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Good Mornin Lovelies

Yesterday after I got my hair done (same way borrrrrring) we took a ride to the pet store where we got my Jenny (golden retriever) to look at fish tanks. Well, we ended up taking home a 46 gallon bowed front tank, stand, filter etc. Its set up now in the livingroom and I'm loving it but, we don't have fish lol. Have to let the Water and tank settle and we can put some in today. So that's part of what I'm doing today...buying fishies. I like the neons of course! Cause to me they are red, white and blue...gotta have some Patriotic fishies ya know lol.

Then it's to the store to return those boots and to Verizon for phones. Didn't do that yesterday. I was too busy walking back and forth from the sink to fill up my tank. Got my exercise that way :) 46 gallons with a one gallon and 2 quart pitcher takes many trips but, I was ok with it. I'm proud for not be exhausted lol.

That's it...so time for Breakfast (sooo tired of eggs, too scared to eat cereal) then off to fight the crowds at the mall UGH. Did I ever tell you how much I HATE shopping? Unless it's a craft store or craft fair..I HATE it and only do it cause I have ta lol

Bye for now.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Today is cleaning day, along with laundry. I would also love to get out and pull all the weeds that grew back in my flower beds, but I don't know if I'll get that far. I would also like to go for a ride today, seems like it has been forever since I went riding.

Sherry - I smile everytime I see your avatar, you are so cute! I think I have worn my hair the same way forever, although now I wear it up a lot too which I never did before. I use to have a fish tank too, and I loved it. I used to watch the fish instead of the tv. Now my fish are in a pond outside my front door.

Eileen - My doctor only makes me do liquids the remainder of the day of my fill. I have never had a problem eating anything the next day. Even if it is at 5:00, he reminds me to make sure to start the solids the next morning. He doesn't believe in too many liquid calories.

Beanie - Glad to see your smiling face today! I was only kidding about Ikea, but gosh, maybe you should have been there enjoying the day instead of doing taxex. I never had to pay taxes in my life till I moved to Texas. What a shocker the first year was, and just when I thought I took enough additional taxes out for the next year they got me again.

Patty - Nothing easier than sticking a ham in the oven with a few potatoes. Usually on Easter I bake a ham, make potato salad and some baked Beans, but this year I will be doing a lot of cooking the day before, so I'm not planning on cooking on Easter again unless I have to.

Well, got to get my self moving or I'll be here all day! I have lots more laundry to do now that I an back to working and have to wear all those dressy things.


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Ok so I haven't started doing those things that need to be done but, I finally got my scanner working so I kept playing hahaha. Hmmm now I pray these things are so big they wig out everyones computers. Lets see if this works...


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Hmm was hoping these were a bit smaller but, I'm not having luck. This is why I am the size I am. Hubby and I got a kick out of this pic actually. We had a Patriotic Theme so our cake was white frosting, strawberries and blueberries...but of course lol


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This one was a riot and I had no idea it happened until I got the pictures back.

Haircut $10

Gift for new Step-dad $75

Tux Rental $150

Picture taken of son entertaining his bored self at his mom's wedding....priceless

Gotta love it hahaha


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Happy Sunday!

Dear Sherry: (giggling) your son is precious and totally cute! Does he want to meet my 4... I think they would have a great time. Your ring and flowers are all so beautiful, I thought I was the only person who liked "red, white & blue" stuff. I became a US citizen on Dec 15, 1978 and it was one of the most difficult events of my life(long story) anyway I'am MUCHO proud of my citizenship and ultra patriotic. When I see something cute in the stars & stripes I get it. When I went to WDW I found a denim jacket with a flag patch on the back and the stars are mickey heads! When I shrink it will be too big for me.... what should I do? Ohhhh, and you like fishies..... me too! I have a 10 gallon tank with 25 cent feeder gold fish that are about 4 years old and GiNormous in size.... no really! When I come up to the tank they think that I'm gonna feed them and when I talk to them from across the room they answer me. The big one can actually lift the glass lid and get Water to splash on the counter! I call them my "dog" fish because they respond to "here boy!" and "good dog" commands -- crazy!

Eileen: You've already had 4 of them fills.... Please be careful not to get too tight, I sure wouldn't want you to get swelled up and then nothing will be able to get down :D . I am really glad that it doesn't hurt getting them.... I'll be asking for advice real soon. Thanks for the holiday food hints... I'm such a space cadet sometimes. Oh, I wanted to tell you and Cindy that I went to the Disney Cast Member store(by invitation only) and bought up a storm. This is retail merchandise priced 50% - 75% off and then cast members can use employee discounts above that. So I was getting logo t-shirts for $5 and fanny packs for $4. They had a bin with silicone bracelets for .25 and I got a handful. I spent $150 and will be stashing some of it for christmas. I have been invited to CompanyD about 5 times and try to make the most of a shopping trip .... Sherry I don't think you would have fun with me :) How about a wine tasting?

Rene: You and Eileen get to pal around again.... I wanna go too :bandit Have fun you guys!

Hey, I really gotta get my hair colored.... starting to look like the Hag from Snow White (scary). Bye! :kiss2:

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OMG, ya miss a few days (or weeks) and every one changes:

Sherry, awesome avatar, son, DH, wedding gown, flowers, cake, girl...you de bomb!

Cindy, I'm so sorry you're still fighting those headaches. Have you had an MRI done? Not trying to scare you, but one of my workers, his DW just had an aneurysm and emergency surgery, yep, she was suffering from a massive headache. They say it's a miracle she's alive, they operated for 4 hrs, then 1/2 hr out of surgery, had to take her back, her brain started swelling and they had to put in a drainage tube. She's has two kids a 15 year old and 7 yr old and they are ALWAYS with her. Yesterday was the 7yr olds bday party, so my DNL and I took the mom's place, I ordered the special baseball cake, and we helped with the party at the local bowling alley, how hard could it be with 7 yr olds, LOL. Sooo, Cindy, take care of yourself and rule out anything that could be related.

Darcy, my mom's working on her second quilt in a year, how boring, LMAO, I don't know how you just sit there and watch that machine make those designs, I'd come unglued, as if I have a lot to unglue, LOL.

Mary, I hope the weather's good where you are, maybe you could take the kids to see that new Ice Age Movie, or just a trip to the park.

Patty, when's the band date? I'm sure I missed it.

Raven, I think I missed you too, welcome.

Betty, so you get to play dress up everyday, but Friday, like I always said, TGIF, LOL. I hate to "dress". Every day I went to work last week my girls had on jeans, WTF? Did you get the pool cleaned out yet?

Anne, how's the new band? I so enjoyed talking to ya last week, lets do it again, soon.

Kelly, sorry about Don's job, but I they really have been jerking him around, I mean, laying him off, then rehiring him, all to keep from giving the man benefits, as our NJ girl would say....WTF?

Donna, how's the "shorts" job? I wear my capri jeans, got them from Dress Barn, boy are they comfy, did I mention.... a size 12, woohooo! Don't ask about the top, 1X in order to fit the boobs.

I almost choked on my shrimp lo mien when I read "drapes matching the carpet", I had to go back and look for it, thinking somebody was doing some interior design work, did you know lo mien noodles on the monitor screen looks like ya got worms?

As for the top too tight over the spare tire, wear it with an button up shirt, hides a multitude of rolls, specially the ones in the back, I hate it when all my waist(es) shows in the back.

Eileen, WTF, 4 fills, you've almost caught up with me, speaking of which...

March 27th, (boy it's been a while since I spilled my guts), I had my fill under flouro. I had to be there at 7:30, but when the tech called to see what was holding up the doc at 8:30, he was in surgery, HE didn't have me on his schedule. I told him I didn't do mornings and I was already there and I would wait until he could fit me in between surgeries, which he agreed to do. He pulled out 2cc, (I thought I had 2.2), then added .2, which now give me the 2.2 I thought I already had. Problem is, I'm less restricted than I have been since surgery. The great news is...he said my band looked as good as the day it was installed. If I hadn't been filled under flouro, I would have been swearing he'd caused a leak, but I guess I just need more, OMG, that one, which I don't have the bill for yet is supposedly around $350.00, but I think I'm going to have to get more put in. Did ya get the part about the lo-mein I was having for Breakfast?

candy, chips, all the wrong chit, I have been so bad, I think that's why I've been hiding out, but it's all on the board now, after today, tomorrow, :cry LMAO.

Ira, whats up?

Paula, where you hiding girl?

Ok, now that I've confessed, I will be back, y'all are stuck with me again.:)

Oh yeah, I went to a cook out last week and I actually prepared, from scratch, a seafood, Pasta and cheese casserole. But we were supposed to eat at 2:00, took it out of the oven at 2:00, we didn't eat until 4:, this chit was so dried out we couldn't eat it. I was sooo embarrassed and pissed at the same time, not to mention that stuff was expensive to make.

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I'm only on my 3rd fill girls, the first time they couldn't get it so I'm only on my 3rd. I feel no difference with this one what so ever :( oh well...

Sherry, those pictures are so pretty, everything and you and DH look very happy. The flowers are beautiful, what a great color theme. I realy like your tiara ;) Thanks for sharing them. Congrats on the fish tank. We have a 125 gallon thats sitting in my kitchen empty...well its really full of chit like paper, craft stuff, etc LOL, but some day when we get the time we'll fill it and put fish in. I have a little 10 gallon that I bought for DD. We bought her some "feeders" thats like little gold fish about 1" long and about $.49 ea. Well these feeders are about 6" long and just beautiful, I mean a beautiful copper orange and white. My DH thinks I'm feeding them mashed potatoes b/c they got so big. DD doesn't take care of them, of course I do lol. But I love them and its so relaxing to watch. Have fun.

Patty how cool is that to go to a Disney Member Store... now go get that hair colored ;)

Pat, welcome home ;) I too have been eating all the wrong chit, my intentions are good butttttt... you know the rest. Sorry to hear about your dinner party, that really does suck. I also did that once, made some chinese sesame ckn and it came out like chit...everyone ate it but it was so dry and ick... good sports. Heck, I tried lol. Hang in there.

Betty, get outside today, even if its for 1/2 hr. You'll feel better. It sucks that our weekends are spent getting ready for the week huh.

Okay I'm bushed, so I think I'm gonna lay on the couch for 15 minutes... bbl.

Hugs, Eileen

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Hi Ladies -

This is going to be a quickie because I'm too pooped to participate. :bored

After working 7 days in a row I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my 2 off. Not sure if I'll go cut wood with DH tomorrow or not. I should, just for the exercise and extra money. I want to start potty training Dylan tomorrow though, so we'll see what happens.

I tried eating my faux chicken nuggets today and oy. I could do it, I just had to take small bites and chew well. Even dipped in honey mustard sauce it was still touch and go. :nervous

I received the "better than best" Multivitamin samples yesterday that I had asked for back before I got my fill. Those suckers were freekin horse pills so DH cut them into 3 pieces for me. Even so, you were supposed to take all 3 horse pills in one day. Needless to say I swallowed the first 3 pieces - 2 stayed down, 1 came back up. Talk about unappealing - imagine looking at puke green colored pills hacked back up in slime. Niiiiiiiicccccccce.

Well now that I've thoroughly grossed all of you out I'm outta here. Everyone take it easy. Gonna go snuggle with my little buddy before heading to bed.

Lovins, ~Kelly Girl

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Hey Guys;

I'm here in Pearl River. I am travelling with much better companions this trip - and I am having some legitimate fun. Neither of these ladies is officially my "Boss" so I am able to relax and enjoy.

We had dinner at Il Fresco - DANG it was good. I had the filet mingon with lump crab and mushrooms in wine sauce. To. Die. For. So good, and I didn't even "cheat" on the low carb thing. I must admit, though.... I fully intend to carb it up at the Cheesecake factory!

Eileenie - we are ON for lunch on Tuesday. I know of several fantastic dishes I can eat on a low carb basis. Today, the scale said 316! I only hope I don't screw it up too badly while I am here. I was getting pretty tired of making excuses to my doc... even though they were true!

Sherry - How are the fishies? Love the Patriotic Wedding colors. Very cool. And I think your DH must be a scream. Love the pic with the chair.

Betty - I surely should have been at Ikea or Gardening or something! ICK. I'm still not over the shock! It's a new W-4 form for me for sure!

Patty - join the club on the gray hair! I have a Cruella DeVille stripe...Such fun about the Cast store... Nothing like getting really cool gifts on the cheap.

PAT - I am ROLLING on the floor here... lo mein on the computer screen... LOL! Good luck on that next fill... I go in for the 2nd one next week. I can hardly wait. Once I get restriction again, I can give up my low carb ways...

Kelly - sorry about the Vitamin thing. YUCK. Hope you enjoy your days off.

Well, it's time for all good little underwriters to be in bed... Hugs all Round! Love you guys!

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Good Morning Ladies, it's Monday!

Today is my first day of Spring Break and I have lots of plans. The boys are still asleep cause I let them stay up and watch TV until 10pm(something I NEVER let them do). MY Psych appointment is this afternoon.... kind of curious what they will be asking. Any hints you guys? The twins have their tutor coming today and I have inside and outside chores that need to be done. I was at the grocery store last night and just looked at the hams, I gotta decide Easter dinner, anyway happiness that we're on vacation. I heard that the EXDH's wife is put out with me! Because Dan bounced that check on me, he brought me everything in cash and apologized. I was out funds for over a week but didn't say anything.... I just mentioned that my kitchen lights needed replacing and could he bring a ladder and fix it. I knew he was gonna say yes(he would be embarassed not to) so, on Sunday he came to do it.... what the kids told me was the wife is "put out" with me asking for favors that I KNOW he will preform. Quote:"let her get her own light bulbs" What I'm willing to bet money on is that he doesn't tell her when he bounces checks or breaks promises to the kids and playing both sides is gonna kill him. Ahhhh, so much more entertaining than a Soap Opera! Bye, Guys!

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Good Morning ;)

Beanie, YES we are still on for lunch tomorrow. You name the place, I'll be there ;) Can't wait. YEAH on the WL !!!

Patty, try not to let ex's wife's comments bother you. I know its hard but she has to realize that its not YOU he is doing things for, its the kids. She needs to grow up and let go of her insecurities. Love yah !!

Kelly gross on the horse pills...egads. I'll keep that in mind thats for sure.

Well nothing much is new here. I'm sending out invitations to DH's 50th today. I hope folks can make it but if not, screw em ~ hehehee.

Its a beautiful day out, can I leave ?


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Good morning everyone!

Eilene, you have my permission to leave work early today. Just tell your boss to give me a call and I'll set him straight. ;)

Patty, enjoy your week off! Our Spring break doesn't start until Friday, and then we have next week off. Don't worry about the psych appointment. They vary, but most people say it's a piece of cake. Mine was just a conversation, but some of them want you to take a written personality test.

Sherry, I love the wedding photos! I love the red, white, and blue theme. Beautiful new avatar pic too, btw. ;)

Irene, congrats on the weight loss! I wish I could meet you guys for lunch tomorrow. Maybe I can teleconference in, lol. Have a great trip to NY!

Kelly, hope you're enjoying your two days off! Any big plans?

Pat, I've been having a horrible time with food lately too. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm up 8 lbs since I got my new band. If I keep going at this rate I'm going to regain all of my weight before I get my fill in May.

I'm off to the grocery store! Hugs everyone. ;)

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This is me a few years ago in a bunny costume (for the kids....get yer minds out of the gutter).

I WILL wear this next year again ... dang gum it !! The young fellow is my nephew ;)

SEE NEXT PAGE.... this picture was monsterous I tell yah... had to make it smaller...freak that was scary. You could see my pours HAAAAAAA

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