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3 times I've tried to come here and post but SOMEBODY keeps popping his ugly head (okay he is cute but nonetheless, its F***** up my LBT time) behind my desk...dang gum it.

I miss you all and will catch up soon....promise :bananadoggywow:

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Hi Everyone,

Emotionally tired today. I so wanted to sleep in but you know this girl has to work.

Beanie ~ I would really love to be friends and keep this simple but his side just does not want to. I have gone as far as to invite the bat oh I mean his mother to come to the house and talk to me.. I know she won't but thats ok. Anyway the latest news is he told the neighbor he is not going to pay child support and is going to quit his job..

Other than that I went and had lunch with my son at school - they had the Zoo bring in a Rainforest exhibit with some animals from each area and that was quite nice untill they asked if you wanted to touch one?? Big ole CockRoach. Oh no this lady does not touch but will stomp on that thing..

I will have to do personals maybe tomorrow or Sat ~ see if he even comes for the boys..

That sucks too. I meant every other Weekend - The judge wrote every Sat from 10am to 8pm and then every other Sunday. I guess he could not hear over the Lawyer making his rude comments about how I dictated the meeting. Oh well I can deal with it for the next couple of weeks.

I really need to get with Patty and see how she worked it out ~ Thanks Pat for the Idea..

Darcy -- No smoking girl - I am coming close to wanting a cig these days but have stopped myself.. What would my kids think?? Besides seeing mom talk to herself and laughing at nothing.

Well gotta go -- have you all heard that song from Sheryl Crow w/ Sting??

I like it. It's Pretty

Gotta go

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Oh what a beautiful day....why so beautiful you ask...well I'll tell you why.... I HAVE NO BOSS :peace:so I'll be here today checking up on all my widdle friends :lalala: *giggle*

Cindy love, you've been to quiet lately, are you okay? Sorry your headaches are getting the best of you :P

Mary sorry your ex-inlaws are such *D-heads*, its bad enuf that they are hurting you but it sucks even more so that the dummies don't realize they are hurting the kids moreso. Lots of love to you.

Kat welcome home and welcome to bandland :brick: I'm so glad things are going well. How long are you on liquids, etc??

Ira, thanks for posting that website but I think I'll pass... just the thought of watching that makes me queezy eeeeeeeegads LOL snort ~

Annie Bannanie.... *giggle* I can see your little one having a good old time with that stick of butter. Its so good to see you again.

Donna & Darcy & Anne & Cindy, girls, I hear you on the binging, I've been doing it since christmas when I was pissed at my doctor for not giving me the fill I wanted so badly. Since then I've been shoveling too. I've had no "real" chocolate in the house this week, I'm trying like heck, like a drug addict to get off of the stuff. You are so not alone. The blasted scale has not moved in weeks and its my fault. Anyone wanna give me a swift kick???? LOL

Patty, how is Lewis today, poor little guy? Your ex's wife doesn't like you because all the crap he has been feeding her, plain and simple. I mean whats not to love about you? she obviously doesn't know you and is going by what the ass says. Shame. I so agree with you that women are overlooked in stores. I HATE HATE HATE it when I bring my car in for servicing or if some one comes to the house to do something w/out my DH there. They always try to B-Chit me, but if DH is there, its another story. You should have complained to the store. DUMB SCUM that they are, our money is just as green as any ol man's money (sorry Ira, not you sweetie).

Dianne, your bathing suit sounds so pretty, thats something I would like...sounds kinda old fashion too. Cancun...lucky girl you. Give the pups a hug from me :nono:

Sherry, how's your neck feeling? how did you hurt it? I do the same thing with the golf ball feeling...all except stand on my head which i think would hurt like heck. Did you try bending down with that feeling YIKES...that hurts 10000 times more, the pressure is just awful.

Pat, gee thats just awful to hear about your friend, only 45...sad very sad. I hate feeling so helpless and vunerable when I hear stuff like this. How are you feeling? how's the fill ? WTF is right lol.

Donna, we are all fighting that obsessive food demon with you, so please don't not post because of that. If anyone can understand its certainly us. We can all feel the shame and pain you are going through. I kick myself in the ass every day (well you know what I mean) because of my addictions taking over again. Hang in there, we will get there together.

Betty spaghetti, where are yah. I don't like your new job..... wanna know why? It takes to much of your time and you can't play here LOLOL (same as my freakin job). JK.... Love and miss you.

Beanie chicklet, whats shakin with you? how goes fill #2..any better? When ya coming to NY again?

Ya know, the scale is pissing me off to no end. My own fault of course so the past few days I've been REALLY trying just to drink my Protein Shake in the morning, one in the afternoon and eat very little inbetween. Tis not easy but then I have to keep reminding myself that the band is not going to make me lose weight unless I work with it. I know its a tool but why am I hoping it will do the work for me when I know better? I almost feel like I'm fighting against it... make sense? Well thats my story :bored

Whats everyone doing this weekend? Tomorrow morning I'll be cleaning but saturday night I'm going to a concert CAN'T WAIT !! The groups are 4Him and Mark Schultz, they are christian singers and are just wonderful. This is 4Him's final tour :( Mark schultz writes the prettiest songs every, ones that make you cry they are so beautiful. So I'm excited. I'm going with one of my sisters and we have not had time alone in years because the kids and work and such, so it will be really nice.

The sun is shining, the skys are BLUE BLUE BLUE (my fav color).... I'm happy :D

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Happy Friday Jersey Girls (and guys)...

I am at work so I only have a moment. I am painting the offices today. It is slow with the seasonal people heading north and I asked if we were going to paint the place... hint, hint. My Boss said sure.. so today I wore my old clothes and I am painting away : - ) She told me I am good at it and I said "I'm good at alot of things, but don't get paid for doing them ...." LOL

We are going to the beach this afternoon. Saturday DH has his awards luncheon for H&R block and DSD is in a Broadway concert at church. Her EH flew in from Connecticut to take the the grandkids back there for a week!

Sunday, church and probable BEACH!

I am doing better with food. I have been trying to talk DH into getting a dog. We had them before we moved, but he doesn't want any in our new home. I don't want to over analyze things, but I think some of moods and over eating is a mother thing. My younger son is in the middle of a breakup with his girl and they live in Boston. My older son lives in CT and is leaving for the air force at the end of may..... I think I need something to mother! Does that sound strange?

Anyway, I am better and trying just for today to only eat healthy. I can't swallow meat still anyway. No pizza, bread, pasta! I guess my band is doing it's job!!!!! I sometimes envy those that can still eat that stuff and then I hit myself..... GOD food addition makes you think ALL F****ED UP!


Thanks for the support. I am invisioning myself in a pack of geese and I am following the leader today : - )


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Good for you, Donna! Just coast right along behind! I think you're onto something about the mothering thing. As a teacher, I am blessed with many (way too many?!) opportunities for that, so maybe you can find a little volunteer opportunity for mentoring? But, I'd pick a doggie anyday! I have three!

I'll be with you on the beach, even if just in spirit!

Eileen, so happy you are free, at least today...it's slow around here because one of the high schools has prom tomorrow, so they are all getting their nails done, and tanning, and God only knows what else to get ready!

My nephew's 21st birthday is later in May...I am making him a present of stuff from 1985...I got him a t-shirt of Transformers, and then I'm going to get him some movies from that time, and maybe a couple of other things from 85. I'm also putting together a folder of info from that year. I think he'll like it. I'm going to wallieworld tonight to look for the cheap movies!

Tomorrow is theatre class for DH, then Sunday is church and a birthday part at Chuckie Cheese....where are those ear plugs? LOL!

It's a simple life.

So far FIL is tolerating the meds for his cancer treatments, and goes back to the dr. on Monday. I haven't received any word from the estate attorney from an email I sent on Monday, so no news there. I am going to consider all of this a blessing, and enjoy the weekend!

Love to all, a special hug to Donna for hanging in there, and I'll be back later, Cindy

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Cindy I love that book! And you are so right! Thanks for reminding me!

Anne-We still have the flags, I think we are going to have them till the Fall..lol..Today I decided to wait to start Lucy because she is getting neutered on Monday. She has enough trauma in her little life right now. I'll start her next Wednesday or Thursday I guess.

When my DH was 2 she decided to take my brown paint and paint the carpet, which was new and pink. DH was baby sitting sound asleep on the chair!

Thanks for letting us know Ira.

Kat- Congrats and Welcome to bandland!!

Eileen- Hi I'm trying hot chocolate with whip cream of course..to help me from eating!! It's only 11:55 but so far so good. Why did God make chocolate? How cool your going to see 4Him!!! Can I come.

Donna-You are so right about food addictions! AHHHH You know when I was thinking about the surgery I was talking to my therapist and saying that a puppy would help me mother it and keep my mind off food. I could comfort the puppy. I am so thrilled with Lucy. She just makes me smile all the time and I guess because of her I am not eating as much because she wants to play or go out ALL THE TIME. One thing I do with her at night, cause she won't let me eat anything in front of the TV peacefully, is I have her on my lap and hot her bone for her. It's our quiet time before bed. And now that I think about it, it sure does keep me from munching!!!

So DH and I are off to Charlottesville in a few minutes. I haven't even packed or taken a shower. I'm going to take a spinach chicken salad in the car with me to munch on. I'm looking forward to our weekend.

Cancun is only 2 weeks away!! AHH I still haven't received my passport, but I'm not going to worry until next Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Bye for now.....di

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Hey guys... I just came in to get a little catch up on the reading before getting everything together for the weekend cabin jaunt. Not to be picky... but damn I wish we had running Water and sewer there! It's beautiful... it's quiet...smells wonderful... UNTIL... we both reek from being around the campfire... working ...raking... hauling rocks... etc... then WE overshadow the lovely smell of the woods...lol. Oh well... at least it is only 50 minutes from home... if we get too icky we can just come home!

Kat... WELCOME TO BANDLAND!!!! My first year with my band was terrific and I know you are going to have great success with your new tool!

I don't have time for personals but I just wanted to send wishes for everyone to have a great weekend!

Oh... I haven't given in to the cravings... still smoke free but if I keep eating like this I'm going to croak anyway so I'm not sure it matters...lol.



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Hi Everyone!

DH is on his way home from California... I can't wait! I'm looking forward to just sitting down and having a cup of coffee with him. I miss having an adult around. The kids and I have been gardening today. You have to be careful in MI because we can sometimes get frost in May, but I decided to go for it. I transplanted some geraniums and tonight I'm going to plant some baby's breath and cosmos. I have to take it easy with my back, but I figure if I do a little each day it will be okay.

No big plans this weekend here... just cleaning out more flower beds and spending time with DH until he leaves for another business trip on Monday.

Eilene - enjoy your concert and your sister time! How did you know that everyone in college called me Annie Bonannie? (seriously!) :P

Darcy, have a great weekend at teh cabin! I don't think it's unreasonable to want running Water, lol! Do you have any plans to put in a shower?

Dianne, enjoy Charlottesville! Sounds like a fun weekend. Can I tag along to Cancun? I wanna come too!

Donna, enjoy the beach!

Okay, I think I'm officially jealous of everybody's weekend plans now.... Maybe DH and I will have to come up with something more fun than pulling weeds. Ooh, maybe a trip to Home Depot - LMAO!! What a glamourous life...

Have a great weekend everyone. :brick:

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Hey Gang,

Just a note to let you know that I haven't died. I'm just beat.

At school we had an outbreak of head lice! And I have major stuff with my own kids..... I can't barely think!

Also, just had my last follow up visit with my Psych -

:faint: I'M ALL DONE :faint:Time to wait for referral/approval/consultation. Pray.

Need Sleep...... good night ladies :kiss2:

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Good Morning,

Geepers its beautiful outside today *HAPPY GRIN*

Anne, when I worked (many many years ago) in a nursing home, there was a woman there named Anna, we used to call her Anna Bananna...so it stuck with me..everyone named Ann, Anne, Annie, Anna is a bananna :eek: rhymes so nicely lol. I'm glad your DH is coming home, or home by now lol. Listen, I'll let you in on a little secret... skip the coffee...jump his bones instead, but not in Home Depot ROFL!

Patty, I'm so glad all your medical mumbo jumbo is finally over with. You know you got our prayers for a quick approval, oh yeah babe'. Eeek on the headlice, I think thats one of my biggest fears....ick. I'm a bug fobe and just hate the critters.

Darcy, have fun at the cabin and I agree on woodsy smells lolol, but its fun anyway. I'd have to say, smoking is definitly worse..... I watched my dad die of cancer of the lungs, I saw him take his last breath, so smoking gets my vote. Gee, I don't mean to preach...I just get scared for folks who smoke...so I'm sorry, please know that this comes from my heart and I only say it with love and concern. Hang in there.... Hey, have you talked to your doctor about possibly trying Zyban to help you with the smoking? My DH used it to help him quit and so far its been 4 1/2 years for him w/no weight gain.

Where is everyone today? hope your all having so much fun you can't post today lol

Today I'll be cleaning, and tonight is the 4Him/Mark Schultz concert yipppeeee. But thats about it.

Whats everyone doing this weekend?

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Good Morning,

Just popping in to say hello, hopefully later today I can sit down and read some of the posts and answer you each. I have just been busting my bunns on all this work, and it is really starting to get to me. I am going to try to get most of my house work done today so maybe I can have some time to myself tomorrow. We'll see, I already have the floors mopped and swept, and one load of laundry done so I am on my way. lol

Count me in on the binge eating, I have been eating things I haven't eaten in over a year, I can't figure out why, I guess I just have the head deamon coming out. You name it, and I have been eating it! Of course I have done zero exercising too, which makes it double bad!

Well, I am going to get busy and finish some work up, then run to the bank so I can pay some bills! Oh yeah, I think we have a guy coming to look at the motor on the pool, maybe we can get it up and going again! We finally got all the parts for it yesterday!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Catch ya all later!

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Hey, I'm back...

I had to PAY for that quiet day... and pay severely. That night, just around five, people started bringing me work... and didn't stop! Not the next day, not the day after... The joys of Month-End.

But, the month is over and I am taking a Sanity Day on Monday. DH's Birthday is Wednesday and I am going to surprise him on Monday by "playing hookie" (scheduled, of course) and taking the day off to spend with him. I will take any great suggestions of things to go do/see in the Dallas Metro Area... Maybe we'll go fishing... hmmm. Still in the planning stage, as you can see. Just taking the day off for him will impress him.

Today we are really going to Scarborough Faire. As soon as my darling gets up - we will dress and go. Alas, no costume - I haven't had time to make one, and nobody makes them in a size 30... bummer. But, I have some "stuff" to make part of the outfit, and maybe tomorrow I will shop for the rest. I expect I will look like a trussed turkey in a bodice and chemise - but WTF. It's all in fun.

Sherry - I saw you lurking the other day when I was typing and came back expecting some fab messege from you... I was bereft! Glad to see you back. VERY exciting about the bad guy. Nothing like the sense of satisfaction of getting one of them off the street... at least til his lawyer get's him released. *sigh* Our "justice" sytem leaves something to be desired... but I guess it's better than most. I haven't had any true "golf balls" yet... but I have had what I call a "pre-golf ball". A bite that takes just a minute to pass and comes with an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. So far, the only food that has done this to me is bread. You know the stuff - soft, fluffy - spongy even? Uh, yeah. I know that if I get another fill - bread is out of my life. Fortunately, I don't eat it very often. When I do, I go VERY slowly. I have heard others say that chicken was their Golf Ball food, too. Hey - no chicken for YOU, girlie!

Donna - Doesn't it feel a little better to fess up? Now you can quit wallowing in guilt and get back on plan. HUGS! I hope you are enjoying the beach! I soooooo want to go. I think one of my rewards for making a big goal will have to be a week someplace with sun, sand and surf. I miss the ocean something fierce. For Mothering - I recomend reading to kids at the local hospital - or visiting a retirement home to play with the oldsters. Either has an element of depression, which will hopefully be offset by the knowledge that you are helping others. I sort of understand your DH not wanting dogs - they are needy and a lot like having kids. But I can't imagine life without my cats - so I know a dog person would have the same sort of feeling. Hugs!!

Eileenie - you are a better person than I am. You can sneak in and say "hi" and leave. I don't have that kind of self control. Or I am spoiled. Or both. When I come in here, I want time to savour the experience - and read everything, and respond... Besides, too many folks visit me at too many times - I couldn't sneak in without getting caught on a busy day. I don't know when I will be in NY for sure - probably the middle of the month, again. Usually, I don'f find out until a week or less before I leave. It was VERY unusual to know about two months in advance. I'll keep you posted. Have fun at the concert tonight! So, I guess that there isn't much Panty Slinging at the 4Him concert, huh? The last concert I went to was the Rolling Stones... Quite a different atmosphere. LOL!

Dianne - My cats have my DH trained, too. They don't ring bells (DANG that IS cute!) but they "herd" him when they want food. Every time he get's up and walks around, the cats circle him and try and push him toward the food. One of the cats fuzzes up and dances and tries to frighten him into the kitchen. It is hysterical! Hugs! Good luck with the eating. GREAT WORK on the exercise mode. It will serve you the very best of all, I know. I have been VERY bad about that lately and I need to get back on track with it. I hope we CAN hook up in NY in June. Maybe we can even get Zan back out of hiding. Cancun! How cool is that!?! Hey, they have sun, sand and surf, there, don't they.... hmmmmmm.

Zan?? Where are you Zan? We miss you and love you and want you back.

Cindy - PERFECT. The story of the geese is so true! Cool Idea about the 1985 stuff. Such Fun! I hope DS likes it. A simple life is the best kind. HUGS for you and your FIL.

Mary - oh, yes. The power of being prepared. Go, Girl! I really can't counsel you on the whole divorce issue much - because I haven't done that... although 2 of my 3 sisters have - REPEATEDLY, I can only offer 2nd had advice. Hopefully, it is just the Lawyer counselling him to go for the throat - but take care in how much to tell him and how much time you two spend without witnesses. It's very sad - but I wouldn't trust much at this point. Protect yourself and your kids. Let your lawyers work the deals. Just my 2nd hand advice. Congrats on the Shopping spree.

Pat - That crazy chick really believes that stuff is hers... In her mind, it really is and it was from the day it came to her location. In that regard, she sounds just like my younger Sis. If it was in the place where she lived, it was hers. It didn't matter whether someone else had purchased it, maintained it, paid for the power to run it - it was there, it was HERS. (yeah, DS is crazy too). My DH calls the effect that Crazy Chick has as "The Power of the Poon" and he ascribes it to all women.... As wierd as it is, I think all women should be taught this power before they turn 25. It would make life so much easier... but of course, like all power, it should only be used for good! And give that Boss of yours a SMACK - on the lips, and tell him you are "busy with your home girls" and you ain't got no time to be working... :]

Patty - He got married a MONTH after your divorce was final? How long were you in the process? Geez, what a slime. Glad to hear you don't harbor any tender feelings for him. When you are ready, some fab man will come along that will treat you like the goddess you are. HUGS! Sorry about the store clerks. Aside from grabbing them by the shirtfronts - I really don't know what to tell you. I usually go out with DH to these places - and NOBODY ignores the pair of us. Someday I hope y'all get to meet him. He is a very unique man. :] HUGS! Sounds like you need some. Hope you get to relax a little this weekend. Fill us in on the latest Disney haps. I am Thinking Good Thoughts for a speedy approval!

Darcy - my DH would have something to say about the compulsion to put something in my mouth, too! I don't know how to help you with that issue. I guess you could take the 12 step approach and just take it one day at a time - or one hour at a time, or whatever. My problem has never been snacking - it's always been about huge meals at meal times. Girl, your problem is that you are trying to give up TWO addictions at once. I don't know how that is EVER going to be easy. Visit us often - and every time you want a cig, just call your DH. He will help you with that oral fixation. :] Have fun at the cabin! You know, they make those little camp showers that you hang in a tree... Just a thought! :]

Anne - Love the Butter Baby! Selling to the gypsy's could cause them to curse you to eternity!! I have a vision of a Baby in a sewing chest throwing bells and sequins to the four winds... Besides, it was ADORABLE, wasn't it? C'mon, admit it. You will treasure the memory. Cyber Hugs to you, too! Hey HOME DEPOT can be exiting. Trekking thru the jungles of the garden section - solving the mysteries of inticate parts in the plumbing department... It usually ranks high on my weekend excitement list. But with your Honey coming home, I expect you might be too busy! Hugs!

Ira - Howdy!! Home you and yours are well. Hugs!

Kat - Congrats!! Glad everything went well and you are on your way! A little healthy competition is ok - but don't let it get you down if you don't lose a lot of weight before your first fill. I had actually gained a half a pound when I went in for mine. I lost some weight on liquids - but once I went back to eating real food, I had a little mind-warp... I had a little last supper syndrome AFTER my surgery. I knew that once I got my fill, "I might not be able to eat that ever again" and went insane. The good news is that, after fill #2, I can still eat everything - but I have a sensitivity to bread. Hopefully, you and your DS can avoid the madness and do well. Hugs!!

Betty - HUGS! I hope you get to relax a little bit this weekend. It sounds like this working business it taking it out of you. I guess we ALL have some head issues with food this week... I have found it very easy to convince myself that I can be bad... and todya the scale pointed out the error of my ways. I am going to the Faire today, and I won't even lie and tell you that I am going to be good - cause I'm not... *sigh* Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

Well, Dear Hearts... I must away. The Faire is calling and DH is getting impatient. I have GOT to try and visit more often - because these Novellas take some time to read and to write!

Love you guys!

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Hi Everybody..

I am still here not much going on but Laundry is calling my name all day..

Well :eek: he did show up for visitation and the kids are gone till 8:0pm..Kinda sad don't want to cry My make up is gonna run. On a Happy note the kids were overjoyed at that is all that matters.

I hear you Beanie on the Lawyer thing - gonna have one in place this week. In the mean time I will just hang in there.

Hope you and your man Have a great time on Monday.

I will post later... gotta get started or it will sit..

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WTF is wrong with me. Sherry !!!!!!!!!!! I read where your DH stopped that guy in the midst of committing that crime and it never sank in until now as I read Beanie's response... I feel like a schmuck. Your DH is so brave, I mean you really don't know what could have happened. You too are brave, I would have chit in my pants.

Mary, I'm glad your kids were excited, it makes it less painful doesn't it, and your right, don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup :eek: Hugs.

Beanie girl, have a great time at the fair today and enjoy your day off on Monday. Wish I could help you with ideas for DH but I haven't a clue whats down there. How about taking him to a movie, or a nice early dinner and then after that some hot luvin for dessert naaaah naaaaaah.

Betty, sorry your in the stuff yourself silly club. I sware, the stress of a job can really make me eat and it has. Hang in there and gee you sound like me...work work work and maybe sunday you'll have time for yourself. I hope you do. You deserve it.

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Hello everyone, I've been fighting golfballs UGH. GOLFBALLS FROM HELLLLLL! lol. I don't want to get an unfil because I have a hard enough time losing weight never mind making so I can eat more. Amazing what things DON'T get stuck though UGH. Right now....I'm fighing a golfball of meatloaf/gravy/mashed sweetpotato UGH. Dang nabbit.

Well DH and I were up until 1:30am putting in a new dishwasher. I wanted to stop and finish it today but NOPE he had to get it done NOW lol. Oooooook Don't get in the way of a man who's had to sweat/sauder/cut piping, two trips to Lowes and fix previous owners Mickey Mousin ways. I was like the sad puppy dog obeying her master lol. (Hmm now sometimes that can be fun...oppsy did I say that? my bad! lol) We turned it on at 1:30 am and could barely hear it working. Aaaaaaaaaaa gotta love Kitchen Aid :eek:

Of course with the new dishwasher shiney and clean I had to spring clean my kitchen lol. Scrubbed down the counter tops all the canisters and appliances, stove, refrigerator, cabinet doors and drawers. Whew.....I'm tired now lol. The guys helped with cleaning today vacuuming, picking up, reaching the things I couldn't. It was great to have help and they weren't complaining....ooooo now that's a miracle lol. I still have to polish the kitchen table and wash the tile floor but, I think I can get hubby to do the floor for me :eek: Tomorrow is laundry day and I have to do some work from home. UGH.

Ooo nice the golfball just went down lol. Man that sometimes takes a while huh? You're right Eileen bending down with one is NOT a good idea. Man does that hurt!!!

Thursday I visited with my mom (Whew took a long time to get down stairs heh heh) She was doing ironing complaining she never gets to the bottom. I said well whats at the bottom since you never wear it. She had 6 pairs of jeans that are too big for her and 2 shirts. She realized geesh what the heck am I keeping em for. They are now in my attic for when I shrink lol. She said she has a bunch more in her drawers that might be 16s. Cool beanage mumsy I'll take what you're not going to wear lol. Now I'm far faaaaaaaaaaar from 16s. I'm now in a comfy lose 24 so I have what...4 sizes to go down before I can use them but, I'll get there. Right ladies? One day at a time! (One golfball at a time....foooooooooooooour!)

Well...DH just left to see a client for a few hours then I think we're all going to go to the movies. Not sure what to see yet or if we'll do something else. Going to go lurking on LBT. Take care!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
      · 1 reply
      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
      · 3 replies
      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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