nap, though!

Today is a regular day, nothing new.

Hope ya'll are all feeling great!


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Hey Y'all!

Well, I did get outside yesterday, and worked in the yard some. I have a bunch of catcus in my yard and they were spreaking too much, so we removed a bunch of them. Gosh, it was so pretty out. By the time we worked in the yard we were too tired to go riding, but everything was looking so much better we didn't even care!

Eileen - How cute! Miss bunny! It was so pretty here that I went out on my lunch hour and sat in the car with the windows down. I no more than go in, put the windows down than a yard boy came by and blew all kinds of dirt and grass all over me! When he noticed I was sitting in the car, I put the windows up and he blew the car off! Anyway, I started reading and almost fell asleep! Have fun at lunch with Miss Beanie!

Sherry - I love your pictures! That's quite a hunk of a man ya got yourself too!;):D :D

Cindy - Glad to hear your headaches are so much better! Nothing worse than a bad headache, except maybe an ear ache!

Mary - Maybe since you have the kids they will let you keep the house. Hopefully things will work out for the good.

Anne - Don't worry, that few pounds you gained will fly back off as soon as you get some fill.

Patty - Have some fun on your break too! All that shopping sounds like fun to me!

Kelly - After 7 days I know you are ready for a break, so kick it on back and enjoy!;):(

Beanie - Have fun on your trip! I'm jelous you get to go see Eileen so often!

Pat - Give me a pair of jeans and I am in heaven. Forget this dress-up stuff! Yes, the pool is all clean and ready to go. DH dug a trench so it wouldn't happen again, At least I am keeping my fingers crossed it works!:)

Donna - Hope you are having a great time on your trip!

Well, it is gettting late and I am so tired I am getting off here and go rest some. Catch you all later!

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Whew finally got the scale to give me back my 25 pound loss. Saw it in Sunday and I'm not stepping on that dang nabbit thing again until next week. Get my fill this Wednesday and maaaaaaaaaaaaan I need it. Going to test for my motorcycle permit too. Oh boy....I hope I pass that test considering my lessons are next weekend YIKES! If I fail it for some stinkin reason I'll have to take it again before then cause I can't take my lessons without it.

Just the usual work, work, work today. Played a bit outside with my hubby shooting hoops. Man am I rusty hahaha. Ended up playing catch with my dog Jenny. Boy can she run fast! We pooped her out.

Eileen - you are soooo cute as a bunny. Have you considered showing up for Easter parties for a fee? I bet the kids would love seeing the Easter bunny! Now now swearin when they pull your fluffy tail hee hee

Betty - Nuttin like a nice day reading getting grass all over ya huh? Geesh I hope it all came off your clothes. Thanks for the nice comments on the pics. I actually met my hubby on an online dating service called KISS.com. So every November 9th I give him a bag of Hershey Kisses because that was the day we met. He really is a sweety...typical guy when it comes to house things UGH...but he treats me well, holds my hand when we walk, opens doors for me and was there 24/7 for the week after my surgery. I couldn't ask for more...umm other than picking up his dirty clothes hahaha. Of course he does almost all the cooking so that's a fair trade :D I am blessed with a great man and a wonderful son that's for sure

Pat - I'm glad you came out to play. I was worried about ya. Is your office staff allowed to wear jeans every day or is this something they decided they could do? Man....I work so much quicker in my jeans than I do in a skirt or dress clothes but, my employer only allows it on Fridays IF no one is visiting.

Anne - Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time with the devil food after your band. I"m sure after your fill it will help turn it around. Thanks for your sweet comments :D Have you made a decision on the farm house?

Patty - I hope your appointment with the psychologist went well. Do let us know how you made out. Another item checked off the list ;)

Bene - Ohhh DH is definately a scream at parties or when we are out with friends. Yea....my son was having fun entertaining himself with the chairs lol. Thank goodness he didn't clock himself in the head or break anything lol. DH and I are very Patriotic people. It's one of the things that attracted us to each other. The favors we gave away were also red/white/blue. I put 5 Hershey Kisses in an organza bag (5 for John, me, my son and Johns two daughters), the kisses had stickers on the bottom that had a flag, our names and date on them, a navy blue ribbon with our names and a nice enamel American Flag pin for people to wear. We managed to pull off the Patriotic theme with nothing looking tacky. My wedding dress had blue and red Swarvoski crystals sewn into it too :( I just had to have it hahaha. After all I couldn't wear pure white.:omg: ;)

Kelly - I didn't get that package out to ya yet but, it's going out on Tuesday. Hubby said he'd bring it to the postal center for me and have it shipped out tomorrow :) Hope you enjoyed your two days off :) Good luck with hubby's job search.

Cindy - Are you headache free now? I certainly hope so! Are you and your students on Spring break now? My son doesn't start his until next Monday. Well...he gets Friday off because of Good Friday as well.

We have company coming tomorrow night. DH's brother and sister-in-law are coming to stay for the rest of the week. It will be great to see them. I'm going to see if I can have Friday off so I can spend time with SIL while the guys go out fishing.

Oh Bene....I lost one guppy but the rest of the fish are fine. I have to wait for the tank to settle some more so I can buy some more fish. These little things look so lost in the tank hahaha.

Hugs all

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Well, everyone

I survived the Psych Evaluation! 2 more to go ;):D !

Dr. Kellogg..... young and cute. During our little chat he tells me that he has NEVER been to Disneyland. After I closed my mouth, all I could say was "this office is 3 city blocks from there and you have never visited?" The only reason this entered into the conversation was his question.... "what do you do for fun?" Well, I passed with flying colors and left with 2 more appts in my book. Happiness :D

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Hey Y'all!

I was saving myself for the Cheesecake Factory - and I guess I didn't have to hold out for very long... We went to the "Big" Mall tonight - shopped and then had a lovely dinner at the Factory. MMMMM. I just finished my coffee Heath Bar Crunch cheesecake... We ordered it to go, since we were all so sated and tired after a long day of work, and then shopping, and then dinner.... It was good - but after over a week with no carbs, it was almost gacky sweet. I think I should have gone with the Key Lime... Oh well. Next time.

Patty - Enjoy the break with your boys! Your Psych Doc is young, cute and a Disneyland Virgin? Geez, Girl! Sounds like you have some work on your hands... lol!

Eileenie - if you will come grab me again, we can go wherever you want. We can go visit your boyfriend, or find you a new one.... whatever works! Hows about 11:30?

LOVE the Bunny look. Are you wearing that for lunch tomorrow? :]

Anne - Sounds like the 2nd bout of Last Supper Syndrome is lots worse than the first one was...Sorry about that. One thing that I have found is that Portion Control just doesn't work if you don't have restriction. Can you do the low carb thing? I swear it works... and you don't have to worry too much about whether it's fat free or anything...

Lisa! Are you coming over to play in Jersey? It's fun!

Mary - Whoever gets the kids will get the house... That's probably why your lovely ex wants the kids... Keep your chin up and don't let him have custody! HUGS! Congrats to your boy on the First Trout. I am jealous!

Cindy - do you guys do the Scarborough Faire? Maybe we can pick a Saturday and meet up out there... I have season passes... I would be an option for walking vs eating, too! We could get all the TX folks to come...

Hi Pat!

Betty - I surely would have liked to be out in my garden, instead of working today. What about you? Are you into the Scarborough Faire? I think it would be a hoot if we could all meet up out there.

Sherry - Crystals on the dress? You are my kind of gal! I love that! So, you are one of those Dating Service success stories, huh? Cool. Did you have to fill out lots of questionaires for that, or was it one of those where you watch the tapes of people?

Well, it's off to bed for me... tomorrow is another day, and I have some cool new shoes to wear!

Talk to you later!

Hugs all round!

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Good Morning,

Beanie gurl, I'll pick you up at 11:30, and you would just die if I walked in with that bunny suit wouldn't you lol. See you then and he's your boyfriend not mine honey :heh:

Patty glad the 1st test is done, your getting closer and closer :clap2:

Sherry congrats on the WL !!! WHOOT!!! and good luck with your driving test, I have no doubt you'll pass. My gosh I know so many biker women, this is so cool. We have off on friday and I love it, Easter is such a special time for me. Enjoy SIL :D

Betty at my last job I would always sit in my car for lunch, most of the time I took a 15 minute nap, it was so nice. One day I watched this one guy walk out into the parking lot (he didn't see me, thank God), he bent down and threw a paper bag with something in it under one of the cars, he acted like he was tieing his shoes, then 5 minutes later another guy came out, did the same thing, bent down tied his shoes and grabed the bag under the car.... me thinks it was a drug exchange. I just sank lower and lower in that car so nobody could see me, yikes !!! made me scared ya know.

Pat, is that all you have for us ??????????? come on woman, whats shakin?

Mary darling, good luck. I'll be praying that the judge gives you the house. ;)

Cindy girl, how are you feeling today? are the meds not working? The trees up here are blooming and so are the flowers, everyone's allergies are in full bloom as well. Could it be allergies irritating you causing the migranes? Feel better !!

Lisa gurl, come chat with us some more will yah.

Well I will actually attempt to do some work today HAAAAA! hmmm maybe not. :D

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Eileen, my girlfriend, you wouldn't EVEN believe what's been going on in my world. For the last 4 weeks, I have been dealing with a psycho chick, the mother of my new grandson, who moved into my son's house the week of Feb 14th. Got a boob job the following week, driving around in a Lexus SUV, not having to pay any bills, but her cell phone, my son was paying for the food, gas, diapers, EVERYTHING, and nothing was good enough for her. About a week after she got the boobs, she started bitching about my son not making enough bottles and her having to wash a few bottles because HE didn't do it the night before. My son fixed HER 6yr old daughter's lunch one Monday night, she opened the fridge door and said, I hope you don't think my daughter's taking her lunch to school in no brown ass paper bag". I have had to go to his house at least 2 out of 5 mornings per week because she was busting stuff up. 911 was called 3 times in 2 weeks, by my son.

She refused to get out unless my son let her move into one of his townhouses, which he usually gets 1350.00 per month for, AND wanted child support on top of that. She finally agreed to move back to her mother's condo, which was Sunday. Thank God, the neighbors were there and watched her as she ranted through his new home, she wrote with an ink pen, no, she carved into the sheet rock, "F*** You", then she poured a bottle of Water on his plasma tv that was hanging on the wall, then she took all of his clothes that were either folded or hanging in his closet and threw them in the floor. She took the new 2 week old white comforter from his bed and put it in the trash can because he kept taking it out of the trailer.

Then she took red paint and smeared it on the concrete floor of the garage. Then she took the baby from me and said, "come here baby, you don't need to be around that CRACK SMOKIN GRANDMA OF YOURS. I almost lost it, then I told her she wasn't worth the breath it would take to defend myself against her psycho bipolar ass.

Then she took a wreath made of seashells and threw it at me, scratching my little arm. My son finally calls 911, FINALLY, ms badd ass decided it was finally time to leave.

There's more....

I hire these two guys to drive the truck and trailer to her condo, she decides not to show up, they waited for an hour and finally left, they took her trailer to my place of business and stored it over night. She called the law and told them my son had stolen all of her personal belongings and all of the baby's things. This girl lives for drama and all in front of her 6 yr old daughter, who is just like one of my gkids and who loves me more than her real gma.

I got her yesterday though, when I got some of my workers to take the trailer to her yesterday afternoon, she flipped out in front of all the guys and said they couldn't unload any of her "shit" until she got her tv back. Her TV that my son bought 4 years ago and she had refused to let him take when he moved out of her house a year ago, AFTER he lived there for a year sending her ass to nursing school, which he paid for all the books, all of her bills, ETC.

Anyway, she came to the office and started screaming at my son she wanted her F***n tv back and how she was gonna F up all of his personal belongs, she was gonna get into his house and F up his clothes and he hadn't seen anything yet. She told him she had a key to his Corvette and she was gonna key that and pour sugar in the gas tank. I walked around the side of the building with a tape recorder in my hand, clicked the button and said, would you like to add anything else to this, I can turn it back on. I thought she was gonna pass out. Of course she started saying I didn't scare her and for me to keep my "fat ass" out of her business.

Now, Eileen, is that enough shakin for ya for one day girlie, ;) . Now the truth is out as to why I've been a little side tracked.

Whewwwww, thanks for listening my LB friends.

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OMG Pat how terrible.. Having the tape recorder I bet was priceless for the look on her face. I do not understand how people can act like that. Your Poor Poor Son and the little Girl -- How sad

Best of Luck in gettin rid of her now..

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Hey Ladies...

I guess I am really behind with personals now!!! Yikes! Had a great time at the quilt festival in Chicago.... dang... there is nothing like going to a fancy smancy hotel and being a hip city to make a girl feel like she is from the back woods. :) The nice part was that the town was filled with "normal" women wearing jeans and sweatshirts sporting theri favorite quited bag! :) We walked out Butts off... PAIN... oh my Gorsh... the pain...lol. We limped out of the convention center both days! Ohhhhhh my gawd... there was a quilt that was queen sized... hand stitched... hand quilted... made entirely out of little one inch octagons... it was stunning! Actually... most of the quilts were beyond belief! We spent... ate... walked... spent... ate... lol... I think weight-loss is completely out of the question!

Okay... I can't remember who posted it right now... but the coment about the carpet matching the drapes sent me into hysterical laughter!

I will have my hubby take a pic of the hair... although... I am already wishing I had had her cut it shorter! I think I will have a warmer red for the low-lights next time. :) THis gal ahas a little salon right in her home and charges 50 bucks for the cut and the full head of high-lights/low-lights so otherwise I would never have started... would have just had to go back to the old home dye jobs.

I'm pretty sure I don't have the brain power to catch up on personals so I will just start fresh from here k?


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Wholey CHIT Pat, reading that gave me a stomach ache. You poor dear. I hope you are taking pictures of everything she's destroyed. She IS wacked. WOWEE!!! I'm so sorry that some one as sweet as you has to go thru this. Is there any way your son can get custody of the baby? Good gosh. I'm glad you all kept calling 911, at least its on record. How awful, i feel really bad for the kids, sigh. :):) sorry she hit you *shaking head*

Darcy, welcome home !!! glad you had fun and can't wait to see the pictures.

I just finished having lunch with Beanie.... YUM, we went to this little italian place in NY. The waiter had a thick thick NY accent and every time he spoke me and Beanie just giggled. food was gooooood. I had grilled chicken and Beanie had fish. We both behaved :) Beanie's face is getting skinny kids, she looks fantastic !!!!

okay back to work for me.... ttyl

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Hey there....

It is hard to go away... You miss to much! I came home from work yesterday, took a nap on the couch from 4 - 6 and then got up, walked to the bedroom and went to bed for THE NIGHT! Didn't get up until this morning!

I have not read up on everyones adventures, but I will ... Later.

We got to NY on Friday afternoon and my cousin picked us up. We went out to Long Island and got ready for the party the next day. My cousins rented out a restaurant for my two cousins 50th birthday party. My sons drove down to LI with my dad. It was so GREAT to see my boys. Everyone commented on how good I looked! My dad told me he was proud of me! That was big!

We flew back to Florida on Sunday and arrived about 1:30 in the morning. YUCH>>>> hence the sleeping yesterday...

I had to get up at 5:30 this morning and be at work by 7 am. I just got home and I have to clean up the house and get ready for Water aerobics.

I will catch up with y'all later....


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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